app still using old data after SSIS Package updates it -

I have got a SSIS Package running every 2 hours. It collects data from different DBs and updates the DB of my ASP.Net Application. Everything goes smooth, but the application is still using the old data, it has the data somehow cached. If I just open save the web.config, it empties the cache and uses the updated new data. How can I make sure, that the app empties the cache after SSIS Package finished successfully?

If this is your code then you should use SqlCacheDependency. If not then you can add special aspx page and call it from SSIS. This page can refresh cached data.


Populate SQLite only once upon installation of UWP app

I am developing UWP application using vs studio 2017 version 15.9.6.
I want to use Windows local SQLite database. I want to run an SQL script named mySql.txt when the user first time install the application. I dont want to run it every time when the user run the app as it contain insert statement, which will cause duplicate rows insertion. So I want to run that script only once, preferably in the installation time.
How can I do that? I am very new to UWP and .NET. Please guide me step-by-step if possible.
You can make sure the initialization/seeding is done only once for the app. For that you may utilize ApplicationDate.Current.LocalSettings.
These allow you to write simple data for your application which are bound to your app. Once the user uninstalls the app, these data will be removed as well. This fits your scenario exactly.
Suppose your database initialization code is in the method InitializeDb(). You could use the following to make sure the initialization is done only once:
if (!ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values.ContainsKey("DbInitialized"))
ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings.Values["DbInitialized"] = true;
This code first checks if we have initialized the db previously and if not, performs the initialization and stores a flag into app settings to make sure the next time the initialization is skipped.
You can run this code during app initialization, for example in OnLaunched method, or on when the database service is first required.
This is of course the simplest implementation, so you can (and should) add some exception handling, so that if the initialization fails, it can be retried and so on. Also you may want to handle app updates and DB updates - in which case you can use ApplicationData.Current.Version which allows you to track the version of application data and can be used to keep track of DB version as well so you can perform appropriate migrations between versions.
Finally, for even better user convenience, there is also a way to perform the app update steps during updates. See this article for more info. mvc3 - how to stop clearing HttpRuntime.Cache when debugging locally

I'm using mvc3. Our app heavily uses the HttpRuntime.Cache to store data in memory on the web server to reduce database calls.
My issue is that every time I run the app locally (F5 in Visual Studio) the cache appears to be cleared, causing a full reload of all the data from the database. i.e. I run once, get the data from the db then stop. If I run again seconds later the cache appears to have been invalidated and the database call happens again. My timeouts are all way in the future so not sure what's going on here.
I really only want to get the data when the cache is really empty, not every time I hit F5 in VS. Is there a way to turn off the setting that's clearing my cache every time I run locally?
If you want to retain the cache even after compilation, I would recommend to take the cache outside the process by using other caching frameworks such as AppFabric or memcached. These frameworks use distributed caching which stores the cache out of process and thus avoiding invalidating of cache every time you compile.
Every time you stop debugging, it kills the App Domain, in which the cache is stored. There's nothing you can do about this, because in order to recompile the app, and start the new app, you must build a new AppDomain.
There is no way to prevent this. When you Stop the debugger in VS and then reattach the debugger again it will recycle the Worker Process. Anything cached in the worker process will be flushed out as the process will be started fresh.

