Error using viewstate (in a cluster?) -

I am getting the follwing error,please tell me why this error is coming
Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.

this can happen when you post a form which in the meantime has been updated on the server, or the app has been recycled in IIS.

By default Viewstate is generated based on the MAC address of the machine that the web server is running on - this can cause problems when load balancing web traffic across a web farm or cluster as there is a chance that a pages post back request might get processed by a different machine from the one that originally generated the viewstate token, which will cause the exception that you see above.
If your running a web farm / cluster then the answer is the <machineKey> configuration element - if you set this to the same algorithm / key for each of the machines then viewstate is generated based on this key instead of the MAC address of the machine, preventing the above problems.
This blog article probably explains it better than I just did.


Getting ViewStateException: Invalid viewstate while Machine keys are the same

I have 8 host behind LB and all of them are single process(not web garden). Despite setting all of them with the same machine key from iis as shown below, I'm still getting Invalid viewstate exception rarely.
There similar questions but none of them helped me(I've no server with pending updates or restart as in the other questions or i'm not using server.execute etc). So please don't flag as duplicate. Are there any alternative ways to prevent this exception?
Normally, This is because of the difference in Machine keys in different servers. We use Web Farm for High availability. In this case, if a Client sends a request then the Load balancer decides, which webserver to serve the request. It happens several times that another request might be served by another server. So here is the issue.
As we know, view stat is Client-side state management techniques and the data travels with the request and response. So if the view state is encrypted with some machine key and in other requests if handled by another server and that has different machine key, it would not be able to decrypt it and will through the error.
Every server generates a new key when it is set auto. and even sometimes any recycle of the app domain will generate a new key when it is set to auto. It means we cannot use the default auto-generated key. So here the solution is to use a specific key in the machine.config to prevent automatic key generation on each process start.
One another flexible approach, however, would be to add a MachineKey section to the web.config file of your web site. This would not require to make the changes on every web server.
another way is you could try to set below code in machine.config:

Validation of viewstate MAC failed caused due to Application Pool Idle Timeout

i had bought a web domain online where i am hosting website's/web-application's.
Many a times I am facing an error:
Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster......
After a long research i had found that the error occurs due to "Application Pool Idle Timeout".
By default an app-pool will recycle every 5 minutes. If this recycle happened while a user is busy on the site and send post back to the server, the server no longer recognizes the session/viewstate and rejects what is being posted back.
My "Application Pool Idle Timeout" value is around 5 min. which is too short.
i had contacted the domain person to change the timeout period but they refused to do so saying its same for all and cant be changed.
I had googled for other solutions and found the below solutions:
Setting the EnableViewStateMAC property to false (Not good w.r.t. security reasons).
Provide your own validation and decryption keys "" (Doesn't work).
Please provide me a better solution ASAP.
Or Should I change the domain manager (like
I have seen and resolved this issue in past. This issue majorly comes when you host application on Web Farm or web Cluster.
When a page is rendered, its view state is encrypted on server and sent to client. When page is posted back, this view state data is decrypted on server to get the state of the page. For Encryption and decryption of viewState server uses some keys, which if not provided in Maching.config files, are generated on the fly by server.
If you are on a single server hosting environment, these keys might get recycled. But on a Web Farm or Web Cluster, if these keys are generated at random then they are different for every server, and a request from one server can be posted back to another server that has different set of key and where it fails.
Solution to this is Adding MachineKey entries to all the server's Machine.Config files, or to your application's web.config files so that each server uses same keys for encryption and decryption of view state.

Validation of viewstate MAC failed.

Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.
Is it possible that this error occures if the session expires ?
The MAC is validated on a per request basis unless you turn it off. I don't immediately see why a session ending could cause this error, but I'm not going to say it's absolutely impossible - you can check this for yourself by following the stack track and using Reflector.
This would be more likely to happen if multiple physical machines serve different requests in the same session, as opposed to a session expiring.
I got this error before and I was able to fix it by creating a static read only machine key. That way the key would never change after the first time it was set, so it would always validate. In my particular circumstance MAC validation was unimportant to me, but depending on your security concerns, you may want to further research the implications of this approach.

