Validation of viewstate MAC failed -

Ran into this issue yesterday on one of our sites. First of all the site is hosted in a web farm environment and for the time being I have added a static machineKey to the web.config on both nodes (2 node environment). This has solved the issue and everything is running fine now.
This raised the following question:
Why is it that all our other sites that run on this environment does not require this (machineKey in the web.config).
I checked event logs to make sure that we are not having the same issue on other sites and everything looks fine. I also confirmed that the app pool is not recycling too often and everything was normal with regards to app pool settings.
The only explanation I can come up with is that the site is rendered by one node and subsequent post backs go to another node - which would leave me to believe that the problem lies with the load balancer. Our infrastructure guys tells me that everything is as it should be with regards to the load balancer and the scenario that I am proposing will not happen.
Am I missing the obvious here or are there anything else that I can consider?
Thanks in advance

Basically, yes, you're right - you generally see this in a web farm environment when "Sticky Sessions" aren't properly configured in the load balancer, and the users postback is sent to a different server.
To be fair to your network guys, it's possible that most requests are being sent to one server, but that this application is tipping the usage such that requests are often sent to another server - but you should be seeing that across all sites, unless the traffic patterns are completely different.
The other possible cause is that either your page is taking too long to load, and the users are posting back before the page has completely finished loading - I'd managed to get one of my sites doing that with a couple of remote advert calls buried halfway through the page load, or the users are waiting too long between page render and postback and the session on the loadbalancer is timing out so it thinks it's a new request.

If you are working with a web-farm environment, machine key values, if specified in the web.config need to be synced. In addition, you will want to make sure that the machine key values in the machine.config file are also synced between the two.


ASP.NET: Session state has created a session id, but cannot save it because the response was already flushed by the application

in an old ASP.NET Web Forms application, developed in Visual Studio 2010,
suddenly does not run anymore, and in the log file appears this message:
Session state has created a session id,
but cannot save it because the response was already flushed by the application.
No new deployment has been made, and no code modifications take place.
Until now I didn't find any solution to this.
What I have to check?
I state that the source code is no longer available, and therefore it would be very difficult to change the code and proceed with a new deployment.
Thanks in advance.
This would suggest that someone might be hitting the site and jumping directly to some URL (and thus code) that say does some response redirect to another page or some such.
Remember, when code behind runs, and say re-directs to another page, in most cases the running code for the current page is terminated, and that is normal behaviors.
However, the idea that you going to debug code and debug a web site when you don't have the code to debug? Gee, I don't see how that's going to work at all. As noted, if this just started, then it sounds like incoming requests are to pages that don't expect to be hit "first", but some pages that expect to be ONLY called from other pages in the site when some session() and imporant values are setup BEFORE such pages are to be hit.
It also not clear if the site is using sql based sessions, or just in-memory sessions. In memory can (and is) faster, but it also not particually relaible. Now, if you deployed to a new web server or new hosting, then often session errrors can now start to appear, and this is due to the MASSIVE HUGE LARGE DIFFERENT of using cloud based hosting vs that of older hosting soluions that run on a single server.
Clould computing is real utility computing, and thus when you host a web site on such systems, then in-memory session() cannot be used anymore, since multiple servers can and will be used to "dish out" web pages. Since more then one server might be used, then obvisouly in-memory sesson() can't work, since a few web pages might be served out by one server, and then a few more pages might be served out by another server. And using shared memory for a session is limited to ONE server, since multiplel servers don't and can't transfer their memory to other servers.
So, this suggests that you want to be sure that sql server based sessions are being used here - and for any kind of server farm, or any kind of system that does load balances between more then one server, then of course you HAVE to use sql server based sessions, since in memory can't work in that kind of environment.
The error could also be due to excessive server loads - often the session database is "locked" for a short period of time, and can thus often be a bottleneck. So, for say years you might not see a issue, but then as load and use of the web site increases, then this can become noticed where as in the past it was not. I suppose the database used for storing sessions could be checked, or looked at, since as you note, you don't have the ability to test + debug the code. I would REALLY but REALLY work towards solving and fixing this lack of source code for the web site, since without that, you have really no means to manage, maintain, and fix issues for that web site.
But, abrupt terminations of web pages? As noted, this could be a error triggered in code, and thus the page never finished what it was supposed to do. And as noted, perhaps a page that expects some session() values but does not have them as explained above could be the problem. It not clear if your errors also shows what URL this was occurring for.
While nothing seems to have changed - something obviously did.
Ultimate, you need to get that source code, or deal with the people + vendor that supplies the code for that site. If you don't have a vendor, and you don't have source code, you quite much attempting to work on a car that you cant even open the hood to check what's going on under that hood.
so, one suggestion here? Someone is hitting a page that expected some value(s) in session to exist. Often the simple solution is to shove ANY simple or dummy value into session so session REALLY does get created, and then when the page attempts to save the session(), there is one to save!!!
In other words, this error often occurs when session is attempted to be saved, but no sesison exists. For such pages, as noted, a simple tiny small code change of doing this session("zoozoo") = "my useless text" will fix this error. So, it sounds like session is being lost.
As noted, a error on a web page can also trigger a app-pool re-start. If app-pool re-starts, then session is lost (in memory session). Now, with session being lost, then any page that decides to terminate early AND ALSO having used session() will trigger this error.
So, this sounds like app-pool is being re-started and session is being lost. (you can google why app-pool restarts and for the many reasons). However, critical to this issue would be are you using sql based sessions, or in-memory (server) sessions? So, this sounds like some code is triggering a error, and with a error triggered, app-pool re-starts. And with app-pool being restarted, then in-memory session is blown away. And now, without ANY session at all, then attempts to save the session trigger the exact error message you see. (and this is why shoving a dummy value into the session allows and can fix some pages - since you can't save a "nothing" session, and if you do, then you get that exact error message.
but, as noted, you can't make these simple changes to code anyway, right?
But, first on this issue - are you using memory based sessions or not? And that feature can be setup and configured in IIS, and without changes to the code base. So, one quick fix might be to turn on sql server based sessions. It will cost web site performance (10%), but the increased reliability is more then worth the performance hit.
Another area to look at? Are AJAX calls being made to a page, and again without any previous session having been created? So, once again, we down to a change in end user behaviors, and possible those hitting a page first before having logged in, or done other things - and again one would see this error crop up.