Updating an existing web app advice for

I have a web application that is used by several different clients. At the moment the process of updating their end with any changes is like so:
Publish/Compile App
Put relevant files into a zip (not web.config as different db paths for each client and don't want to overwrite)
Generate scripts on SQL Server for all Stored Procedures
Add to zip
Upload zip to Web
WPF App I created that runs from client server downloads zip, extracts files to web app folder and executes scripts for sql server stored procedures
Now this does work but it requires an IT guy at the client end to run the WPF App to update and it can be days before some of them get round to it. So what I would like to do is provide the ability to update the web app from WITHIN the web app. I know I can create a DLL to do the FTP, Extract etc, but how can I get this to display progress on the page?
Or if anyone has an alternative to updating the web app without the need for someone to access the server it's on great as this method makes it hard to let clients know when there is an update available.
You can use i.e.
[assembly: PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(Your.Type), "MethodNameToCall")]
which is specified in the AssemblyInfo.cs file of a project to do some setup code whenever the application is deployed. This automatically runs on deployment and would allow you to do your copying/setup. You could probably run the WPF App from this code via
Having re-read this post it seems clear to me that this is about moving from a WPF app to a web based app. Also it appears the poster just wants a method by which to signal back from the code that is updating the file system on the client side so....
Depending on how complex the input required is you may need one or more pages and a navigation system to go forward and back.
However once all input had been taken and the update commenced you have a couple of options - one 'hacky' the other not so.
1 - Hacky) Refresh the page using window.location javascript and setTimeout along with session tracking to update the progress of the threaded coded behind EWWWWW...
2) Create an ajax function using setInterval to poll the server (probably using a callable method decorated with the [WebMethod] attribute. This method can send back arbitrary data back to the ajax call which is then used to update the UI (perhaps using something like jqueryUI progress bar
NOTE: IF you are replacing anything in the bin, touching the web.config or in fact ANY .aspx page. Then you will restart the server automatically... If this is the case then you will have to code a seperate application that will update the other application from the outside + you should signal to any connected users that a shutdown will occur shortly and start blocking new users until the upgrade has completed.

WF4 versioning - how do I cancel / terminate an invalid instance?

I've got a state machine workflow implemented using WorkflowFoundation 4.1. I'm using the SQL Server persistence store and the WorkflowApplication class for loading and running workflows.
I'm making changes to the state machine workflow model, and am finding that existing instances break very easily. I've written code that can replay the workflow back into the correct state, which is basically a migration, which works fine, however I need to be able to clear out the old workflow instance as well.
The main issue is that if the workflow is invalid, I can't even load it, so I can't terminate or cancel it either.
Is there a way to use the workflow API to remove a workflow without loading it (ie, some command on the SqlPersistenceStore), or do I have to clean the database manually?
The SqlWorkflowInstanceStore doesn't allow you to do so directly. You will need to go into the database and delete the record there. If you are using AppFabric there is actually a command to delete a workflow instance without loading it first for just that purpose. There should be a PowerShell command to do that using code.

Is there a good way to create a recurring import for an ASP.NET site?

The site I'm working on is running Windows Server 2003 and SQL Server 8 (2000?), and ASP.NET 3.5.
I need to have some sort of script or application run to import data from an FTP'd text file, into the database. There is already a site running on the machine, that uses the current database. Can I use a scheduled task to reliably kick off some sort of .aspx page that will import the data? Or is there a better approach?
What about making sure that no one else can access the page that runs the import? I don't want random users running the import!
Thanks in advance!
P.S. some processing needs to occur on the data before its inserted. i.e. lookups, conditionals, etc, so the DB tools aren't robust enough (I think). I hate DTS, and I SSIS is not available in this version I think.
If you want to have a C# App handle your import I would suggest a windows application (exe) w/o a form (better than a console app because it does not pop up any UI whenever it runs). Have it run every so often (every minute) by a scheduled task.
Why would you use ASP.NET? Depending on the complexity of the job you could either load it directly to the database (BULK LOAD) or use DTS (SQL Server 2000) or SSIS (SQL Server 2005/2008) if more complex processing is needed.
DTS and stored procedures in a job.
BCP and stored procedures in a job.
You say you need to do alot of lookups and conversions? SQL is good at that - and good at doing it fast. It can seem a little intimidating at first, but it's not hard.
run a BULK INSERT or bcp to import the data instead, see here
I'll echo other people here - you don't want to have a scheduled task hit a web page. SQL Server provides some good data import options, or you could just write a simple windows program and run it as a scheduled task.
Another option would be to write a windows service that watches your FTP directory and does the import.
As others have said, probably a separate console application (triggered by a scheduled task) or a windows service would be the best option for this scenario.
On the other hand, if you already have all the required functionality available in the web app running on the server, then you could probably set up a scheduled task, that starts a script (VBscript, JScript), which in turn calls a page of the web app.
To have some sort of security (e.g. preventing that any user can call that page), you could add some code to the page, that checks if the page was called with http://localhost. This would at least prevent the page from being called from a remote client.
