locked s3db-journal - sqlite

a few days we had a strange error with sqlite. We use a sqlite database on a network share with several computers accessing it. Our client reported, that the database is gone. A quick overview showed, that the database was still there but no computer could access it. It also showed a s3db-journal file indicating that someone is/was accessing the db when something happened. The thing that is strange - the s3db-journal file was locked by the file system (we could not copy/delete it). After restarting all applications, the locked file disappeared as it should be.
How does this happen? We would like to deduct somehow how our client got into this situation. We know, that there was a corrupt network cabeling to one of the computers.
Thank you for your help.
To clarify this: several = up to 10 computer

From the "Appropriate uses for SQLite" page:
If you have many client programs accessing a common database over a network, you should consider using a client/server database engine instead of SQLite. SQLite will work over a network filesystem, but because of the latency associated with most network filesystems, performance will not be great. Also, the file locking logic of many network filesystems implementation contains bugs (on both Unix and Windows). If file locking does not work like it should, it might be possible for two or more client programs to modify the same part of the same database at the same time, resulting in database corruption. Because this problem results from bugs in the underlying filesystem implementation, there is nothing SQLite can do to prevent it.
A good rule of thumb is that you should avoid using SQLite in situations where the same database will be accessed simultaneously from many computers over a network filesystem.
It very well might be a bug in the network filesystem you're using. Either way, the SQLite developers explicitly recommend against using databases on network filesystems.

The issue is resolved. The database-component (zeos) threw an exception and we tried a rollback. Due to the way the component was designed, this is only allowed when you started a transaction. If you don't you get the locked s3db-journal file.
In the end we learned 2 things: never rollback when you did not start a transaction, second - there is a function InTransaction from zeos for that.


Program not closing connections to db2400 / as/400

I've been programming for just a few years, and we have a default dll used for data access. It seems like there has been some data-mining or site scraping going on here lately, and although there are no issues with our SQL database connections, many of the programs that access the as/400 are keeping connections open and idle for long periods of time. I looked through our default data access dll and added code to close the connection after each function, but that didn't help. I have little experience with db2 / as/400 ... how do I close all of these open / idle connections from the code?
If you're using connections pools, that's working as designed.
Are you sure the connection is actually open? How are you determining that?
If you're just seeing locks held by the QZDASOINIT job on the IBM i, then that's also by design. The system will hard close tables (cursors) after the first use. When used again by the same job, the system will only pseudo-close them; in order to provide faster response when they are re-used.
If an operation needing exclusive access is attempted, the system will hard close the pseudo closed cursor.

What happens if you don't close an ODBC connection?

I've seen other posts about using PHP and ADO to access ODBC databases, but I don't think my question has been asked outside of PHP. I've recently taken over a project where a touchscreen interface is running Windows XP and using some proprietary european programming language that's extremely similar to Java to interface with PLCs and machinery.
We record information from various sensors at a regular interval, and then use the program to open a connection to an ODBC database and store the records. I've been tasked with tracking down a bug wherein data just stops recording for days at a time for no apparent reason, and I'm convinced it has something to do with either the ODBC database (fixable) or a version incompatibility between windows and the PLCs (not fixable). So I'm shooting for the fixable one first.
The program creates a new ActiveXObject and uses ADO to open a connection to the database, strings together a command, executes it, and then closes the connection. It does all this each time a record is created, and I'm trying to find out if there's a reason the original programmers do it this way instead of creating an adodb.Connection, opening it, and then making a transaction for each data record to write, and closing it only when the user quite the program.
The only thing I can think of is that they were worried about what would happen if the touchscreen lost power while a connection was open. What would that do? Nobody really knows anything about this almost-Java-language that we're using, so I can't say for sure what happens to ActiveXObjects when the program closes. Could something like this be causing these few-day-long lapses in recording, or am I totally barking up the wrong tree?
Opening and closing the connection each time it is needed would normally be considered the safer and the least network intense approach. The only time it is inefficient is when many calls are being made to the database in without much time elapsing between them.
Leaving database connections open is sometimes not recommended. In the case where you are using a file-based database such as Visual Foxpro or MS Access, a database file can actually become corrupt by a network connection being dropped although I think normally for this to happen the connection would need to drop during a write of some kind.
Do you have any error control or debugging options? Could you write to a text file each time a call is attempted to the database?
I really don't think the language being used here is overly important since you are using ADO, ODBC, and I'm assuming some kind of standard database format. The failure probably lies with one of these technologies, unless there is an error somewhere in your code that is preventing the data logging routine from firing.

