I have created a tree with a custom treeitemrenderer where I have added a textinput box next to each label. My data provider is an ArrayCollection.
When I enter value in the input box, I can see the value fine as I expand or collapse the tree using the disclousure arrow. There is a strange issue when I try to expand and collapse tree from the mxml page with a button click to expand and collapse tree using the following code.
The problem is as I expand or collapse tree, the values I entered in the input boxes appear to be moving.
For example, I have entered 15 in input box 1. When I expand and collapse tree, 15 moves to another input box, and moves to another, and then it moves back to where it was entered as I keep expanding and collapsing the tree. I am still learning Flex. I am not sure what is happening, it is something to do with arraycollection.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
private function expandTree():void{
for (var i:int = 0; i < thisTree.dataProvider.length; i ++){
thisTree.expandChildrenOf(thisTree.dataProvider[i], true)
private function collapseTree():void{
for (var i:int = 0; i < thisTree.dataProvider.length; i ++){
thisTree.expandChildrenOf(thisTree.dataProvider[i], false)
Flex item renderers are recycled, which is what is causing your data to walk like this. In your item renderer, I generally find it is useful to cast your data to a bindable value object and override the setter for data.
private var myBindableValueObject:MyBindableValueObject;
override public function set data(v:Object):void
if(v == data)
myBindableValueObject = v as MyBindableValueObject;
super.data = value;
You will need to bind the properties of the text input and labels to values in the value object. This will make sure the proper values are displayed at the appropriate location. Using this approach should eliminate the oddities that you are experiencing.
I tried as you suggested but I don't see any changes. Not sure I was able to follow your suggestion. Here is the code. Thanks.
import mx.collections.*;
import mx.controls.Label;
import mx.controls.TextInput;
import mx.controls.listClasses.*;
import mx.controls.treeClasses.*;
public class TestSetupTreeItemRenderer extends TreeItemRenderer {
public var _numQuestion:TextInput;
private var _numOfQuestionText:Label;
private var _listData:TreeListData;
public var tItem:TestSetupTreeItem;
public function TestSetupTreeItemRenderer():void {
mouseEnabled = false;
override protected function createChildren():void {
_numQuestion = new TextInput();
_numQuestion.text = "0"; //default
_numQuestion.width = 45;
_numQuestion.height = 20;
_numQuestion.restrict = "0123456789";
_numOfQuestionText = new Label();
_numOfQuestionText.width = 60;
_numOfQuestionText.height = 22;
override public function set data(value:Object):void {
if(value == data)
tItem= value as TestSetupTreeItem;
super.data = value;
override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void {
tItem = super.data as TestSetupTreeItem;
this.label.width = 150;
this.label.multiline = true;
this.label.wordWrap = true;
var tld:TreeListData = TreeListData(super.listData);
this._numOfQuestionText.text = "of " + tItem.totalQuestionCount;
this._numOfQuestionText.x = 300;
this._numOfQuestionText.y = super.label.y;
this._numQuestion.x = 200;
this._numQuestion.y = super.label.y;
this._numQuestion.editable = true;
tItem.desiredQuestionCount = this._numQuestion.text;
when i use the following tree renderer class the the informtions in the tree gets chopped. Is there any solution to fix this bug. please help me.
The PLTree class is as follows:
import flash.events.Event;
import mx.events.ScrollEvent;
import mx.controls.Tree;
import mx.core.ScrollPolicy;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
import mx.events.TreeEvent;
public class PLTree extends Tree
private var _lastWidth:Number = 0;
private var _lastHeight:Number = 0;
public function PLTree() {
horizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.AUTO;
override public function get maxHorizontalScrollPosition():Number
return mx_internal::_maxHorizontalScrollPosition;
override public function set maxHorizontalScrollPosition(value:Number):void
mx_internal::_maxHorizontalScrollPosition = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event("maxHorizontalScrollPositionChanged"));
scrollAreaChanged = true;
override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void
var diffWidth:Number = measureWidthOfItems(0,0) - (unscaledWidth - viewMetrics.left - viewMetrics.right);
if (diffWidth <= 0) {
maxHorizontalScrollPosition = 0;
horizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.OFF;
} else {
maxHorizontalScrollPosition = diffWidth;
horizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.ON;
super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
override protected function scrollHandler(event:Event):void
if (mx_internal::isOpening)
// TextField.scroll bubbles so you might see it here
if (event is ScrollEvent){
i am attaching the image file of how it looks when executed.
