ASP.NET development server unwilling to upgrade to .NET 3.5 -

I had an ASP.NET 2.0 web project. Worked fine. I decided to upgrade the site to 3.5. The upgrade worked fine. I have added a IHttpHandler that required to include the following line in the web.config:
<add verb="GET,POST" path="MyOperation.asmx" type="MyClass"/>
This line in the web.config generates the following error: "Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'MyClass'."
This sounds like a typical spelling error in the class name. But it looks not, I checked it 1000 times. However, what is really strange that on the bottom of the "yellow-screen-of-death" page it says:
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3082; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3082
This is really strange. The project is set to 3.5. The only piece of code that use 3.5 features are the IHttpHandler implementation. All the rest of the web project are 2.0 compatible and works without problem if I exclude the line from the web.config.
Why is this?
[I did not try with IIS. I use ASP.NET development server.]
[EDIT] I have to apologize, it was stupid spelling issue as I expected in the first round. My IHttpHandler implementation was in a nested class and the proper class name is "OuterClass+NestedClass" vs OuterClass.NestedClass that I used in my config file. However, I thank to all who contributed because I learned new things on CLR versioning!

I think you need to use the fully qualified type name.
<add verb="GET,POST" path="MyOperation.asmx" type="Your.Namespace.MyClass,"/>
and the error containing the version information of 2 is normall since the CLR hasn't changed for 3 and 3.5. the only changes were additional sepperate assemblies and syntactic suggar (like automated properties are a feature of the compiler not the runtime) ".net 4" will come with a new CLR.

The version is not an issue ( I think). .net 2 to 3.5 sp1 use the same run time. The newer ones are just new libraries and compilers. So from the point of view not much has changed.

ASP.NET 3.5 is really 2.0 with extra extensions. So, as long as the server has 3.5 installed, then the message that shows that you're pointing to the 2.0 framework confirms that you have it setup correctly.
The issue is likely what olle suggested, that you need the full class name, assembly name.
Also confirm that you have the dll in your /bin folder and that it's marked as an application if you're not working from the root of your site.

Go to the project properties. Choose the Application tab. Change the Target Framework to .Net Framework 3.5 if you haven't done that already.


What is my problem with ASP.NET pubslishing?

I am done testing my site and I want to upload it to a site like this
the admin told me the server runs on .NET 3.5. So i used Linq ...
now i tried to upload the site by two ways:
when i just copy everything (with modification of web.config database settings) i get an error:
CS0246: The type or namespace name
'DataClassesDataContext' could not be
found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)
Version Information: Microsoft .NET
Framework Version:2.0.50727.3082;
ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3082
Note here it says version 2.0
did he just lie to me? or its my configuration mistake?
anyway, i added the reference, nothing changes.
I tried also publishing (Build, publish) with option to keep the pre-comiled site updatable, and I get one line saying:
this is a makefile and should be
what is going on?
It looks like it can't find your DBML file, or your DBML file isn't called "DataClasses.dbml". Also, the .NET Framework Version is not lying. It is reporting the CLR version, which is still 2.0 for the 3.5 .NET Framework.

VS2010 converted project invalid reference

Opening a .Net 2 project in VS2010 it converts the project without any issues BUT when I attempt to build it fails.
The reason is that in VS2005 a reference was added to System.Web.Extensions which is a .Net 3.5 assembly. Now VS2005 never complained at this and quite happily worked but VS2010 is far more strict and won't allow it.
I've tried changing the targeted framework to .Net 3.5 but I get another situation there where the web page is never displayed, it simply hangs not even getting to Applicatin_OnStart.
Any help either on adding the reference with .Net 2 as target framework (prefered option for time) or getting the .Net 3.5 version to work would be greatly appreciated.
Ok so maybe the reference was a read herring. One of my colleagues opened the project and did the conversion and once he changed the targetted framework to .Net 3.5 it all worked. The difference between our machines is that he's on 32 bit XP and I'm on 64 bit Windows 7. When I change the targetted version and try to run the program the build seems to stop at CppCodeProvider and hang.
Check your web.config file for the references to System.Web.Extensions. It could be there are duplicate entries or entries pointing to older versions.
Check if the project is just targeting the client profile. The following link could provide you additional information: System.Web.Extensions Assembly cannot be resolved error message when using REST starter kit

I've written some code using the REST starter kit and it works fine on my development machine. However, when I upload it to our server the page gives me the following error message...
CS1684: Warning as Error: Reference to type 'System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer' claims it is defined in 'c:\WINNT\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.ServiceModel.Web\\System.ServiceModel.Web.dll', but it could not be found
I've removed code line by line and it appears that the following line of code is triggering the error...
HttpContent newOrganizationContent = HttpContentExtensions.CreateXmlSerializable(newOrganizationXml);
Really haven't got a clue how to fix it. I assumed it might be because it needs a newer version of the framework to run, but looking in IIS it says it's running version 2.0.50727 which I think is the lates version because it says that even when we're using framework 3.5
Very confused, any ideas?
At first I thought this was possibly because the server you're deploying to didn't have .NET Framework 3.5SP1 installed and only .NET 3.5RTM.
However, upon checking a .NET 3.5 RTM System.ServiceModel.Web.dll assembly I see that the System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer is actually defined.
The compiler warning CS1684 suggests that there is a System.ServiceModel.Web.dll assembly in the server's GAC, but one that doesn't have the System.Runtime.Serialization.Json. DataContractJsonSerializer defined.
So things I would check:
Check that the deployment server is running at least .NET 3.5 RTM and that a beta or release candidate isn't in use or hasn't been left over.
In Visual Studio 2008 make sure you select a "Target Framework" of .NET 3.5 in the project properties.
One final check you could do to see if the problem lies with the server's framework install is to knock up a simple application to consume the DataContractJsonSerializer directly. There's an example on the MSDN documentation page for the class:
DataContractJsonSerializer Class (MSDN)
As a last resort, if the server is under your control then I'd uninstall .NET Framework 3.5 and then re-install from:
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (Full Install)
As per your comments:
If you're running a beta of 3.5 then chances are that DataContractJsonSerializer isn't in the System.ServiceModel.Web.dll assembly.
I seem to remember back around the CTP, betas and release candidates there were late breaking changes in this area. I vaguely remember the DataContractJsonSerializer was one of these late additions/changes due to the increased popularity of JSON and community pressure. My memory is a bit vague but it rings a bell.
To replace the DLL you need to unregister the current version from the GAC then register the RTM one using the GACUTIL.exe tool. I wouldn't advise mixing RTM and beta bits, you're leaving yourself open to unpredictable behavour.

