Intelligent Voice Recording: Request for Ideas - voice

Say you have a conference room and meetings take place at arbitrary impromptu times. You would like to keep an audio record of all meetings. In order to make it as easy to use as possible, no action would be required on the part of meeting attenders, they just know that when they have a meeting in a specific room they will have a record of it.
Obviously just recording nonstop would be inefficient as it would be a waste of data storage and a pain to sift through.
I figure there are two basic ways to go about it.
Recording simply starts and stops according to sound level thresholds.
Recording is continuous, but split into X minute blocks. Blocks found to contain no content are discarded.
I like the second way better because I feel there is less risk for losing data because of late starts, or triggers failing.
I would like to implement in Python, and on Windows if possible.
Implementation suggestions?
Bonus considerations that probably deserve their own questions:
best audio format and compression for this purpose
any way of determining how many speakers are present, assuming identification is unrealistic

This is one of those projects where the path is going to be defined more about what's on hand for ready reuse.
You'll probably find it easier to continuously record and saving the data off in chunks (for example, hour long pieces).
Format is going to be dependent on what you in the form of recording tools and audio processing library. You may even find that you use two. One format, like PCM encoded WAV for recording and processing, but compressed MP3 for storage.
Once you have an audio stream, you'll need to access it in a PCM form (list of amplitude values). A simple averaging approach will probably be good enough to detect when there is a conversation. Typical tuning attributes:
* Average energy level to trigger
* Amount of time you need to be at the energy level or below to identify stop and start (I recommend two different values)
* Size of analysis window for averaging
As for number of participants, unless you find a library that does this, I don't see an easy solution. I've used speech recognition engines before and also done a reasonable amount of audio processing and I haven't seen any 'easy' ways to do this. If you were to look, search out universities doing speech analysis research. You may find some prototypes you can modify to give your software some clues.

I think you'll have difficulty doing this entirely in Python. You're talking about doing frequency/amplitude analysis of MP3 files. You would have to open up the file and look for a volume threshold, then cut out the portions that go below that threshold. Figuring out how many speakers are present would require very advanced signal processing.
A cursory Google search turned up nothing for me. You might have better luck looking for an off-the-shelf solution.
As an aside- there may be legal complications to having a recorder running 24/7 without letting people know.


What is lockstep in Peer-to-Peer gaming?

