Which link type to use for FeedBurner SmartFeed - rss

Searching for the correct answer all day, and nobody seems to know, so I thought I'd give it a shot here as a last effort before I keel over.
FeedBurner's SmartFeed service does this:
Translates your feed on-the-fly into a
format (RSS or Atom) compatible with
your visitors' feed reader
Based on the above information, which would be correct to add to my <head> section? The difference being the type="foo" sections?
<link rel="alternate" href="<?php echo feedburner_url(); ?>"
type="application/rss+xml" title="FooBar RSS News Feed" />
<link rel="alternate" href="<?php echo feedburner_url(); ?>"
type="application/atom+xml" title="FooBar Atom News Feed" />
or possibly even both?
Can't find the answer anwywhere. Google (owns FeedBurner), Google groups, FeedBurner help, etc. And FB conveniently doesn't have any type of help system. Maybe that's a hint? =)

I'd think you could use either or both at the same time.
What should happen is that the user's feed reader will make an HTTP request with the 'Accept:' header indicating what type of feed it wants (application/atom+xml or application/rss+xml). Feedburner would then look at the Accept header and serve up the appropriate type for you.
I think you are fine with putting both up. Feed readers are smart enough nowadays to figure out how to get the feed in a format it can easily use.


Want To Fix RSS Feed

My blog rss feed is located at - Online Income Startup
But the feed is not being detected in some sites. Please guide me on how to fix the feed to make sure everything is working fine.
try add this in the head tag:
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="http://www.onlineincomestartup.com/feed/" title="Online Income Startup" />

Orchard CMS Default Rss feeds for blog

I'm Trying to display a RSS link to a blog post in Orchard 1.5 (should be simple right)
I feel I must be missing something here :
The documentation here seems out of date? I can't find any instance of the Html.RegisterFeed or Html.FeedLink in my current Orchard 1.5.1 codebase.
I can see the <link /> tags have been inserted into the Header section of the page.
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="News" href="/Riders/rss?containerid=85" shape-id="334">
And I'm looking at the View in Orchard.Core/Feeds/Views/Feeds.cshtml and I can see
But I don't know how to get this to render on my page, ideally in First aside section.
Could someone point me in the right direction.
For instance
I want to put something like
RSS feed
and it would render

how to add an Open Graph og:description a href link along with php echo statement

I´m creating OpenGraph protocol head descriptions and wanted to fancy up the outputted code to eventually display the (("the description" along with View Collection...)) as an additional trailing linkable word.
The working simple code is this:
<meta property="og:description" content="<?php echo $this->getDescription() ?>"/>
I´ve unsuccessfully used this:
<meta property="og:description" content="<?php echo $this->getDescription() ?> view collection..."/>
Since this meta property tag is within the head, it creates a problem with an a href statement. Is there a proper way for this to be done? Additionally, I think the syntax is wrong.
Any help?
You can't put hyperlinks inside a meta tag, I'm afraid. Neither the HTML standard nor Facebook's OpenGraph standard supports the effect you're trying to achieve.
Use the <meta property="og:url" content="http://yourlink.com"> to send a link for your Collection. It want display inside your description, but if you properly present you USP and direct viewers to use it you will get the same result. #user816749

Wordpress RSS feed with custom description?

Is there a nice and simple way to add a filter to the wordpress RSS feed functions?
I want to insert some custom text into the <description> tag of my RSS2 feed and the <summary> tag of my Atom feed. Is there any easy way to do that?
I don't have templates for my feeds in my theme (like wp-rss2.php or wp-atom.php). I've just added the normal
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?> Atom Feed" href="<?php bloginfo('atom_url'); ?>" />
to my <head>
Any idea how I can influence the description and summary of my feeds?
There's several options depending on your comfort/experience level:
Install a plugin like Feed Wrangler or Ozh Better Feed
Use a 3rd party service like Feedburner
Hook into the feed using various PHP functions
Or edit the feed output

Wordpress how to prevent category and archive crawl and index

I've noticed in Google's webmasters tools that I have two records showing where I have unexpected duplicated content.
Its apparently happening because Google has crawled and indexed my categories and archives although I have no visible links for either (that I'm aware of).
I'd like to prevent these items from being crawled and indexed, but how?
Here are the two records that Google's webmaster tools are showing....
One way to control spider access is of course to manually create (or modify) a robots.txt file.
However, for Wordpress, it might make more sense to use a plugin, such as Google Sitemap Generator or the more SEO-geared All in One SEO Pack
You could add an if statement to the header.php file
if(is_archive) {
<?php } ?>
Google should respect that. The is_archive conditional covers categories as well - http://codex.wordpress.org/Conditional_Tags#Any_Archive_Page
