Error #3119: Database file is currently locked - apache-flex

I have developed to applications in flex. The one application constantly retrieves data from the internet, while the other can be opened and closed when you want, both apps use the same database. The problem is that at random I get an Error #3119: Database file is currently locked. Is it not possible to have two stable connections in a Adobe AIR environment? Anyone has any solutions?

I think not. Not at once.

I know this is a really old question, but I ran into this issue myself and found a solution for it for those who may come across this. I hope this helps someone, because I know for me, all I could find on this topic was false information, like that given by Konrad. You can, in fact have multiple open database connections. Actually, in my application, I have an asynchronous connection used for writing data to the database (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE), and a synchronous, read-only connection for reading from the database. On the asynchronous connection, for every execute, I always get an immediate lock by putting all statements in a transaction using
This will allow you to read from the database while writing to it with another connection. Where I ran into a problem is when trying to read from the database from one connection after committing this async statement and before it actually finished writing the data. So, even though the documentation for SQLTransactionLockType.IMMEDIATE states you can still do reads while it is locked, you actually cannot while another statement is actively in the process of writing data.
I got around this by writing my own execute for the synchronous connection. It simply tries to execute, and if it fails due to Error #3119, try again until you succeed. Between each function call, the data will continue to be written to the database and eventually will no longer be busy. Here is the code for that function:
public static function execute(stmt:SQLStatement):void {
try {
} catch (e:SQLError) {
if(e.errorID == 3119) {
} else {
trace(e.details + "\n" + e.getStackTrace());
if(stmt.sqlConnection != null && stmt.sqlConnection.inTransaction) {

Another gotcha to watch out for with this error (if you're an idiot like me anyway) is to check if you've got the SQLite db file open in a db browser, which can lock the database, and cause this error (and hours of googling and irritation).


Having trouble connecting to iSeries from .NET Core

This is a follow-up from the following question: Having trouble connecting to iSeries from .NET Core
The initial problem was resolved by setting a port number. I'm now running into the problem of the connection seemingly opening, however, hanging on the actual .Open() step - IE, never continuing on to the next line of code. For reference, here's my code block:
public static DB2Connection GetDatabaseConnection(string connectionString)
DB2Connection DB2Connection = new DB2Connection(connectionString);
DB2Connection.SystemNaming = true;
return DB2Connection;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
And my connection string is in this format: Server=###.###.###.###:#####;Database=DATABASE;UID=USER;PWD=PASSWORD;LibraryList=LIBRARY,LIST
Looking at the logs on the i Navigator, I see that there is a job name Qzhqssrv when is opened, with the user Quser, status Running, and type Prestart batch - Server. Looking into the logs for that entry, I see Job #####/QUSER/QZHQSSRV started on DATE at TIME in subsystem QUSRWRK in QSYS. Job entered system on DATE at TIME. However, it doesn't seem to continue beyond that.
Looking at the logs for a similar operation, when I'm connecting via Access Client Solutions, I get considerably more information and more steps in the logs. This leads me to believe that the system is waiting for me to send further information, however, my application is still stuck on .Open() - so perhaps there is something else I was supposed to send as part of the .Open() instruction. If so, I'm not sure what it would be.
Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Just to close this topic out - the problem was indeed the lack of a license. Connecting on port 446 was the correct approach, and once we got a license, we were able to get the connection working. Thanks #nfgl!

SQLite.NET PCL Busy Exception

We are using the SQLite.NET PCL in a Xamarin application.
When putting the database under pressure by doing inserts into multiple tables we are seeing BUSY exceptions being thrown.
Can anyone explain what the difference is between BUSY and LOCKED? And what causes the database to be BUSY?
Our code uses a single connection to the database created using the following code:
var connectionString = new SQLiteConnectionString(GetDefaultConnectionString(),
var connectionWithLock = new SQLiteConnectionWithLock(new SQLitePlatformAndroid(), connectionString);
return new SQLiteAsyncConnection (() => { return connectionWithLock; });
So our problem turned out to be that although we had ensured within the class we'd written that it only created a single connection to the database we hadn't ensured that this class was a singleton, therefore we were still creating multiple connections to the database. Once we ensured it was a singleton then the busy errors stopped
What I've take from this is:
Locked means you have multiple threads trying to access the database, the code is inherently not thread safe.
Busy means you have a thread waiting on another thread to complete, your code is thread safe but you are seeing contention in using the database.
...current operation cannot proceed because the required resources are locked...
I am assuming that you are using async-style inserts and are on different threads and thus an insert is timing out waiting for the lock of a different insert to complete. You can use synchronous inserts to avoid this condition. I personally avoid this, when needed, by creating a FIFO queue and consuming that queue synchronously on a dedicated thread. You could also handle the condition by retrying your transaction X number of times before letting the Exception ripple up.
SQLiteBusyException is a special exception that is thrown whenever SQLite returns SQLITE_BUSY or SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED error code. These codes mean that the current operation cannot proceed because the required resources are locked.
When a timeout is set via SQLiteConnection.setBusyTimeout(long), SQLite will attempt to get the lock during the specified timeout before returning this error.
I have applied the following solution which works in my case(mobile app).
Use sqlitepclraw.bundle_green nugget package with SqlitePCL.
Try to use the single connection throughout the app.
After creating the SQLiteConnection.
Apply busytime out using following call.
var connection = new SQLiteConnection(databasePath: path);
SQLite3.BusyTimeout(connection.Handle, 5000); // 5000 millisecond.

