HTTP Preauthorization - http

At http://localhost/tmp/ I have a form that asks for the user and password (authentication).
After the user posts (hits OK) I want to redirect the user to http://localhost/test/ which uses Apache's Basic AuthType. Happens that the user and password just typed in the form are exactly the credentials to authenticate at http://localhost/test/
What I want is the solution so that the user is not asked for the password in the second address. So far I was able to pass the 'Authorization: Basic "base64_encoded user and password"' with CURL (using GET), and get the response I want (contents of test/index.html, for example). However, that's curl getting the info instead of my browser redirecting there with preauthorization. That is, if I type http://localhost/test/ in the address bar it asks for the password again. Any ideas? Any clarification needed?

The problem is that the authorization state is maintained in the browser, and there's no real way to tell the browser it's authorized.
Most systems rely on a Cookie system, but BASIC/DIGEST HTTP AUTH are HTTP headers. So, only the browser can set those.
I should say, for normal every day requests -- you might (I'm not sure) be able to set the headers in an XHR.

Could you simply set the form submit location to the redirect destionation http://localhost/test/ and take care fo the authentication here?
As an aside, Fiddler is a great tool for debugging this sort of thing

Will's answer points you in the right direction.
In IE at least, it works to send an XHR request (to some throwaway page) with the Username/Password parameters (in the Open() call) set. Doing that will cache this username and password internally for the browser session, and so when you subsequently visit other pages on the server, the authentication SHOULD automatically happen for those pages.
I can't say if this trick works in other browsers or not.


Connection to a site made by Http Post - how to check if connection is still alive?

I'm developing a Scraping app to extract some information from a sit. To get that information I have to be logged in to that site.
So I use Http post and pass the data needed for login using FormData and log in successfully, so I can browse the private content of that site.
My question Is: "How can I tell if the user is logged in?". What is the simple way to do that using session cookies or something like that?
I'm currently checking the connection by sending an Http Get Request to a Url that I know is available to registered users.
So before I try to login again, I use this method "isLoggedIn" to check the connection. But it is not perfect, I mean, it seems a kind o tricky and not the best way to do that.
Currently, I'm using Dio - a Lib to make Http Request in Dart. But I think it's a general Http matter.
Just to register...
I solve that after checking the difference between a 'logged' and a 'not logged in' response. In my specify case, when I did a get request to the login page, it answers with a response that has a 'CUSTOMER_AUTH' cookie setted with a random String, otherwise, this cookie is not present.
So I just check if this cookie is present and if it has a valid value.

Change Basic HTTP Authentication realm and login dialog message

I want to change the message that pops up during implementation of Basic Auth.The current default message is:
Server requires a username and password.
Something that would be more accurate for me is :
Server requires an Email and Password.
My problem is that i can't find or don't know where this message is set and if it can be changed. Most of the questions online are about Basic Auth implemention but this is not my problem -- i can implement it very fine. I just need a more accurate response for the user.
Here is how i force an authentication window using echo:
c.Response().Header().Set(echo.HeaderWWWAuthenticate, `Basic realm="Your Email is your Username"`)
return echo.ErrUnauthorized
NB: Only Firefox shows the realm message. Both Chrome and Opera do not.
This is not related to Go but actually to browser behaviour when receiving that header.
It seems Chrome/Chromium has a known issue with this related to the feature not considered secure by the development team, so I don't think you'd be able to fix it on your side unless you resort to some other authentication mechanism.
See here for more details:
Thanks for the responses but they were not satisfactory. I had to do some reading on this topic.
The correct answer is that the login prompt/dialog is a response built into the user-agent/browser and cannot be changed by the server. This also explains why some browsers show realm while others don't.
According to Wikipedia Basic access authentication all the server does is:
When the server wants the user agent to authenticate itself towards the server, it must respond appropriately to unauthenticated requests.
Unauthenticated requests should return a response whose header contains a HTTP 401 Unauthorized status[4] and a WWW-Authenticate field.[5]
The WWW-Authenticate field for basic authentication (used most often) is constructed as following:
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="User Visible Realm"

How to know if the current Servlet request is the result of a redirect?

