Bookmarklet behind elements - iframe

I have a bookmarklet that will come up with a iframe that will load a web form I have. On most site, it works fine with the bookmarklet on top of every element in the current html page. But for certain sites with a lot of javascript loading (e.g., the loaded iframe will go below. How can i troubleshot this? Thanks. attached screen shot.

If you are using a positionable element such as a div, you should ensure the z-index style is set to a value higher then any other element.
Of course the page you load in the iFrame may also be doing exactly this. Therefore you may need to use a timer (setTimeout) to delay for say 500ms and then get the current highest z-index and add 1 to it.
Also, because you don't know in advance anything about the page shown in the iFrame, you would actually need to manually search for all elements containing a z-Index style. Once you have a collection of these elements, then get the highest z-Index value.
I'd definitely look at using jQuery to make this much easier.


How to find an element in Selenium?

Refresh icon. Can some one help me to locate an element (XPath or CSS) which is displayed?
<svg class="ult-icon .....height: 20px;">
HTML below: link.
The short answer is No, no one here can find the element you need for you. First, we'd need to see the entire page to tell you how to access the element, it may be in an iframe or multiple iframes, etc. Second, that's not really how this works.
What we can do is help you find it yourself. So, here's what I would try.
First, I'd use FireFox's developer version and inspect the element. To do this browse to the page in Firefox, right click on the element in the page and select inspect. This will open a new screen that you can use to see the HTML and JavaScript. From there you can right click on the selected element and copy the XPath, CSSS selector or grab the id from either of those.
Second, you need to determine if you are in an iframe. Once you are in the inspection screen, there is a path bar that can scroll left and right at the bottom of the screen. Check that to confirm that and look for iframe tags to determine if your element is inside of an iframe. If it is, you will need to switch to the correct frame before accessing the element. You may have to switch into multiple iframes, like moving through a directory structure, before you get to the correct one. Once you are there you should be able to access and work with the element.
Third, depending on the element you may find that some Find By methods work better than others. Try the Find By Xpath, CSS Selector, Link Text or Id until you get one that works. This is just trial and error. I usually start with the Xpath.

Resize website to fit into iframe

Yes I know no one likes iframes, but here's the scenario.
I have a client who has his website that he's never going to change.
He has page that has an iframe with a 680px width and 600px height.
He currently has a website embedded in it that has a width of 950px.
What I want to know is if there is a way (I've searched all over) to automatically set the website to fit into the iframe box?
I have access to the child site but not to the parent, but my client actually knows some html/css so I can build a test link on my server and send him the code (if he needs it) to be applied on his end.
Thanks in advance.
This isn't an "automatic" way, but one thing you could do is apply some CSS to the little page. If the page you are loading doesn't change, you can apply CSS that is specific to that page which will change the elements' widths, and anything else that needs to be changed. Here is an answer on SO that describes just how to do that for iframes.

Place div on top of everything

I have a Drupal website loaded with AJAX. Every time I edit my title, AJAX is checking whether or not I've actually changed it. But every time the AJAX starts checking, my whole lay-out is jumping around...
I tried to edit the .ajax-threbber-css class with position absolute, relative and fixed, but no result. Every time the throbber reacts differently. A z-index of 99999999999 doesn't work either... Is there a way to float this ajax-throbber-div to the absolute top without influencing any other items?
You would first need to check its current CSS properties, it could be that you are having them overwritten by something else.
Firebug or Google Chrome developer tools would help. Setting the position to absolute, should do it for you, its just CSS gets murky if you don't consider other pieces of the puzzle acting upon your object that you are trying to style.

How can you hide a div when CSS is disabled?

Here is the scenario: I have a div which I pre-load into a page and automatically set it's display property to hidden. I use javascript to pop-up said div. The issue is when clients have CSS disabled they can see the DIV, obviously. What is the best way to have the div (or contents of the div) display only when my javascript function is called?
The best way I could think of is passing the raw HTML to a javascript var and then loading all the HTML using javascript, however, this is a bit slow(theres a decent amount of HTML) which causes the script to break when it tries to reference DIVs that do not exist yet.
any other more elegant solutions?
You can wrap html comment tags around it:
<!-- <div>your stuff, which should be invisible</div> -->
Or remove it completely from the DOM
Maybe, here some related stuff
If CSS is disabled, then the only way to hide the div is to remove it from the DOM.
You can set an inline style on the div (not recommended but your case is an exception anyway).
You can use JS/jQuery on page load to hide the div but it'll cause the flicker effect (div wiil be visible momentarily until the JS runs to hide it).
You want to have a div on your page when the page loads so that users without javascript can see it, perhaps to indicate them that some of the site functionalities require JS to work.
If you need to use that div exclusively with JS then having it already on the page is a bad approach imho. You should create it on the fly, at least the content.
This way you will ensure users without CSS won't see it, while still being able to show it for the rest of the people with JS enabled.
Set the height of the div you wanna hide to zero using javascript.
$('#mydiv').css("height", "0px");

Problem in Z-index of menu and ajax ModalPopupExtender in

I using Ajax ModalPopupExtender but problem with this is menu in appication is display over the ModalPopupExtender. I also set z-index=1 for ModalPopupExtender and z-index=100 for but problem not solved.
After a few minutes of learning how to use Developer Tools (F12 on Chrome/IE), I finally got to the root of the problem.
I'm going to assume one of two things to be true here:
1. Your Main Menu is either on a Master Page, and the ModalPopupExtender control is inside a Child page.
2. The ModalPopupExtender control is placed within the same div that holds the rest of the page's content (except for the Main Menu) and this div has a z-index lower than the div that contains the Main Menu. (Even if you haven't specified these z-index values explicitly, these divs will inherit values automatically.)
If your situation falls into the first category, then here's what's going on: The generated markup places the lightbox inside one div, along with the rest of the child page's content (say wrapperContent), and the Main Menu inside another (say wrapperHeader). The z-index for wrapperHeader MUST be more than the z-index of wrapperContent, or else the submenus will fall beneath the content when they drop down. Now no matter what value of z-index you specify for the lightbox, it will always be displayed under every element inside wrapperHeader, since it inherits its z-index from wrapperContent, which is lower than that of wrapperHeader.
A similar explanation follows in case your situation falls into the second category.
#Jack Marchetti this also explains why this is fixed when you place the lightbox in a div of its own, seperated from the content of the rest of the page.
I hope this helps.
Use Firebug(Firefox Extension) or something similar to inspect the Z-Index of your menu. Then set the ModalPopupExtender's Z-Index 1 higher.
Without seeing a live page, I can't guess the z-index, but it must be greater than 100. You can try setting it to 10001 or something wildly high.
I have done Asp.Net development for around 4 years, my experience tells me to stay away from Microsoft's AJAX libraries especially AJAX Control Toolkit. There are bugs in there that they don't seem intent on fixing.
My advice to you: Use another library. I am using JQuery now, the plugins you find for JQuery on the net are of widely varying quality but some of them are really good and others I have bugfixed myself (I only choose the ones where I can quickly understand the code).
JQuery UI has a very high quality, it includes a dialog widget I am using instead of the ModalPopupExtender. If you dont like the window style, check out one of the 15 plugins presented on this page: 15+ jQuery Popup Modal Dialog Plugins and Tutorials.
Set the z-index to something reallly large like #Jab mentioned.
I also found that if you place the ModalPopupExtender at the bottom of your HTML Markup, it sometimes fixes it for some very strange reason. Give it a try.
