Drag-and-Drop GridPanel rows in Coolite - asp.net

Coolite has excellent support for Grids, and the GridPanel control has an obvious property: EnableDragDrop. But after a lengthy search through the forums and given examples, I have yet to come across a good example that demonstrates a fairly simple task: drag-and-drop rearranging of rows in a normal GridPanel.
Has anyone implemented drag-and-drop of GridPanel rows in Coolite without resorting to working directly with Ext JS?
#Kheu: I have indeed tried setting EnableDragDrop="true" on a Coolite ext:GridPanel. But that is just part of the equation. Just setting EnableDragDrop="true" will give you the ability to drag rows (well, kind of; a simple "n row(s) selected" placeholder appears) but disallow you from dropping them. I’ve managed to enable drag and drop by augmenting the Coolite controls with plain ExtJS, but I am hesitant to post my work, because it seems there should be a simple solution in Coolite. There is even a good multiselect drag-and-drop example (see the "Drag/Drop (Insert Mode)" tab, but with no clear means of recreating the same functionality in GridPanels (that example uses ext:Multiselect nested within a regular ext:Panel).

Maybe you have to take a look at how rearranging columns is implemented in ExtJS (quite complicated)? And reimplement it for rows in a similar way.


Flex DataGrid sequencial inserting

I come from the Delphi school. I was really used and pleased with Delphi grids with the plus features of InfoPower. Not just me, my users loves all features that include grids. Some motives for that are:
With grids they have the ability to insert detail information using only the keyboard. Input, Tab, Input, Tab, Input Tab (automatically insert new row), input, tab, etc.
They were able to simply click in a row and edit it´s data.
They could navigate between records using only arrow keys.
In my flex apps I´ve being working arround this quite often, sometimes using a popup to insert data, sometimes using repeater instead of grid. But now I really really need some intuitive, fast way for my users to insert this data.
I am trying to use DataGrid (or AdvancedDataGrid) with inline editors and I am living a real hell to do that. For the last 3 days I am struggling, tweaking and workarrounding in order to try to mimic the features that I had with Delphi.
Main problems are:
DateField simply don´t work as an inline editor. It gets focus but never looses, only with pressing ESC, wich makes me loose the inputed data.
AdvancedAutoComplete: I have a component descendant from AdvancedAutoComplete with a custom browser. The custom browser is a popup, when I try to PopupManager.remove flex raises an exception of a null pointer inside it´s focus managing engines.
I couldn´t get to insert a new line focused in it´s first column when TABing in the last column of last row.
Having all these problems and not getting substantial material to solve them makes me think the (now obvious) fact that it is just not the way grids are intended to work in flex. My question is: what are the patterns used in flex applications to make sequencial, intuitive, fast, keyboard only insertions in a detail?
To answer your question bluntly, there are no specific established patterns to make editing or inserting data in the DataGrid fast and easy. Not being able to Tab between fields is one of the things I really wish Adobe had added to the DataGrid by default.
In order to get the functionality you want, you'll have to do some custom coding and extend/override the DataGrid's default functionality. Switch On The Code has an example up on tabbing between fields, but you would have to build upon their sample a bit further to include features like adding a new row when pressing tab in the last field of the last row in the DataGrid.
You may also want to consider Flexicious. Based on the Flexicious Ultimate demo, it looks like they have the functionality you're looking for (and then some!).

