as3 Flex make urls from text clickable - apache-flex

In an AIR app, I am loading a bunch of arbitrary text via JSON, loading it into an object, and displaying it via a custom renderer. I would like to have urls be clickable. So I'm sure that this is possible via some crazy regex thing (as I found for php here), but, Flex being flex, I'm astonished that there isn't some builtin functionality for this that I'm just not finding, or, failing that, a library that someone has created to do just this.
(I'm equally astonished that this question hasn't been asked here before. I anticipate being flamed with the link to that)
Failing that, anyone want to help with some crazy regex? ;>
Thanks in advance!

You could replace the URLs in your text for actual links using the following regex:
str = str.replace(/((https?|ftp|telnet|file):((\/\/)|(\\\\))+[\w\d:##%\/;$()~_?\+-=\\\.&]*)/g, "<u><a href='$1'>$1</a></u>");
Then set the htmlText on a Label or Text component and listen for it's link event:
<mx:Text htmlText="{str}" link="linkHandler(event)"/>
Then open the URL on the handler:
public function linkHandler(event:TextEvent):void {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(event.text), '_blank');
Except for that regex, I haven't tested this code, but it should work.
Also, this could be of some help to you.

I would like to add that the following RegEx could be much more useful for validating an URL:


The Binding Only Updates After Clicking the Element, Though the String in the Controller Has Already Been Updated (Angular 1.5)

I have an ng-class attribute (that I didn't write on my own). It is bound to a string variable in the controller . It looks like: <some-tag ng-class="'indicator_' + $ctrl.stringValue"></some-tag>.
When the window first load - it contain the correct data, but after the string is updated in the controller - the value in the class attribute only updates after I'm clicking the element (the click will open a list, but I don't think it's relevant).
I've read that the first thing to check in these cases, is that the code is surrounded by a $scope.$apply. It is, cause when I try to add it - I get an error saying "$digest already in progress".
Looking for $ctrl and ng-class info, I read the AngularJS component doc and this site, that gave me some basic background about these subjects.
The thing is, I couldn't find any examples of ng-class with $ctrl. Maybe it's irrelevant, but maybe not :)
Example for an irrelevant question I found in the subject is: Angular ngClass is not updating my classes even though my condition change as expected.
In general, most of the examples I found include curly brackets, which I don't think are relevant in this case, since I'm binding a string (maybe I'm mistaking about it :) ).
I suspect it probably didn't bind it correctly, I just don't know why.
After continuing to search the subject, I'm no longer sure it's related to the ng-class (so I edited the title as well). It looks more like a refresh problem.
I'm puzzled as to why the page doesn't refresh, since everywhere I read - they say that the Angular should call the digest function on its own, and I should not interfere.
I'm working with typeScript, and the stringValue is updated via an event from a service. But the string does update - so I'm not sure it is a relevant information to understand the problem, but worth mentioning :)
Problem solved!! :D
All I had to do, is to add $timeout(0) after updating the string in the controller!
The explanation: it was a digest problem, and the reason I couldn't use $scope.$apply(), is because I was trying to do it directly. I needed to do a safe apply, which means - first make sure there's no digest on that scope, and then run apply.
Turns out that an easy way to do it, is to use $timeout(0).
I prepared a plunker with Angular 1.5.7 with a demo of what you described. There doesn't seem to be any problem, or anything special you should do. (I used a different alias for the controller, which is the best practice, but $ctrl works fine as well.)
const DemoComponent = {
controller: DemoController,
controllerAs: 'demoCtrl',
template: `
<h2 ng-class="'demo_' + demoCtrl.classSuffix">{{ demoCtrl.classSuffix }}</h2>
<button ng-click="demoCtrl.changeClass()">Change Class</button>
angular.module('myapp', [])
.component('demo', DemoComponent);
It will be very helpful if you can reproduce the issue in plunker and post the link.
Otherwise, I hope you find the answer in this plunker.

