R - Longest common substring - r

Does anyone know of an R package that solves the longest common substring problem? I am looking for something fast that could work on vectors.

Check out the "Rlibstree" package on omegahat Github
This uses http://www.icir.org/christian/libstree/.

You should look at the LCS function of qualV package. It is C-implemented, therefore quite efficient.

The question here is not totally clear on the intended application of the solution to the longest common substring problem. A common application that I encounter is matching between names in different datasets. The stringdist package has a useful function amatch() which I find suitable for this task.
In brief, amatch() will take as input two vectors, the first is x the vector of strings that you want to find matches from (this can also just be a single string), the second is table, which is the vector of strings you want to make comparisons to and choose the match with the longest common substring. amatch() will then return a vector whose length equals that of x - each element of this result will be an index in table that contains the best match.
Details: amatch() takes a method argument, which you specify to be lcs if you want matching on longest common substring. There are many other options for different string matching techniques (e.g. Levenshtein distance). There is also a mandatory maxDist argument. If all strings in table are greater "distance" from a given string in x, then amatch() will return NA for that element of its output. "distance" is defined differently depending on the string matching algorithm you choose. For lcs, it (more or less) just means how many different (non-matched) characters there are. See documentation for details.
Parallelization: another nice feature of amatch() is that it will automatically parallelize the operation for you, making reasonable guesses about system resources to use. If you want more control over this, you can toggle the nthread argument.
Example application:
Names1 = c(
Names2 = c(
"Mobile Concrete, Inc.",
"Antelope Refining, LLC. ",
"Silver Eagle Refining Inc."
Match_Idx = amatch(tolower(Names1), tolower(Names2), method = 'lcs', maxDist = Inf)
# [1] 3 2 2
Matches = data.frame(Names1, Names2[Match_Idx])
# Names1 Names2.Match_Idx.
# 1 silver eagle refining, inc. (sw) silver eagle refining inc.
# 2 antelope refining antelope refining, llc.
# 3 antelope refining (douglas facility) antelope refining, llc.
### Compare Matches:
Matches$Distance = stringdist(Matches$Names1, Matches$Match, method = 'lcs')
Also, unlike functions like LCS from qualV, this will not consider "subsequence" matches that involve ignoring intermediate characters in order to form a match (as discussed here). For instance, see this:
Names1 = c(
Names2 = c(
Match_Idx = amatch(tolower(Names1), tolower(Names2), method = 'lcs', maxDist = Inf)
Matches = data.frame(Names1, Match = Names2[Match_Idx])
# 1 hello hell

I don't know R, but I used to implement Hirschberg's algorithm which is fast and don't consume too much space.
As I remember it is only 2 or 3 recursively called short functions.
Here is a link:
So don't hesitate to implement it in R, it worths the effort since it is a very interesting algorithm.


How to use quanteda to find instances of appearance of certain words before certain others in a sentence

As an R newbie, by using quanteda I am trying to find instances when a certain word sequentially appears somewhere before another certain word in a sentence. To be more specific, I am looking for instances when the word "investors" is located somewhere before the word "shall" in a sentence in the corpus consisted of an international treaty concluded between Morocco and Nigeria (the text can be found here: https://edit.wti.org/app.php/document/show/bde2bcf4-e20b-4d05-a3f1-5b9eb86d3b3b).
The problem is that sometimes there are multiple words between these two words. For instance, sometimes it is written as "investors and investments shall". I tried to apply similar solutions offered on this website. When I tried the solution on (Keyword in context (kwic) for skipgrams?) and ran the following code:
kwic(corpus_mar_nga, phrase("investors * shall"))
I get 0 observations since this counts only instances when there is only one word between "investors" and "shall".
And when I follow another solution offered on (Is it possible to use `kwic` function to find words near to each other?) and ran the following code:
toks <- tokens(corpus_mar_nga)
toks_investors <- tokens_select(toks, "investors", window = 10)
kwic(toks_investors, "shall")
I get instances when "investor" appear also after "shall" and this changes the context fundamentally since in that case, the subject of the sentence is something different.
At the end, in addition to instances of "investors shall", I should also be getting, for example the instances when it reads as "Investors, their investment and host state authorities shall", but I can't do it with the above codes.
Could anyone offer me a solution on this issue?
Huge thanks in advance!
Good question. Here are two methods, one relying on regular expressions on the corpus text, and the second using (as #Kohei_Watanabe suggests in the comment) using window for tokens_select().
First, create some sample text.
## Package version: 2.1.2
# sample text
txt <- c("The investors and their supporters shall do something.
Shall we tell the investors? Investors shall invest.
Shall someone else do something?")
Now reshape this into sentences, since your search occurs within sentence.
# reshape to sentences
corp <- txt %>%
corpus() %>%
corpus_reshape(to = "sentences")
Method 1 uses regular expressions. We add a boundary (\\b) before "investors", and the .+ says one or more of any character in between "investors" and "shall". (This would not catch newlines, but corpus_reshape(x, to = "sentences") will remove them.)
# method 1: regular expressions
corp$flag <- stringi::stri_detect_regex(corp, "\\binvestors.+shall",
case_insensitive = TRUE
print(corpus_subset(corp, flag == TRUE), -1, -1)
## Corpus consisting of 2 documents and 1 docvar.
## text1.1 :
## "The investors and their supporters shall do something."
## text1.2 :
## "Investors shall invest."
A second method applies tokens_select() with an asymmetric window, with kwic(). First we select all documents (which are sentences) containing "investors", but discarding tokens before and keeping all tokens after. 1000 tokens after should be enough. Then, apply the kwic() where we keep all context words but focus on the word after, which by definition must be after, since the first word was "investors".
# method 2: tokens_select()
toks <- tokens(corp)
tokens_select(toks, "investors", window = c(0, 1000)) %>%
kwic("shall", window = 1000)
## [text1.1, 5] investors and their supporters | shall | do something.
## [text1.3, 2] Investors | shall | invest.
The choice depends on what suits your needs best.

