When "must" I use asp.net CreateChildControls()? - asp.net

While it seems that the "right" way to make a server control is to construct all child controls inside CreateChildControls call. But since it's difficult to know when it will be called (which is the whole point as a perf optimzation), I see most of our devs construct in OnInit, or OnLoad. And this works 99% of the case.
Are there cases where we have to use CreateChildControls?

You should ALWAYS construct your child controls in CreateChildControls. This is the proper time in the Lifecycle to initialize and add them to the control tree. One of the reasons for this is that many times the method EnsureChildContols is called, which then calls CreateChildControls if necessary. Best Practice, just do it.

Read Control Execution Lifecycle
The CreateChildControls method is called whenever the ASP.NET page framework needs to create the controls tree and this method call is not limited to a specific phase in a control's lifecycle. For example, CreateChildControls can be invoked when loading a page, during data binding, or during rendering.

Performance-wise, waiting to create a child control will save your server some unnecessary CPU time. For example, if an exception is raised or the thread is aborted prior to CreateChildControls() being called, the clock cycles necessary to create those controls are saved.
What's your reasoning for saying that creating controls in OnInit is more performant than during CreateChildControls()?

You will get away with creating your controls in Init or Load until you write a control that needs to recreate the controls.
I find it is always best to create the controls in CreateChildControls and then use EnsureChildControls to control ensure they are created when you need them. This allows you the ability to tear down the controls by setting ChildControlsCreated to false and have them recreated again when needed.


ASP.net WebForms - Constructor vs. Page_Load

I am new to WebForms, I think I have a rather simple question.
I often see people initialize any kind of dependencies in the page_load-method of their page class. Is that a common thing to do ?
Things I would usually write in the constructor.
How do I decide what belongs in the constructor and what is better placed in the page_load handling method
You must take a look at asp.net life cycle.
On costructor method you can write lot of code, declaring variables and using classes and libraries.
But if you need some asp.net elements (Page, Controls, Session, QueryString etc) you need to be in Page_Load or in other methods of life cycle.
When an ASP.NET page runs, the page goes through a life cycle in which it performs a series of processing steps. These include initialization, instantiating controls, restoring and maintaining state, running event handler code, and rendering. It is important for you to understand the page life cycle so that you can write code at the appropriate life-cycle stage for the effect you intend. Additionally, if you develop custom controls, you must be familiar with the page life cycle in order to correctly initialize controls, populate control properties with view-state data, and run any control behavior code. (The life cycle of a control is based on the page life cycle, but the page raises more events for a control than are available for an ASP.NET page alone.)

Why do subcontrols initialize before their containers?