I am researching about Peer-To-Peer network architecture for games.
What i have read from multiples sources is that Peer-To-Peer model makes it easy for people to hack. Sending incorrect data about your game character, whether it is your wrong position or the amount of health point you have.
Now I have read that one of the things to make Peer-To-Peer more secure is to put an anti-cheat system into your game, which controls some thing like: how fast has someone moved from spot A to spot B, or controls if someones health points did not change drastically without a reason.
I have also read about Lockstep, which is described as a "handshake" between all the clients in Peer-to-Peer network, where clients promise not to do certain things, for instance "move faster than X or not to be able to jump higher than Y" and then their actions are compared to the rules set in the "handshake".
To me this seems like an anti-cheat system.
What I am asking in the end is: What is Lockstep in Peer-To-Peer model, is it an Anti-Cheat system or something else and where should this system be placed in Peer-To-Peer. In every players computer or could it work if it is not in all of the players computer, should this system control the whole game, or only a subset?
Lockstep was designed primarily to save on bandwidth (in the days before broadband).
Question: How can you simulate (tens of) thousands of units, distributed across multiple systems, when you have only a vanishingly small amount of bandwidth (14400-28800 baud)?
What you can't do: Send tens of thousands of positions or deltas, every tick, across the network.
What you can do: Send only the inputs that each player makes, for example, "Player A orders this (limited size) group ID=3 of selected units to go to x=12,y=207".
However, the onus of responsibility now falls on each client application (or rather, on developers of P2P client code) to transform those inputs into exactly the same gamestate per every logic tick. Otherwise you get synchronisation errors and simulation failure, since no peer is authoritative. These sync errors can result from a great deal more than just cheaters, i.e. they can arise in many legitimate, non-cheating scenarios (and indeed, when I was a young man in the '90s playing lockstepped games, this was a frequent frustration even over LAN, which should be reliable).
So now you are using only a tiny fraction of the bandwidth. But the meticulous coding required to be certain that clients do not produce desync conditions makes this a lot harder to code than an authoritative server, where non-sane inputs or gamestate can be discarded by the server.
Cheating: It is easy to see things you shouldn't be able to see: every client has all the simulation data available. It is very hard to modify the gamestate without immediately crashing the game.
I've accidentally stumbled across this question in google search results, and thought I might as well answer years later. For future generations, you know :)
Lockstep is not an anti-cheat system, it is one of the common p2p network models used to implement online multiplayer in games (most notably in strategy games). The base concept is fairly straightforward:
The game simulation is split into fairly short time frames.
After each frame players collect input commands from that frame and send those commands over the network
Once all the players receive the commands from all the other players, they apply them to their local game simulation during the next time frame.
If simulation is deterministic (as it should be for lockstep to work), after applying the commands all the players will have the same world state. Implementing the determinism right is arguably the hardest part, especially for cross-platform games.
Being a p2p model lockstep is inherently weak to cheaters, since there is no agent in the network that can be fully trusted. As opposed to, for example, server-authoritative network models, where developer can trust a privately-owned server that hosts the game. Lockstep does not offer any special protection against cheaters by itself, but it can certainly be designed to be less (or more) vulnerable to cheating.
Here is an old but still good write-up on lockstep model used in Age of Empires series if anyone needs a concrete example.

Estimating the heat generated by a process or job

Is it possible to estimate the heat generated by an individual process in runtime.
Temperature readings of the processor is easily accessible but what I need is process specific information.
Is it possible to map information such as cpu utilization, io, running time, memory usage etc to get some kind of an estimate?
I'm gonna say no. Because the overall temperature of your system components isn't a simple mathematical equation with everything that's moving and switching either.
Heat generated by and inside a computer is dependent on many external factors like hardware setup, ambient temperature of the room, possibly the age of the components, is there dust on them or in the fans, was the cooling paste correctly applied on the CPU or elsewhere, where heat sinks are present, how is heat being dissipated etc.etc.. In short, again, no.
Additionally, your computer runs a LOT of processes at any given time apart from the ones that you control (and "control" is a relative term). Even if it is possible to access certain sensory data for individual components (like you can see to some extent in the BIOS) then interpolating one single process' generated temperature in regard to the total is, well, impossible.
At the lowest levels (gate networks, control signalling etc.), an external individual no longer has any means to observe or measure what's going on but there as well, things are in a changing state, a variable amount of electricity is being used and thus a variable amount of heat generated.
Pertaining to your second question: that's basically what your task manager does. There are countless examples and articles on the internet on how to get that done in a plethora of programming languages.
That is, unless some of the actually smart people in this merry little community of keytappers and screengazers say that it IS actually possible, at which point I will be thoroughly amazed...
EDIT: Monitoring the processes is a first step in what you're looking for. take a look at How to detect a process start & end using c# in windows? and be sure to follow up on duplicates like the one mentioned by Hans.
You could take a look at PowerTOP or some other tool that monitors power usage. I am not sure how accurate it is across different systems but a power estimation should provide at least some relative information as the heat generated assuming the processes you are comparing are running in similar manners on hardware. In reality there are just too many factors to predict power, much less heat, effectively but you may be able to get an idea of the usage.