Is there a way to know if the request has been redirected or forwarded in the doGet method of a Servlet?
In my application, when a user (whose session has timed out) clicks on a file download link, they're shown the login page, which is good. When they login, they are immediately sent the file they requested, without updating the page they see, which is bad. Basically, they get stuck on the login screen (a refresh is required).
What I want to do is interrupt this and simply redirect to the page with the link, when a file is requested as a result of a redirect.
Perhaps there are better ways to solve this?
The redirect happens client-side. The browser is instructed by the previous request to send a new request, so to the server it does not make a difference. The Referer header might contain some useful information, but it's not certain.
When redirecting you can append some parameter, like ?targetPage=dowloadpage and then check if the parameter exists. You may have to put this in a hidden field on the login page if you want it to be transferred through multiple pages.
If you're using container managed authentication, then I don't believe you can detect this since the server will only involve your resource once authentication has been completed successfully.
If you're managing authentication differently, please explain.

Resolve http form post as https form post

Is there a way to force a non-secure form post to be secure? I understand there are ways to automatically resolve an http URL as an https URL but with form posts, is this type of redirection too late? Will the posted data have already gone through the wire as plain text?
Is there a way to force a non-secure form post to be secure?
Technically, no. You can however make the form's action attribute a fully-qualified HTTPS site, regardless if the protocol that rendered it is secured or not.
Will the posted data have already gone through the wire as plain text?
Yes since a redirect happens on the server by issuing a 301/302 status code in the response.
Generally speaking, the page that serves up the form should be https as well. If it is not, then users have no indication before they submit the form that it will be secure (that is, there'll be no 'lock' icon until after they submit). Also, an attacker could hijack the initial page and still collect responses without any warning to the users.
By setting the 'action' to a full-qualified https URL then the data will be encrypted when it goes to the server, but it is still less secure than doing the whole thing in https from the start.
Here are a few things that come to mind:
As has already been noted, you can just set the URL of the form's action to an HTTPS address.
Change the protocol from HTTP to HTTPS before the page is posted. This would seem to be the most ideal. It also gives your visitors greater sense of security by seeing the secured padlock before entering any info (if this even matters). Three ways to do this come to mind:
Change all links to your form page to be in HTTPS.
Detect when the page is browsed non-securely, and redirect (using client-side scripting)
Do the same thing but on the server, by sending a Location header (a.k.a. Response.Redirect).
An example of this in javascript is simple enough:
if ('https:' != window.location.protocol) {
// This assumes your secured domain is the same as the currently-browsed one...
window.location = String(window.location).replace(/^http:\/\//, 'https://');
Good luck!

Can the HTTP response header Authorization be managed from the server?

I'm playing with HTTP Basic Authorization. As we all know, when a client gets a 401 error on requesting a page, the client must collect authorization credentials from the users (typically in the form of a pop-up window).
Subsequent requests for resources under that part of the URL will be accompanied by "Authorization: Basic [hash]" where [hash] is the username/password mashed together and hashed.
What I'm interesting in is getting the client to not send the Authorization header even when requesting a resource that previously asked for it.
Three important questions:
Is this possible?
If possible, does this violate the HTTP/1.1 standard (I'm unclear that this case is covered by the spec)?
What browser support this?
Thanks for your time, Internet.
UPDATE: Apparently, this is an apache FAQ and I am SOL. Still, if you've got thoughts on this question, I'd love to hear about it. Thanks.
I don't think this is possible. The authenticated session lasts until the user shuts the browser window, and the browser will keep on blindly passing the credentials with each request under the same path.
Is there any specific reason why you want this functionality?
You can set the user and password in the URL:
If you use this syntax, the browser will generate the header for you.