Despite working with WebForms for years I still find myself getting confused about the event lifecycle from time to time. This isn't so much a problem that needs resolving, as hoping to get a better understanding of why things work the way they do.
Suppose you have a form:
<MyControls:UserControl1 runat="server">
<MyControls:UserControl2 runat="server">
The OnInit events occur in this order:
Isn't this just bass-ackwards? Shouldn't the Init code be run in the order that controls are created? Shouldn't a parent control be able to initialize properties of a child before its OnInit runs? That is, while you can initialize properties of subcontrols in markup, there's no direct way to have a parent control be able to dynamically set properties of the child control that will be available to its OnInit event.
What I've ended up doing is stuff like this:
override void UserControl2_OnInit()
NamingContainer.OnInit += new EvenHandler(UserControl1_ActualInit);
protected void UserControl2_ActualInit(..) {
// do actual init code here, which will occur before OnLoad but after it's parent
// OnInit
So it's not an insurmountable problem. I just don't understand why it's a problem in the first place.
I realize that perhaps you might want to be able to have all your child controls initialized in your OnInit code. So fine, you should be able to call base.OnInit first, instead of after, your own initialization code, which should cause all the child control OnInit events to get run. But the event lifecycle doesn't work that way. The Init events are not chained recursively, they seem to run independently the parent events, and the innermost one always gets run first. But seems life would be a lot easier if they were simply chained recursively so you could either call the base event (or not) before you do your thing in any given situation. Is there something I'm missing that makes this seemingly counterintuitive situation desirable or even necessary?
This document should be the main source of truth for your lifecycle questions.
Basically, OnInit fires after a control's internal initialization in finished. Since the page control is the first control initialized, and during it's internal initialization it initializes all sub-controls (perhaps in the order that the Designer.cs file gives), then it makes sense for the Page's OnInit event to be the last one called, since it's not finished initializing until all it's sub-controls are initialized and their OnInit events fired. Graphically, it looks like this:
Page internal init
Sub-control1 internal init
Sub-sub-control3 internal init
Sub-sub-control3 init finished / OnInit fired
Sub-control1 init finished / OnInit fired
Sub-control2 internal init
Sub-control2 init finished / OnInit fired
Page init finished / OnInit fired
So order of inits in this case is:
Sub-sub-control3 OnInit
Sub-control1 OnInit
Sub-control2 OnInit
Page OnInit
Load also work similarly. In general you should treat most of the events as though the control will go through it's internal process first (which includes calling the same event on all sub-controls), and then fire your custom event handling code afterwards.
Most examples you find use Page_Load specifically because that should be the last event called in that phase (and it's after post back data is loaded). It wouldn't work very well for Page_Load to be called first and risk having controls not in a fully loaded state for your custom event handling code.
The mindset for asp.net parent & child controls is:
Parents know all about their children, but children know nothing about their parent.
This mindset makes sense for re-usable server controls. Re-usability needs the custom child control making no assumptions about the page it gets used on.
The snippet you give makes me guess that your child user controls are not aimed at re-usable as such; but rather are specialized controls which you use to break down the complexities of a large & tricky UI?
In this case I would still try to work with the 'children known nothing about their parent' mindset. Think http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=gof+mediator+pattern where the parent page is the mediator between your children (the wikipedia page is good).
But your children still need to know something about the parent right, because they are doing complex UI interactions? You can address this with interfaces. Each child depends not on the parent, but on an interface that defines exactly what the children need access to. As http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOLID puts it, 'depend on abstractions, not on concretions'. DO one interface per child control: 'many client specific interfaces are better than one general purpose interface'
But it all ends up looking over-engineered, doesn't it? It turns out that a componentised UI where the components must interact, just is complex, and the components may turn out big n clunky. This was, imho, one of the reason for MS web forms ajax controls losing out to jQuery &c. even before MVC came along.
Add to this that web forms ui is very hard to unit test; and your confidence in your software quality dives.
I recommend:
If you can, escape to a rewrite in MVC.
If you can't, consider abandoning server-side controls which do clientside behaviour, and use jQuery instead.
If you can't do that, simplify simplify simplify the UI. Even if that makes it less functional.
If you don't want that, then your choices are: pay the expense of engineering the UI well; or pay the expense of not engineering it well.

ScriptControl inside UpdatePanel

I have a ScriptControl (requires ScriptManager) with JavaScript to handle client-side interactions and ICallbackEventHandler to communicate back and forth. Everything works perfectly with one or multiple instances of the control on a page. I placed the control inside a GridView with sorting and it still works. However, I place the GridView in an UpdatePanel and now whenever I sort I get the following error for each instance:
Sys.InvalidOperationException: Two components with the same id 'GridView_ctl02_MyControl' can't be added to the application.
Can someone point me in the right direction on how to solve this? I am assuming ScriptManager is not disposing of the old Sys.UI.Control objects before trying to $create() the new ones with the same ID. I thought the UpdatePanel/ScriptManager combination would automatically take care of disposing objects that would be replaced?
Edit: This page appears to support what I thought: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.scriptmanager.registerdispose.aspx
Use the RegisterDispose method to
register dispose scripts for controls
that are inside an UpdatePanel
control. During asynchronous
postbacks, UpdatePanel controls can be
updated, deleted, or created. When a
panel is updated or deleted, any
dispose scripts that are registered
for controls that are inside the
UpdatePanel are called. In typical
page development scenarios, you do not
have to call the RegisterDispose
Just to double check I placed an alert("dispose " + this.element.id) inside my JavaScript dispose() function. Every single instance alerts dispose GridView_ctl02_MyControl, but afterwards I get the error that two components can't have the same name GridView_ctl02_MyControl. I'm at a loss...
When the page unloads, my component's dispose() method is called and Sys.Application.removeComponent() is also called. When the UpdatePanel reloads, only dispose() method is called. For now I have solved this by putting Sys.Application.removeComponent(this); inside the dispose(). I didn't find a shortcut such as $remove (similar to $create), implying you aren't expected to need this often.
This seems logical in that you can keep a component loaded even after its related DOM elements (if any) have been replaced by the UpdatePanel. This way you have more control over the component's life. I can't imagine a use case, but I'm sure you could come up with one.
If I am way off and there is a better approach, please let me know!

