ASP.Net Enabling Trace in Code Behind -

I'm looking for a way to enable trace for an ASP.Net page via codebehind without using the page or webconfig methods.
My end goal is to have a page that reacts to a querystring element such as ?trace=true then show the tracing information, but prior to that the page would display normally.
I've done some googling and my combination of words ends up with tutorials on using trace in general so any help would be much appreciated.

You can set Trace.IsEnabled to true in the codebehind.

You could add an iframe to your page that refers to trace.axd and only render this iframe if the query string contains "trace=true"


disable a direct access to a specific web page in ASP.NET

Is there a trusted way to disable the direct access to an special web page? I mean I want to open it only by clicking on a Button for example. I know I can access to the webpage by using this code but It can not prevent accessing to the web page directly (Pasting the url or typing it):
This is a long shot because I don't have the time to test this now (I can see some downvotes coming already!), but...
In the "Code.aspx" page, check for Session["allowed"]. If the value is not there, end the response.
Next, make another page (from where Code.aspx can be accessed). In this page, set Session["allowed"] and then do a Server.Transfer() to Code.aspx, which will then run OK.
Finally, at the end of processing Code.aspx., remember to clear the Session["allowed"] variable again.
Hope this makes even vague sense :)
You may be able to write a piece of code on page load that checks the contents of HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") - if it's blank, a user has navigated to the page directly and you can handle it that way.
On the source page create a token into a hiddenfield. To your button add PostBackUrl property and let it point to your destination page.
On the destination page you can validate that the request was made from your allowed source page. And you dont need to use session and all its drawback.
Check this Link for detailed information about how to use the mentioned property.

IIS7 Handler - How to get page content returned?

I've got a simple IIS7 Handler that inserts some text on the page. What I'm looking to do is get the normal page content that would be returned on a request. I've reviewed all the HttpContext methods but was not able to find anything. I can do:
context.Response.Write("<H1>This is a Test.</H1>");
This replaces the content that would normally load. How can I get the normal content loaded into a variable and then display that underneath this?
Thanks in advance for any help!!!
NOTE: I'm doing this through a handler, not a standard ASP.NET page.
I think what you want to use is HttpResponse.Filter, as demonstrated here:

Output caching a page except a user control in it

I have a page which contains a user control. The structure of the page is as shown below:
Incase your not able to see the above image, please check it at Now, apart from the contents of the UserControl, I'd like to cache the entire page. I tried using the OutputCache attribute in the .aspx page, however it caches the contents of the UserControl as well.
Kindly let me know how will I be able to cache the contents of the page except that of the user control.
Thanks in advance.
I think you can use the Substitution control to achieve this. Here is a link to ScottGu walking through an example.
The basic idea is that you cache you whole page as per usual, but mark parts for substitution that can be replaced for each request.
I think you are looking for VaryByControl. Also check out this post on fragment caching
Look at using substitutions.
This should help
However, the snag is, since substitution is done outside of the Page lifecycle, you can't render a user control for your substitution. You have to write a method that returns a string for the substitution. But this may work for you.
Have you tried adding the #OutputCache to both the usercontrol and the page but the usercontrol set the varyByParam="qsvalue;postvalue" where qsvalue is a generated query string you make random for every call of the page and postvalue is the same for postback.
The user control will still get cached, but in theory it should never get a chache hit as the qsvalue/postvalue is always different from that cached. It may not scale well - best set duration to the minimum as well, to prevent large numbers of them building up in the cache.

Partial Posts in

I am working on and i want to implement partial posts in my application. my situation is like that
i dont want to url changed in address bar and even page should not refreshed at all.
for that i used script manager and update panel but still page refreshes and url also changes.
so any one have idea about it what to do?
Thank you
If you are using Update panel and still your page is getting post back in that case check that EnablePartialRendering should be true. If this is not the case then check your configuration and all the handlers as registered properly for AJAX.
I will suggest you to use jQuery instead of update panel for partial page post back. Do a google and you will find lot of example on this.
Check this ASP.NET postback with jQuery?

ASP.NET Include Disables Code-Behind

I've found that when using the
<!-- include file="MyPage.aspx" -->
command in ASP, I'm not able to use the code-behind in MyPage.aspx.
The issue is that when I try to include MyPage.aspx, there is an error because we have two Page Directives. If I remove the Page Directive, I can include MyPage.aspx just fine, but cannot access the code-behind, because the "CodeBehind" parameter in the Page Directive is no longer there.
So, as far as I can tell, we have a Catch-22. Does anyone know of a work-around for this? Or is there just something I'm missing?
I'm not sure if this changes anything, but I am using a Master Page with the page that includes MyPage.aspx.
Why don't you use a user control (*.ascx) instead of including an aspx page?
Have a look at this overview in MSDN which shows how to create and user "user controls".
