Why does the x value change in this program? - runtime-error

I have created this code, and when I run it, don't get any errors until the arrow leaves the screen (ie: (*I)->x>maxx), after which the O will randomly teleport (Well, I'm guessing its not random, but I'm trying to find a pattern to it).
EDIT: the random teleportation don't seem to occur if I move up, and if I move down, the O is teleported directly to the bottom. Also, a glitch has occured where the O becomes a '>'. (I am trying to figure out how that happens)
EDIT: the transform-into-'>' glitch occurs if the O is at the bottom right of the screen (player.x=9;player.y=9) and the sequence "wqs" is entered.
EDIT: I've removed the class declarations because I am fairly sure that the error is within the _move()s and check().
EDIT: The transform glitch appears to occur when 'wq' is typed, then any other character is entered (ie "skiping" the next move)
EDIT: The tranform glitch occurs when player.x=9; player.y=8; and then 'q' is pressed, the next move the player tranforms into a '>'
This is the code:
using namespace std;
const int maxx = 10, maxy = 10; //two constants that show the size of the sector
char sector[maxx][maxy]; //array of characters used to display the sector
prgm player(0, 0, 'O'); //player definition at x0,y0,and displayed with 'O'
const int vsize = 1; //size of the enemy array (ie: how many enemies there will be
X1 a(9, 5, 'X', 10); //enemy "a", has a move function that moves it back and forth
virus * viral_data[vsize] = {&a}; //array of enemies used to set the sector
vector<antivirus*> antiviral_data; //vector of pointers to "antivirus" the weapon used
vector<antivirus*>::iterator I; //iterator for previous vector
void display() //function to display the sector
for(int i = 0; i < maxy; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < maxx; j++)
void p_move() //function to get players input, then move the player or create "antivirus"
char dir;
case 'w':
case 'a':
case 's':
case 'd':
case 'q':
antiviral_data.push_back(new aX1(player.x, player.y, '>')); //creates a new aX1 at the players position
void v_move() //uses the enemies move
for(int i = 0; i < vsize; i++)
void a_move() //uses the weapon (ie: moves the weapon forward)
for(I = antiviral_data.begin(); I < antiviral_data.end(); I++)
void set() //sets the sector array (char)
for(int i = 0; i < maxy; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < maxx; j++)
sector[j][i] = ' '; makes the entire sector blank
sector[player.x][player.y]=player.sym; //sets the sector at the player's position to 'O'
for(int i = 0; i < vsize; i++)
sector[viral_data[i]->x][viral_data[i]->y] = viral_data[i]->sym; //sets the sector at each enemy's position to be 'X'
for(I = antiviral_data.begin(); I < antiviral_data.end(); I++)
sector[(*I)->x][(*I)->y] = (*I)->sym; //sets the sector at each weapon's position to be '>'
void check() //prevents the player from moving off the screen, erases bullet if it moves of the screen (to prevent access to non-allocated memory)
if(player.x < 0)
player.x = 0;
if(player.y < 0)
player.y = 0;
if(player.x > (maxx-1))
player.x = (maxx-1);
if(player.y > (maxy-1))
player.y = (maxy-1);
for(I = antiviral_data.begin(); I! = antiviral_data.end();)
if((*I)->x > maxx)
I = antiviral_data.erase(I);
int main()
set(); //set sector
display(); //display sector
p_move(); //player's move
v_move(); //enemy's move
a_move(); //bullet's move
check();//check moves
return 0;

In check(), the test
((*I)->x > maxx)
should be
((*I)->x >= maxx)
. This is an off-by-one error that lets the > get one square off the screen. When the display routine tries to display it, it clobbers the display symbol for the X.


find the longest distance whit DFS

i have this implementation of DFS:
void Graph::DFS(int start, vector<bool>& visited){
// Print the current node
cout << start << " ";
// Set current node as visited
visited[start] = true;
// For every node of the graph
for (int i = 0; i < v; i++) {
// If some node is adjacent to the current node
// and it has not already been visited
if (adj[start][i] == 1 && (!visited[i])) {
DFS(i, visited);
Instead of printing the travel i want it return the longest disntance from this start vertex.
what can i change into the code?
With a few changes you are able to do it, but it will be very slow.
int Graph::DFS(int start, vector<bool>& visited){
// Set current node as visited
visited[start] = true;
int out = 0;
// For every node of the graph
for (int i = 0; i < v; i++) {
// If some node is adjacent to the current node
// and it has not already been visited
if (adj[start][i] == 1 && (!visited[i])) {
out = max(out, DFS(i, visited) + 1);
visited[start] = false;
return out;

How to check if Image in ImageView Array is set to 'null'?