What happens between Page.PreLoad and Page.Load events?

Question is pretty straight forward.
Is there a technical reason for the existence of Page.PreLoad or is this just convenience to have a place where you can neatly place code that always have to be executed before the Load code?
Is there a difference between adding code in the PreLoad event handler and adding code at the top of the Load event handler?
And what would be a typical scenario where you use PreLoad?
What happens between Page_PreLoad and Page_Load is that all the other PreLoad event handlers (not just the handler(s) you wrote) have a chance to run. There is no reason to put code in Page_PreLoad. You see, chances are that you do want to be sure all the other PreLoad event handlers have fired (I'll explain in the last paragraph). Plus, by using Page_Load instead of Page_PreLoad, you give control adapter authors a chance to override the behavior of your implementation.
The purpose of the Page.PreLoad event (as far as I can tell) is to provide a hook for control authors. The behavior of the load phase of the page lifecycle, is that the Load event is raised on the page before it is raised on all its child controls. As a control author, you might want to perform some action after viewstate is loaded (so Init is too early), but before Page_Load is called (so Load is too late). How you do that is to add an event handler to Page.PreLoad.
Some of the built-in ASP.NET data binding controls use this hook to be able to auto-magically re-DataBind themselves when you update the control in certain ways after its viewstate has been loaded. Using a flag set in Page.PreLoad, a control can distinguish between changes you make in Page_Init and changes you make in Page_Load. If you implement Page_PreLoad and you don't take care to avoid touching any control that hooks PreLoad in this way, you're going to see undefined behavior because you don't know whether PreLoad is firing on the control or on the page first. To avoid this complication, always use Page_Load instead, as there is no reason not to.
I'm sure I've answered this a few times, but you're best bet is to have a thorough read thorugh the ASP.NET Page Lifecycle Overview from Microsoft and the ASP.NET Page Lifecycle explanation from 15 Seconds.