ckeditor load html code in the editor

I am trying to load html file in CKEditor in but for some reason I don't know how to put the html code from the code behind file.
CKEditor1.FilebrowserBrowseUrl = url;
CKEditor1.BasePath = url;
CKEditor1.Text = content;
none of that helped
Any advice? Thanks in advance, Laziale
I'm not sure which version you are using, but let's suppose that it's 3.x. I was playing around with the control and didn't find any possible way of doing this from code behind. However, I managed to make it work like this:
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "fckInitialization", #"
window.onload = function () {
var oEditor = CKEDITOR.instances['" + txtPost.ClientID + #"'];
oEditor.insertHtml('<strong>This is a bold text.</strong>');
", true);
I tried it in IE 8 and the last version of Mozilla (I think it was 9) and it worked. I also tried the same thing, but instead of window.onload I used the jQuery $(document).ready() and it worked only in IE. The reason is that you have to wait for everything to load in order to use the functions from the CKEditor API. I played with Firebug and the insertHTML worked.
If you are using 2.x, you can see somewhere in Google the same approach, but with a different API. I just can't find the link right now.
Another problem will be here, as you may figure out, that if you want to initialize a long text, you will have to write everything in a script, which is not really nice.
Maybe a possible solution for you will be to convert the HTML to BBCode first and then just set the Text property. This, of course, depends on the way you use the control, because BBCode does not contain all possible tags, but you can always modify the bbcode plugin of CKEditor to meet your needs. And I tested it and it works.
PS. Probably you can do it with the JavaScript method and an AJAX call.
Hope this helps!
Assuming ckeditor is being initialized from a textarea field, you can simply populate the body of the textarea.

Theme Image URL Rebasing

I am implementing themes to enable an existing website to be rebranded (logos, colors, images etc.) depending on the requesting URL. I understand how to do that and have got the skins working fine except for some exceptions related to the URLs of images.
Specifically I have a control property that it is not feasible to skin. Prior to implementing themes it looked like this:
<DisplayImageChecked Url="~/Images/BobIcon-Green.png" />
Obviously that will not work with themes. So after much trial and error and reading I am trying to implement it like this:
<DisplayImageChecked Url="~/AppThemes/<%= Page.Theme %>/Images/BobIcon-Green.png" />
However that does not work. The generated html looks like:
<img src="AppThemes/%3C%25=%20Page.Theme%20%25%3E/Images/BobIcon-Green.png"/>
Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
Use the binding syntax inside a databound control (watch the single vs double quotes):
<DisplayImageChecked Url='<%# "~/AppThemes/" + Page.Theme + "/Images/BobIcon-Green.png" %>' />
Is there a reason that you can't just dump the images in the same folder as the theme? If you put an image say for example: "image.gif" into the theme folder, then you can simply refer to it directly in your skin.
This will resolve just fine when you apply this skin on a control in your page. Also much easier than trying to do the dynamic URL thing.
You may also use "Images/BobIcon-Green.png" as Url. ASP will take care of resolving the Url to the directory within your theme.
Here's the right way to go about your task:
Adorn your property with the UrlProperty attribute, this will tell ASP.NET to automatically translate your partial URL into the proper url.
Using "~/AppThemes/" + Page.Theme + "/Images/BobIcon-Green.png" will do the trick, but it's NOT the preferred way because you need to do all the work yourself and it's always good practice to leave all the work to ASP

Why is my javascript function not found by the page it is embedded in?