I am trying to create a counter that increases if an Image contained in an ImageView array is set to null. I have a Bullet class that calls the method below
Whenever I kill an enemy it sets the image to 'null'
public void Collision(ImageView ene[], Rectangle b){
for (int i = 0; i < 10 * wave; i++) {
if (ene[i].getBoundsInParent().intersects(b.getBoundsInParent())){
My problem is that it prints out the first "Null count: " in the checkWave method, but never reaches the for loop. Am I comparing to null incorrectly?
Look at this checkWave(ImageView e[])
now check your Collision method pal, who do you set to null? go back to your checkWave(ImageView e[]) method, who you check for null?
hope you find your solution.
one tip: int counter = 10 * wave;//its final
for (int i = 0; i < 10 * wave; i++) {//save yourself some keys
or (int i = 0; i < counter; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++) {
if (e[i].getImage() == null){ //now your loop will do
System.out.println("Null count: " + nullCount);

Game of Life Processing

import processing.core.PApplet;
public class gl extends PApplet {
static int neighborCount;
static int screenRows;
int tNC; // Temporary Neighbor Count
int newState;
int columns = 960;
int rows = 477;
int[][] cells = new int[columns][rows];
int[][] newGen = new int[columns][rows];
public static void main(String[] args) {
public void settings() {
size(1920, 955);
public void setup() {
// Set background white and all of cells[][] to 0 or 1
screenRows = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < (rows / 2); j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < (columns / 2); i++) {
cells[i][j] = (int) random(0, 2);
public void draw() {
// If program has finished generating this frame, reset everything and set cells[][] equal to newGen[][]
if (screenRows > (height / 2)) {
screenRows = 0;
System.out.println("End of generation reached");
cells = newGen.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
newGen[i][j] = 0;
// Go through every element in cells[][], determine it's value, and display it
for (int x = 1; x < (width / 2) - 1; x++) {
for (int y = 1; y < (height / 2) - 1; y++) {
printCell(x, y);
public void printCell(int x, int y) {
setCellState(x, y);
if (newGen[x][y] == 0) {
} else if (newGen[x][y] == 1) {
System.out.println(x + ", " + y);
rect(x, y, 2, 2);
public void setCellState(int x, int y) {
tNC = getNeighborCount(x, y);
neighborCount = 0;
if (tNC < 2) { // If less than 2 neighbors, cell dead
newGen[x][y] = 0;
} else if (tNC > 3) { // If more than 3 neighbors, cell dead
newGen[x][y] = 0;
} else if ((tNC == 2 || tNC == 3) && cells[x][y] == 1) { // If 2 or 3 neighbors and cell is alive, do nothing (unnecessary statement but makes visualizing easier)
} else if (tNC == 3 && cells[x][y] == 0) { // If 3 neighbors and cell is dead, cell is alive
newGen[x][y] = 1;
} else if (tNC == 2 && cells[x][y] == 0) { // If 2 neighbors and cel is dead, do nothing (also unnecessary)
} else {
System.out.println("Error in setCellState(int, int);"); // In event of none of the conditions being met
tNC = 0; // Reset variable (probably unnecessary but might as well)
public int getNeighborCount(int x, int y) {
// Go through each cell adjacent or diagonal to the cell and add it's value (0 or 1) to neighborCount
for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++) {
for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++) {
neighborCount += cells[i + x][j + y];
// Subtract the value of the cell being evaluated from neighborCount as that is not a factor in the sum of the neighbors
neighborCount -= cells[x][y];
return neighborCount;
I am just going for functionality over speed, for now.
I am attempting to code Conway's Game of Life using Processing in Eclipse. The above code is dysfunctional in multiple ways:
The generation displayed appears much smaller in the window than I want to be. It only takes up a fraction of the window despite my efforts to counterbalance this by making each cell 2x2 pixels and half as many rows and columns as the window is tall and wide.
Also, the generation does not appear to update in the window after the first generation is displayed after a few seconds.
I noticed that the variable tNC is often equal to 0 when it should be equal to any number from 0 to 7.
You've got three main problems.
Problem 1: You seem to be generating the next generation as you render cells, which might be okay... but then what are you doing with the screenRows logic (the if statement in your draw() function)?
If I were you, I would split your logic up into two sections: write one function that draws your board, and another function that returns a new board based on the current one. Stop trying to calculate the next generation as you're drawing the current generation, as that's just going to give you a ton of headaches.
I also don't think your logic for switching between the arrays is correct. Which array holds the current generation, and which holds the next generation? Are you sure?
Problem 2: You seem to be switching between pixel sizes and array coordinates. For example, you're drawing each cell at its array index coordinate, but you're drawing them as 2x2 rectangles. This doesn't make a ton of sense, since you're just going to draw over top of it with the next cell anyway. Again, separate your logic: create a function that draws a cell based on the window width and height, an array position, and an array length.
Problem 3: Your print statements are killing your framerate. Print statements are notoriously slow. Your framerate is already pretty slow because of all of the calculations you're doing, but it gets even slower when you print out (960*477*2) things every single frame. This isn't really a logic error, but it makes it harder to see exactly what your program is doing.
The Solution: To fix your problems, I'd recommend refactoring your code quite a bit. If I were you, I would start over with a new program. Then:
Step 1: Separate your drawing logic from your logic for calculating the next generation. Create two functions: one for drawing, and another one that returns a new array based on the current one.
Step 2: In your drawing code, make sure you separate your array indexes and your pixel positions. Maybe write another function that takes a cell position and draws a rectangle based on the window size and the array size.
PS: Are you in the same class as this person? Are you using Daniel Shiffman's code too?

