Blackberry 9000 getting HTTP error 406 When using WiFi - networking

So, I have a Blackberry 9000 application doing simple networking using HttpConnection. Everything works fine normally, when I go to urls of the form:
But I've discovered that I need to test this in wifi only situations (that is, without a BES or equivalent in sight). After some digging, I discovered that I need to add:
To all of my URLS, of the form:;interface=wifi
However, I'm noticing that this does not actually work, it gives me back a HTTP error 406. Which according to wiki is a:
406 Not Acceptable
The requested resource is only capable of generating content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request.[2]
Am I doing something completely wrong? Does Blackberry wrap wifi only requests in headers that require particularly formatted websites?

As explained on this page, you also need add "deviceside=true" to the URL.
To specify that the underlying TCP
connection should be opened directly
from the handheld, set this parameter
to "true". Specify "deviceside=false"
when receiving or sending data through
the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service.
So your full URL would be:;interface=wifi;deviceside=true


NGINX Reverse Proxy : Many html status code 400 responses, why?

We have recently implemented a nginx based reverse proxy.
While, debugging our access logs, we are seeing quite a bit of status code 400 results.
They look something like this:
[07/Sep/2011:05:49:04 -0700] - "400" 0 "-" "-" "-"
We have enabled debug error logging, and they usually correspond to something like this:
2011/09/07 05:09:28 [info] 5937#0: *30904 client closed prematurely connection while reading client request line
We have tried raising a number of the buffers, as mentioned by a few pages we were able to google up.
To no avail.
Why is this happening?
This is a strandard nginx reverse proxy -> apache backend server.
Worth mentioning, the unique type of content on our site is fairly minimal. We have tested this using many browsers and are not personally receiving any of these 400 results.
Further urls detailing similar entries in their logs:
I found this was caused by using Chrome, which apparently opens extra connections occasionally without sending any data.
Here's some more info:
Now the question is what to do about them - the answer provided there wasn't very satisfying.
Are you handling SSL connections? Can you add $ssl_cipher $ssl_protocol to your access log format?
First, it's fairly possible that your clients send request with really big http headers or urls. Maybe an older version of your application set some (probably big) cookies which are unused now and some clients are still trying send them back.
I'd set the header buffers to a really big value and on the application side log the size of the headers/requests and the complete request if they are bigger than usual. Or completely take out the nginx from the chain and log the header/request with the same conditions. If you can, take out the nginx for only those IPs/subnets where the 400 errors came from. I suppose nginx can log the source IP for these 400 errors.

Why can't I view Omegle's HTTP request/response headers?

I'm trying to write a small program that I can talk to Omegle strangers via command line for school. However I'm having some issues, I'm sure I could solve the problem if I could view the headers sent however if you talk to a stranger on Omegle while Live HTTP Headers (or a similar plug-in or program) is running the headers don't show. Why is this? Are they not sending HTTP headers and using a different protocol instead?
I'm really lost with this, any ideas?
I had success in writing a command line Omegle chat client. However it is hardcoded in C for POSIX and curses.
I'm not sure what exactly your problem is, maybe it's just something with your method of reverse engineering Omegle's protocol. If you want to make a chat client, use a network packet analyzer such as Wireshark (or if you're on a POSIX system I recommend tcpdump), study exactly what data is sent and received during a chat session and have your program emulate what the default web client is doing. Another option is to de-compile/reverse engineer the default web client itself, which would be a more thorough method but more complicated.

Writing a Proxy/Caching server using Lua!