Debugging requests which are 'stuck' in an IIS worker process

In case of TL;DR - I basically need guidance regarding what tools are available to debug requests which are issued to IIS and which stall inside a module.
I have a problem with an old ASP 2.0 app at the moment whereby it will periodically become unavailable and recycling the app pool (horrible as that may be) doesn't bring it back up 100% of the time.
So first of all it presents itself as requests entering the app pool and being trapped in state 'BeginRequest' in RewriteModule.
It is not a specific request which is always the first to experience this issue. The issue cannot be easily recreated either.
Eventually requests join this backlog and when it becomes 70+ deep the app pool fails to respond to pings from WAS and it forcibly recycles. Predictably it doesn't stop on-time and the old app pool is forced to stop. When the new app pool comes up it either works just fine or it instantly experiences the same issue as the outgoing one and requests begin to queue.
In issues like this all the official guidance is understandably focussed around looking at why the RewriteModule may choke.
I have validated my redirections and though complex there are no obvious issues with syntax (XML validates).
Likewise in inetmgr loading up the URL Rewrite Module seems to parse the configs fine and show them visually.
Basic stuff like permissions is all fine.
When the app is working normally I also used Failed Request Tracing/Logging to look at the request pipeline for a sample URL which stalled and I can confirm that there is no circular logic or weird errors presenting - the request seems to be handled just fine. This also showed me how high up the rewritemodule is invoked and from this I really don't see how the issue could be app-related as .NET isn't invoked at this point.
Annoyingly when an app pool is experiencing this issue and I can throw in requests which just stall Failed Request Tracing is no good because you actually need a request to get to the end of it's journey and fail otherwise it refuses to log anything out.
I resorted to taking process dumps of affected w3wp.exe's and running them through DebugDiag. Unfortunately the only thing I see is that threads are open accessing the rewritemodule but precious little about what they are stuck on.
As anyone else would do I've tried to track the start of the issue back to any recently installed patches or code changes but nothing matches. Likewise this is happening on 3x servers otherwise I would try reinstalling the rewritemodule. Other sites on the same server which invoke rewritemodule are unaffected.
Has anyone else experienced issues like this - the net seems to have relatively little info in this case. Perhaps you can recommend further debugging tools or approaches for IIS which I can adapt to this scenario? This is sort of a cry for help from someone more used to Apache/Nginx - sorry for the long post.

IIS 7.5 Load Balancing--do Sessions stick to the originating server?

Apologies if there is an answer already out here but I've looked at over 2 dozen threads and can't find the specific answer.
So, for our ASP.NET (2.0) application, our infrastructure team set up a load balancer machine that has two IIS 7.5 servers.
We have a network file server where the single copy of the application files reside. I know very little about the inner workings of load-balancing and even IIS in general.
My question is regarding sessions. I guess I'm wondering if the 'balancing' part is based on sessions or on individual page requests.
For example, when a user first logs in to the site, he's authenticated (forms), but then while he navigates around from page to page--does IIS 7.5 automatically "lock him in" to the particular server that first logged him in and authenticated him, or could his page requests alternate from one server to the next?
If the requests do indeed alternate, what problems might I face? I've read a bit about duplicating the MachineKey, but we have done nothing in web.config regarding MachineKey--it does not exist there at all.
I will add that we are not experiencing any issues (that we know of anyway) regarding authentication, session objects, etc. - the site is working very well, the question is more academic, and I just want to make sure I'm not missing something that may bite me down the road.
while he navigates around from page to page--does IIS 7.5 automatically "lock him in" to the particular server that first logged him in and authenticated him
That depends on the configuration of the load balancer and is beyond the scope of a single IIS. Since you haven't provided any information on what actual balancer you use, I can only provide a general information - regardless of the balancer type (hardware, software), it can be configured for so called "sticky sessions". In such mode, you are guaranteed that once a browser establishes connection to your cluster, it will always hit the same server. There are two example techniques - in first, the balancer just creates a virtual mapping from source IP addresses to cluster node numbers (which means that multiple requests from the same IP hit the same server), in second - the balancer attaches an additional HTTP cookie/header that allows it to recognize the same client and direct it to the same node.
Note that the term "session" has nothing to do with the server side "session" where you have a per-user container. Session here means "client side session", a single browser on a single operating system and a series of request-replies from it to your server.
If the requests do indeed alternate, what problems might I face
Multiple issues. First, encryption, if relies on machine key, will not work. This means that even forms cookies would be rejected by cluster nodes other than the one that issued the cookie. A solution is to have the same machine key on all nodes.
Another common issue would be the inproc session provider - any data stored in the memory of one application server will not "magically" appear on other cluster nodes, thus, making the session data unavailable. A solution is to configure the session to be stored in a separate process, for example in a sql server database.
I will add that we are not experiencing any issues (that we know of anyway) regarding authentication, session objects
Sounds like a positive coincidence or the infrastructure team has already configured sticky sessions. The latter sounds possible, the configuration is usually obvious and easy.

