Lightbox with Flex - apache-flex

I want a fusion chart in my flex app to display with a Lightbox effect like the effect you get when you click on any of the charts here or checkout the demos here
These effect have been attained with the help of javascript. How do i get the same effect via Flex? Any idea?
Thanks a lot

I built a Flex component called PopUpThumbnail that is very similar to HTML/JavaScript lightbox components.
Here's an example application that I created with it to displays Flickr images.

Add a mask over the top of the whole application with the content area in the middle and the semi alpha area around it. Clicking on the surrounding mask removes the layer, and you can interact with the content area as normal (make it look like a popup rather than actually using one...)


Google App Maker - Clickable Image Map

I am attempting to create an apartment complex app for my company.
I want to add an image of the overall floorplan for the apartment complex (I added the image to my app).
Now I'd like to add one of the following:
• custom shaped buttons that line up with each Unit in the complex
• Setup a clickable image map on the layout image
I humbly thank you in advance for helping me figure this out!
You can try to split your big image into several small images and made different images clickable.
Or you can put big image on fixed layout, and put buttons on fixed positions something like this
blue circles with icons are buttons.

NSSplitView with toolbars

I'm trying to make an application that looks like the Messages app from Apple.
The NSSplitView has toolbars on both subviews of the NSSplitView. They blend in with the top toolbar. It's similar to the NSToolBar but that doesn't work in NSSplitView's. Is there any way to make this work?
I tried the CNSplitView but it doesn't provide the proper effect. Is there another way of doing this that I'm missing?
The interface i'm going for is here:
Instead of using NSToolbar, you can add your own views to the top of subviews in the NSSplitView to achieve this after hiding the existing titlebar.
NSWindow's titleVisibility can be used to hide the built-in titlebar, and by setting the window's styleMask to include NSFullSizeContentViewWindowMask you can cause the split view to take up the full height of the window.
To get the blur effect like toolbars/Messages you can use NSVisualEffectView in the top views. Setting the material NSVisualEffectMaterialTitlebar will give the same look as standard titlebars.
And finally, you can put NSStackViews inside the visual effect views, and then place the titlebar controls in there.
(And depending on the content that is below your fake toolbars, you might want to look into NSScrollView's contentInsets property to allow the scroll view to show all of the content, but still be able to scroll under your toolbar).

How Did dropbox create landing page?

Im looking to create a landing page that emulates DropBox (in wordpress). I was wondering how they achieved the effect of clicking the play button that overlays the background box that then turns into a video?
I see from the source that they are using JW player but again no clue on where to start with this. Are there skins you can buy that allow this? Any ideas to lead me in the right direction are appreciated.
Can be done easily with jquery and css. First, absolute position both divs centrally on the page so that when visible one is on top of the other, then set the video div css to "display:none;". Then you can use jquery to show the video and hide the play button on click, something like this:
Simply done mi amigo. Bare in mind they don't have to be centered, they just have to be positioned one above the other...

Dragging a image in flex

Hi I am having trouble in dragging a image within a loader. I am able to do
zooming and rotating image but not moving image with mouse. Purpose is when I
zoom a image info is out of boundaries and so is hidden. To see that info users
should be able to drag the image any way they want. Please help.
I'm not quite sure if I understood what you're trying to do, but take a look on this adobe pan/zoom component and see if that's what you were looking for

To build a flex volume control component similar to that of Youtube

Hey, I've been assigned to design a flex 3 volume control component similar to the one Youtube players have. I mean, you move the mouse over the volume icon and a vertical slider appears.
My only doubt is about how making this vertical slider to appear and to hide properly.
Should I extend a PopUpButton somehow? Maybe another kind of PopUp component? Or do I really need to program the whole thing in actionscript(that would be just sad and sounds like reinventing the wheel)?
Is anyone able to simply point me in the right direction?
OBS: No need to teach me about skinning, designing.. or any of the rest. :)
No! Don't use a popup. Put a canvas somewhere hidden behind your bar of controls and just set it's visible to true when you mouse over the control.
I don't remember if the youtube slider covers the volume button or appears above it, but either way you can put it in there with a canvas.
If you want it to be one single component, the problem you run in to is that the size will be wrong if you hide the slider in the button component (It will be measured to be the size of the slider, instead of the button). But don't worry! Just override measure() and measure the button instead of both. Then if you set clipContent to false, it can display the slider outside of its bounds
What I suggest is to create a flex control that contains a graphic for displaying the volume meter and a hidden slider.
When you roll over the graphic volume meter you show the slider.
When you roll out the slider or the volume meter then you hide the slider.
I believe that's all
