Flex 3: Passing Array to Custom Component - apache-flex

I created a custom button component that accepts an array as a property.
I set the property as follows:
titleDims="[{Month: comboBox1.text, Year:comboBox2.text, Sales Order:comboBox3.text}]"
and I get the following error:
"1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before colon."
Wat is wrong with the array syntax?

Your problem is your formatting. Let's break it down:
titleDims = [{
Month: comboBox1.text,
Sales Order:comboBox3.text // Whoops! There's a space here!
I suggest to change it to SalesOrder instead.
If you really need spaces in the key, you can do this:
titleDims = [{
'Month': comboBox1.text,
'Year': comboBox2.text,
'Sales Order': comboBox3.text

cb1 = comboBox1; cb2 = comboBox2; cb3 = comboBox3;
Option A
titleDims="[{'Month': cb1.text, 'Year':cb2.text, 'Sales Order':cb3.text}]";
Option B
titleDims="[{Month: cb1.text, Year:cb2.text, SalesOrder:cb3.text}]";
Option C
titleDims="[{Month: cb1.text, Year:cb2.text, Sales_Order:cb3.text}]";
I'm ignoring your use of setting titleDims to a string first and assuming you have some code that needs it that way. In the future, you don't need to quote this declaration.


Does Boto3 DynamoDB have reserved attribute names for update_item with conditions expressions? Unexpected attribute SET behavior

I've implemented a simple object versioning scheme that allows the calling code to supply a current_version integer that that will set the ConditionExpression. I've also implemented a simple timestamping scheme to set an attribute named auto_timestamp to the current unix timestamp.
When the ConditionExpression is supplied with the object's current version integer, the update occurs, but also sets auto_timestamp to the current version value, rather than the value supplied in ExpressionAttributeValues. This only occurs if the attribute names are #a0, #a1 ... and values are :v0, :v1 ...
For example, this runs as expected without the condition, and auto_timestamp is set to 1643476414 in the table. The if_not_exists is used to start the object version at 0 if the item does not yet exist or did not previously have a auto_object_version attribute.
update_kwargs = {
"Key": {"user_id": user_id},
"UpdateExpression": 'SET #a0 = :v0, #a1 = if_not_exists(#a1, :zero) + :v1',
"ExpressionAttributeNames": {"#a0": "auto_timestamp", "#a1": "auto_object_version"},
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {":v0": 1643476414, ":v1": 1, ":zero": 0}
However, this example runs without exception, but auto_timestamp is set to 1. This behavior continues for each subsequent increment of current_version for additional calls to update_item
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Attr
update_kwargs = {
"Key": {"user_id": user_id},
"UpdateExpression": 'SET #a0 = :v0, #a1 = if_not_exists(#a1, :zero) + :v1',
"ExpressionAttributeNames": {"#a0": "auto_timestamp", "#a1": "auto_object_version"},
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {":v0": 1643476414, ":v1": 1, ":zero": 0}
"ConditionExpression": Attr("auto_object_version").eq(1)
While debugging, I changed the scheme by which I am labeling the attribute names and values to use #att instead of #a and :val instead of :v and the following works as desired and auto_timestamp is set to 1643476414:
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Attr
update_kwargs = {
"Key": {"user_id": user_id},
"UpdateExpression": 'SET #att0 = :val0, #att1 = if_not_exists(#att1, :zero) + :val1',
"ExpressionAttributeNames": {"#att0": "auto_timestamp", "#att1": "auto_object_version"},
"ExpressionAttributeValues": {":val0": 1643476414, ":val1": 1, ":zero": 0}
"ConditionExpression": Attr("auto_object_version").eq(1)
I couldn't find any documentation on reserved attribute names or values that shouldn't be used for keys in ExpressionAttributeNames or ExpressionAttributeValues.
Is this behavior anyone has witnessed before? The behavior is easily worked around when switching the string formatting used to generate the keys but was very unexpected.
There are no reserved attribute or value names, and I routinely use names like :v1 and #a1 in my own tests, and they seem to work fine.
Assuming you correctly copied-pasted your code into the question, it seems to me you simply have a syntax error in your code - you are missing a double-quote after the "auto_timestamp. What I don't understand, though, is how this compiles or why changing a to att changed anything. Please be more careful in pasting a self-contained code snippet that works or doesn't work.