aspx page gives viewstate error

I have a simple aspx page with one grid view. When deployed on server, and accessed through that machine, it works fine. However, when connected through load balancer, we get this error ( when click on any button). The page however refreshes when pressed F5.
Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.
Any idea what is happening here???
You should set the machineKey on your web.config to be the same for all load balanced servers.
The machine key is used to encrypt, validate, hash, etc. all ASP.NET internal stuff. When the ViewState is created on one machine it is created with the machine key for that machine the other machine cannot validate it because its key is different. Despite the fact that it is called machine key it can be set per application.
There are multiple generators for machine keys (it is not hard to write one). Here is the first Google hit:
Added enableViewStateMAC = false on the page directive

Validation of viewstate MAC failed when on page for 20+ minutes

If you open a web page on one of the websites hosted on our server, leave it for 20 minutes and then submit a form, a Validation of viewstate MAC failed. error occurs.
What possible reasons could there be for this?
There's a few reasons this can happen:
Auto-Generated Machine Keys:
If your application pools have the default idle timeout of 20 minutes AND you're using auto-generated validation and decryption keys then each time the pool starts it will generate a new set of keys. This invalidates the browser's encrypted viewstate. You'll also find that forms authentication tickets for persistent tickets will also become invalid.
To overcome this set these keys to fixed values in:
You need to add the <machineKey> configuration element to the <system.web> section. There's a pretty good article here that explains how to do this:
How To: Configure MachineKey in ASP.NET 2.0
Scroll down to the section on "Web Farm Deployment Considerations" and Generate Cryptographically Random Keys.
If you're running a load balanced web farm you also need to set each server's machine key to exactly the same value.
Incorrect form action value (3.5SP1):
There's also a case (post 3.5SP1) where if you set the action attribute of your ASP.NET form to something other than the page being posted back to and you're not using crosspage postbacks then you will get this error. But you'd see this right away:
Validation of viewstate MAC failed after installing .NET 3.5 SP1
Timing/Long Running Pages:
There's also an edge case for pages that take a long time to render where if the page is partially rendered and a postback occurs:
Validation of viewstate MAC failed error
Root Cause This exception appears because Controls using DataKeyNames
require Viewstate to be encrypted.
When Viewstate is encrypted (Default
mode, Auto, is to encrypt if controls
require that, otherwise not), Page
field just before closing of the
tag. But this hidden field
might not have been rendered to the
browser with long-running pages, and
if you make a postback before it does,
the browser initiates postback without
this field (in form post collection).
End result is that if this field is
omitted on postback, the page doesn't
know that Viewstate is encrypted and
causes the aforementioned Exception.
I.E. page expects to be fully-loaded
before you make a postback.
It's taken us a while to find the answer to this as I had been informed that another IIS7 server I was comparing it to had been setup in the same way, by the same person.
It turns out the server with the websites which were receiving this error had been setup using Plesk, whereas the other server had not been.
It seems Plesk sets the Idle-Timeout to 5 minutes on the application pools, which is what was causing this error.
To change this do the following:
Open IIS
Click on application pools node
Locate your web application's application pool
Right-Click and select Advanace Settings
Set the Idle Time-out(minutes) property to 0 or increase it to 30+ minutes
For me, this solved the problem:
I've set LoadUserProfile = True in the application pool to make HKCU registry hive be available to the application.
Note: This is compatible with IIS 7.0+
I ran into this problem, and the scenario was a single web server hosting a very basic ASP.Net application. After struggling a lot I found this post, and that helped me to understand that the problem was the worker process getting recycled.
I find this quite harsh, as it's a scenario that an application might face and such a core error prevents you to handle it properly. As far I could see, this is originated because the default configuration for handling this keys will use the machine.config that states that keys are automatically generated and isolated per application. I think in this cases ASP.Net a temporary key and store it at the worker process level, and when that worker process is gone the issue arises and can't be handled.
The alternative of configuring the machine key solves the problem, clearly is better to set it on the web.config file rather the whole machine.config to keep it at the lowest granularity level.
Another option is to disable the view state MAC check, also through web.config. It will depend on the security level of your application and the risk of having the view state tampered with.
And the best option is to avoid using view state with a MVC application.
Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster
As I found out, there was a <base ....
tag in header part of my master page, that I added in last tie and before publishing. This tag specify a default URL and a default target for all links on a page. This was the main cause of the fault, this time.
