Hexagonal Grid Coordinates To Pixel Coordinates - math

I am working with a hexagonal grid. I have chosen to use this coordinate system because it is quite elegant.
This question talks about generating the coordinates themselves, and is quite useful. My issue now is in converting these coordinates to and from actual pixel coordinates. I am looking for a simple way to find the center of a hexagon with coordinates x,y,z. Assume (0,0) in pixel coordinates is at (0,0,0) in hex coords, and that each hexagon has an edge of length s. It seems to me like x,y, and z should each move my coordinate a certain distance along an axis, but they are interrelated in an odd way I can't quite wrap my head around it.
Bonus points if you can go the other direction and convert any (x,y) point in pixel coordinates to the hex that point belongs in.

For clarity, let the "hexagonal" coordinates be (r,g,b) where r, g, and b are the red, green, and blue coordinates, respectively. The coordinates (r,g,b) and (x,y) are related by the following:
y = 3/2 * s * b
b = 2/3 * y / s
x = sqrt(3) * s * ( b/2 + r)
x = - sqrt(3) * s * ( b/2 + g )
r = (sqrt(3)/3 * x - y/3 ) / s
g = -(sqrt(3)/3 * x + y/3 ) / s
r + b + g = 0
I first noticed that any horizontal row of hexagons (which should have a constant y-coordinate) had a constant b coordinate, so y depended only on b. Each hexagon can be broken into six equilateral triangles with sides of length s; the centers of the hexagons in one row are one and a half side-lengths above/below the centers in the next row (or, perhaps easier to see, the centers in one row are 3 side lengths above/below the centers two rows away), so for each change of 1 in b, y changes 3/2 * s, giving the first formula. Solving for b in terms of y gives the second formula.
The hexagons with a given r coordinate all have centers on a line perpendicular to the r axis at the point on the r axis that is 3/2 * s from the origin (similar to the above derivation of y in terms of b). The r axis has slope -sqrt(3)/3, so a line perpendicular to it has slope sqrt(3); the point on the r axis and on the line has coordinates (3sqrt(3)/4 * s * r, -3/4 * s * r); so an equation in x and y for the line containing the centers of the hexagons with r-coordinate r is y + 3/4 * s * r = sqrt(3) * (x - 3sqrt(3)/4 * s * r). Substituting for y using the first formula and solving for x gives the second formula. (This is not how I actually derived this one, but my derivation was graphical with lots of trial and error and this algebraic method is more concise.)
The set of hexagons with a given r coordinate is the horizontal reflection of the set of hexagons with that g coordinate, so whatever the formula is for the x coordinate in terms of r and b, the x coordinate for that formula with g in place of r will be the opposite. This gives the third formula.
The fourth and fifth formulas come from substituting the second formula for b and solving for r or g in terms of x and y.
The final formula came from observation, verified by algebra with the earlier formulas.