Invalid type for parameter error when using put_item dynamodb

I want to write data in dataframe to dynamodb table
item = {}
for row in datasource_archived_df_join_repartition.rdd.collect():
item['x'] = row.x
item['y'] = row.y
client.put_item( TableName='tryfail',
but im gettin this error
Invalid type for parameter Item.x, value: 478.2, type: '<'type 'float''>', valid types: '<'type 'dict''>'
Invalid type for parameter Item.y, value: 696- 18C 12, type: '<'type 'unicode''>', valid types: '<'type 'dict''>'
Old question, but it still comes up high in a search and hasn't been answered properly, so here we go.
When putting an item in a DynamoDB table it must be a dictionary in a particular nested form that indicates to the database engine the data type of the value for each attribute. The form looks like below. The way to think of this is that an AttributeValue is not a bare variable value but a combination of that value and its type. For example, an AttributeValue for the AlbumTitle attribute below is the dict {'S': 'Somewhat Famous'} where the 'S' indicates a string type.
response = client.put_item(
'AlbumTitle': { # <-------------- Attribute
'S': 'Somewhat Famous', # <-- Attribute Value with type string ('S')
'Artist': {
'S': 'No One You Know',
'SongTitle': {
'S': 'Call Me Today',
'Year': {
'N': '2021' # <----------- Note that numeric values are supplied as strings
In your case (assuming x and y are numbers) you might want something like this:
for row in datasource_archived_df_join_repartition.rdd.collect():
item = {
'x': {'N': str(row.x)},
'y': {'N': str(row.y)}
client.put_item( TableName='tryfail', Item=item)
Two things to note here: first, each item corresponds to a row, so if you are putting items in a loop you must instantiate a new one with each iteration. Second, regarding the conversion of the numeric x and y into strings, the DynamoDB docs explain that the reason the AttributeValue dict requires this is "to maximize compatibility across languages and libraries. However, DynamoDB treats them as number type attributes for mathematical operations." For fuller documentation on the type system for DynamoDB take a look at this or read the Boto3 doc here since you are using Python.
The error message is indicating you are using the wrong type, it looks like you need to be using a dictionary when assigning values to item['x'] and item[y]. e.g.
item['x'] = {'value': row.x}
item['y'] = {'value': row.y}

Using ProjectionExpression on List that contain maps

Say that this is the table struct:
[{ name:"test", age:99,
Info: [
{ location:"A", num:11 },
{ location:"B", num:99 }
What i want to get is something like this:
{ name: "test",
would that be possible? I can't seem to make it work unless I specify the index.
ProjectionExpression="name, #mp[0].location",
ExpressionAttributeNames={"#mp": "Info"}
How do I do this?
Based on the documentation you can either specify the whole object or with index.
Working as documented.
Hope it helps.
It's a little tricky if you do not know the length of list. You could try using a max length for the list and use something like (assuming 3 is the max length)

Is there a way to save nested entities in gcloud-python?

I'm trying to save an object into Cloud Datastore, the object contains a dictionary as a property value:
client = datastore.Client(project_id)
key = client.key('Config', 'config', 'Environment', 'env_name')
env = datastore.entity.Entity(key)
env['prop1'] = dict(foo='bar')
but it raises
ValueError: Unknown protobuf attr type
Although I'm able to do so using gcloud-node.
Is it possible to save compound object using gcloud-python?
It sounds like you're interested in storing an embedded entity, which I believe is what gcloud-node does automagically.
I think you can do this by setting the field (prop1) to a datastore.Entity containing a sub-property (foo) set to 'bar'.
client = datastore.Client(project_id)
key = client.key('Config', 'config', 'Environment', 'env_name')
env = datastore.Entity(key)
env['prop1'] = datastore.Entity(key=client.key('EmbeddedKind')
env['prop1']['foo'] = 'bar'
When you get this back, it'll look like...
>>> c.get(env.key)
<Entity[{'kind': u'Config', 'name': u'config'}, {'kind': u'Env', 'name': u'env_name'}] {u'prop1': <Entity[{'kind': u'Embedded'}] {u'foo': 'bar'}>}>

How to set default sort column in extjs4 grid and change date format?

1-How do I set the column to be sorted when the grid is created? then upon reloading the grid, it automatically utilize that sort to appropriately display the records.(without me clicing on it)
Can this be done on the grid itself so it is independent of the underlying data store?
2-how do i change Date format displaying in a grid column?
my data render a date like this /Date(1316020760837+0000)/
i tried using renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('m/d/Y'),// format: 'm d Y'
but it gives me NaN/NaN/NaN
any help would be appreciated.
thank you
i used sortOnLoad with sorters
var myStore = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
fields: ['Item1', 'Item2', 'Item3', 'Item4']
, data: []
, sortOnLoad: true
, sorters: { property: 'Item1', direction : 'DESC' }
in my c# code i used item.DateEnd.ToString("MMM dd, yyyy").
see this or this for standard and custom format
or better
in extjs4 ,you should specify the dateFormat so Ext can parse it properly and you'll ensure it gets read ok.
{name: 'Item1' , type : 'date',dateFormat :'MS'}
u can see this for available format strings.