Assigning address to NULL pointer using malloc is making program freeze? This is probably quite basic?

Here is my code for a texas old 'em poker program:
I have tried debugging this for hours and have looked everywhere! I probably have some very fundamental flaw in my knowledge of pointers and using malloc but I have no idea why this happens:
The program compiles fine and runs fine until it reaches the malloc function trying to assign a memory address to the cards variable cards *individualhand. The printf if statement just before confirms it is a NULL pointer and can be assigned.
Also included are a couple of the other functions. The functions printhand (prints the poker hand and islegal (detects illegal card inputs) I have omitted.
This might be a lot of code at once but I have a feeling that the answer is pretty simple
The error occurs in the handget function about half way down the code:
int hander(cards **handPtr,int counter) {
int i, nr_of_cards = 2;
char rawsuit, rawcard[4];
// allocate the required amount of memory for your cards
(*handPtr) = (cards *) malloc(nr_of_cards * sizeof(cards));
// ask for the cards
for (i=0; i<nr_of_cards; i++) do {
scanf("%3s", &rawcard);
rawsuit = rawcard[0];
if (rawcard[1]=='1') {
if (rawcard[2]=='0') {
(*handPtr)[i].value = ten;
} else {
(*handPtr)[i].value = zero;
} else if (rawcard[1]=='2') {
(*handPtr)[i].value = two;
} else if (rawcard[1]=='3') {
(*handPtr)[i].value = three;
} else if (rawcard[1]=='4') {
(*handPtr)[i].value = four;
} else if (rawcard[1]=='5') {
(*handPtr)[i].value = five;
} else if (rawcard[1]=='6') {
(*handPtr)[i].value = six;
} else if (rawcard[1]=='7') {
(*handPtr)[i].value = seven;
} else if (rawcard[1]=='8') {
(*handPtr)[i].value = eight;
} else if (rawcard[1]=='9') {
(*handPtr)[i].value = nine;
} else if (rawcard[1]=='J') {
(*handPtr)[i].value = jack;
} else if (rawcard[1]=='Q') {
(*handPtr)[i].value = queen;
} else if (rawcard[1]=='K') {
(*handPtr)[i].value = king;
} else if (rawcard[1]=='A') {
(*handPtr)[i].value = ace;
} else {
(*handPtr)[i].value = zero;
switch (rawsuit) {
case 'h':
(*handPtr)[i].suit = hearts;
case 'd':
(*handPtr)[i].suit = diamonds;
case 'c':
(*handPtr)[i].suit = clubs;
case 's':
(*handPtr)[i].suit = spades;
(*handPtr)[i].value = zero;
} while (!islegal(*handPtr, i+1));
return nr_of_cards;
int handget(cards **playerhand,cards *thishands, int handsize) {
cards *player,*individualhand=NULL;
int i,playerhandsize=2,j=0,nr_players,phandsize,counter=0, individualhandsize;
printf("Please enter the number of players: ");
(*playerhand) = (cards *) malloc(((playerhandsize*nr_players)*sizeof(cards))+(handsize*sizeof(cards)));
for (i=1;i<=nr_players;i++){
do {
printf("Please enter the cards for player %d: ",i);
phandsize = (i*hander(&player,counter))+handsize;
} while (!islegal(*playerhand, phandsize));
printf("The cards on the table are:\n");
for (i=1;i<=nr_players;i++){
printf("The private cards of player %d are ",i);
for (i=1;i<=nr_players;i++){
individualhandsize = handsize + playerhandsize;
printf("individualhand EQUALS NULL!");
individualhand=((cards *) malloc(individualhandsize*sizeof(cards)));//THIS IS WHERE IT ALL GOES WRONG!!
printf("made it this far chaps!!\n");
printf("made it this far chaps!!\n");
printf("The cards available to player %d are ",i);
/*i have yet to add code here*/
return nr_players;
void handcat(cards **playerhand,cards *playerx, int nr_cards){
void playerflopcat(cards **playerhand,cards *playerx,int j, int nr_cards,int handsize){
The method I am using to call function handget:
int main(void) {
int handsize=0, playerhandsize=0, nr_of_players=0;
cards *thishand, *playerhands;
handsize = flop(&thishand);
//flop asks user for list of cards
//user inputs(e.g. "d5 d6 d7 d8 d9")
//flop returns int handsize=5
//printhand returns a list (of handsize length) of the cards making up thishand
//e.g. "d5 d6 d7 d8 d9"
nr_of_players = handget(&playerhands,thishand,handsize);
//handget is the function we're looking at
//takes thishand which was assigned (using function flop) to a space in memory containing list of cards ("d5 d6 d7 d8 d9")
//also uses int handsize = 5
//playerhands is assigned in function handget
// printhand(playerhands,(handsize+(nr_of_players*2)));
return 0;
Just for completeness' sake I have include function flop
int flop(cards **handPtr) {
int i,*q=NULL,n=NULL;
int j[5]={0,0,0,0,0};
int k[5]={1,1,1,1,1},nr_of_cards = 5;//for more/less cards CHANGE HERE!
char rawsuit, rawcard[4];
// allocate the required amount of memory for your cards
(*handPtr) = (cards *) malloc(nr_of_cards * sizeof(cards));
while(n!=0) {
printf("Please input the five cards on the table: ");
for (i=0;i<nr_of_cards;i++) {
return nr_of_cards;
The code for islegal:
int islegal(cards *hand, int nr_of_cards) {
int i, fulldeck[4][13]={0};
int current_value, current_suit;
cards *current_card = hand;
int legal = 1;
for (i=0; i<nr_of_cards; i++) {
current_value = (int) (*current_card).value;
current_suit = (*current_card).suit;
// if the current card has value zero, it is not a valid hand
if (current_value==0) {
legal = 0;
//check if the current card already appears, if yes invalid hand, if no,
//change the flag for that card in the full deck.
//Since (two) will correspond to fulldeck[.][0] there is a -2 offset.
if ( (fulldeck[current_suit][current_value - 2]) > 0 ) {
legal = 0;
} else {
fulldeck[current_suit][current_value - 2]++;
return legal;
You are calling the function handget as :
nr_of_players = handget(&playerhands,thishand,handsize);
That's fine, and it'll compile, because handget does in fact expect a cards **. However, you have never allocated space for a cards **.playerhands is still a cards* and taking its address and trying to allocate memory there may be why the malloc is failing.
Can you try running this by declaring cards ** playerhands instead of the card * that it currently is?