Fitting an ellipsoid given 2D contours

I have coordinates corresponding to a set of 2D contours, each corresponding to different heights. These contours do not draw out a perfect ellipsoid in 3D, and instead what I would like to do is to find the best fitting ellipsoid. I do not have any knowledge on the origin of this ellipsoid.
My first thought was to incorporate some type of least squares algorithm, where I find the ellipsoid parameters that minimize the distance between points. I imagine this would be quite expensive and not too far from a brute force approach. I am convinced there is a more elegant and efficient way of doing this. If there is an existing library that handles this (preferably in Python) that would be even better.
I have already seen a related question (Fitting an ellipsoid to 3D data points), but figured I would ask again as it has been over a decade since that post.
So you have a set of (x,y) values for each contour, which describe a portion of an ellipse (blue dots below).
The best fit ellipse is described by the general equation
A x^2 + B y^2 + 2C x y + 2D x + 2E y = 1
and once the coefficients (A,B,C,D,E) are found, the ellipse of fully described. See below in how to find the the curve coordinates (x,y) from the coefficients and a parameter t=0 .. 1.
To find the coefficients of the ellipse, form 5 vectors, each a column of a n×5 matrix Q
for i = 1 to n
Q(i,1) = x(i)^2
Q(i,2) = y(i)^2
Q(i,3) = 2*x(i)*y(i)
Q(i,4) = 2*x(i)
Q(i,5) = 2*y(i)
next i
and a vector K filled with 1 for the right-hand side
for i = 1 to n
K(i) = 1.0
next i
Find the coefficients using a least-squares fit with some linear algebra
[A,B,C,D,E] = inv(tr(Q)*Q)*tr(Q)*K
where tr(Q) is the transpose of Q and * is matrix/vector product
Now we need to extract the geometric properties of the ellipse from the coefficient. I want to have a the semi-major axis, b the semi-minor axis, φ the rotation angle, xc the x-axis center, yc the y-axis center.
xc = -(B*D-C*E)/(A*B-(C^2))
yc = -(A*E-C*D)/(A*B-(C^2))
φ = atan( 2*C/(A-B) )/2
a = SQRT(2*(A*(B+E^2)+B*D^2-C*(C+2*D*E))/((A*B-C^2)*(A+B-SQRT((A-B)^2+4*C^2))))
b = SQRT(2*(A*(B+E^2)+B*D^2-C*(C+2*D*E))/((A*B-C^2)*(A+B+SQRT((A-B)^2+4*C^2))))
Finally to plot the ellipse you need to generate a set of points (x,y) from the curve parameter t=0..1 using the above 5 coefficients.
Generate the centered aligned coordinates (u,v) with
u = a*cos(2*π*t)
v = b*sin(2*π*t)
Generate the centered rotated coordinates (x',y') with
x' = u*cos(φ) - v*sin(φ)
y' = u*sin(φ) + v*cos(φ)
Generate the ellipse coordinates (x,y) with
x = x' + xc
y = y' + yc
The result is observed above in the first picture.
Now for the total solution, each 2D slice would have its own ellipse. But all the slices would not generate an ellipsoid this way.
Extending the above into 3D coordinates (x,y,z) is doable, but the math is quite involved and I feel [SO] is not a good place to develop such an algorithm. You can hack it together, by finding the average center for each slice (weighted by the ellipse area π*a*b). Additionally, the rotation angle should be the same for all contours, and so another averaging is needed. Finally, the major and minor axis values would fall on an elliptical curve along the z-axis and it would require another least-fit solution. This one is driven by the equation
(x/a)^2 + (y/b)^2 + (z/c)^2 = 1
but rather in the aligned coordinates (u,v,w)
(u/a)^2 + (v/b)^2 + (w/c)^2 = 1

Uniform sampling (by volume) within a cone

I'm looking for an algorithm that can generate points within a cone with a flat bottom (a disk).
I have the normalized axis along which the cone is being created (for our purposes let's just say it is the y-axis so (0, 1, 0) and the angle of the cone (let's say it is 45 degrees).
The only resources I could find online generate vectors within a cone, but they are based on sampling a sphere, so at the bottom you get a kind of "snow-cone" effect instead of a disk at the bottom.
That is done with the following pseudocode:
// Sample phi uniformly on [0, 2PI]
float phi = rand(0, 1) * 2 * PI
// Sample u uniformly from [cos(angle), 1]
float u = rand(0, 1) * (1 - cos(angle * PI/180)) + cos(angle * PI/180)
vec3 = vec3(sqrt(1 - u^2) * cos(phi), u, sqrt(1 - u^2) * sin(phi)))
The below picture is what I am going for. Having the ability to generate samples either on the surface or inside would be nice as well:
I could explain my solution in detail using integrals and probability distributions, but the lack of MathJax on this site makes that difficult. I'll keep my explanation at a simple level, but it should be clear. I'll also make the solution a little more general than you ask: we want a random point inside a right circular cone of height a and radius of base b, and we want the point with uniform sampling over the volume of that cone. This method directly chooses a random point in the cone without any rejection testing.
First let's consider the small cone of height h inside that larger cone, both cones with the same apex and parallel bases. The two cones are of course similar figures, and the square-cube law says that the volume of the smaller cone varies as the cube of its height. That height varies from 0 to a and we want its cube to be uniform over that range. Therefore we choose h to vary with the cube root of a uniform random variable, and we get (in Python 3 code),
h = a * (random()) ** (1/3)
We next consider the circular region that is the base of that smaller cone of height h. The radius of that base is (b / a) * h, by similar triangles. Now think of a smaller circular region of radius r inside that larger circular region, both circles in the same plane and with the same center. The area of the smaller circle varies with the square of its radius, so to get a uniform area over its range we take the square root of a uniform random variable. We get
r = (b / a) * h * sqrt(random())
We now want the angle t (for theta) of a point on the circumference of that smaller circle of radius r. The angle in radians obviously does not depend on the other factors, so we just use a uniform random variable to get
t = 2 * pi * random()
We now use those three random variables h, r, and t to choose our point inside the starting cone. If the apex of the cone is at the origin and the axis of the cone is along the positive y-axis, so that the center of the base is (0, a, 0) and a point on the circumference of the base is (b, a, 0), you can choose
x = r * cos(t)
y = h
z = r * sin(t)
When you asked about generating samples "on the surface" you did not clarify if you mean just the side (or is it "sides"?) of the cone, just the base, or the entire surface. Your second graphic appears to mean just the side, but I'll give code for all three.
The side only
Again we use a smaller cone of height h inside the larger cone. Its surface area varies as the square of its height, so we take the square root of a uniform random variable. The circle in its base is fixed, if our point is to be on the surface, and again the angle is just uniform. So we get
h = a * sqrt(random())
r = (b / a) * h
t = 2 * pi * random()
Use the same code for x, y, and z I used above for the interior of the cone to get the final random point on the side surface of the cone.
The base only
This is much like choosing a point in the interior, except the height is predetermined to equal the height of the entire cone. We get the following, somewhat simplified code:
h = a
r = b * sqrt(random())
t = 2 * pi * random()
Again, use the previous code for the final x, y, and z.
The entire surface
Here we can first decide, at random, whether to place our point on the base or on the surface, then place the point in one of the two ways above. The area of the base of a cone of height a and base radius b is pi * b * b while the surface area of the cone's side is pi * b * sqrt(a*a + b*b). We use the ratio of the base to the total of those areas to choose which subsurface to use for our point:
if random() < b / (b + sqrt(a*a + b*b)):
return point_on_base(a, b)
return point_on_side(a, b)
Use my codes above for the side and base to complete that code.
Here are simple matplotlib 3D scatter plots of 10,000 random points, first inside the cone then on its side surface. Note that I made the apex angle 45°, as your text states but unlike your pictures. Viewing these from other angles seems to confirm that they are uniform in volume or area.