sqlite disk i/o error when performing SELECT statement [duplicate]

We have a new beta version of our software with some changes, but not around our database layer.
We've just started getting Error 3128 reported in our server logs. It seems that once it happens, it happens for as long as the app is open. The part of the code where it is most apparent is where we log data every second via SQLite. We've generated 47k errors on our server this month alone.
3128 Disk I/O error occurred. Indicates that an operation could not be completed because of a disk I/O error. This can happen if the runtime is attempting to delete a temporary file and another program (such as a virus protection application) is holding a lock on the file. This can also happen if the runtime is attempting to write data to a file and the data can't be written.
I don't know what could be causing this error. Maybe an anti-virus program? Maybe our app is getting confused and writing data on top of each other? We're using async connections.
It's causing lots of issues and we're at a loss. It has happened in our older version, but maybe 100 times in a month rather than 47,000 times. Either way I'd like to make it happen "0" times.
Possible solution: Exception Message: Some kind of disk I/O error occurred
Summary: There is probably not a problem with the database but a problem creating (or deleting) the temporary file once the database is opened. AIR may have permissions to the database, but not to create or delete files in the directory.
One answer that has worked for me is to use the PRAGMA statement to set the journal_mode value to something other than DELETE. You do this by issuing a PRAGMA statement in the same way you would issue a query statement.
PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF
Unfortunately, if the application crashes in the middle of a transaction when the OFF journaling mode is set, then the database file will very likely go corrupt.1.
The solution was to make sure database delete, update, insert only happened one at at time by wrapping a little wrapper. On top of that, we had to watch for error 3128 and retry. I think this is because we have a trigger running that could lock the database after we inserted data.

Just started getting AIR SQLite Error 3182 Disk I/O error occurred

We have a new beta version of our software with some changes, but not around our database layer.
We've just started getting Error 3128 reported in our server logs. It seems that once it happens, it happens for as long as the app is open. The part of the code where it is most apparent is where we log data every second via SQLite. We've generated 47k errors on our server this month alone.
3128 Disk I/O error occurred. Indicates that an operation could not be completed because of a disk I/O error. This can happen if the runtime is attempting to delete a temporary file and another program (such as a virus protection application) is holding a lock on the file. This can also happen if the runtime is attempting to write data to a file and the data can't be written.
I don't know what could be causing this error. Maybe an anti-virus program? Maybe our app is getting confused and writing data on top of each other? We're using async connections.
It's causing lots of issues and we're at a loss. It has happened in our older version, but maybe 100 times in a month rather than 47,000 times. Either way I'd like to make it happen "0" times.
Possible solution: Exception Message: Some kind of disk I/O error occurred
Summary: There is probably not a problem with the database but a problem creating (or deleting) the temporary file once the database is opened. AIR may have permissions to the database, but not to create or delete files in the directory.
One answer that has worked for me is to use the PRAGMA statement to set the journal_mode value to something other than DELETE. You do this by issuing a PRAGMA statement in the same way you would issue a query statement.
PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF
Unfortunately, if the application crashes in the middle of a transaction when the OFF journaling mode is set, then the database file will very likely go corrupt.1.
The solution was to make sure database delete, update, insert only happened one at at time by wrapping a little wrapper. On top of that, we had to watch for error 3128 and retry. I think this is because we have a trigger running that could lock the database after we inserted data.

The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool

I'm getting this error every few days. I won't see the error for a few days then I'll get a flurry of 20 or so all with in a minute or so.
I've been very thorough going throw my code so that I'm using this basic setup for my DB access.
Catch (Exception err)
if (myConnection.State != ConnectionState.Closed) myConnection.Close();
throw err;
The way I understand it this should execute my queries and immediately release the connection back to the pool but if something goes wrong with the query then I catch the excpetion close my connection then throw the error up, which eventually gets trapped at the application level and logs and emails me the error.
Even using this throughout my code I'm still running across the issue. What can I do to diagnose the root cause of the issue?
The issue is the number of pooled connections you can have in the pool.
In your connection string, you can add the
"Max Pool Size=100"
attribute to increase the size of your pool. However it sounds like you are concurrently running a significant number of SQL queries, all of which are long running. Perhaps you should look at ways to either shorten the queries or run them sequentially through a single connection.
changing the code to something like this makes it easier to read..
Catch (Exception err)
throw err;
But it doesn't help your timeout..
It sound like the fill statement takes to long. Or that the problem actually is somewhere else, where you don't the connection.
SQL Profiling could help figuring out if the select statement takes to long..
A quick question here. Are you by chance on an access DB because there is a limit on the number of connections that you can concurrently have on it which would result in your type of error. SQL serve shouldn't have the same problem.
if you are runing SQL server then turn off connection pooling and see if it makes a difference to your app.
I found out with our system about 5 years ago when our company was rapidly growing that we basically broke access when we started constantly hitting the user cap. We switched to SQL in about 24 hours and haven't had a problem since.
If you're using MSSQL set up a profile running for sometime a day or two..
Make the profile to be saved to a file or a table, file is supposed to be faster...
And then having a script reading that file to a table you could easily query it to find the longest running queries.