Slow BizTalk File Receive

I have an application with a file receive location. After the host instance has been running for a few hours the receive location fails to identify new files dropped into the folder that it is monitoring. It doesn't forget about them altogether, it's just that performance grinds to a crawl. The receive location is configured to poll the target folder every 60 seconds but after host instance has been running for an hour or so, then it seems that the target folder is being polled only every thirty minutes. If I restart the host instance then the files waiting in the target folder are collected right away and performance is fine for the next hour or so.
The same application runs fine in a different environment.
There are now obvious entries in the event log related to the problem.
All the BizTalk SQL jobs are running fine except for Backup BizTalk Server (BizTalkMgmtDb).
Any suggestions gratefully received.
Here are some additional tools which may help you identify and diagnose BizTalk database issues.
BizTalk MsgBox Viewer
Here is a tool to repair identified errors:
Use at your own risk... read the glogs and docs. Start with the message box viewer and let us know our results.
Without more details, the biggest tell is that your Backup Job is failing. If the backup job is failing, it may not be properly configured. If it is properly configured and still failing, then you've got other issues. Can you give us some more information about your BizTalk install.
What version are you running?
What are our database sizes?
What are your purge and archive settings like?
Is there any long running blocks in your SQL Server DB coming from BizTalk?
Another thing to consider is the user accounts the send, receive and orchestration hosts are running under. Please check the BizTalk Administration Console. If they are all running the same account, sometimes the orchestrations can starve the send and receive processes of CPU time. I believe priority is given to orchestrations then receive, then send. Even if you are just developing, it is useful to use separate accounts for this. This also improves security.
The Wrox BizTalk Server 2006 will also supply tuning advice.
What other things are going on with the server? Is BizTalk pegged otherwise or is it idle?
You mention that the solution does not have any problems in another environment, so it's likely that there is a configuration problem.
Check the following:
** On SQL Server, set some upper memory limit for SQL Server. By default, SQL Server uses whatever it can get and then hangs onto it, so set a reasonable limit so that your system can operate without spending a lot of time paging memory onto and from your hard drive(s).
** Ensure that you have available disk space - maybe you are running low - this can lead to all kinds of strange problems.
** Try to split up the system's paging file among its physical drives (if you have more than one drive on the system). Also consider using a faster drive, or if you have lots of cash laying around, get a SAN.
** In BizTalk, is tracking enabled? If so, are you also tracking message bodies? Disable tacking or message body tracking and see if there is a difference.
** Start performance monitor and monitor the following counters when running your solution
Object: BizTalk Messaging
Instance: (select the receiving host) %%
Counter: Documents Received/Sec
Object: BizTalk Messaging
Instance: (select the transmitting host) %%
Counter: Documents Sent/Sec
Object: XLANG/s Orchestrations
Instance: (select the processing host) %%
Counter: Orchestrations Completed/Sec.
%% You may have only one host, so just use it. Since BizTalk configurations vary, I am using generic names for hosts.
The preceding counters monitor the most basic aspects of your server, but may help to narrow down places to look further. You can, of course, add CPU and Memory too. If you have time (days...maybe weeks) you could monitor for processes that allocate memory and never release it. Use the following counter...
Object: Memory
Counter: Pool Nonpaged Bytes
Slow decline of this counter indicates that a process is not releasing memory, which affects everything on the system.
Let us know how things turn out!
I had the same problem with, when my orchestration was idle for some time it took a long time to process the first msg. A article of EvYoung helped me solve this problem.
"This is caused by application domain unloading within the BizTalk host process. If an AppDomain is shutdown after idle, the next message that comes needs to wait for the Orchestration to compile again. Depending on the complexity of your design, this can be a noticeable wait. To prevent this in low latency requirement scenario, you can modify the BTSNTSVC.EXE.config file and set SecondsIdleBeforeShutdown property to -1. This will prevent AppDomain shutdown due to idle."
You can find the article in here:
It took me to long to respond but i thought i might help someone. cheers :)
Some good suggestions from others. I will add :
Do you have any custom receive pipeline components on the receive location ? If so perhaps one is leaking memory, calling some external component eg database which is taking a long time ?
How big are the files you are receiving ?
On the File transport properties of your receive location, set "file renaming" on, do the files get renamed within 60s.

Sqlite over a network share [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Does anyone have real world experience running a Sqlite database on an SMB share on a LAN (Windows or Linux)?
Its clear from the documentation that this is not really the fastest way to share a Sqlite database.
The obvious caveats are that it may be slow, and Sqlite only supports a single thread writing to the DB at a time. So you become a lot less concurrent cause your DB updates now will block the DB for longer (DB will be locked while data is in transit over the network).
For my application the amount of data that I would like to share is fairly small and writes are not too frequent (a few writes every few seconds at most).
What should I watch out for? Can this work?
I know this is not what Sqlite was designed for, I am less interested in a Postgres/MySql/Sql Server based solution as I am trying to keep my app a light as possible with a minimal amount of dependencies.
Related Links:
From the sqlite mailing list, so I guess one big question is how unreliable are the filelock apis over SMB (windows or linux)
My experience of file based databases (i.e. those without a database server process), which goes back over twenty years, is that if you try to share them, they will inevitably eventually get corrupted. I'd strongly suggest you look at MySQL again.
And please note, I am not picking on SQLite - I use it myself, just not as a shared database.
You asked for real-world experience. Here's some:
SQLite locking is robust, ASSUMING the underlying (networked) file system is also robust. Historically, that's been a poor assumption. Recent operating systems get it much better.
If you play by the rules, your biggest problem will be cases where the database stays "locked" for many minutes at a stretch. For example, if the network drops an "unlock" request from a reader, you might be unable to write until the lock expires. If an "unlock" from a writer goes missing, you'll be unable to read. (To be fair, you can experience the same problems with ordinary documents.)
You'll get fewer problems on a good reliable network with "opportunistic locking" (client-level file caching) disabled for the database.
Well I am not great sqlite expert but I believe the Locking of records/tables may not work correctly and may make database corrupt. Because since there is no single server which maintains central locking, two sqlite dll instances on different machines sharing same file over network may not work correctly at all. If database is opened on same machine, sqlite may use file level locking offered by OS to maintain integrity but I doubt if it works correctly over network share.
"If you have many client programs accessing a common database over a
network, you should consider using a client/server database engine
instead of SQLite. SQLite will work over a network filesystem, but
because of the latency associated with most network filesystems,
performance will not be great. Also, the file locking logic of many
network filesystems implementation contains bugs (on both Unix and
Windows). If file locking does not work like it should, it might be
possible for two or more client programs to modify the same part of
the same database at the same time, resulting in database corruption.
Because this problem results from bugs in the underlying filesystem
implementation, there is nothing SQLite can do to prevent it."
from https://www.sqlite.org/whentouse.html
that also applies for any kind of file-based databases like Microsoft Access