When surfing using google i found a suggesion to fix this bug is it the right way ?
Issue: Text getting chopped of at end.
Fix: change
maxHorizontalScrollPosition = diffWidth;
maxHorizontalScrollPosition = diffWidth + 10;
or what ever correction factor you need.
Kindly help me .Thanks a lot in advance.
Looking at your picture, I'd suspect the issue has nothing to do with the specific tree, and is only slightly related to the renderer. Instead, I think that when the container holding the Tree is created, it doesn't have a size, and when the Tree sizes its renderers, it gives them the wrong size. Since List-based controls don't set the actual width on renderers, choosing to set explicitWidth instead, the renderers aren't triggered into changing their size.
Check out http://www.developria.com/2009/12/handling-delayed-instantiation-1.html for more explicit details and fixes.
similar to the scroll handler in the above mentioned program. Use a mouse wheel scroll handler to handle that event as follows:
override protected function mouseWheelHandler(eventMouse:MouseEvent):void
{ if (mx_internal::isOpening)
if (eventMouse is MouseEvent){
i want a dropdownlist that is wide enough to accommodate the larger item in the dropdown in display area of the main control.(.i.e. dropdownlist with the functionality of MX Combobox)
please guide me on this .
This will adjust the width of the drop down to the width of the data.
I forget where the example is where i got the code from. The height can be set by rowCount I believe.
package valueObjects.comboBox{
import flash.events.Event;
import mx.controls.ComboBox;
import mx.core.ClassFactory;
import mx.core.IFactory;
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
public class ExtendedComboBox extends ComboBox{
private var _ddFactory:IFactory = new ClassFactory(ExtendedList);
public function ExtendedComboBox(){
override public function get dropdownFactory():IFactory{
return _ddFactory;
override public function set dropdownFactory(factory:IFactory):void{
_ddFactory = factory;
public function adjustDropDownWidth(event:Event=null):void{
if (this.dropdown == null){
var ddWidth:int = this.dropdown.measureWidthOfItems(-1,this.dataProvider.length);
if (this.dropdown.maxVerticalScrollPosition > 0){
ddWidth += ExtendedList(dropdown).getScrollbarWidth();
this.dropdownWidth = Math.max(ddWidth,this.width);
override protected function collectionChangeHandler(event:Event):void{
package valueObjects.comboBox{
import mx.controls.List;
public class ExtendedList extends List{
public function ExtendedList(){
public function getScrollbarWidth():int{
var scrollbarWidth:int = 0;
if (this.verticalScrollBar != null){
scrollbarWidth = this.verticalScrollBar.width;
return scrollbarWidth;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" mlns:comboBox="valueObjects.comboBox.*" >
<comboBox:ExtendedComboBox labelField="data.totext()" itemRenderer="mx.controls.Label" />
You should create custom DropDownList (extending original) and override dataProvider setter and measure() method. In dataProvider setter you should invoke invalidateSize() and in measure you should iterate your data provider and find the largest label (you can assign new text to the label and compare their width).
To increase the height of a combo box's drop-down list, use "rowCount" property. This is for Flex 3.6.0
Check out this example from Flex Examples. You just have to create a skin for the DropDownList and set the popUpWidthMatchesAnchorWidth="false" property.
it is achieved by following code :
public override function set dataProvider(value:IList):void
var length:Number = 0;
var array:Array = value.toArray();
super.dataProvider = value;
var labelName:String = this.labelField;
var typicalObject:Object =new Object();
for each(var obj:Object in array)
var temp:Number = obj[labelName] .length;
if( length < temp )
length = temp;
Alert.show(" length "+length.toString());
typicalObject = obj;
//length = length < Number(obj[labelName].length) ? Number(obj[labelName].length) : length
this.typicalItem = typicalObject;
Sorry, better take off both the width and height from the field.
I basically want to make things easier by just looping LinkButtons instead of making textfields because the linkbuttons have the rollovers already programmed.
But I have a lot of text and it just keeps going. I want it to wrap like I can do with textfields.
package {
import mx.controls.LinkButton;
import flash.text.TextLineMetrics;
public class multiLineLinkButton extends LinkButton {
override protected function createChildren():void {
if (textField){
textField.wordWrap = true;
textField.multiline = true;
override public function measureText(s:String):TextLineMetrics {
textField.text = s;
var lineMetrics:TextLineMetrics = textField.getLineMetrics(0);
lineMetrics.width = 700;
lineMetrics.height = textField.textHeight;
return lineMetrics;
This is the component, but like I said everything is automatically centered.
