Tournament Brackets algorithm -

I need to create an page that auto generate a brackets tournament tennis style.
Regarding the managing of match in database, it's not a problem.
The problem is the dynamic graphics creation of brackets.
The user will be able to create tournament by 2-4...32 players.
And i don't know ho to create the graphics bracket in html or gdi...

Using Silverlight, and a Grid, You can produce something like this:
To do it, define a regular UserControl containing a Grid. (This is the default when you build a silverlight app in VS2008 with the Silverlight 3.0 SDK).
Then, add a call to the following in the constructor for the user control:
private void SetupBracket(int n)
var black = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray);
// number of levels, or rounds, in the single-elim tourney
int levels = (int)Math.Log(n, 2) + 1;
// number of columns in the Grid. There's a "connector"
// column between round n and round n+1.
int nColumns = levels * 2 - 1;
// add the necessary columns to the grid
var cdc = LayoutRoot.ColumnDefinitions;
for (int i = 0; i < nColumns; i++)
var cd = new ColumnDefinition();
// the width of the connector is half that of the regular columns
int width = ((i % 2) == 1) ? 1 : 2;
cd.Width = new GridLength(width, GridUnitType.Star);
var rdc = LayoutRoot.RowDefinitions;
// in the grid, there is one row for each player, and
// an interleaving row between each pair of players.
int totalSlots = 2 * n - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < totalSlots; i++)
rdc.Add(new RowDefinition());
// Now we have a grid of the proper geometry.
// Next: fill it.
List<int> slots = new List<int>();
ImageBrush brush = new ImageBrush();
brush.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri("Bridge.png", UriKind.Relative));
// one loop for each level, or "round" in the tourney.
for (int j = 0; j < levels; j++)
// Figure the number of players in the current round.
// Since we insert the rounds in the reverse order,
// think of j as the "number of rounds remaining."
// Therefore, when j==0, playersThisRound=1.
// When j == 1, playersThisRound = 2. etc.
int playersThisRound = (int)Math.Pow(2, j);
int x = levels - j;
int f = (int)Math.Pow(2, x - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < playersThisRound; i++)
// do this in reverse order. The innermost round is
// inserted first.
var r = new TextBox();
r.Background = black;
if (j == levels - 1)
r.Text = "player " + (i + 1).ToString();
r.Text = "player ??";
// for j == 0, this is the last column in the grid.
// for j == levels-1, this is the first column.
// The grid column is not the same as the current
// round, because of the columns used for the
// interleaved connectors.
int k = 2 * (x - 1);
r.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, k);
int m = (i * 2 + 1) * f - 1;
r.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, m);
// are we not on the last round?
if (j > 0)
// Have we just inserted two rows? Then we need
// a connector between these two and the next
// round (the round previously added).
if (slots.Count == 2)
string xamlTriangle = "<Path xmlns='' "+
"xmlns:x='' " +
"Data='M0,0 L 100 50 0 100 Z' Fill='LightBlue' Stretch='Fill'/>";
Path path = (Path)System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.Load(xamlTriangle);
path.SetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty, 2 * (x - 1) + 1);
path.SetValue(Grid.RowProperty, slots[0]);
path.SetValue(Grid.RowSpanProperty, slots[1] - slots[0] + 1);
In the above, the connector is just an isosceles triangle, with the apex pointing to the right. It is generated by XamlReader.Load() on a string.
You would also want to pretty it up, style it with different colors and fonts, I guess.
You can insert this silverlight "user control" into any HTML web page, something like embedding a flash app into a page. There are silverlight plugins for IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Chrome.
If you don't want to use Silverlight, you could use a similar approach to construct an HTML table.


