I'm currently in a situation where I have very limited access to a server, but need to upload and download a significant amount of files contained within a single directory structure. I don't have SSH access, so I can't use SCP - and rsync isn't an option either unfortunately.
I'm currently using ncftpput, which is great but seems to be quite slow (in spite of a fast connection).
Is there an alternative / better method I could look into?
(Please accept my apologies if this has been covered, I did a quick search prior to posting but didn't find anything that specifically answered my question)
Try using LFTP:
or YAFC:
If you have a good connection, I would recommend mounting the ftp server via the GNOME or KDE file managers, or else using CurlFtpFS. Then you can treat it like just another folder.
I'm not familiar with ncftpput. For non-interactive FTP, I've always used the Perl Net::FTP module -- http://perldoc.perl.org/Net/FTP.html
This will be faster because you can login, then do all the transfers at once (it seems from a cursory glance that you execute ncftpput once for each file get/put).
Just remember to NEVER use ASCII mangling! This is the default, so use:
ASCII mangling needs to die in the same fire with MySQL automatic-timezone-interpreting.
Since I always end up having a problem with this, I'll post my notes here:
One thing I always get to confuse is the syntax; so below there is a bash tester script which creates some temporary directories, then starts a temporary ftp server, and compares rsync (in plain local file mode, as it doesn't support ftp) with lftp and ftpsync.
The thing is - you can use rsync /path/to/local /path/to/remote/, and rsync will automatically figure out, that you want a local subdirectory created under remote; however, for lftp or ftpsync you have to specify the target directory manually, as in ... /path/to/local /path/to/remote/local (if it doesn't exist it will be created).
You can find the ftpserver-cli.py in How do I temporarily run an FTP server? - Ask Ubuntu; and ftpsync is here: FTPsync (however, note it is buggy; see also Search/grep ftp remote filenames - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange);
Here is a shortened output of the puttest.sh script, showing the recursive put behavior in different cases:
$ bash puttest.sh
Recreate directories; populate loctest, keep srvtest empty:
show dirs:
+ tree --noreport -a /tmp/srvtest /tmp/loctest
├── .git
│ └── tempa2.txt
└── tempa1.txt
*NOTE, rsync can automatically figure out parent dir:
+ rsync -a --exclude '*.git*' /tmp/loctest /tmp/srvtest/
show dirs:
+ tree --noreport -a /tmp/srvtest /tmp/loctest
└── loctest
└── tempa1.txt
├── .git
│ └── tempa2.txt
└── tempa1.txt
+ rm -rf /tmp/srvtest/loctest
Start a temporary ftp server:
+ sudo bash -c 'python /path/to/pyftpdlib/ftpserver-cli.py --username=user --password=12345 --directory=/tmp/srvtest &'
+ sleep 1
Using: user: user pass: 12345 port: 21 dir: /tmp/srvtest
[I 14-03-02 23:24:01] >>> starting FTP server on, pid=21549 <<<
[I 14-03-02 23:24:01] poller: <class 'pyftpdlib.ioloop.Epoll'>
[I 14-03-02 23:24:01] masquerade (NAT) address: None
[I 14-03-02 23:24:01] passive ports: None
[I 14-03-02 23:24:01] use sendfile(2): False
test with lftp:
*NOTE, lftp syncs *contents* of local dir (rsync-like syntax doesn't create target dir):
+ lftp -e 'mirror -R -x ".*\.git.*" /tmp/loctest / ; exit' -u user,12345
show dirs:
+ tree --noreport -a /tmp/srvtest /tmp/loctest
└── tempa1.txt
├── .git
│ └── tempa2.txt
└── tempa1.txt
+ rm -rf /tmp/srvtest/tempa1.txt
*NOTE, specify lftp target dir explicitly (will be autocreated):
+ lftp -e 'mirror -R -x ".*\.git.*" /tmp/loctest /loctest ; exit' -u user,12345
show dirs:
+ tree --noreport -a /tmp/srvtest /tmp/loctest