Calculate point on a circle in 3D space

i am scratching my head for some time now how to do this.
I have two defined vectors in 3d space. Say vector X at (0,0,0) and vector Y at (3,3,3). I will get a random point on a line between those two vectors. And around this point i want to form a circle ( some amount of points ) perpendicular to the line between the X and Y at given radius.
Hopefuly its clear what i am looking for. I have looked through many similar questions, but just cant figure it out based on those. Thanks for any help.
(Couldnt put everything into comment so adding it here)
Hi, thanks for your reply, i had some moderate success with implementing your solution, but has some trouble with it. It works most of the time, except for specific scenarios when Y point would be at positions like (20,20,20). If it sits directly on any axis its fine.
But as soon as it gets into diagonal the distance between perpendicular point and origin gets smaller for some reason and at very specific diagonal positions it kinda flips the perpendicular points.
Here is the code for you to look at
public Vector3 X = new Vector3(0,0,0);
public Vector3 Y = new Vector3(0,0,20);
Vector3 A;
Vector3 B;
List<Vector3> points = new List<Vector3>();
void FindPerpendicular(Vector3 x, Vector3 y)
Vector3 direction = (x-y);
Vector3 normalized = (x-y).normalized;
float dotProduct1 = Vector3.Dot(normalized, Vector3.left);
float dotProduct2 = Vector3.Dot(normalized, Vector3.forward);
float dotProduct3 = Vector3.Dot(normalized, Vector3.up);
Vector3 dotVector = ((1.0f - Mathf.Abs(dotProduct1)) * Vector3.right) +
((1.0f - Mathf.Abs(dotProduct2)) * Vector3.forward) +
((1.0f - Mathf.Abs(dotProduct3)) * Vector3.up);
A = Vector3.Cross(normalized, dotVector.normalized);
B = Vector3.Cross(A, normalized);
What you want to do first is to find the two orthogonal basis vectors of the plane perpendicular to the line XY, passing through the point you choose.
You first need to find a vector which is perpendicular to XY. To do this:
Normalize the vector XY first
Dot XY with the X-axis
If this is very small (for numerical stability let's say < 0.1) then it must be parallel/anti-parallel to the X-axis. We choose the Y axis.
If not then we choose the X-axis
For whichever chosen axis, cross it with XY to get one of the basis vectors; cross this with XY again to get the second vector.
Normalize them (not strictly necessary but very useful)
You now have two basis vectors to calculate your circle coordinates, call them A and B. Call the point you chose P.
Then any point on the circle can be parametrically calculated by
Q(r, t) = P + r * (A * cos(t) + B * sin(t))
where t is an angle (between 0 and 2π), and r is the circle's radius.

