Using Data Source configuration wizard vs manually configuring data source -

Back in the days of VB 4 / VB 5, using data bound controls and data connection wizards would add alot of overhead to the application.
I wanted to know if using the "Configure Data Source" wizard in ASP.Net 3.5 adds alot of unneeded overhead to the webpage?

No, it doesn't. Adding the control to the page modifies your designer class code by one line (declaring the object). The wizard simply modifies your markup to include all the necessary properties and attributes that you specify.
This is easily verified by just viewing the changes that adding and configuring a datasource control makes to your page and your designer class.
Nothing the wizard does would be any different than what you would do by declaring the control programatically in your code. It's just a convenient GUI way of quickly generating your declarative markup.


Is there a way to redirect or override an existing ASCX?

I am working on a ASP.NET site that uses several ascx files scattered throughout the web project, I want to add my ascx files but keep the existing code-behind file. I also want to enable the user to easily switch between the mine and the existing ones. Ideally, I want to enable the user to install the ascx files with minimal hassle without changing any code or going through some complex error-prone process. (The goal is to provide a change of the markup code)
ASP.NET provides ControlAdapters, a mechanism that allows a server control to be customized through adapters that map to a server control. I was wondering if such a mechanism exists for user controls, if not, are there any features or a work-around that provides the same results.
I discovered a "feature" that's not well documented that may allow me to do what I want. It's called tagMapping. It is supposed to work with server controls, but it's failed to work with UserControls.
You can add a panel to where you want to display these user controls. Then, load user controls dynamicly how you wish on backend.
UserControl ctrl = (UserControl)this.LoadControl("/UserControls/"
+ whichone + "/.ascx");

Using a Custom Object with ReportViewer in an ASP.Net Project

I am trying to follow the instructions here:
However, my project is an MVC project, so I can't follow the steps exactly.
I am trying to use a custom object to provide data to a local ReportViewer report. I am converting a server-side report to local (rdl => rdlc). The report viewer control already works with the server report.
In the Dataset Properties page, in the Data source box, select global.
When I try to add a dataset, I get a dialog box asking for me to choose a data connection. If I cancel out of that, I am at the Dataset Properties page, but the data source drop down is empty. Using the Report Wizard takes me essentially down the same path.
I created a new WPF project to see if I had the same problems, and it worked pretty easily. It immediately gave me data source choices of database, object, service, and sharepoint. I realize the two controls (web and windows) are completely independent.
What am I missing? Is it even possible to use the ReportViewer in an MVC project (that also has aspx pages) and use a custom object to supply data?
For whatever reason, I was able to get this to work as expected by moving the rdlc file out of the web project and into a class library.
When you use the reportviewer control in local mode, you have to obtain the data manually through your code, not using the report designer. After that, you pass it to the ReportViewer as ReportDataSource objects. They have DataTable properties which is the actually data. You obtain datatables from the db, so this is pretty straightforward.
This article explains how this is achieved.

Why don't my user controls render?

I've created a set of user controls in and in their original project they work fine.
I've since created a user control library dll and I wish to use it in a new project.
I add the reference to the dll fine, specify the tag library in an page fine and define controls on the page fine.
Everything seems to work except I get no rendered output.
Various properies of the controls and the page_load methods are all called. trace shows the controls in the page hierarchy etc
Just no output where the controls should be - any suggestions?
Update 1
I just compared a trace of the working output compared to the non working.
The working output contains the user controls (and all elements in them)
The non working output only lists the user controls - no content
It therefore seems that the content of the controls is missing somehow - as if the markup is not being compiled with the codebehind, only the codebehind seems to be working.
Update 2
The controls are inheriting from UserControl not control.
You are correct in your summarization in Update 1- your markup has not been included!
You need to provide a bit of elbow grease if your trying to distribute .ascx controls in a .dll but not too much thankfully.
The two main things you need to do:
Embedded your .ascx controls. The .ascx controls need to be marked as an embedded resource in your .dll (as oppossed to 'content')
Create a VirtualPathProvider. This will allow you to load the ascx files directly from the dll they are embedded in.
Unfortunately explaining step 2 is slightly lengthy, however this excellent article helped me out in doing exactly what you want to do.
The beauty of distributing .ascx controls like this is that you dont have to tear your hair out writing custom controls (rendering anything over than very simple html is a nightmare to make sense of).
I assume that you are not confusing between user control (.ascx) and custom controls. For user controls to work, one needs both ascx (mark-up file) along with corresponding code-behind class. User control are typically consists of constituent child controls whose hierarchy is specified within ascx file that provides some UI. In a class library (dll) project, you cannot package ascx files - all you get is the code-behind class. Without ascx, the code-behind class will not have any child controls and hence will render empty. In short, you cannot package user controls (ascx) in a class library - you have to add them into your actual web project.
For shared control, one has to use custom controls. Custom controls are code-only and typically provides render override that emits necessary html (or creates the own child control tree dynamically). These controls can be package as a class library and shared across project. Typically, a custom control will also have other helper classes to provide design time assistance (UI Editors etc).