└── loctest
└── tempa1.txt
├── .git
│ └── tempa2.txt
└── tempa1.txt
+ sudo rm -rf /tmp/srvtest/loctest
*NOTE, ftpsync syncs *contents* of local dir (rsync-like syntax doesn't create target dir); also info mode -i is buggy (it puts, although it shouldn't):
*NOTE, ftpsync --ignoremask is for older unused code; use --exclude instead (but it is buggy; need to change in source)
+ /path/to/ftpsync/ftpsync -i -d '--exclude=.*\.git.*' /tmp/loctest ftp://user:12345#
show dirs:
+ tree --noreport -a /tmp/srvtest /tmp/loctest
└── tempa1.txt
├── .git
│ └── tempa2.txt
└── tempa1.txt
+ sudo rm -rf /tmp/srvtest/tempa1.txt
*NOTE, specify ftpsync target dir explicitly (will be autocreated):
+ /path/to/ftpsync/ftpsync -i -d '--exclude=.*\.git.*' /tmp/loctest ftp://user:12345#
show dirs:
+ tree --noreport -a /tmp/srvtest /tmp/loctest
└── loctest
└── tempa1.txt
├── .git
│ └── tempa2.txt
└── tempa1.txt
+ sudo rm -rf /tmp/srvtest/loctest
+ sudo pkill -f ftpserver-cli.py
And, here is the puttest.sh script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -x
# change these to match your installations:
{ echo "Recreate directories; populate loctest, keep srvtest empty:"; } 2>/dev/null
sudo rm -rf /tmp/srvtest /tmp/loctest
mkdir /tmp/srvtest
mkdir -p /tmp/loctest/.git
echo aaa > /tmp/loctest/tempa1.txt
echo aaa > /tmp/loctest/.git/tempa2.txt
{ echo "show dirs:"; } 2>/dev/null
tree --noreport -a /tmp/srvtest /tmp/loctest
{ echo -e "\n*NOTE, rsync can automatically figure out parent dir:"; } 2>/dev/null
rsync -a --exclude '*.git*' /tmp/loctest /tmp/srvtest/
{ echo "show dirs:"; } 2>/dev/null
tree --noreport -a /tmp/srvtest /tmp/loctest
{ echo "cleanup:"; } 2>/dev/null
rm -rf /tmp/srvtest/*
{ echo -e "\nStart a temporary ftp server:"; } 2>/dev/null
# https://askubuntu.com/questions/17084/how-do-i-temporarily-run-an-ftp-server
sudo bash -c "python $FTPSRVCLIPATH/ftpserver-cli.py --username=user --password=12345 --directory=/tmp/srvtest &"
sleep 1
{ echo "test with lftp:"; } 2>/dev/null
# see http://russbrooks.com/2010/11/19/lftp-cheetsheet
# The -R switch means "reverse mirror" which means "put" [upload].
{ echo -e "\n*NOTE, lftp syncs *contents* of local dir (rsync-like syntax doesn't create target dir):"; } 2>/dev/null
lftp -e 'mirror -R -x ".*\.git.*" /tmp/loctest / ; exit' -u user,12345
{ echo "show dirs:"; } 2>/dev/null
tree --noreport -a /tmp/srvtest /tmp/loctest
{ echo "cleanup:"; } 2>/dev/null
rm -rf /tmp/srvtest/*
{ echo -e "\n*NOTE, specify lftp target dir explicitly (will be autocreated):"; } 2>/dev/null
lftp -e 'mirror -R -x ".*\.git.*" /tmp/loctest /loctest ; exit' -u user,12345
{ echo "show dirs:"; } 2>/dev/null
tree --noreport -a /tmp/srvtest /tmp/loctest
{ echo "cleanup:"; } 2>/dev/null
sudo rm -rf /tmp/srvtest/*
{ echo -e "\n*NOTE, ftpsync syncs *contents* of local dir (rsync-like syntax doesn't create target dir); also info mode -i is buggy (it puts, although it shouldn't):"; } 2>/dev/null
{ echo -e "\n*NOTE, ftpsync --ignoremask is for older unused code; use --exclude instead (but it is buggy; need to change ` 'exclude=s' => \$opt::exclude,` in source)"; } 2>/dev/null
$FTPSYNCPATH/ftpsync -i -d --exclude='.*\.git.*' /tmp/loctest ftp://user:12345#
{ echo "show dirs:"; } 2>/dev/null
tree --noreport -a /tmp/srvtest /tmp/loctest
{ echo "cleanup:"; } 2>/dev/null
sudo rm -rf /tmp/srvtest/*
{ echo -e "\n*NOTE, specify ftpsync target dir explicitly (will be autocreated):"; } 2>/dev/null
$FTPSYNCPATH/ftpsync -i -d --exclude='.*\.git.*' /tmp/loctest ftp://user:12345#
{ echo "show dirs:"; } 2>/dev/null
tree --noreport -a /tmp/srvtest /tmp/loctest
{ echo "cleanup:"; } 2>/dev/null
sudo rm -rf /tmp/srvtest/*
sudo pkill -f ftpserver-cli.py
{ set +x; } 2>/dev/null
No mention of ncftp?
