form Authentication -

I need to ask:
I use Forms Authentication in my ASP.NET application.
but when I publish the web after the user login, if he didn't signout he just close the browser and after that he browse it again it will redirect him to default page.
How can I enforce redirecting him to the login page even if he didn't sign out?

You should see the documentation for forms authentication specified here. You can force the cookies to expire whenever you want setting the timeout attribute. Also, you could not use cookies at all by using the cookieless attribute. There are other optional attributes that could be useful for you, that might not be related to your question as well.

It will depend on whether or not their session id cookie still exists, or whether they have cookies enabled at all. To enforce redirecting to the login page you will need to find out how to make the cookies be lost when the browser is closed. In my experience this is the default behaviour anyway.

I will suggest you to check Membership,Profile and Role provider for specifically manage user Logins, Passwords and their profile.
This is one of the good articles from Scott Gu, you should bookmark when you want to work with Membership and Profiles.


Forms Authentication Cookie value vulnerability in

In, I am able to login using forms authentication as usual, copy our auth cookie value, log out, add the cookie artificially to the client using the 'Edit This Cookie' addon for Chrome, refresh the (anonymous) landing page and hey presto i'm logged in again. This seems to be a vulnerability - is there any way of fixing it using the the standard forms auth or will I have to do something like use a custom Authorize attribute which overrides the existing one in mvc?
I don't think this is a bug per se. The following happens during forms authentication
You provide a username/password to the server
Server validates username/password
If valid, the server then sends an encrypted authentication ticket (cookie) to the client with the expiration time (set in the web.config forms authentication section) and username (all encrypted)
On each request that requires authorization, the cookie is decrypted on the server, expiration time is checked and username is used to see if authorized (or getting that role for the requested resource).
When you logout, the expiration time on the cookie is set in the past, therefore, it is not longer a valid cookie
Now, as to why you are seeing what you are seeing... You are copying the cookie before you logout. Thus your copied cookie never registers the logout (moved expiration time). When you reattach, you still have a valid auth cookie. Now, if your forms authentication timeout is set to...let's say 20 minutes...this method would fail if you copy the cookie and wait 21 minutes as by that time, it has expired.
Cookies are always vulerable and we can't do much about that. What we can do is prevent someone from stealing the cookies.
Regarding ASP.NET MVC it does a good job to avoid stealing cookies. Some of the main things it does by default as part of security are:
Encode the strings that are rendered to the view (if you are using Razor don't know about others) to prevent from XSS attacks.
Request validation (stop potentially dangerous data ever reaching the
Preventing GET access for JSON data.
Preventing CSRF Using the Antiforgery Helpers
Regarding cookies Microsoft provides HttpOnly feature and this helps to hide the cookies from javascript. The Forms authentication that you are talking about is a HttpOnly cookie means someone can't steal that through JavaScript and it's more safe.
You can do that with any cookie/s. You can inspect/copy all the cookies from any given domain, and spoof if you want. You can do that to yourself (only) because its your PC (or user logged in to PC). Obviously if you're on a shared PC, that is a problem (across all your info).
The act of "copying your cookie" is in fact one way malware attempts to steal/hijack your identity (or current session on some web site). That said, unless you have some malware, you can't just "copy cookies" of someone else.
Assuming logout is done, you can ask users to close their browsers so the expired cookie is removed from the (file) system.

.NET Membership and Cookies?

I need to determind how my site uses Cookies to inform the user in proper way.
The solutio is a ASP.NET MVC website using .NET Membership. Im storing data in sessions on server but nothing is saved manual to cookies on the client. I Supose however that the ASP.NET Membership is using cookies (for autologin) but im not sure witch data it really stores on the client?
Could you pleas explain or give me a link for this?
The forms authentication ticket (the cookie on the client) stores values such as the username and cookie expiration time along with some other boolean fields related to the remember me checkbox and sliding expiration. This is if you use cookie-based forms authentication which is the default and a typical choice. More information can be found at the following site:
Forms Authentication Explained
It is important to note that sessions and the forms authentication ticket (cookie) are not related in any way. You can have a session without being logged in and you can login and never touch the session object. This is an important difference.
This cookie is not used for 'auto login'. After authentication, putting in a username and password, the cookie is created and is used for authorization - can you access these resources - throughout your site.
ASP.NET Membership enabled sites will have up to 3 cookies:
Session token
Authentication token
Roles cache (if enabled in
To see them, open your site in the browser of your choice, login, and inspect the cookies. In IE its Tools -> Internet Options -> Settings (next to Browsing History) -> View Files

ASP.NET external authentication

I have an application in which I have used forms authentication.
Now, there is a need that user authentication is done outside of my application.
There will be an intro page which will do needed authentication.
Then, after authentication is successful user should be redirected to my app.
Of course, if user is not authenticated via that external page and tries to access my app directly, I need to redirect him back to this external log in page.
What's the best way to implement such a functionality? One way which I think is feasible is that I transfer some particular encrypted string in cookie from external login page and verify it in my application. So, based on that, I can see if user is authenticated via this external page or not.
Your own suggestion of validating the external site's cookie is how I would implement this functionality as well.
I would simply go with adding a Webservice in the first application that you in your stage can connect to a check if the user is logged in, the only problem with this is that you need to know which user whants access to your site and also to confirm that this is truly that user (So a user cant use other users who are logged in). This info could probably be sent via a cookie.
You probably should no be rolling your own single sign on solution in 2011. Rather, you should look at some emerging standards -- particularly OAuth and OpenID. Getting rolling with them is easy -- check out the OpenID website template on MSDN.
At the end we decided to use SAML 2.0 protocol.
External login page posts SAML complient XML digitally signed with certificate to other application. In this XML authenticated username is transferred. Application which receives this XML verifies digital signature with certificate's public key, and if validation is OK, reads username from XML, applies internal application authorization logic and at the end creates auth. cookie. We will probably add encryption so data protection would be complete.

ASP.NET FormsAuthentication Cookie Problem

We use FormAuthentication to manage logins and I have a case where a customer complains where he can login from one computer but to from another.
I can see in my logs that his authentican is successfull but he gets bumped back to the login page. I can reproduce the symptons by disabling cookies so I asked the customer to test if cookies are enabled on, but this came out positive.
What have I missed? Is there any antivirus/security software that can mess up (ASP.NET) cookies?
The user is using IE7 and claims to have F-secure installed.
First ask from your customer to try to login using some other browser like google chrome.
If with other browser works, then ask from your customer to clear the cookies on his browser, if he can clear only your page cookies, then you must be check if you using too much cookies, or too big ones, and create a diferent shecma.
You maybe have set to store/cache the roles on cookie - this make cookie too big ones, and big cookies create problems.

What is the best way of handling users session in ASP.Net?

Any user who logs in needs to provide username, password and domain. For that user a windows identity shall be created on the server side. In this scenario what is the best way to handle user's session across the pages using his identity in ASP.Net?
Maybe i don't understand the question here but to me it seems like you could just created a custom membership/profile provider that authenticates to AD. If the the account can not be found then create them. this would allow you to act as normal on the side of things while still allowing you to interact with AD.
MS Howto:
sorry if this is not what you are looking for, but this seems right based on the question.
I'm guessing the username, password, domain is authenticated against an Active Directory? If so, you'll be interested in this article: How To: Use Forms Authentication with Active Directory in ASP.NET 2.0
If you are just using session to 'remember someone is logged in' this will handle it all for you.
Use session variable to store user details.