What's the best solution for file storage for a load-balanced ASP.NET app?

We have an ASP.NET file delivery app (internal users upload, external users download) and I'm wondering what the best approach is for distributing files so we don't have a single point of failure by only storing the app's files on one server. We distribute the app's load across multiple front end web servers, meaning for file storage we can't simply store a file locally on the web server.
Our current setup has us pointing at a share on a primary database/file server. Throughout the day we robocopy the contents of the share on the primary server over to the failover. This scneario ensures we have a secondary machine with fairly current data on it but we want to get to the point where we can failover from the primary to the failover and back again without data loss or errors in the front end app. Right now it's a fairly manual process.
Possible solutions include:
Robocopy. Simple, but it doesn't easily allow you to fail over and back again without multiple jobs running all the time (copying data back and forth)
Store the file in a BLOB in SQL Server 2005. I think this could be a performance issue, especially with large files.
Use the FILESTREAM type in SQL Server 2008. We mirror our database so this would seem to be promising. Anyone have any experience with this?
Microsoft's Distributed File System. Seems like overkill from what I've read since we only have 2 servers to manage.
So how do you normally solve this problem and what is the best solution?
Consider a cloud solution like AWS S3. It's pay for what you use, scalable and has high availability.
You need a SAN with RAID. They build these machines for uptime.
This is really an IT question...
When there are a variety of different application types sharing information via the medium of a central database, storing file content directly into the database would generally be a good idea. But it seems you only have one type in your system design - a web application. If it is just the web servers that ever need to access the files, and no other application interfacing with the database, storage in the file system rather than the database is still a better approach in general. Of course it really depends on the intricate requirements of your system.
If you do not perceive DFS as a viable approach, you may wish to consider Failover clustering of your file server tier, whereby your files are stored in an external shared storage (not an expensive SAN, which I believe is overkill for your case since DFS is already out of your reach) connected between Active and Passive file servers. If the active file server goes down, the passive may take over and continue read/writes to the shared storage. Windows 2008 clustering disk driver has been improved over Windows 2003 for this scenario (as per article), which indicates the requirement of a storage solution supporting SCSI-3 (PR) commands.
I agree with Omar Al Zabir on high availability web sites:
Do: Use Storage Area Network (SAN)
Why: Performance, scalability,
reliability and extensibility. SAN is
the ultimate storage solution. SAN is
a giant box running hundreds of disks
inside it. It has many disk
controllers, many data channels, many
cache memories. You have ultimate
flexibility on RAID configuration,
adding as many disks you like in a
RAID, sharing disks in multiple RAID
configurations and so on. SAN has
faster disk controllers, more parallel
processing power and more disk cache
memory than regular controllers that
you put inside a server. So, you get
better disk throughput when you use
SAN over local disks. You can increase
and decrease volumes on-the-fly, while
your app is running and using the
volume. SAN can automatically mirror
disks and upon disk failure, it
automatically brings up the mirrors
disks and reconfigures the RAID.
Full article is at CodeProject.
Because I don't personally have the budget for a SAN right now, I rely on option 1 (ROBOCOPY) from your post. But the files that I'm saving are not unique and can be recreated automatically if they die for some reason so absolute fault-tolerance is necessary in my case.
I suppose it depends on the type of download volume that you would be seeing. I am storing files in a SQL Server 2005 Image column with great success. We don't see heavy demand for these files, so performance is really not that big of an issue in our particular situation.
One of the benefits of storing the files in the database is that it makes disaster recovery a breeze. It also becomes much easier to manage file permissions as we can manage that on the database.
Windows Server has a File Replication Service that I would not recommend. We have used that for some time and it has caused alot of headaches.
DFS is probably the easiest solution to setup, although depending on the reliability of your network this can become un-synchronized at times, which requires you to break the link, and re-sync, which is quite painful to be honest.
Given the above, I would be inclined to use a SQL Server storage solution, as this reduces the complexity of your system, rather then increases it.
Do some tests to see if performance will be an issue first.