I want to convert a sound from Mic to binary and match it from the database

I want to convert a sound from Mic to binary and match it from the database(a type of voice identification program but don't getting idea how to get sound from Mic directly so that i can convert it to binary?Also it is possible or not. Please guide me )
See this:
You're not going to be able to identify voices by doing a binary comparison on sound data. The binary of a particular sound will not be identical to an imitation of that sound unless it is literally the same file because of minor variations in just about everything. You'll need to do some signals processing to do a fuzzy comparison of the data. You can read about signal processing on wikipedia.
You will probably find it easier to use a third party library to process the sound for you. Something like this might be a good start.
You're looking at two very distinct problems here.
The first is pretty technical: Getting sound from the microphone into a digital waveform. How you do this exactly depends on the OS and API you're using (on Windows, you're probably looking at DirectX audio or, if available, ASIO). Typically, this is how you'd proceed:
Set up a recording buffer for the microphone, with suitable parameters (number of channels, physical input on the sound card, sample rate, bit depth, buffer size)
Start the recording. This usually involves pointing the sound library to a callback function to process the recorded buffer.
In the callback, read the buffer, convert it to a suitable format, and append it to the audio file of your choice. (You could also record to RAM only, but longer recordings may exceed available storage).
Store the recorded audio in a suitable database field (some kind of binary blob)
This is the easy part though; the harder part is matching a chunk of audio data against other chunks. A naïve approach would be to try and find exact matches, but that won't help you much, because the chance that you find one is practically zero - recording equipment, even the best, introduces a bit of random noise, and recording setups vary slightly whether you want to or not, so even if you'd have someone say something twice, perfectly identical, you'd still see differences in the recorded audio.
What you need to do, then, is find certain typical characteristics of the waveform. Things you could look for are:
Overall amplitude shape
Base frequencies
Selected harmonics (formants)
Extracting these is non-trivial and involves pretty severe math; and then you'll have to condense them into some sort of fingerprint, and find a way to compare them with some fuzziness (so that a near-match is good enough, rather than requiring exact matches). Finding the right parameters and comparison algorithms isn't easy, and it takes a lot of tweaking and testing; your best bet is to go find a library that does this for you.

How to split movie and play parts to look as a whole?

I'm writing software which is demonstraiting video on demand service. One of the feature is something similiar to IIS Smooth Streaming - I want to adjust quality to the bandwith of the client. My idea is, to split single movie into many, let's say - 2 seconds parts, in different qualities and then send it to the client and play them. The point is that for example first part can be in very high quality, and second in really poor (if the bandwith seems to be poor). The question is - do you know any software that allows me to cut movies precisly? For example ffmpeg splits movies in a way that join is visible and really annoying (seconds are the measure of precision). I use qt + phonon as a player if it matters. Or maybe you know any better way to provide such feature, without splitting movie into parts?
Are you sure ffmpeg's precision is in seconds? Here's an excerpt from the man page:
-t duration
Restrict the transcoded/captured video sequence to the duration specified in seconds. "hh:mm:ss[.xxx]" syntax is also supported.
-ss position
Seek to given time position in seconds. "hh:mm:ss[.xxx]" syntax is also supported.
-itsoffset offset
Set the input time offset in seconds. "[-]hh:mm:ss[.xxx]" syntax is also supported. This option affects all the input files that follow it. The offset is added to the timestamps of the input files. Specifying a positive offset means that the corresponding streams are delayed by 'offset' seconds.
Looks like it supports up to millisecond precision, and since most video is not +1000 frames per second, this would be more than enough precision to accurately seek through any video stream.
Are you sure this is a good idea? Checking the bandwidth and switching out clips every two seconds seems like it will only allow you to buffer two seconds into the future at any given point, and unless the client has some Godly connection, it will appear extremely jumpy.
And what about playback, if the user replays the video? Would it recalculate the quality as it replays, or do you build the video file while streaming?
I am not experienced in the field of streaming video, but it seems what I see most often is that the provider has several different quality versions of their video (from extremely low to HD), and they test the user's bandwidth and then stream at an appropriate quality.
(I apologize if I misunderstood the question.)