I'm still starting out with Lua, and would like to write a (relatively) simple proxy using it.
This is what I would like to get to:
Listen on port.
Accept connection.
Since this is a proxy, I'm expecting HTTP (Get/Post etc..)/HTTPS/FTP/whatever requests from my browser.
Inspect the request (Just to extract the host and port information?)
Create a new socket and connect to the host specified in the request.
Relay the exact request as it was received, with POST data and all.
Receive the response (header/body/anything else..) and respond to the initial request.
Close Connections? I suppose Keep-Alive shouldn't be respected?
I realize it's not supposed to be trivial, but I'm having a lot of trouble setting this up using LuaSockets or Copas --- how do I receive the entire request? Keep receiving until I scan \r\n\r\n? Then how do I pull the post data? and the body? Or accept a "download" file? I read about the "sink", but admittedly didn't understand most of what that meant, so maybe I should read up more on that?
In case it matters, I'm working on a windows machine, using LuaForWindows and am still rather new to Lua. Loving it so far though, tables are simply amazing :)
I discovered lua-http but it seems to have been merged into Xavante (and I didn't find any version for lua 5.1 and LuaForWindows), not sure if it makes my life easier?
Thanks in advance for any tips, pointers, libraries/source I should be looking at etc :)
Not as easy as you may think. Requests to proxies and request to servers are different. In rfc2616 you can see that, when querying a proxy, a client include the absolute url of the requested document instead of the usual relative one.
So, as a proxy, you have to parse incomming requests, modify them, query the appropriate servers, and return response.
Parsing incomming requests is quite complex as body length depends on various parameters ( method, content encoding, etc ).
You may try to use lua-http-parser.

Testing http connections on device

Hallo, developing a bb app I need to make http connections to get files, images etc.
In simulator all works, but not in device.
I bought a BlackBerry but I want to test my app without a sim then without a bes.
How do I need to set my device? and how do I have to compose my url?
I just have a bb device with wifi available
Thanks all :)
As answered for this duplicate question...
This was a tough one for me!
As Mark said you have to put some parameters in the url to make it work on the device. You shouldn't do it by hand but use the ConnectionFactory instead.
As you may thing this would just make it work but it doesn't!
The real problem is that not the url has been altered because it has ;interface=wifi;deviceside=true in it (in my case). Depending on the webserver accepting your request this could broke the code.
A solution I tried and that works is try to happend a fake parameter like
&foo=true -> &foo=true;deviceside=true
This will result as a standard parameter for the webserver but your device would use it to driver your connection.
On the simulator this work without this extra code because behind it there is a BIS server for you. On the device (as in my case) there isn't because I'm using a development device unregistered and without SIM (just wifi).
Another point is that the HttpConnection class doesn't handle HTTP 302 Redirect and if you get one you have to handle it manually.
Try appending ";interface=wifi" onto the URL when using a device (instead of ";deviceside=true"). This will force a Wi-Fi connection (assuming the device has Wi-Fi).

What things should be kept in mind while desigining an HTTP based protocol?

I have heard that http is a nice way to design my own protocol. although i can design a binary protocol, i would prefer to follow the HTTP standard to design my protocol.
basically the flow of the application is that with the request the client sends some parameter strings to the server, the server sends the response string to the application. this procedure continues several times, before the connection thread terminates.
i am using java servlets for the above.
how should the client send the HTTP parameters so that parsing is easy at the server.
Get /a HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
??? what comes here
??? what comes here
Since that is a GET request, nothing.
I'd suggest using querystring parameters, then you can access them using ServletRequest.getParameterNames(), getParameterValues(), getParameterMap() etc.
So, your request line would take the form:
GET /a?x=1&y=1 HTTP/1.1
since this is the standard way of passing parameter data, other clients, such as web browsers, will be able to use your service easily.
This assumes that the operation does not cause side-effects on the server. If it does then you should be using a POST, PUT or DELETE request depending on the exact nature of the operation.
HTTP Made Really Easy is a useful document since, at least initially, the HTTP Spec can be a bit daunting.
Why not base your protocol on something that already exists for example SOAP?
What you're designing is a data exchange format, not a protocol really.
So the question is, really, what sort of data do you want to send? To answer that, you need to consider who is receiving it. If it's yourself, then just keep it simple.
