Calling a F# function via a Linq expression tree MethodCallExpression node? - reflection

I am trying to create an expression tree containing a function call to a F# function on a certain module. However, I am missing something because the System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Call() helper function cant find the function I'm supplying.
The Call() call gives an InvalidOperationException: "No method 'myFunction' on type 'TestReflection.Functions' is compatible with the supplied arguments."
If anyone can give me a hint on what I am doing wrong it would be very helpful.
See the code below:
namespace TestReflection
open System.Linq.Expressions
module Functions =
let myFunction (x: float) =
let assem = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()
let modul = assem.GetType("TestReflection.Functions")
let mi = modul.GetMethod("myFunction")
let pi = mi.GetParameters()
let argTypes =
(fun (x: System.Reflection.ParameterInfo) -> x.ParameterType) pi
let parArray =
[| (Expression.Parameter(typeof<float>, "a") :> Expression); |]
let ce = Expression.Call(modul, mi.Name, argTypes, parArray)
let del = (Expression.Lambda<System.Func<float, float>>(ce)).Compile()
printf "%A" (Functions.del.Invoke(3.5))

The third argument to Expression.Call is an array of generic type parameters - your method is not generic, so that should be null. You'll also need to pass your "a" argument to Expression.Lambda:
let a = Expression.Parameter(typeof<float>, "a")
let parArray = [| (a :> Expression); |]
let ce = Expression.Call(modul, mi.Name, null, parArray)
let del = (Expression.Lambda<System.Func<float, float>>(ce, a)).Compile()


F# Memoization - Persist?

What's the best way to persist/save the results of memoization so it can be loaded later?
There's this standard code snippet in F# for implementing memoization:
let memoize f =
let dict = Dictionary<_, _>();
fun c ->
let exist, value = dict.TryGetValue c
match exist with
| true -> value
| _ ->
let value = f c
dict.Add(c, value)
let mySlowFunc x=
// something very slow
let myFastFunc = memoize mySlowFunc
After calling myFastFunc many times, I will have a dictionary full of results for mySlowFunc for various x's. I want to persist these results so ideally I can do something like:
let saveMemoziationResults myFastFunc "results.file" = ... // saves the dict to a file
let loadMemoziationResults "results.file" // loads the dict from a file
I can't figure out a way to "access" that dict in order to save it.
You could move dict creation to the caller, like
let memoizeBase dict =
let memoize f = …
And using it like
let dict = new…
let memoize = memoizeBase dict
// use memoize and save/load dict when needed

Handle recursive function within an other function ocaml

If I have one or more recursive functions inside an Ocaml function how can I call them without exit from the main function taking their value as return of the main function?
I'm new in Ocaml so I'll try to explain me better...
If I have :
let function =
let rec recursive1 = ...
let rec recursive2 = ...
How can I call them inside function to tell it "Hey, do you see this recursive function? Now call it and takes its value."
Because my problem is that Ocaml as return of my functions sees Unit instead of the right return.
I will post the code below :
let change k v list_ =
let rec support k v list_ =
match list_ with
| [] -> []
| (i,value) :: tl -> if i = k
then (k,v) :: tl
else (i,value) :: support k v tl in
let inserted = support k v list_ in inserted
let () =
let k = [ (1,"ciao");(2,"Hola");(3,"Salut") ] in
change 2 "Aufwidersen" k
Change takes as input a key, a value and a (int * string )list and should return the same list of the input but changing the value linked to the key selected ( if in list ).
support, instead, makes the dirty job. It builds a new list and when k is found i = k it changes value and attach the tile, closing the function.
The return of change is unit when it should be (int * string) list. I think because inserted isn't taken as return of the function.
change does not return unit. The error in fact tells you exactly the opposite, that it returns (int * string) list but that it expects unit. And it expects unit because you're assigning it to a () pattern.
I don't know what you actually intend to do with the return value, as right now you don't seem to care about it, but you can fix the error by just assigning it to a name:
let result: (int * string) list =
let k = [ (1,"ciao");(2,"Hola");(3,"Salut") ] in
change 2 "Aufwidersen" k
Since it's not used I've added a type annotation to make sure we're getting what we expect here, as otherwise result could be anything and the compiler wouldn't complain. You don't typically need this if you're going to use result however, as you'd then get an error if the type doesn't unify with its usage.

How to get the name of a higher order function in F#? [duplicate]

How can I create a function called getFuncName that takes a function of type (unit -> 'a) and returns its name.
I was talking to one of the C# devs and they said you could use the .Method property on a Func type as shown in an example here.
I tried to convert this to F# :
for example convert (unit -> 'a) to a type Func<_> then call the property on it but it always returns the string "Invoke".
let getFuncName f =
let fFunc = System.Func<_>(fun _ -> f())
let customFunc() = 1.0
// Returns "Invoke" but I want it to return "customFunc"
getFuncName customFunc
A bit of background to this problem is:
I have created an array of functions of type (unit -> Deedle.Frame). I now want to cycle through those functions invoking them and saving them to csv with the csv name having the same name as the function. Some hypothetical code is below:
let generators : (unit -> Frame<int, string>) array = ...
|> Array.iter (fun generator -> generator().SaveCsv(sprintf "%s\%s.csv" __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ (getFuncName generator)))
This is being used in a scripting sense rather than as application code.
Not sure how you searched for information, but the first query to the search engine gave me this response:
let getFuncName f =
let type' = f.GetType()
let method' = type'.GetMethods() |> Array.find (fun m -> m.Name="Invoke")
let il = method'.GetMethodBody().GetILAsByteArray()
let methodCodes = [byte OpCodes.Call.Value;byte OpCodes.Callvirt.Value]
let position = il |> Array.findIndex(fun x -> methodCodes |> List.exists ((=)x))
let metadataToken = BitConverter.ToInt32(il, position+1)
let actualMethod = type'.Module.ResolveMethod metadataToken
Unfortunately, this code only works when F# compiler does not inline function body into calling method.
Taken from here
Although there may be a more simple way.