Avoiding invalid viewstate when deploying on a load balanced website without downtime

Here is the scenario:
We have 3 web servers A, B, C.
We want to release a new version of the application without taking the application down
(e.g. not using the "Down for maintenance page").
Server A goes live with latest code.
Server B gets taken off-line. Users on Server B get routed to A and C.
Page1.aspx was updated with new control. Anyone that came from Server B to Server A while
on this page will get a viewstate error when they perform an action on this page. This is what we want to prevent.
How do some of you resolve this issue?
Here are some thoughts we had (whether it's possible or not using our load balancer, I don't know... I am not familiar with load balancer configuration [it's an F5]):
The more naive approach:
Take down servers A and B and update. C retains the old code. All traffic will be directed to C, and that's ok since it's the old code. When A and B go live with the update, if possible tell the load balancer to only keep people with active sessions on C and all new sessions get initiated on A and B. The problem with this approach is that in theory sessions can stick around for a long time if the user keeps using the application.
The less naive approach:
Similar to the naive approach, except (if possible) we tell the load balancer about "safe" pages, which are pages that were not changed. When the user eventually ends up on a "safe" page, he or she gets routed to server A or B. In theory the user may never land on one of these pages, but this approach is a little less risky (but requires more work).
I assume that your load balancer is directing individual users back to the same server in the web farm during normal operations, which is why you do not normally experience this issue, but only when you start redirecting users between servers.
If that assumption is correct then it is likely the issue is a inconsistent machinekey across the server farm.
ViewState is hashed against the machine key of the server to prevent tampering by the user on the client side. The machine key is generated automatically by IIS, and will change every time the server restarts or is reset, as well as being unique to each server.
In order to ensure that you don't hit viewstate validation issues when users move between servers there are two possible courses of action.
Disable the anti-tampering protection on the individual page or globally in the pages element of the web.config file using the enableViewStateMac attribute with a false value. I mention this purely for the sake of completeness - you should never do this on a production website.
Manually generate a machine key and share that same value across each application (you could use the same key for all your applications, but it is sensible to use one key per application to maximise security), on each of your servers. To do this you need to generate keys (do not use any you may see in demos on the internet, this defeats the purpose of the unique machine key), this can be done programatically or in IIS manager (see Use the same machine key when deploying the website to all of your servers.
I can't answer on the best practice for upgrading applications that require 100% uptime.

Re-enable ASP.NET session that caused IIS hang

I'm trying to implement some fail safes on a client's web server which is running two of their most important sites (ASP.NET on IIS7). I'm going to set up application pool limiting so that if any w3wp process uses 90%+ CPU for longer than a minute then it gets killed (producing a temporary 503 Service Unavailable message to any visitors), and based on my local testing will be restarted within a minute - a much better solution than having one CPU-hogging process taking down the whole server for any length of time.
This seems to work, however during my fiddling on my local IIS7 instance I've noticed that if a request calls my "Kill.aspx", even when the site comes back up IIS will not serve the session that caused it to hang. I can only restart the test site from a different session - but as soon as I clear my cookies on the "killer" browser I can get to the site again.
So, whatever malicious behaviour IIS is trying to curb with this would not work against an even slightly determined opponent. In most cases, if excrement does hit fan it will be coding/configuration error and not the fault of the user who happened to request a page at that time.
Therefore, I'd like to turn this feature off as the theoretical user would have no idea that they need to clear their cookies before they can access the site again. I would really appreciate any ideas on how this might be possible.
Yous should be using ASP.Net Session StateServer instead of In-Proc (see msdn for details). That way, you session will run in different process and won't be affected by IIS crash.
Turn what "feature" off? If the worker process is reset (and your using in-proc session) then the session is blown away on a reset.
You might want to investigate moving your session storage to a state server or some other out of process scenario.
Also, you might want to set the application pool to use several worker processes (aka: web garden) this way if one process is killed the others continue serving content.
Next, as another option you might want to set up multiple web servers and load balance them.
Finally, you might want to profile the app to see exactly how they are causing it to spin into nothingness. My guess is that there are a number of code issues you are simply covering up with this idea.