Need to "introspect" innards of flex <mx:itemRenderer>

I've got a flex app with a DataGrid with several columns (defined in the MXML file), and I need to "introspect" the grid columns. That is, I need to write some ActionScript code which, given the DataGrid object, can determine various things about the grid (and more specifically, the columns of the grid).
In particular, if a column is just plain text output, I don't really care about it... but if it's got "actionable" controls within it (checkboxes, linkbuttons, etc) I do.
First, I'm assuming that columns which contain "actionable" contents will be within <mx:itemRenderer> tags (else it would just be plain text); please let me know if this is incorrect.
Next I need to "dig down" into the structures, pulling the AS object corresponding to the <mx:DataGridColumn> out of the <mx:DataGrid> (I've got this), then pulling the AS object corresponding to the <mx:itemRenderer> out of the mx:DataGridColumn (two diff ways to do this; neither seems very useful), then pulling the AS object that corresponds to the <mx:Component> out of the mx:itemRenderer (if any; it's unclear to me whether the mx:Component actually creates an object), and finally pulling the AS object corresponding to the <mx:LinkButton> (or whatever) out of the mx:Component.
Does anyone know how to do this?
P.S. I understand that there's almost no limit to what could be lurking within the itemRenderer; if I can dig down that far, I'm willing to test for a handful of things that I expect and ignore the rest.
To clarify somewhat, I've been asked to provide Section 508 compliance (accessibility) to an existing application. There are a lot of pieces to this, of course, including screen readers, etc... but one of the first steps is making sure that the application can be used without a mouse.
Many of the existing screens have a UI technique consisting of a DataGrid with item renders which place controls like radio buttons and linkbuttons and whatnot into the cells (same type of control all the way down the column). All well and good, except I can find no way to interact with these controls via the keyboard.
So, I modified one screen to have a hot key which pops up a context menu, allowing the user to arrow up/down among the actionable items, and press ENTER to choose one (toggle the checkbox, press the linkbutton, etc). But this was screen-specific, and it will be too easy for someone to update the screen (e.g. adding another actionable column) and neglect the menu.
A better (?) approach was suggested: subclass the data grid, introspect to find the actionable columns, build the menu automatically, and now all we have to do is swap out the SuperDataGrid for the DataGrid, and our screens will be 508 compliant.
If someone can recommend a better way to make the screens 508-compliant (without redesigning the UI) and with minimal per-screen effort, I'm all ears.
Maybe I'm not being clear enough, since you keep missing the point, so let me try again.
I'm NOT writing application-level code... if I were, I'd know exactly what the logic is doing and I'd be able to use the bound data in the normal way. In fact, the application-level code DOES use the bound data in the normal way. But that's totally beside the point.
What I'm TRYING to do is write "infrastructure-level" code: that is, code which runs "below" the level of the application logic. I'm trying to effectively add a feature to DataGrids which Adobe should have included, but didn't. If I can get this class working, it will be possible to just drop it into dozens of screens WITHOUT ME, AS THE CLASS AUTHOR, KNOWING ANYTHING ABOUT THOSE SCREENS OR THE LOGIC WITHIN THEM. The only way I can imagine this working is to look into the datagrid and discover, at run time, what types of controls lurk within it, and possibly what they're bound to (actually, I can probably just execute whatever the click="foo()" attribute says to do, and I won't need to know what they're bound to).
Does this make sense?
Is it possible?
Item renders interact with the outside world through their data property. They should render the data as desired and make changes to data as required. They should not reach outside and you should not try to reach in to affect an item renderer directly.
As far as the underlying problem you're trying to solve, you haven't stated it at all. You're describing a desire to follow through on a particular solution only but haven't described the underlying problem. What are you really trying to accomplish? Don't talk about getting access to item renders or digging into the DataGrid, but what interaction or affect on the rows do you want? The problem is your approach is somewhat backwards and that's why it's not working out.

How to make an entire jqGrid disabled/readonly

How can I make an entire jqGrid disabled/readonly?
I have a page with a logical "edit section" which I show when the user selects something to edit, and hide when the user is done editing (save or cancel). While the edit section is shown, I disable several other elements on the page. I would like to disable their ability to click in the jqGrid, so they can't change selected rows, re-sort, etc. But I cannot find a way to disable/enable the grid as a whole.
Apologies if this has been answered already - other questions seemed to focus on disabling only certain behaviors within the jqGrid.
Edit: Preferably, I'd like an approach that isn't dependent on yet another 3rd-party addon. Nothing wrong with them, of course! But my client has a degree of reluctance with them, so my life would be a little easier with a purely jQuery/jQueryUI/jqGrid solution. :)
You could use blockUI to block the grid.
Try using $("#lui_" + myGridId).show().
The grid has created this overlay internally an uses it as one part of the loader message.
You can just show it or hide it and it will disable/enable the grid for you.

Editing an ASP.NET table control using the Design View in Visual Studio 2008

I have spent a while searching google for an answer to the following question, with no luck.
Does anyone know if there is any way (at all) to use the Design view to edit the contents of an ASP.NET table control (an <asp:Table runat="server">...)?
From all that I can tell, devs are stuck coding their <asp:TableRow>s and <asp:TableCell>s by hand! This is ludicrous, given that you can use the design view as a WYSIWYG editor for standard HTML tables.
In design view go to the properties of your table and select rows and click the button. You can add rows there. Likewise the row properties has a cells property that lets you add cells one at a time.
Still pretty bad but it would cut down on the hand typing.
There is a Rows property you can play with in the design view.
As you add rows to the Rows collection, you have access to the Cell property as well through the dialog presented to you.

ASP.Net - Possible to edit multi rows in grid, then save all? PLUS...partial postback of single row with new value retrieval from dataset

I need to implement a grid in asp.net that behaves almost exactly like MS Excel.
- can navigate around with arrow keys
- you can edit the cell that currently has focus by simply typing
- supports checkboxes, dropdownlists, etc
One crucial requirement is....I need to be able to somehow, after update of any cell within a row, pass that updated value back to the server, as there is a calculation process that happens using that updated value that can update other cells in the row, and I need to essentially rebind all the cells in the current row with the updated values resulting from the calculation. AND...when I do this, I want to retain focus on the cell that had it after the update of the former cell. Without grid scrolling, etc, etc.
If you're wondering what I'm talking about, just imagine Microsoft Excel, but I need to perform the formula calculations on the server and refresh all cells in the current row with the results....and, not lose focus of my current cell.
I am more than happy to pay $1000 or whatever it is for one of the full blown commercial ASP.Net grid controls, but from the ones I have tried so far, they seem to not be capable of this, at least I don't know how.
Aspose Grid - would have worked great, except it is totally full of bugs
Telerik RadGrid - a colleague familiar with that grid is trying to figure it out with no luck
Farpoint Grid - looks promising but haven't tried it out yet
If anyone has any advice on how to specifically accomplish this, it would be much appreciated.
Have you tried the extjs sample?
It has a commercial licence, but you can try it for free.
I managed to find an example about Excel-like RadGrid by Telerik - if you are interested in it, you can see it here. And good luck with your implementation.
Did you look into using jQuery for this? Look into jQuery templates and ajax.