In Ubuntu, sudo apt install ncftp
ash-4.4# cat rsync-backup.sh
# Usage: rsync-backup.sh <src> <dst> <label>
if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then
echo "$0: Expected 3 arguments, received $#: $#" >&2
exit 1
if [ -d "$2/__prev/" ]; then
rsync -azP --delete --link-dest="$2/__prev/" "$1" "$2/$3"
rsync -azP "$1" "$2/$3"
rm -f "$2/__prev"
ln -s "$3" "$2/__prev"
How can I change this that it skip specific folders based on a wildcard?
This folder should be skipped always:
But how can this be achieved? What to change in the original rsync-backup.sh file?
This is not working:
rsync -azP "$1" "$2/$3" --exclude={'node_modules', 'cache','.cache','.npm','vendor','.git'}
The --exclude={'dir1','dir2',...} does not work under sh shell. It works only under bash.
Your options are:
use bash, then the --exclude={'node_modules', 'cache','.cache','.npm','vendor','.git'} will work.
use multiple --exclude switches like: --exclude= statements. For example, rsync <params> --exclude='node_modules' --exclude='cache' --exclude='.cache' ...
use --exclude-from, where you have a text file with list of excluded directories. Like:
rsync <params> --exclude-from='/home/user/excluded_dir_list.txt' ...
The file excluded_dir_list.txt would contain one excluded dir for line like:
I am new to Docker and I am trying to simply launch an nginx app.
To do this, I have this DockerFile:
FROM debian:wheezy
MAINTAINER John Regan <john#jrjrtech.com>
RUN echo "deb http://nginx.org/packages/debian/ wheezy nginx" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx.list
RUN apt-key adv --fetch-keys "http://nginx.org/keys/nginx_signing.key"
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y dist-upgrade
RUN apt-get -y install nginx openssl ca-certificates
##Delete default repository
RUN rm -rf /etc/nginx/conf.d/*
RUN rm -rf /srv/www/*
ADD conf/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
ADD conf/conf.d/default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
ADD html/index.html /srv/www/index.html
VOLUME ["/etc/nginx"]
VOLUME ["/srv/www"]
ENTRYPOINT ["nginx"]
CMD []
My folder is organise like this:
├── conf
| ├── nginx.conf
| └── conf.d
| └── default.conf
├── html
| └── index.html
The command to launch the container:
sudo docker run -d -p 80:80 -v $pwd/conf:/etc/nginx -v $pwd/html:/srv/www my-nginx
But the conatiner stop and I got this message in the log:
nginx: [emerg] open() "/etc/nginx/mime.types" failed (2: No such file or directory) in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:14
I know that the log is pretty clear, but I can't figure out why it doesn't work.
When you are mounting your conf dir your are replacing the contents of the /etc/nginx dir. instead mount the nginx.conf file and the conf/conf.d - see the section on mounting files, https://docs.docker.com/v1.8/userguide/dockervolumes/
sudo docker run -d -p 80:80 -v $pwd/conf/conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d -v $pwd/conf/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf -v $pwd/html:/srv/www my-nginx
Are you sure the configuration on the in the nginx.conf is correct? The error seems related to nginx not to the docker.
The "volume" option, mount a new point of directory, you should've specifics if you need mount only a file.
#define program installation destination
%define app_destination /opt
%define app_name MY_APP_NAME
%define app_version 2.1
%define app_release 7%{?dist}
%define app_dir %{app_name}-%{app_version}
%define compress_file %{app_dir}.tar.gz
%define app_service_softlink /etc/init.d/%{app_name}
%define app_dir_softlink %{app_destination}/%{app_name}
Name: %{app_name}
Version: %{app_version}
Release: %{app_release}
Summary: MY APP ONE-SENTENCE SUMMARY %{app_version}
# An open source software license
License: GPLv3+
URL: http://www.starscriber.com/
Source0: http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/%{compress_file}
#each time before install/upgrade RPM, check and remove the softlinks provided below
echo "pre..."
if [ -L %{app_service_softlink} ];then
rm %{app_service_softlink}
elif [ -f %{app_service_softlink} ];then
rm %{app_service_softlink}
if [ -L %{app_dir_softlink} ]; then
rm %{app_dir_softlink}
elif [ -d %{app_dir_softlink} ]; then
rmdir %{app_dir_softlink}
%setup -q
echo "prep..."
# Script commands to "build" the program (e.g. to compile it) and
# get it ready for installing. The program should come with
# instructions on how to do this.
echo "install..."