I have a page that has a simple javascript in the header portion of the page:
<script type="text/javascript">
function doLogout() {
var conf = confirm("Really log out?");
if (conf === true) { //changed == to === for boolean comparison
It uses jQuery to do an AJAX post to my logout page. The only issue right now is that when I click on the link (logout) to fire this function, nothing happens. I checked FireBug's console, and it told me that the function is not defined. This has happened to me before, but I think I botched a bunch of code to fix it sometimes.
Does anyone know the proper way to fix this issue?
After doing a lot of googling and trying different things, I found this very concise and informative post. Apparently, as the linked article states, the way the script is referenced in the web site is important as it won't run properly otherwise! Hopefully this information will be useful for more people.
This can also occur if there is a syntax error earlier in your javascript code. Often this will just be interpreted as the function not existing (nor any function AFTER the error). Check the code above this code (if there is any) and this code for syntax errors.
A way to tell if the cache error is it is to open Firebug and view the Script source. If the page was cached, you won't see your code. If it loaded but has syntax errors, the code will show, though it won't "find" it.
Things to test:
1) Can you call this function from something else? Like add a <script> at the bottom of the page to call it?
2) Does the page validate? Sometimes I get screwy javascript errors if there is some busted HTML like a missing </b>
3) I've been starting to wrap my javascript in <![CDATA[ ]]> just incase I've got goofy chars in my javascript.
4) I assume you've tested this in other browsers and have the same behavior, right?
5) If you haven't installed it already, install the Web Developer firefox addon. It has a nifty toolbar menu that will disable the cache for you so everything reloads.
6) As weird as it sounds, I once hit a javascript issue that was because of how my text editor was saving UTF-8 files. I forget the details, but it was adding some byte-order-mark or something that upset the browser.
I've had this occur when the page had been cached and so it didn't load the new script in. So to fix it clear all private data from Firefox. Not sure if that helps but it sure happened to me a bunch.
Other ideas for you to test:
is the function defined in the DOM tab in FireBug?
if you call doLogout() from the FireBug console, what happens?
I assume this is not the only script on that page. Make sure that some later script is not modifying doLogout to something else
I had the same issue and tried all that's been suggested here without success.
The only way I fixed it was by discovering that in the <script src="jquery.js"> tag I was using in the head of the page I forgot to close it with its </script> causing the page to ignore all Javascript functions. So please check that your includes look like:
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
I hope that helps. Ross.
If you are using DevExpress controls these links may help you: How to register and execute a JavaScript downloaded to the client via a callback and How to register and execute a JavaScript downloaded to the client via a callback (standalone JS file) and Executing javascripts from user controls dynamically created through ASPxCallback panels
The issue might occur if you have NoScript. You should check and make sure it's not blocking said script.
I had this issue and discovered the problem was just a wrong case letter inside the name.
Call: filterCheckbox()
function filterCheckBox() {}
problem: lowercase "box" vs uppercase "Box".
So check if the name is exactly the same.

How can I modify a CSS file programmatically?

I have a legacy application that I needed to implement a configuration page for to change text colors, fonts, etc.
This applications output is also replicated with a PHP web application, where the fonts, colors, etc. are configured in a style sheet.
I've not worked with CSS previously.
Is there a programatic way to modify the CSS and save it without resorting to string parsing or regex?
The application is VB6, but I could write a .net tool that would do the css manipulation if that was the only way.
You don't need to edit the existing one. You could have a new one that overrides the other -- you include this one after the other in your HTML. That's what the "Cascading" means.
It looks like someone's already done a VB.NET CSS parser which is F/OSS, so you could probably adapt it to your needs if you're comfortable with the license.
One hack is to create a PHP script that all output is passed through, which then replaces certain parts of CSS with configurable alternatives. If you use .htaccess you can make all output go through the script.
the best way i can think of solving this problem is creating an application that will get some values ( through the URL query ) and generate the appropriate css output based on a css templates
Check this out, it uses ASP.NET and C#.
In my work with the IE control (shadocvw.dll), it has an interesting ability to let you easily manage the CSS of a page and show the effects of modified CSS on a page in realtime. I've never dealt with the details of such implementations myself, but I recommend that as a possible solution worth looking at. Seeing as pretty much everyone is on IE 6 or later nowadays, you can skip the explanations about handling those who only have IE 5,4,3 or 2 installed.
Maybe the problem's solution, which is most simple for the programmer and a user is to edit css via html form, maybe. I suppose, to create css-file, which would be "default" or "standart" for this application, and just to read it, for example, by perl script, edit in html and to write it down. Here is just the simple example.
In css-file we have string like:
border-color: #008a77;
we have to to read this string, split it up, and send to a file, which will write it down. Get something like this in Perl:
tr/ / /s;
($vari, $value) = split(/:/, _$);
# # While you read file, you can just at the time to put this into html form
echo($vari.":<input type = text name = ".$vari." value = ".$value.">");
And here it is, you've got just simple html-form-data, you just shoul overwrite your css-file with new data like this:
print $vari[i].": ".$value.";\n";
and voila - you've got programmatical way of changing css. Ofcourse, you have to make it more universal, and more close to your particular problem.
Depending on how technically oriented your CSS editors are going to be, you could do it very simply by loading the whole thing up into a TextEdit field to let them edit it - then write it back to the file.
Parsing and creating an interface for all the possibilities of CSS would be an astronomical pain. :-)