To get the node corresponding the declaration of a local variable with Db.Pdg.find_decl_var_node

*I wrote this script in order to get the node corresponding the declaration of a local variable, in my case "val" which is in a little program C but i get the error Unexpected error (Not_found). I think that i did not give the right arguments to my method especially localisation which is type Cil_types.localisation If anybody could help me... *
let main () =
let memo_debug = Kernel.Debug.get () in
Kernel.Debug.set 1;
File.pretty_ast ();
Kernel.Debug.set memo_debug ;
let kf = Globals.Functions.find_def_by_name "main" in
let pdg = !Db.Pdg.get kf in
let localisation=Cil_types.VGlobal in
let var=Globals.Vars.find_from_astinfo "val" z in
let node= !Db.Pdg.find_decl_var_node pdg var in
Format.printf "%a#." (!Db.Pdg.pretty_node false) node;
You say that val is a local variable in main, so you shouldn't look for it in the global scope. Instead, you should do :
let scope = Cil_types.VLocal kf in
let var=Globals.Vars.find_from_astinfo "val" scope in

Type extension errors for Dictionary<'K, 'V>

The following type extension
module Dict =
open System.Collections.Generic
type Dictionary<'K, 'V> with
member this.Difference(that:Dictionary<'K, 'T>) =
let dict = Dictionary()
for KeyValue(k, v) in this do
if not (that.ContainsKey(k)) then
dict.Add(k, v)
gives the error:
The signature and implementation are not compatible because the declaration of the type parameter 'TKey' requires a constraint of the form 'TKey : equality
But when I add the constraint it gives the error:
The declared type parameters for this type extension do not match the declared type parameters on the original type 'Dictionary<,>'
This is especially mysterious because the following type extension doesn't have the constraint and works.
type Dictionary<'K, 'V> with
member this.TryGet(key) =
match this.TryGetValue(key) with
| true, v -> Some v
| _ -> None
Now I'm having weird thoughts: is the constraint required only when certain members are accessed?
module Dict =
open System.Collections.Generic
type Dictionary<'K, 'V> with
member this.Difference(that:Dictionary<'K, 'T>) =
let dict = Dictionary(this.Comparer)
for KeyValue(k, v) in this do
if not (that.ContainsKey(k)) then
dict.Add(k, v)
As per F# spec (14.11 Additional Constraints on CLI Methods)
Some specific CLI methods and types are treated specially by F#, because they are common in F# programming and cause extremely difficult-to-find bugs. For each use of the following constructs, the F# compiler imposes additional ad hoc constraints:
x.Equals(yobj) requires type ty : equality for the static type of x
x.GetHashCode() requires type ty : equality for the static type of x
new Dictionary<A,B>() requires A : equality, for any overload that does not take an IEqualityComparer<T>
as far as I can see the following code does the trick:
module Dict =
open System.Collections.Generic
type Dictionary<'K, 'V> with
member this.Difference(that: Dictionary<'K,'V2>) =
let diff =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> not <| that.ContainsKey(x.Key))
|> (fun x -> x.Key, x.Value)
System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary(diff, fst, snd)
The problem is your use of the Add method. If you use this method of Dictionary<TKey, TValue> then F# will enforce that TKey has the equality constraint.
After playing around a bit I'm not sure that it's even possible to write this extension method. The F# type system appears to force the declaration type of the extension method to have no additional constraints than the original type (i get an error whenever I add the equality constraint). Additionally the type listed in the individal extension methods cannot differ than the listed type. I've tried a number of ways and can't get this to function correctly.
The closest I've come is the non-extension method as follows
let Difference (this : Dictionary<'K, 'T>) (that:Dictionary<'K, 'T> when 'K : equality) =
let dict = Dictionary()
for KeyValue(k, v) in this do
if not (that.ContainsKey(k)) then
dict.Add(k, v)
Perhaps another F# ninja will be able to prove me wrong
(EDIT: CKoenig has a nice answer.)
Hm, I didn't immediately see a way to do this either.
Here's a non-type-safe solution that might provide some crazy inspiration for others.
open System.Collections.Generic
module Dict =
type Dictionary<'K, 'V> with
member this.Difference<'K2, 'T when 'K2 : equality>(that:Dictionary<'K2, 'T>) =
let dict = Dictionary<'K2,'V>()
for KeyValue(k, v) in this do
if not (that.ContainsKey(k |> box |> unbox)) then
dict.Add(k |> box |> unbox, v)
open Dict
let d1 = Dictionary()
d1.Add(1, "foo")
d1.Add(2, "bar")
let d2 = Dictionary()
d2.Add(1, "cheese")
let show (d:Dictionary<_,_>) =
for (KeyValue(k,v)) in d do
printfn "%A: %A" k v
d1.Difference(d2) |> show
let d3 = Dictionary()
d3.Add(1, 42)
d1.Difference(d3) |> show
let d4 = Dictionary()
d4.Add("uh-oh", 42)
d1.Difference(d4) |> show // blows up at runtime
Overall it seems like there may be no way to unify the types K and K2 without also forcing them to have the same equality constraint though...
(EDIT: seems like calling into .NET which is equality-constraint-agnostic is a good way to create a dictionary in the absence of the extra constraint.)