How do disable .net framework 3.5 on IIS 6

Is there are some ability to disable .net 3.5 on IIS 6 for site? I just have an application (.net 2.0) that has not working on server with .net 3.5, is throw :
Attempted to read or write protected
memory. This is often an indication
that other memory is corrupt.
Description: An unhandled exception
occurred during the execution of the
current web request. Please review the
stack trace for more information about
the error and where it originated in
the code.
Exception Details:
Attempted to read or write protected
memory. This is often an indication
that other memory is corrupt.
Thanks in advance.
Please post the complete exception. Also, is the failing application a .NET 3.5 application? There is no "disable" in IIS because .NET 3.5 uses the .NET 2.0 CLR, just like .NET 2.0 and 3.0 did. .NET 3.5 does install service packs.
You shouldn't have to "disable" anything. Your application should still be running in a v2.0 AppPool.
Scott Hanselman's blog post How to set an IIS Application or AppPool to use ASP.NET 3.5 rather than 2.0 is sort of the reverse of what you're asking, but it should help explain the situation more clearly.
In particular:
[web.config is] where your web site is
told what version of the compiler to
use, and the new supporting libraries.
This is where you tell ASP.NET to use .NET 3.5, not in IIS. IIS
AppPools know about CLR versions, not
Framework and compiler versions, those
are set by the application.
So your application is still running on the .NET 2.0 CLR, even if you have .NET 3.5 installed.
I realise this is quite an old topic, but I had this issue today and managed to resolve it by deleting some registry entries.
Open "Regedit" and look for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft.NETFramework\Security\Policy\Extensions\NamedPermissionSets
Export the keys in case you break something, then you can restore the original configuration.
Within this key you will have a number of sub keys (I had 'Internet' and 'Intranet')
Look at the values in the subkeys and remove any Keys which refer to versions of .NET later than 2.0.5027
I suppose the alternative to this would be to register the appropriate library and/or classes in your web.config.
Hope this helps the OP or anyone else having the same problem.
Not sure if this any use for you, but I think you can declare the required runtime for your site in the web.config file. Check out this blog post. By specifically declaring which version of the .NET framework you want your site to use, it might help.
<requiredRuntime version="v2.0.5027"/>

.net 3.5SP1 on a .net 3.0 Server - Is it possible to use the /bin Folder in

One of my Websites is on a Shared Hosting Provider, running either .net 2.0 or .net 3.0, but not 3.5 SP1.
I wonder if it would be possible to still use 3.5 SP1 by simply deploying all the 3.5 assemblies into the /bin Folder, since technically it's all still the 2.0 CLR.
I know that if my Host ever updates I have to remove them or else weird stuff can happen, and that I am driving into Unsupported-Territory at full speed, but is there any really big road sign that says "DON'T DO IT!" or even "That is not possible because of X"?
Primary reason is because I want to use MVC and possibly Entity Framework, but I do not want to make a contract with yet another Hosting provider.
In theory it can be achieved, but it's definately not recommended.
Scott Hanselman did a post on how to run ASP.NET MVC onto a server with other .NET 2.0 installed, see -
It's very much a "works on my machine" certified post though.
All DLL's on an ASP.NET site can reside within the /bin, provided they are correctly referenced. My suggestion - create a virtual machine (MS Virtual PC is free), install just .NET 2.0/ .NET 3.0 and then copy the DLL's you require from a .NET 3.5 install (tip - you'll find the DLL's in %program files%\Reference Assemblies).
I take no responsibility for the damage you cause to your provider from this answer
I'm pretty sure you can't do this, but googling on the following blogs may get you the definitive answer:
The problems would be, I think:
You want to load system.dll. Where does it look? does the GAC take precidence? (I think it does), therefore you get 2.0. So you have system.dll v2.0, and you try to use a DLL (eg system.web.mvc) which is bound to system.dll v3.5, but is only in you /bin.... it should explode loudly, not having the same contracts and the like.
Personally, I wouldn't try it, especially on production. But if you can take the site down for a while, give it a go. Worst case, you have to delete the files and re-upload the old site.
I've successfully run some EntityFramework websites on hosts that only had .net 3.5 installed. I copied the System.Data.Entity.dll and the System.Web.Entity from Program Files%/Reference Assemblies. I also had to modify my web.config and remove the references to the System.Data.Entity and System.Web.Entity.
Update: this technique will not work for DynamicData or the EntityDataSource web control. I belive it has to do with the System.Web.WebExtensions.dll which already exists in the GAC from 3.5