How to Count Text Lines in R?

I would like to calculate the number of lines spoken by different speakers from a text using R (it is a transcript of parliamentary speaking records). The basic text looks like:
MR. JOHN: This activity has been going on in Tororo and I took it up with the office of the DPC. He told me that he was not aware of it.
MS. SMITH: Yes, I am aware of that.
MR. LEHMAN: Therefore, I am seeking your guidance, Madam Speaker, and requesting that you re-assign the duty.
MR. JOHN: Thank you
In the documents, each speaker has an identifier that begins with MR/MS and is always capitalized. I would like to create a dataset that counts the number of lines spoken for each speaker for each time spoke in a document such that the above text would result in:
Thanks for pointers using R!
You can use the pattern : to split the string by and then use table:
table(sapply(strsplit(x, ":"), "[[", 1))
# 2 1 1
strsplit - splits strings at : and results in a list
sapply with [[ - selects the first part element of the list
table - gets the frequency
Edit: Following OP's comment. You can save the transcripts in a text file and use readLines to read the text in R.
tt <- readLines("./tmp.txt")
Now, we'll have to find a pattern by which to filter this text for just those lines with the names of those who're speaking. I can think of two approaches based on what I saw in the transcript you linked.
Check for a : and then lookbehind the : to see if it is any of A-Z or [:punct:] (that is, if the character occurring before the : is any of the capital letters or any punctuation marks - this is because some of them have a ) before the :).
You can use strsplit followed by sapply (as shown below)
Using strsplit:
# filter tt by pattern
tt.f <- tt[grepl("(?<=[A-Z[:punct:]]):", tt, perl = TRUE)]
# Now you should only have the required lines, use the command above:
out <- table(sapply(strsplit(tt.f, ":"), "[[", 1))
There are other approaches possible (using gsub for ex:) or alternate patterns. But this should give you an idea of the approach. If the pattern should differ, then you should just change it to capture all required lines.
Of course, this assumes that there is no other line, for example, like this:
"Mr. Chariman, whatever (bla bla): It is not a problem"
Because our pattern will give TRUE for ):. If this happens in the text, you'll have to find a better pattern.

How to create a word grouping report using R language and .Net?

I would like to create a simple application in C# that takes in a group of words, then returns all groupings of those individual words from a data set.
For example, given car and bike, return a list of groups/combinations of words (with the number of combinations found) from a data set.
To further clarify - given a category named "car", I would like to see a list of word groupings with the word "car". This category could also be several words rather than just one.
With a sample data set of:
Another car for sale
Blue car on the horizon
For Sale - used car
this car is painted blue
should return
car : for sale : 2
car : blue : 2
I'd like to set a threshold, say 20 or greater, so if there are over 20 instances of the word(s) with car, then display them - category, words, count, where only category is known; words and count is determined by the algorithm.
The data set is in a SQL Server 2008 table, and I was hoping to use something like a .Net implementation of R to accomplish this.
I am guessing that the best way to accomplish this may be with the R programming language, and am only now looking at R.Net.
I would prefer to do this with .Net, as that is what I am most familiar with, but open to suggestions.
Can someone with some experience with this lead me in the right direction?
It seems your question consists of 4 parts:
Getting data from SQL Server 2008
Extracting substrings from a set of strings
Setting a threshold for when to accept that number
Producing some document or other output (?) containing this.
For 1, I think that's a different question (see the RODBC package), but I won't be dealing with that here as that's not the main part of your question. You've left 4. a little vague and I think that's also peripheral to the meat of your question.
Part 2 can be easily dealt with using regular expressions:
countstring <- function(string, pattern){
stringcount <- sum(grepl(pattern, string, ignore.case=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)
paste(deparse(substitute(string)), pattern, stringcount, sep=" : ")
This function basically gets a vector of strings and a pattern to search for. It finds which of them match and gets the sum of the number that do (ie the count). It then prints out these together in one string. For example:
car <- c("Another car for sale", "Blue car on the horizon", "For Sale - used car", "this car is painted blue")
countstring(car, "blue")
## [1] "car : blue : 2"
Part 3 requires a small change to the function
countstring <- function(string, pattern, threshold=20){
stringcount <- sum(grepl(pattern, string, ignore.case=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)
if(stringcount >= threshold){
paste(deparse(substitute(string)), pattern, stringcount, sep=" : ")

Calculate correlation coefficient between words?