Dynamically added controls in Asp.Net

I'm trying to wrap my head around asp.net. I have a background as a long time php developer, but I'm now facing the task of learning asp.net and I'm having some trouble with it. It might very well be because I'm trying to force the framework into something it is not intended for - so I'd like to learn how to do it "the right way". :-)
My problem is how to add controls to a page programmatically at runtime. As far as I can figure out you need to create the controls at page_init as they otherwise disappears at the next PostBack. But many times I'm facing the problem that I don't know which controls to add in page_init as it is dependent on values from at previous PostBack.
A simple scenario could be a form with a dropdown control added in the designer. The dropdown is set to AutoPostBack. When the PostBack occur I need to render one or more controls denepending on the selected value from the dropdown control and preferably have those controls act as if they had been added by the design (as in "when posted back, behave "properly").
Am I going down the wrong path here?
I agree with the other points made here "If you can get out of creating controls dynamically, then do so..." (by #Jesper Blad Jenson aka) but here is a trick I worked out with dynamically created controls in the past.
The problem becomes chicken and the egg. You need your ViewState to create the control tree and you need your control tree created to get at your ViewState. Well, that's almost correct. There is a way to get at your ViewState values just before the rest of the tree is populated. That is by overriding LoadViewState(...) and SaveViewState(...).
In SaveViewState store the control you wish to create:
protected override object SaveViewState()
object[] myState = new object[2];
myState[0] = base.SaveViewState();
myState[1] = controlPickerDropDown.SelectedValue;
return myState
When the framework calls your "LoadViewState" override you'll get back the exact object you returned from "SaveViewState":
protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState)
object[] myState = (object[])savedState;
// Here is the trick, use the value you saved here to create your control tree.
// Call the base method to ensure everything works correctly.
I've used this successfully to create ASP.Net pages where a DataSet was serialised to the ViewState to store changes to an entire grid of data allowing the user to make multiple edits with PostBacks and finally commit all their changes in a single "Save" operation.
You must add your control inside OnInit event and viewstate will be preserved. Don't use if(ispostback), because controls must be added every time, event in postback!
(De)Serialization of viewstate happens after OnInit and before OnLoad, so your viewstate persistence provider will see dynamically added controls if they are added in OnInit.
But in scenario you're describing, probably multiview or simple hide/show (visible property) will be better solution.
It's because in OnInit event, when you must read dropdown and add new controls, viewstate isn't read (deserialized) yet and you don't know what did user choose! (you can do request.form(), but that feels kinda wrong)
After having wrestled with this problem for at while I have come up with these groundrules which seems to work, but YMMV.
Use declarative controls whenever possible
Use databinding where possible
Understand how ViewState works
The Visibilty property can go a long way
If you must use add controls in an event handler use Aydsman's tip and recreate the controls in an overridden LoadViewState.
TRULY Understanding ViewState is a must-read.
Understanding Dynamic Controls By Example shows some techniques on how to use databinding instead of dynamic controls.
TRULY Understanding Dynamic Controls also clarifies techniques which can be used to avoid dynamic controls.
Hope this helps others with same problems.
If you truly need to use dynamic controls, the following should work:
In OnInit, recreate the exact same control hierarchy that was on the page when the previous request was fulfilled. (If this isn't the initial request, of course)
After OnInit, the framework will load the viewstate from the previous request and all your controls should be in a stable state now.
In OnLoad, remove the controls that are not required and add the necessary ones. You will also have to somehow save the current control tree at this point, to be used in the first step during the following request. You could use a session variable that dictates how the dynamic control tree was created. I even stored the whole Controls collection in the session once (put aside your pitchforks, it was just for a demo).
Re-adding the "stale" controls that you will not need and will be removed at OnLoad anyway seems a bit quirky, but Asp.Net was not really designed with dynamic control creation in mind. If the exact same control hierarchy is not preserved during viewstate loading, all kinds of hard-to find bugs begin lurking in the page, because states of older controls are loaded into newly added ones.
Read up on Asp.Net page life cycle and especially on how the viewstate works and it will become clear.
Edit: This is a very good article about how viewstate behaves and what you should consider while dealing with dynamic controls: <Link>
Well. If you can get out of creating controls dynamicly, then do so - otherwise, what i whould do is to use Page_Load instead of Page_Init, but instead of placing stuff inside the If Not IsPostBack, then set i just directly in the method.
Ah, that's the problem with the leaky abstraction of ASP.NET web forms.
Maybe you'll be interested to look at ASP.NET MVC, which was used for the creation of this stackoverflow.com web site? That should be an easier fit for you, coming from a PHP (thus, pedal-to-the-metal when it comes to HTML and Javascript) background.
I think the answer here is in the MultiView control, so that for example the dropdown switches between different views in the multi-view.
You can probably even data-bind the current view property of the multiview to the value of the dropdown!
The only correct answer was given by Aydsman. LoadViewState is the only place to add dynamic controls where their viewstate values will be restored when recreated and you can access the viewstate in order to determine which controls to add.
I ran across this in the book "Pro ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008" under the section Dynamic Control Creation:
If you need to re-create a control multiple times, you should perform the control creation in the Page.Load event handler. This has the additional benefit of allowing you to use view state with your dynamic control. Even though view state is normally restored before the Page.Load event, if you create a control in the handler for the Page.Load event, ASP.NET will apply any view state information that it has after the Page.Load event handler ends. This process is automatic.
I have not tested this, but you might look into it.
