Palm Pre not picking up embedded YouTube videos - drupal

I've embedded a YouTube video onto a site (built in drupal) using the embed code from the video's YouTube page.
If I visit that page on an iPhone, it picks up the fact that there is a YouTube video and displays the icon that you click to pop open the video and watch it.
If I visit the same page on a Palm Pre it just displays a blank space where the video should be. If I visit the video on the YouTube page itself, however, the Palm Pre picks up the fact that there is a video and allows you to open it.
I'm just wondering if anyone else has run into the same problem and has some insights they can offer. I'd love to have a more graceful solution than just adding a link to the YouTube page below the embedded player

You could compare the embed code actually used on the YouTube page (as opposed to the one they offer for quick copy & paste) with the one you are using, as there are quite some different ways to embed a video.
I would expect them to use the SWFObject for embedding, which is a tiny bit more effort to use on your page, but usually works a lot more reliable than the 'old fashioned' embed tag offered for quick copy&paste.
You might also try requesting the YouTube page faking the user agent of the Palm Pre, as they might deliver something different for those, but that is pretty unlikely.


How to hide controls and info of a embeded youtube video?

I want to remove all information from the embedded videos like:
The title of the videos
Watch on YouTube
Suggested videos
Name of the channel
Can I do that?
YouTube alone allows you to do some of these things for example if you go to the video you are wanting to share and you click share and then the embed option you get a few settings.
The main one you will want it the one which says "show player controls" when this is unticked viewers wont be able to skip the video at all but they can still pause / play.
If you want to hide the title card simply add this is to the end of the URL for the video "&showinfo=0" and this should remove that information for you.
As for everything else I am not too sure on so hopefully someone else can help with the remaining parts

Youtube full iframe player with no cookies - Can it be done?

I am trying to create a page with a standard youtube iframe player. It will play a video and when the first video finishes, it will use loadVideoById to load and play a second, and then after it finishes a third video.
The problem I have is that since I have partially watched the second (and third) video while signed into my youtube account, when the second (and third) video plays, it picks up from where I left off watching it on youtube, instead of starting from the beginning, and I don't want this to happen to anyone else who visits the site.
If I open the page in an incognito window it works as expected, so I know my code is good. If I just use an iframe and embed the video using as the domain (instead of just the videos start from the beginning. I could get away with using this method except I can seem to detect when the first video ends so I can change the iframe's source to start the next video.
I'm looking for any advice on either being able to detect when a youtube video ends in an iframe, or a way of using the full player with no cookies, or something (anything) else that will accomplish this task.

Alternative of Video Embedder video plugin in Wordpress

I want to use videos from in WordPress want to to show multiple links for videos in single page and when I click on a link it should the video in popup form.
I tried this " Video Embedder " but this is not opening videos in popup from.
Please Help.
Just take the embed code from the share option and paste that into your post's html. Then go back to the visual mode and adjust the dimensions if necessary to fit your screen (600 px or whatever).
Better yet, when you look at the Screencast site, instead of grabbing the “Embed On Your Page” code, simply look above at the “Share URL.” This is the content you’ll need to add to the Screencast Short Code. Make sure you grab “http:……../” and everything. So your shortcode should look like this;
[screencast url="" width="xxx" height="yyy"]
The next plugin you'll need doesn't get rave reviews, but I do know some people who've used this successfully. I know it's old, but apparently still works. Popup Video Generator. And here's an example of how to use it properly.

How to Over ride youtube external style?

I'm working on a website and i use a wordpress plug-in that embeds youtube videos.
Now it has this great option to show only an image of the video and load the video only if you press the video so the page won't take a lot of time to load.
The problem is that in that mode it takes that video photo from youtube and it also takes a big, red, play button image that is ugly as hell :)
Now that button's css is coming from some external link ( and i don't know how to over ride it.
Any suggestions?
That is the site i'm working on btw -
I believe you're talking about an embed that uses controls=2, correct? (See
If so, then no, there's no way to override the default play button in the cued state.

Soundcloud HTML5 Volume Control

I have a track on my website which utilizes the soundcloud HTML5 player. I was wondering if there is any way I can make it a little quieter that way it doesn't shock the viewer upon opening my page. If anyone could lead me in the right direction as to how to alter the players volume on soundcloud it would be much appreciated :D
I know it has something to do with javascript: setVolume(volume) but I'm not familiar with JavaScript so if someone could help me out that'd be great. I want the volume to be at 50%.
If need be, i could also use the flash player.
I'm fine with using either HTML5 or flash player, I just want the volume to be set at 50% when someone plays it.
You can do this by using the Widget API
Basically, the widget is embedded into your page with an iframe. Give the iframe an id, include the API library (linked above) and then it's really simple.