For a text analysis program, I would like to analyze the co-occurrence of certain words in a text. For example, I would like to see that e.g. the words "Barack" and "Obama" appear more often together (i.e. have a positive correlation) than others.
This does not seem to be that difficult. However, to be honest, I only know how to calculate the correlation between two numbers, but not between two words in a text.
How can I best approach this problem?
How can I calculate the correlation between words?
I thought of using conditional probabilities, since e.g. Barack Obama is much more probable than Obama Barack; however, the problem I try to solve is much more fundamental and does not depend on the ordering of the words
The Ngram Statistics Package (NSP) is devoted precisely to this task. They have a paper online which describes the association measures they use. I haven't used the package myself, so I cannot comment on its reliability/requirements.
Well a simple way to solve your question is by shaping the data in a 2x2 matrix
obama | not obama
barack A B
not barack C D
and score all occuring bi-grams in the matrix. That way you can for instance use simple chi squared.
I don't know how this is commonly done, but I can think of one crude way to define a notion of correlation that captures word adjacency.
Suppose the text has length N, say it is an array
text[0], text[1], ..., text[N-1]
Suppose the following words appear in the text
word[0], word[1], ..., word[k]
For each word word[i], define a vector of length N-1
X[i] = array(); // of length N-1
as follows: the ith entry of the vector is 1 if the word is either the ith word or the (i+1)th word, and zero otherwise.
// compute the vector X[i]
for (j = 0:N-2){
if (text[j] == word[i] OR text[j+1] == word[i])
X[i][j] = 1;
X[i][j] = 0;
Then you can compute the correlation coefficient between word[a] and word[b] as the dot product between X[a] and X[b] (note that the dot product is the number of times these words are adjacent) divided by the lenghts (the length is the square root of the number of appearances of the word, well maybe twice that). Call this quantity COR(X[a],X[b]). Clearly COR(X[a],X[a]) = 1, and COR(X[a],X[b]) is larger if word[a], word[b] are often adjacent.
This can be generalized from "adjacent" to other notions of near - for example we could have chosen to use 3 word (or 4, 5, etc.) blocks instead. One can also add weights, probably do many more things as well if desired. One would have to experiment to see what is useful, if any of it is of use at all.
This problem sounds like a bigram, a sequence of two "tokens" in a larger body of text. See this Wikipedia entry, which has additional links to the more general n-gram problem.
If you want to do a full analysis, you'd most likely take any given pair of words and do a frequency analysis. E.g., the sentence "Barack Obama is the Democratic candidate for President," has 8 words, so there are 8 choose 2 = 28 possible pairs.
You can then ask statistical questions like, "in how many pairs does 'Obama' follow 'Barack', and in how many pairs does some other word (not 'Obama') follow 'Barack'? In this case, there are 7 pairs that include 'Barack' but in only one of them is it paired with 'Obama'.
Do the same for every possible word pair (e.g., "in how many pairs does 'candidate' follow 'the'?"), and you've got a basis for comparison.

Counting syllables

I'm looking to assign some different readability scores to text in R such as the Flesh Kincaid.
Does anyone know of a way to segment words into syllables using R? I don't necessarily need the syllable segments themselves but a count.
so for instance:
x <- c('dog', 'cat', 'pony', 'cracker', 'shoe', 'Popsicle')
would yield:
1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3
Each number corresponding the the number of syllables in the word.
qdap version 1.1.0 does this task:
x <- c('dog', 'cat', 'pony', 'cracker', 'shoe', 'Popsicle')
## [1] 1 1 2 2 1 3
gsk3 is correct: if you want a correct solution, it is non-trivial.
For example, you have to watch out for strange things like silent e at the end of a word (eg pane), or know when it's not silent, as in finale.
However, if you just want a quick-and-dirty approximation, this will do it:
> nchar( gsub( "[^X]", "", gsub( "[aeiouy]+", "X", tolower( x ))))
[1] 1 1 2 2 1 3
To understand how the parts work, just strip away the function calls from the outside in, starting with nchar and then gsub, etc... ...until the expression makes sense to you.
But my guess is, considering a fight between R's power vs the profusion of exceptions in the English language, you could get a decent answer (maybe 99% right?) parsing through normal text, without a lot of work - heck, the simple parser above may get 90%+ right. With a little more work, you could deal with silent e's if you like.
It all depends on your application - whether this is good enough or you need something more accurate.
Some tools for NLP are available here:
The task is non-trivial though. More hints (including an algorithm you could implement) here:
Detecting syllables in a word
The koRpus package will help you out immensley, but it's a little difficult to work with.
tokens <- tokenize(text, format="obj", lang='en')