(JavaFX) - Snake Iteration 2D Matrix at Snakes and Ladders game

I am creating the game "Snakes And Ladders". I am using a GridPane to represent the game board and obviously I want to move through the board in a "snake" way. Just like that: .
When the dice is rolled I want to move 'dice_num' moves forward + your current position, so I am calculating the new index using an 1D array and I convert this index to 2D coordinates (Reverse Row-Major Order).
gameGrid.add(pieceImage, newIndex % ROWS, newIndex / ROWS);
Where gameGrid is the ID of my grid pane, newIndex % ROWS represents the column coordinate and newIndex / ROWS the row coordinate.
PROBLEM 1: The grid pane is iterating in its own way. Just like that:
Obviously when the 2D array meets coordinates [0,9] , next position is [1,0] but what I actually want as next position is [1,9] (going from 91 to 90).
PROBLEM 2: I want to start counting from the bottom of the grid pane (from number 1, see screenshots) and go all the way up till 100. But how am I supposed to reverse iterate through a 2D array?
You can easily turn the coordinate system upside down with the following conversion:
y' = maxY - y
To get the "snake order", you simply need to check, if the row the index difference is odd or even. For even cases increasing the index should increase the x coordinate
x' = x
for odd cases you need to apply a transformation similar to the y transformation above
x' = xMax - x
The following methods allow you to convert between (x, y) and 1D-index. Note that the index is 0-based:
private static final int ROWS = 10;
private static final int COLUMNS = 10;
public static int getIndex(int column, int row) {
int offsetY = ROWS - 1 - row;
int offsetX = ((offsetY & 1) == 0) ? column : COLUMNS - 1 - column;
return offsetY * COLUMNS + offsetX;
public static int[] getPosition(int index) {
int offsetY = index / COLUMNS;
int dx = index % COLUMNS;
int offsetX = ((offsetY & 1) == 0) ? dx : COLUMNS - 1 - dx;
return new int[] { offsetX, ROWS - 1 - offsetY };
for (int y = 0; y < ROWS; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < COLUMNS; x++, i++) {
System.out.print('\t' + Integer.toString(getIndex(x, y)));
for (int j = 0; j < COLUMNS * ROWS; j++) {
int[] pos = getPosition(j);
System.out.format("%d: (%d, %d)\n", j, pos[0], pos[1]);
This should allow you to easily modify the position:
int[] nextPos = getPosition(steps + getIndex(currentX, currentY));
int nextX = nextPos[0];
int nextY = nextPos[1];

Find out missing range sequence

I have range sequences. I want to find out is their any missing sequence.
let’s say we have 3 margins 0 -25, 25-50, 75-100
so program gives the result as 50 – 75. is missing sequence.
As others have said you should provide at least some code for us to start off with. Also IMO this has nothing to do with ASP.NET.
The following is the solution which might be of help.
I have assumed a few things
The margins which you are getting can be converted to List<string>
There will be always be only 1 margin missing between any 2 margins. i.e. there will never be a case where your 3 margins are 0 -25, 25-50, 100-125 since here consecutive 2 margins are missing 50-75 and 75-100. If this can be a case then please comment so that I can update my answer accordingly
The first margin in the list is always the start margin
Check out the below code
List<string> margin = new List<string>() { "0-25", "25-50", "100-125" };
List<List<int>> splitedMargin = new List<List<int>>();
foreach (var item in margin)
var arr = item.Split('-');
splitedMargin.Add(new List<int>() { int.Parse(arr[0]), int.Parse(arr[1]) });
//Required missing margin
List<string> missingMargin = new List<string>();
int marginSize = splitedMargin[0][1] - splitedMargin[0][0];
for (int i = 1; i < splitedMargin.Count; i++)
if (splitedMargin[i - 1][1] != splitedMargin[i][0])
int missingMarginCount = (splitedMargin[i][0] - splitedMargin[i - 1][1]) / marginSize;
if (missingMarginCount == 1)
missingMargin.Add(splitedMargin[i - 1][1].ToString() + "-" + splitedMargin[i][0].ToString());
for (int j = 0; j < missingMarginCount; j++)
missingMargin.Add((splitedMargin[i - 1][1] + (marginSize * j)).ToString() + "-" + (splitedMargin[i - 1][1] + (marginSize * (j + 1))).ToString());
Hope this helps

JGraphX Takes a Long Time to Construct Graph

I'm constructing a graph with JGraphX. Using the following code, it takes an inordinately long time to build compared to similar graph implementations like JGraphT. Why would this be? The vertices are created quickly, but the nested loops that create the edges take a long time, especially when the array sizes are 1000.
Vertex[] verts = new Vertex[1000]; // My own vertex class
mxCell[] cells = new mxCell[1000]; // From com.mxGraph.model.mxCell
// Create graph
mxGraph mx = new mxGraph(); // from com.mxgraph.view.mxGraph
// Create vertices
for(int i = 0; i < verts.length; i++)
verts[i] = new Vertex(Integer.toString(i));
cells[i] = new mxCell(verts[i]);
mx.insertVertex(null, Integer.toString(i), cells[i], 1, 1, 1, 1);
System.out.println("Vertices created.");
// Connect graph
Random r = new Random();
for(int j = 0; j < verts.length; j++)
for(int k = 0; k < verts.length; k++)
if(k != j)
if(r.nextInt(5) == 0) // Random connections, fairly dense
mx.insertEdge(null, Integer.toString(k) + " " + Integer.toString(j), "", cells[j], cells[k]);
System.out.println("Finished graph.");
begin and end updates are meant for combining operations into one. Ending an update causes a complete validation of the graph. Here you're wrapping each atomic operation only, they have no effect.
Remove the begin/ends you have an put a begin after you create the graph and the end at the bottom of this code section and try that.