ASP.NET Gridview Updating Capabilities

The Gridview control in ASP.NET provides updating capabilities when assigning a SqlDataSource control to the Gridview's DataSourceID, however when programmatically assigning a code level SqlDataSource to DataSource, the built-in updating capabilities go away and you are forced to roll your own. Why? What is the difference here, since all we're doing is referring to the SqlDataSource directly, instead of by ID? Why can the GridView still not take advantage of the SqlDataSource UpdateCommand?
Well, the first case, it has 2 native controls. Web and Data. You can perform RAD via VS.NET via their visual and configuration tools. MS ensure that the framework can allow such visual controls to data controls coupling in the aspect of CRUD automatically.
Second case, when you have your own SqlDataSource which is not one of the data controls, you are on your own. That's how it is. I hope someone can tell us a solution for it too.
my 2 cents.
I've discovered that it's possible to programmatically create a SqlDataSource, give it an ID, and assign the properties as follows to allow the built in editing to be mapped properly:
gvData.DataSourceID = dataSource.ID

Best way to share ASP.NET .ascx controls across different website applications?

Suppose you have 2 different ASP.NET applications in IIS. Also, you have some ASCX controls that you want to share across these 2 applications.
What's the best way to create a "user control library", so that you can use the same control implementation in the 2 applications, withuot having to duplicate code?
Controls have ASCX with HTML + code behind.
Composite controls will be difficult, because we work with designers who use the HTML syntax in the ASCX files to style the controls.
Tundey, we use SVN here. Do you have an example on how to implement your suggestion? How can SVN share the ASP.NET controls?
Scott Guthrie gives some great advice here on how to set up a User Control Library project, then use pre-build events to copy the user controls into multiple projects. It works really well.
You would need to create composite controls instead of .ASCX controls if you wanted to be able to use them in separate projects.
In addition to what Tundey said, NTFS Link shell extension is helpful when it comes to sharing a large chunk of content (e.g.: a folder with .ascx/.aspx) between otherwise independent projects. In case of code, i think making another working copy from VCS is preferable.
Have a look at this:
An alternative is to use your source control tool to "share" the ASCX controls between your webapps. This will allow you to make changes to the controls in either application and have the source control ensure the changes are reflected in the our webapps.
The biggest problem I've noticed with controls in ASP.Net is that you can't easily get designer support for both building the control and using the control in a site once you built it. The only way I've been able to do that is create an .ascx control with no code-behind (ie: all the server-side code is in a script tag in the .ascx file with the runat="server" attribute).
But even then, you still have to copy the .ascx file around, so if you ever need to make a change that means updating the file at every location where you've used it. So yeah, make sure it's in source control.
I managed to do this by sacrificing some of the ease of building the controls in the first place.
You can create a Control Library project that will generate a control library DLL for you. The drawback is that you have to create the controls with code only. In my last project, this was fine. In more complicated controls, this may be a problem.
Here's an example:
<DefaultProperty("Text"), ToolboxData("<{0}:BreadCrumb runat=server />")> _
Public Class BreadCrumb
<Bindable(True)> _
Property Text() As String
End Property
Protected Overrides Sub RenderContents(output as HtmlTextWriter)
End Sub
Private Sub Page_Load(...) Handles MyBase.Load
' Setup your breadcrumb and store the HTML output '
' in the Text property '
End Sub
End Class
Anything you put in that Text property will be rendered.
Then, any controls you put in here can function just like any other control you use. Just import it into your Toolbox, make your registration reference, then plop it onto the ASP page.
I use StarTeam here and it allows you to "share" objects (files, change requests, requirements etc) across multiple folders. Not sure if Subversion (SVN) has that feature. If it doesn't, here's another trick you can use: create a junction from the primary location of the controls to a location in the other projects. A junction is just like a Unix symbolic link. You can download the tool for creating junctions in Windows from here
I have a suggestion.WE can use user control across multiples application by creating user control inside website project as normally.Then change the website property Use fixed naming and single page assemblies.Then we can use the user control dll into multiple applications.
I recently did a web application that just referenced the files (about 90 in total) from one web application (aspx, master and ascx) without too much of an issue. That said I was using a heavily modified version of the MVP pattern, a lot of interfaces and conventions to keep the complexity down, the same middle tier and one site was a subset of the other.
Big issues:
Master pages (and in turn designers and html view formatting) don’t work on a referenced file so you lose a lot of functionality. A pre-build step and a lot of svn:ignore entries was my hack around this. It was also a pain to get CruiseControl.NET to get the pre-build task to execute in the right folders.
Shared pages/controls need to be extremely aware of what they touch and reference as to avoid bringing in extra dependencies.
Both sites are locked together for deployment.
I now have to pray that the maintainer reads my pokey little document about the mess I made. It’s so far outside of what I’ve seen in ASP.NET projects.
I was under a massive time pressure to get it to work, it does and now both apps are in production. I wouldn’t recommend it but if you’re interested start at:
Add Existing Item, select some files, click on the Add button’s arrow and say Add as a Link.