I've tried paddingLEFT =0; and trying to setStyle("paddingLEFT", 0); but those methods don't work.
var test:multiLineLinkButton = new multiLineLinkButton();
test.label = "sdfdsfdsfdsfsdfsdfsdfdsfsdfdsfdsdsfdsfdsfdffsdfdsfdfdsfdsfdsfdsfdsfdsfsdfdsfdfdsfdfdsfdsfsdfsdfsdf";
var metrics:TextLineMetrics = measureText(test.label);
so metrics.height is giving me a height of 14, which i believe is a single line even though it wraps.
This guy did it:
FYI, this was the first hit on Google for the search term "flex linkButton word wrap"
I am working on a problem since a week soon, but I still couldn't make it work as expected. I have a DataGrid which has HBox with a CheckBox an a Label as itemRenderer (see Code below). When I tap in to the Cell the standard itemEditor pops up and lets you enter the content of the label. Thats the standard behavior. I works fine except for 2 problems:
If I enter to much text, the horizontal srollbar pops up, and the cell is filled with that scrollbar. As you see I tried to set the horizontalScrollPolicy to off, but that doesnt work at all... I tried to do that for all the different elements, but the failure is still existent.
When I have filled more than one row, there is an other mistake happening. If I tap on a row, the datagrid selects the one below that row. That's only if one line is already selected. If I tap outside the datagrid and then, tap at any row the itemEditor of the right row will show up... Is there anything now wright in the setup of my set data method?
package components
import mx.containers.HBox;
import mx.controls.CheckBox;
import mx.controls.Label;
public class ChoiceRenderer extends HBox
private var correctAnswer:CheckBox;
private var choiceLabel:Label;
public function ChoiceRenderer()
private function paint():void{
percentHeight = 100;
percentWidth = 100;
setStyle("horizontalScrollPolicy", "off");
super.setStyle("horizontalScrollPolicy", "off");
correctAnswer = new CheckBox;
correctAnswer.setStyle("horizontalScrollPolicy", "off");
choiceLabel = new Label;
choiceLabel.setStyle("horizontalScrollPolicy", "off");
override public function set data(xmldata:Object):void{
if(xmldata.name() == "BackSide"){
var xmlText:Object = xmldata.TextElements.TextElement.(#position == position)[0];
super.data = xmlText;
choiceLabel.text = xmlText.toString();
correctAnswer.selected = xmlText.#correct_answer;
Thanks in advance!
I am not sure if this is the reason behind your issues, but the standard way of creating children is to override the createChildren method.
Also, you are missing an else statement - you are not calling super.data when if condition fails. That doesn't look good either.
package components
public class ChoiceRenderer extends HBox {
private var correctAnswer:CheckBox;
private var choiceLabel:Label;
public function ChoiceRenderer() {
percentHeight = 100;
percentWidth = 100;
setStyle("horizontalScrollPolicy", "off");
override protected function createChildren():void {
correctAnswer = new CheckBox();
choiceLabel = new Label();
choiceLabel.setStyle("horizontalScrollPolicy", "off");
override public function set data(xmldata:Object):void {
if(xmldata.name() == "BackSide") {
var xmlText:Object = xmldata.TextElements.TextElement.(#position == position)[0];
super.data = xmlText;
choiceLabel.text = xmlText.toString();
correctAnswer.selected = xmlText.#correct_answer;
else {
//what if xmldata.name() is not "BackSide"?
//you are not calling super.data in that case
in order to avoid scroll bar you have to let datagrid have variable height
<mx:DataGrid id="dg"
package {
import mx.controls.LinkButton;
import flash.text.TextLineMetrics;
public class multiLineLinkButton extends LinkButton {
override protected function createChildren():void {
if (textField){
textField.wordWrap = true;
textField.multiline = true;
override public function measureText(s:String):TextLineMetrics {
textField.text = s;
var lineMetrics:TextLineMetrics = textField.getLineMetrics(0);
lineMetrics.width = textField.textWidth;
lineMetrics.height = textField.textHeight;
return lineMetrics;
my issue here is if you use this component you will see that the text is bunched up into a very small area. It does not fill the entire width of the linkButton. Anyone know why this is happening?
The container is probably not wide enough. Set the container percentWidth to 100 and see if it fixes your problem. You can also set the LinkButton to a fixed width and see if that helps.