Secure Online Highscore Lists for Non-Web Games

I'm playing around with a native (non-web) single-player game I'm writing, and it occured to me that having a daily/weekly/all-time online highscore list (think Xbox Live Leaderboard) would make the game much more interesting, adding some (small) amount of community and competition. However, I'm afraid people would see such a feature as an invitation to hacking, which would discourage regular players due to impossibly high scores.
I thought about the obvious ways of preventing such attempts (public/private key encryption, for example), but I've figured out reasonably simple ways hackers could circumvent all of my ideas (extracting the public key from the binary and thus sending fake encrypted scores, for example).
Have you ever implemented an online highscore list or leaderboard? Did you find a reasonably hacker-proof way of implementing this? If so, how did you do it? What are your experiences with hacking attempts?
At the end of the day, you are relying on trusting the client. If the client sends replays to the server, it is easy enough to replicable or modify a successful playthrough and send that to the server.
Your best bet is to raise the bar for cheating above what a player would deem worth surmounting. To do this, there are a number of proven (but oft-unmentioned) techniques you can use:
Leave blacklisted cheaters in a honeypot. They can see their own scores, but no one else can. Unless they verify by logging in with a different account, they think they have successfully hacked your game.
When someone is flagged as a cheater, defer any account repercussions from transpiring until a given point in the future. Make this point random, within one to three days. Typically, a cheater will try multiple methods and will eventually succeed. By deferring account status feedback until a later date, they fail to understand what got them caught.
Capture all game user commands and send them to the server. Verify them against other scores within a given delta. For instance, if the player used the shoot action 200 times, but obtained a score of 200,000, but the neighboring players in the game shot 5,000 times to obtain a score of 210,000, it may trigger a threshold that flags the person for further or human investigation.
Add value and persistence to your user accounts. If your user accounts have unlockables for your game, or if your game requires purchase, the weight of a ban is greater as the user cannot regain his previous account status by simply creating a new account through a web-based proxy.
No solution is ever going to be perfect while the game is running on a system under the user's control, but there are a few steps you could take to make hacking the system more trouble. In the end, the goal can only be to make hacking the system more trouble than it's worth.
Send some additional information with the high score requests to validate one the server side. If you get 5 points for every X, and the game only contains 10 Xs, then you've got some extra hoops to make the hacker to jump through to get their score accepted as valid.
Have the server send a random challenge which must be met with a few bytes of the game's binary from that offset. That means the hacker must keep a pristine copy of the binary around (just a bit more trouble).
If you have license keys, require high scores to include them, so you can ban people caught hacking the system. This also lets you track invalid attempts as defined above, to ban people testing out the protocol before the ever even submit a valid score.
All in all though, getting the game popular enough for people to care to hack it is probably a far bigger challenge.
I honestly don't think it's possible.
I've done it before using pretty simple key encryption with a compressed binary which worked well enough for the security I required but I honestly think if somebody considers cracking your online high score table a hack it will be done.
There are some pretty sad people out there who also happen to be pretty bright unless you can get them all laid it's a lost cause.
If your game has a replay system built in, you can submit replays to the server and have the server calculate the score from the replay.
This method isn't perfect, you can still cheat by slowing down the game (if it is action-based), or by writing a bot.
I've been doing some of this with my Flash games, and it's a losing battle really. Especially for ActionScript that can be decompiled into somewhat readable code without too much effort.
The way I've been doing it is a rather conventional approach of sending the score and player name in plain text and then a hash of the two (properly salted). Very few people are determined enough to take the effort to figure that out, and the few who are would do it anyway, negating all the time you put into it.
To summarize, my philosophy is to spend the time on making the game better and just make it hard enough to cheat.
One thing that might be pretty effective is to have the game submit the score to the server several times as you are playing, sending a bit of gameplay information each time, allowing you to validate if the score is "realistic". But that might be a bit over-the-top really.
That's a really hard question.
