I am old Drupal developer and stopped at drupal 6 and now I am starting my studies of drupal 8 modules development.
I am porting a module to drupal 8 and this module that can be extended. The currently approach is using hooks and works well.
I want to know is hooks still the best approach or using the new OOP structure with services and dependency injection. (https://www.drupal.org/docs/8/api/services-and-dependency-injection)
Thanks in advance,
Pedro Faria
The plugin API for Drupal 8 is probably what you want
If anyone could give a tutorial how to design report related modules with other modules using OpenERP Report Design in applications OpenOffice Writer?
thank you
Please follow the below link to learn the Open Office Report (RML Report)
for OpenERP 7.0
Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3
Reference 4
Reference 5
I hope this should helpful for you ..!!:)
Is there any way I can add poll to forum topic (Advance forum) or/And Article/Basic page.
I m still evaluating poll modules .. feel free to suggest best poll module other than core one.
In Drupal 7 you can use Pollfield module, but It's not a final version:
It looks like the final release for ASP.NET MVC 2 has been already around for 2 weeks. Unfortunately, I can't find documentation that's intended for MVC 2 exclusively. I've checked Amazon.com (no book yet on MVC2), ScottGu's Blog (only 2 short posts), ASP.NET/MVC website (they've only posted what are alreadi in the ScottGu's blog).
Any idea where to find matter on MVC2?
Thanks for helping.
Best place to get updated information about asp.net mvc is below site
The official documentation is on MSDN, and in VS 2010 help.
Upgrade from MVC 1 to 2 (documentation)
Upgrade from MVC 1 to 2 (tool)
Phil Haack has some good posts on MVC 2
and as Hiscal said, http://asp.net is a great resource too. What I've done is use MVC 1 documentation while familiarizing myself with the new features of MVC 2 via Phil Haack's, ScottGu's, and Hansleman's blogs.
Maybe its just me, but all these sites just talk in general about mvc 2 - its being released soon, download here, read this blog (which just says the same). I've yet to find any real code/implementations of areas, validation, or templates. Guess I need to google harder.
Also http://dotnetslackers.com/articles/aspnet/A-First-Look-at-ASP-NET-MVC-2.aspx
I have a CFC that occasionally needs to send a message via LCDS/BlazeDS to multiple Flex apps that have a consumer setup. I'm having a hard time figuring out the specific steps to make this work. Using ColdFusion 8 and Flex 3.
I know it's SendGatewayMessage but how do I configure?
Its a bit old but Ben Forta has a nice step by step intro on how to get started on his blog