Standard form of ellipse

I'm getting ellipses as level curves of a fit dataset. After selecting a particular ellipse, I would like to report it as a center point, semi-major and minor axes lengths, and a rotation angle. In other words, I would like to transform (using mathematica) my ellipse equation from the form:
Ax^2 + By^2 + Cx + Dy + Exy + F = 0
to a more standard form:
((xCos[alpha] - ySin[alpha] - h)^2)/(r^2) + ((xSin[alpha] + yCos[alpha] - k)^2)/(s^2) = 1
where (h,k) is the center, alpha is the rotation angle, and r and s are the semi-axes
The actual equation I'm attempting to transform is
1.68052 x - 9.83173 x^2 + 4.89519 y - 1.19133 x y - 9.70891 y^2 + 6.09234 = 0
I know the center point is the fitted maximum, which is:
{0.0704526, 0.247775}
I posted a version of this answer on Math SE since it benefits a lot from proper mathematical typesetting. The example there is simpler as well, and there are some extra details.
The following description follows the German Wikipedia article Hauptachsentransformation. Its English counterpart, according to inter-wiki links, is principal component analysis. I find the former article a lot more geometric than the latter. The latter has a strong focus on statistical data, though, so it might be useful for you nevertheless.
Your ellipse is described as
[A E/2] [x] [x]
[x y] * [E/2 B] * [y] + [C D] * [y] + F = 0
First you identify the rotation. You do this by identifying the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of this 2×2 matrix. These eigenvectors will form an orthogonal matrix describing your rotation: its entries are the Sin[alpha] and Cos[alpha] from your formula.
With your numbers, you get
[A E/2] [-0.74248 0.66987] [-10.369 0 ] [-0.74248 -0.66987]
[E/2 B] = [-0.66987 -0.74248] * [ 0 -9.1715] * [ 0.66987 -0.74248]
The first of the three factors is the matrix formed by the eigenvectors, each normalized to unit length. The central matrix has the eigenvalues on the diagonal, and the last one is the transpose of the first. If you multiply the vector (x,y) with that last matrix, then you will change the coordinate system in such a way that the mixed term vanishes, i.e. the x and y axes are parallel to the main axes of your ellipse. This is just what happens in your desired formula, so now you know that
Cos[alpha] = -0.74248 (-0.742479398678 with more accuracy)
Sin[alpha] = 0.66987 ( 0.669868899516)
If you multiply the row vector [C D] in the above formula with the first of the three matrices, then this effect will exactly cancel the multiplication of (x, y) by the third matrix. Therefore in that changed coordinate system, you use the central diagonal matrix for the quadratic term, and this product for the linear term.
[-0.74248 0.66987]
[1.68052, 4.89519] * [-0.66987 -0.74248] = [-4.5269 -2.5089]
Now you have to complete the square independently for x and y, and you end up with a form from which you can read the center coordinates.
-10.369x² -4.5269x = -10.369(x + 0.21829)² + 0.49408
-9.1715y² -2.5089y = -9.1715(y + 0.13677)² + 0.17157
h = -0.21829 (-0.218286476695)
k = -0.13677 (-0.136774259156)
Note that h and k describe the center in the already rotated coordinate system; to obtain the original center you'd multiply again with the first matrix:
[-0.74248 0.66987] [-0.21829] [0.07045]
[-0.66987 -0.74248] * [-0.13677] = [0.24778]
which fits your description.
The completed squares above contributed some more terms to the constant factor F:
6.09234 + 0.49408 + 0.17157 = 6.7580
Now you move this to the right side of the equation, then divide the whole equation by this number so that you get the = 1 from your desired form. Then you can deduce the radii.
1 -10.369
-- = ------- = 1.5344
r² -6.7580
1 -9.1715
-- = ------- = 1.3571
s² -6.7580
r = 0.80730 (0.807304599162099)
s = 0.85840 (0.858398019487315)
Verifying the result
Now let's check that we didn't make any mistakes. With the parameters we found, you can piece together the equation
((-0.74248*x - 0.66987*y + 0.21829)^2)/(0.80730^2)
+ (( 0.66987*x - 0.74248*y + 0.13677)^2)/(0.85840^2) = 1
Move the 1 to the left side, and multiply by -6.7580, and you should end up with the original equation. Expanding that (with the extra precision versions printed in parentheses), you'll get
-9.8317300000 x^2
-1.1913300000 x y
+1.6805200000 x
-9.7089100000 y^2
+4.8951900000 y
which is a perfect match for your input.
If you have h and k, you can use Lagrange Multipliers to maximize / minimize the function (x-h)^2+(y-k)^2 subject to the constraint of being on the ellipse. The maximum distance will be the major radius, the minimum distance the minor radius, and alpha will be how much they are rotated from horizontal.