# uses relative paths
# creates buildroot/destination directory
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{app_destination}
# copies tar.gz file from source directory to buildroot/destination directory
cp %{_sourcedir}/%{compress_file} %{buildroot}%{app_destination}
# changes directory to buildroot/destination
cd %{buildroot}%{app_destination}
# extracts compression file
tar xf %{compress_file}
# removes the compression file
rm -rf %{compress_file}
cd %{buildroot}%{app_destination}
#invoked after %post when RPM pkg is removal or upgrade
echo "preun..."
#leftover cleanup
#invoked after %preun when RPM pkg is removal or upgrade
echo "postun..."
if [ "$1" == "0" ]; then
rm -rf %{app_destination}/%{app_dir}
if [ ! -d %{app_destination}/%{app_dir} ]; then
if [ -L %{app_service_softlink} ]; then
rm %{app_service_softlink}
elif [ -f %{app_service_softlink} ]; then
rm %{app_service_softlink}
if [ -L %{app_dir_softlink} ]; then
rm %{app_dir_softlink}
elif [ -d %{app_dir_softlink} ]; then
rmdir %{app_dir_softlink}
#all files under the provided folder will be gathered up to create RPM pkg
echo "post"
#symbolic link to the new appdir with version
echo "builds new symbolic link for the app folder"
ln -sf %{app_destination}/%{app_dir} %{app_dir_softlink}
echo "builds new symbolic link for the app service"
# make a symbolic for the service file using the new created softlink
ln -sf %{app_destination}/%{app_name}/misc/%{app_name} %{app_service_softlink}
I am trying to create my own RPM package, and here's the SPEC file, it works properly when install(rpm -ivh app-2.1-6.el6.x86_64.rpm), or upgrade(rpm -Uvh app-2.1-7.el6.x86_64.rpm) or remove (rpm -e app-2.1-7.el6.x86_64.rpm)
For RPM package app-2.1-7.el6.x86_64.rpm, the version is 2.1 and release number is 7.
My question is, no matter how I modify the release number, install/upgrade/remove are working properly, but if I modify the version number to 2.2 or 3.2, the previous version folder(/opt/app-2.1) will not be deleted, can anyone help me, how should I delete the previous version folder(/opt/app-2.1) when I update(-Uvh) the RPM package?
The problem is that your package doesn't "own"
the directory /opt/2.1 directory.
Just like tar, rpm will create all "missing" directories
in order to install content on a path.
But on erase, rpm will only remove directories that are
mentioned explicitly in the %files manifest.
Short answer:
If you want rpm --erase to remove a directory path,
the mention in %files.
Shorter anser:
%dir /opt/app-%{version}
to %files. If the directory is empty (i.e. all other files
in /opt/app-%{version} are "owned" and can be removed), the
the "owned /opt/app=%{version} will be removed as well.
I am using following script to rsync back files. If I amy execute those one by one on shell it work. But when I use to execute theem in script it is giving error
"rsync: link_stat "/home/tan/testnfs#015" failed: No such file or directory (2)"
015 is no where in script, I have edited the script and verify that no blank space or character left. But have same problem.
#Environment varibale settings
rm -fr $errorlog
echo $dat 2>&1>> $errorlog
echo $nfsserver
echo ========== Before rsync =================
rsync --stats -vr --exclude "*.png" --exclude "*.jpg" --exclude "*.jpeg" --exclude "*.zip" --exclude "*.pdf" --exclude "*.doc" --exclude "*.csv" --exclude "*.swf" $codedir $nfs
if [ $? = 0 ] then
mail -s "$username sync--complete" $adminemail < $errorlog
mail -s "$username sync--Incomplete" $adminemail < $errorlog
I had figure that out. I was editing script on windows and it was adding its line terminator. I have saved it as linux file with notepad++ and it worked
How can I rsync mirror only *.php files? This gives me a bunch of empty dirs too and I don't want those.
rsync -v -aze 'ssh ' \
--numeric-ids \
--delete \
--include '*/' \
--exclude '*' \
--include '*.php' \
user#site.com:/home/www/domain.com \
The culprit here is the
--include '*/'
When including a wildcard followed by the trailing forward-slash you're telling rsync to transfer all files ending with a '/' (that is, all directories).
rsync -v -aze 'ssh ' \
--numeric-ids \
--delete \
--exclude '*' \
--include '*.php' \
user#site.com:/home/www/domain.com \
If you were using that because you intend to recursively find all .php files, you’d have to use the ** wildcard.
That is,
--include '**/*.php'
Another way ( http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/1481/rsync-find ) is pre-finding the target files and then using rsync,
find source -name "*.php" -print0 | rsync -av --files-from=- --from0 ./ ./destination/