how to make a map in xna 4 with matrix from text file

I am trying to make a map by reading a text file line by line (because i cant find how to do that word by word). So I make a map00.txt that looks like "33000000111" (every number is one row, first 2 rows are number of columns and rows so matrix that I load it into looks like
). Now I am supposed to draw 3 tiles at the bottom (1=draw tile). I do so by drawing tile at its position in matrix * window height(width) / matrix number of rows(columns).
PROBLEM: i cant get the right parameters for current window width and height.
Code for loading tiles:
public int[,] LoadMatrix(string path)
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path);
int[,] a = new int[int.Parse(sr.ReadLine().ToString()),
for(int i = 0; i < a.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < a.GetLength(1); j++)
{ a[i, j] =int.Parse(sr.ReadLine().ToString()); }
return a;
Code for drawing tiles:
public void DrawTiles(SpriteBatch sp, GraphicsDeviceManager gdm)
for(int i = 0; i < matrix.GetLength(0); i++)
for(int j = 0; j < matrix.GetLength(1); j++)
if (i == 1)
new Rectangle(j * (gdm.PreferredBackBufferWidth / 3),//matrix.GetLength(1),
i * (gdm.PreferredBackBufferWidth / 3),//matrix.GetLength(0),
gdm.PreferredBackBufferWidth / matrix.GetLength(1),
gdm.PreferredBackBufferHeight / matrix.GetLength(0)),
but the result is that they are drawn about 40 pixels above the bottom of the screen!
and i tried with GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Height(Width) but i get the same result. And when i put calculated numbers that should (in theory) be width/columns and heigth/rows i get what i want. So any suggestions would be VERY appriciated because i am stuck at this for a long time on google and Stack Overflow.
Here is a reworked version of your Draw code, which should work:
public void DrawTiles(SpriteBatch sp, GraphicsDeviceManager gdm)
//You would typically pre-compute these in a load function
int tileWidth = gdm.PreferredBackBufferWidth / matrix.GetLength(0);
int tileHeight = gdm.PreferredBackBufferWidth / matrix.GetLength(1);
//Loop through all tiles
for(int i = 0; i < matrix.GetLength(0); i++)
for(int j = 0; j < matrix.GetLength(1); j++)
//If tile value is not 0
if (matrix[i,j] != 0)
sp.Draw(tile, new Rectangle(i * tileWidth, j * tileHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight), Color.White);

Object reference not set to an instance of an object - but it is?

I am creating a Sudoku Puzzle in asp and I'm having trouble with some classes. When I create a function to display all the numbers in the text box, I get this error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. I know that it means that my object is null, but here is my code. The line that I am getting the error on is the line that says: stbNumber.setNumber(currentSolution[3 * i + m, 3 * k + n]);
private SudokuTextBox stb;
private Puzzle puzzle;
private Box box;
private Number stbNumber;
public void displayAll(object sender,EventArgs e)
puzzle = new Puzzle();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
box = new Box();
for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++)
for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
stbNumber = new Number();
stb = new SudokuTextBox();
stbNumber.setNumber(currentSolution[3 * i + m, 3 * k + n]);
box.setItem(stb, m, n);
}// end forth for
}//end third for
puzzle.setItem(box, i, k);
}//end second for
}//end first for
I have initialized stbNumber at the very top of my code, and I have made sure that currentSolution is not null or empty. I'm therefore unsure as to what I am doing wrong. I also should mention that I have this exact code elsewhere to generate new puzzles and it works just fine, but this section of code specifically gets called when I click a button.
you essentially have 3 possibilities:
stbNumber.setNumber(currentSolution[3 * i + m, 3 * k + n]);
stbNumber could be null
currentSolution could be null
the element you are trying to index could be null--just because currentSolution is not null does not mean the item is at that index is not null--so new one up or take appropriate action
since you new up an instance of stbNumber, it is unlikely to be the culprit (but it could be)
you say you are checking currentSolution is null, I don't see the code for that and from the code you did post it is most likely the culprit here. what you COULD do is add a check for null before you access it, and if your test fails writing an error message somewhere:
stbNumber = new Number();
stb = new SudokuTextBox();
if ( currentSolution != null )
// if the item does not exist, new it up
if ( currentSolution[3 * i + m, 3 * k + n] == null ) currentSolution[3 * i + m, 3 * k + n] = new someObject()
stbNumber.setNumber(currentSolution[3 * i + m, 3 * k + n]);
WriteSomeErrorMessage("currentSolution is null");