Jogl making balls disappear

At the moment am using JOGL for a ball detection program I have been told to make the balls disappear once they get to close to one another.
//this is the method from the main class
public void display(GLAutoDrawable drawable) {
GL gl = drawable.getGL();
gl.glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
glut.glutWireCube(2.0f * limit);
for (int i = 0; i < ball.length; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < ball.length; ++i)
//this is the method from the auxiliary class
for (int i = 0; i < ball.length; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < ball.length; ++j)
if (ball[i].distanceFrom(ball[j]) <= 10)
void display(GL gl) {
gl.glTranslatef(position[0], position[1], position[2]);
gl.glColor3fv(colour, 0);
glut.glutSolidSphere(radius, 10, 10);
I tried doing this to no avail the balls disappear all at once, I also tried decreasing the radius with the same results, any sort of point in the right direction would be much appreciated.
The reason they're all disappearing is that each ball is being compared to itself.
Add this in the inner loop before the if statement (this is a quick fix):
if (i == j) continue;
I have more questions than help at the moment.
First, how many balls do you have?
This line bothers me:
if(ballGone == false)
glut.glutSolidSphere(radius, 10, 10);
If ballGone is false then the ball isn't displayed, but that would imply there is only one ball, so when it is set to false no balls will be displayed.
According to here: http://www.cs.umd.edu/~meesh/kmconroy/JOGLTutorial/ my concern should be justified:
Display is very similar to
java.awt.Component.paint() in that it
is called each time the canvas needs
to be redraw/repainted/redisplayed
So, you may want to look at how you will redraw and make certain that each object that doesn't have a state set to false will be drawn.