I've never implemented such thing but here's a simple aproximmation.
Your main concern is due to hackers guessing what is it your application is doing and then sending their own results.
Well, first of all, unless your application has a great success I wouldn't be worried. Doing such thing is extremely difficult.
Encryption won't help with the problem. You see, encryption helps to protect the data on its way but it doesn't protect either of the sides of the transaction before the data is encrypted (which is where the main vulnerability may be). So if you encrypt the sure, the data will remain private but it won't be safe.
If you are really worried about it I will suggest obfuscating the code and designing the score system in a way which is not completely obvious what is doing. Here we can borrow some things from an encryption protocol. Here is an example:
Let's say the score is some number m
Compute some kind of check over the score (for example the CRC or any other system you see feet. In fact, if you just invent one, no matter how lame is it it will work better)
Obtain the private key of the user (D) from your remote server (over a secure connection obviously). You're the only one which know this key.
Compute X=m^D mod n (n being the public module of your public/private key algorithm) (that is, encrypt it :P)
As you see that's just obfuscation of another kind. You can go down that way as long as you want. For example you can lookup the nearest two prime numbers to X and use them to encrypt the CRC and send it also to the server so you'll have the CRC and the score separately and with different encryption schemes.
If you use that in conjunction with obfuscation I'd say that would be difficult to hack. Nontheless even that could be reverse engingeered, it all depends on the interest and ability of the hacker but ... seriously, what kind of freak takes so much effort to change its results on a game? (Unless is WoW or something)
One last note
Obfuscator for .NET
Obfuscator for Delphi/C++
Obfuscator for assembler (x86)
As the other answer says, you are forced to trust a potentially malicious client, and a simple deterant plus a little human monitoring is going to be enough for a small game.
If you want to get fancy, you then have to look for fraud patterns in the score data, simmular to a credit card company looking at charge data. The more state the client communicates onto your server, the potentially easier it is to find a pattern of correct or incorrect behavior via code. For example. say that the client had to upload a time based audit log of the score (which maybe you can also use to let another clients watch the top games), the server can then validate if the score log breaks any of the game rules.
In the end, this is still about making it expensive enough to discourage cheating the scoreboard. You would want a system where you can always improve the (easier to update)server code to deal with any new attacks on your validation system.
This is how I believe Mario Kart Wii works. The added bonus is that you can let all the other players watch how the high score holder got the high score. The funny thing about this is that if you check out the fastest "Grumble Volcano" time trail, you'll see that somebody found a shortcut that let you skip 95% of the track. I'm not sure if they still have that up as the fastest time.
You can't do it on a nontrusted client platform. In practice it is possible to defeat even some "trusted" platforms.
There are various attacks which are impossible to detect in the general case - mainly modifying variables in memory. If you can't trust your own program's variables, you can't really achieve very much.
The other techniques outlined above may help, but don't solve the basic problem of running on a nontrusted platform.
Out of interest, are you sure that people will try to hack a high score table? I have had a game online for over two years now with a trivially-crackabe high score table. Many people have played it but I have no evidence that anyone's tried to crack the high scores.
Usually, the biggest defender against cheating and hacking is a community watch. If a score seems rather suspicious, a user can report the score for cheating. And if enough people report that score, the replay can be checked by the admins for validity. It is fairly easy to see the difference between a bot an an actual player, if there's already a bunch of players playing the game in full legitimacy.
The admins must oversee only those scores that get questioned, because there is a small chance that a bunch of users might bandwagon to remove a perfectly hard-earned score. And the admins only have to view the few scores that do get reported, so it's not too much of their time, even less for a small game.
Even just knowing that if you work hard to make a bot, just to be shot down again by the report system, is a deterrent in itself.
Perhaps even encrypting the replay data wouldn't hurt, either. Replay data is often small, and encrypting it wouldn't take too much more space. And to help improve that, the server itself would try out the replay by the control log, and make sure it matches up with the score achieved.
If there's something the anti-cheat system can't find, users will find it.