Given vector of one axis, how do I find vectors of other two axes?

This is a maths problem I am not exactly sure how to do. The vector is not aligned to an axis, so just rotating 90 degrees around x, y or z won't necessarily give me the other axes.
I can think of a couple of different scenarios you might be asking about.
Given: A pre-existing coordinate system
In a 2D system, your axes/basis are always [1,0] and [0,1] -- x and y axes.
In a 3D system, your axes/basis are always [1,0,0], [0,1,0], and [0,0,1] -- x, y, and z.
Given: One axis in an arbitrary-basis 2D coordinate system
If you have one axis in an arbitrary-basis 2D coordinate system, the other axis is the orthogonal vector.
To rotate a vector orthogonally counter-clockwise:
[x_new, y_new] = [ -y_old, x_old]
To rotate a vector orthogonally clockwise:
[x_new, y_new] = [ y_old, -x_old]
To summarize:
Given: x-axis = [ a, b]
Then: y-axis = [-b, a]
Given: y-axis = [ c, d]
Then: x-axis = [ d, -c]
Given: Two axes in an arbitrary-basis 3D coordinate system
To do this, find the cross product.
[a,b,c] x [d,e,f] = [ b*f - c*e, c*d - a*f, a*e - b*d ]
Following these three guidelines:
(x axis) x (y axis) = (z axis)
(y axis) x (z axis) = (x axis)
(z axis) x (x axis) = (y axis)
Given: One axis in an arbitrary-basis 3D coordinate system
There is not enough information to find the unique solution this problem. This is because, if you look at the second case (One axis in an arbitrary-basis 2D coordinate system), you first need to find an orthogonal vector. However, there are an infinite amount of possible orthogonal vectors to a single axis in 3D space!
You can, however, find one of the possible solutions.
One way to find an arbitrary one of these orthogonal vectors by finding any vector [d,e,f] where:
[a,b,c] = original axis
[d,e,f] = arbitrary orthogonal axis (cannot be [0,0,0])
a*d + b*e + c*f = 0
For example, if your original axis is [2,3,4], you'd solve:
2 * d + 3 * e + 4 * f = 0
That is, any value of [d,e,f] that satisfies this is a satisfactory orthogonal vector (as long as it's not [0,0,0]). One could pick, for example, [3,-2,0]:
2 * 3 + 3 *-2 + 4 * 0 = 0
6 + -6 + 0 = 0
As you can see, one "formula" that works to is [d,e,f] = [b,-a,0]...but there are many other ones that can work as well; there are, in fact, an infinite!
Once you find your two axes [a,b,c] and [d,e,f], you can reduce this back to the previous case (case 3), using [a,b,c] and [d,e,f] as your x and y axes (or whatever axes you need them to be, for your specific problem).
Note that, as you continually do dot products and cross products, your vectors will begin to grow larger and larger. Depending on what you want, this might not be desired. For example, you might want your basis vectors (your coordinate axes) to all be the same size/length.
To turn any vector (except for [0,0,0]) into a unit vector (a vector with a length of 1, in the same direction as the original vector):
r = [a,b,c]
v = Sqrt(a^2 + b^2 + c^2) <-- this is the length of the original vector
r' = [ a/v , b/v , c/v ]
Where r' represents the unit vector of r -- a vector with length of 1 that points in the same direction as r does. An example:
r = [1,2,3]
v = Sqrt(1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2) = Sqrt(13) = 3.60555 <-- this is the length of the original vector
r' = [0.27735, 0.55470, 0.83205]
Now, if I wanted, for example, a vector in the same direction of r with a length of 5, I'd simply multiply out r' * 5, which is [a' * 5, b' * 5, c' * 5].
Having only one axis isn't enough, since there are still an infinite number of axes that can be in the perpendicular plane.
If you manage to get another axis though, you can use the cross product to find the third.
If you have one vector (x,y,z) you can get one perpendicular vector to it as (y,-x,0) (dot-product is xy-yx+0*z = 0)
Then you take the cross-product of both to get the remaining perpendicular vector:
(x,y,z) × (y,-x,0) = (0y+zx, yz-0x, -x²-y²) = (zx, yz, -x²-y²)
Are you talking about a typical 3coordinate system like the one used in a 3D engine?
With just a vector you can't find the other two, the only information you will have it the plane on which they lay.. but they can be at any angle also if they're perpendicular with the only one vector you have.
