Asp.Net Gridview - One Column is List<string> - Want to Show Only The Last Item -

I have an Asp.Net GridView. One of the Columns is a List, but I only want to show the Last Item in the list. How can I do this?
List<string> Column1
I am binding the Gridview to a business object:
public Class GridObject
List<string> Column1 { get; set; }
This worked, but is it the best solution:
<%# ((List<string>)Eval("Column1"))[((List<string>)Eval("Column1")).Count - 1] %>

I would add a property to the object you are binding to, and use that property instead of the list property in your binding.
public Class GridObject
List<string> Column1 { get; set; }
public string Column1LastValue
{ // return Column1.Last(); if linq is available
return Column1[Column1.Count-1];
Edit: Adding a presentation wrapper allows you to unit test what will be displayed. You are doing a translation in the view, which is OK, but since you technically have some logic happening to translate your business object to something proper for display, you would likely want to unit test that translation. Then, any formatting you want to apply to any of your business object fields is wrapped in a testable class, rather than hidden on the untestable view. Here is a sample of how this could be done:
public class GridObjectView
private GridObject _gridObject;
public GridObjectView(GridObject gridObject)
_gridObject = gridObject;
public string Column1
return _gridObject.Column1.Last();
Then to do the databinding, you could do this:
List<GridObject> data = GetGridData();
grid.DataSource = data.Select(g => new GridObjectView(g));

Your best bet is to create a template column and use an inline script to retrieve the value from the list:
<%= ((List<string>)DataBinder.Eval("Column1"))[((List<string>)DataBinder.Eval("Column1")).Count] %>
Or you could store the result in the text of a label or a literal.
Hope that helps


Binding to a Property that only have get method

I have a question regarding binding in WinRT.
I have a Viewmodel like this:
public class MainPageViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private ObservableCollection<Vehicle> _vehicles = new ObservableCollection<Vehicle>();
public ObservableCollection<Vehicle> Vehicles
get { return _vehicles; }
set { _vehicles = value; }
and also I have some properties that I get the value from this main list, for example
public int GetType1Vehicles
get { return Vehicles.Where(x => x.Type == Type1).Count(); }
public int TotalVehicles
get { return Vehicles.Count(); }
I binded a UI textbox to a "GetType1Vehicles" and another textbot to a "TotalVehicles". The problem is that when I update the Vehicle List, the ListView with all vehicles is correctly updated but the Total and the Type don't. What I doing wrong?
Anybody can help me? Thanks!
I found a workarround, but I'm not sure that is the best approach. Every time that I change some from the list, call manually the methods:
Is the correct approach?
You are correct in that you will need to manually call RaisePropertyChanged. Anyway, why do you have a TotalVehicles property when you could just bind to "Vehicles.Count"?
David is right, why this TotalVehicles property ?
With an ObservableCollection, you should not call the Count() method, just use the Count property.
The Count method is usefull if you want to count only the items with a specific value, not the size of the collection, that's the job of the property.

How to customize the EditorFor CSS with razor

I have this class
public class Contact
public int Id { get; set; }
public string ContaSurname { get; set; }
public string ContaFirstname { get; set; }
// and other properties...
And I want to create a form that allo me to edit all those fields. So I used this code
<h2>Contact Record</h2>
#Html.EditorFor(c => Model.Contact)
This works fine, but I want to customize how the elements are displayed. For instance I want each field to be displayed in the same line as its label. Because now, the generated html is like this :
<div class="editor-label">
<label for="Contact_ContaId">ContaId</label>
<div class="editor-field">
<input id="Contact_ContaId" class="text-box single-line" type="text" value="108" name="Contact.ContaId">
I agree to the solution of jrummell above:
When you use the EditorFor-Extension, you have to write a custom
editor template to describe the visual components.
In some cases, I think it is a bit stiff to use an editor template for
several model properties with the same datatype. In my case, I want to use decimal currency values in my model which should be displayed as a formatted string. I want to style these properties using corresponding CSS classes in my views.
I have seen other implementations, where the HTML-Parameters have been appended to the properties using annotations in the Model. This is bad in my opinion, because view information, like CSS definitions should be set in the view and not in a data model.
Therefore I'm working on another solution:
My model contains a decimal? property, which I want to use as a currency field.
The Problem is, that I want to use the datatype decimal? in the model, but display
the decimal value in the view as formatted string using a format mask (e.g. "42,13 €").
Here is my model definition:
[DataType(DataType.Currency), DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = "{0:C2}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true)]
public decimal? Price { get; set; }
Format mask 0:C2 formats the decimal with 2 decimal places. The ApplyFormatInEditMode is important,
if you want to use this property to fill a editable textfield in the view. So I set it to true, because in my case I want to put it into a textfield.
Normally you have to use the EditorFor-Extension in the view like this:
<%: Html.EditorFor(x => x.Price) %>
The Problem:
I cannot append CSS classes here, as I can do it using Html.TextBoxFor for example.
To provide own CSS classes (or other HTML attributes, like tabindex, or readonly) with the EditorFor-Extension is to write an custom HTML-Helper,
like Html.CurrencyEditorFor. Here is the implementation:
public static MvcHtmlString CurrencyEditorFor<TModel, TValue>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> html, Expression<Func<TModel, TValue>> expression, Object htmlAttributes)
TagBuilder tb = new TagBuilder("input");
// We invoke the original EditorFor-Helper
MvcHtmlString baseHtml = EditorExtensions.EditorFor<TModel, TValue>(html, expression);
// Parse the HTML base string, to refurbish the CSS classes
string basestring = baseHtml.ToHtmlString();
HtmlDocument document = new HtmlDocument();
HtmlAttributeCollection originalAttributes = document.DocumentNode.FirstChild.Attributes;
foreach(HtmlAttribute attr in originalAttributes) {
if(attr.Name != "class") {
tb.MergeAttribute(attr.Name, attr.Value);
// Add the HTML attributes and CSS class from the View
IDictionary<string, object> additionalAttributes = (IDictionary<string, object>) HtmlHelper.AnonymousObjectToHtmlAttributes(htmlAttributes);
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, object> attribute in additionalAttributes) {
if(attribute.Key == "class") {
} else {
tb.MergeAttribute(attribute.Key, attribute.Value.ToString());
return MvcHtmlString.Create(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(tb.ToString(TagRenderMode.SelfClosing)));
The idea is to use the original EditorFor-Extension to produce the HTML-Code and to parse this HTML output string to replace the created
CSS Html-Attribute with our own CSS classes and append other additional HTML attributes. For the HTML parsing, I use the HtmlAgilityPack (use google).
In the View you can use this helper like this (don't forget to put the corresponding namespace into the web.config in your view-directory!):
<%: Html.CurrencyEditorFor(x => x.Price, new { #class = "mypricestyles", #readonly = "readonly", #tabindex = "-1" }) %>
Using this helper, your currency value should be displayed well in the view.
If you want to post your view (form), then normally all model properties will be sent to your controller's action method.
In our case a string formatted decimal value will be submitted, which will be processed by the ASP.NET MVC internal model binding class.
Because this model binder expects a decimal?-value, but gets a string formatted value, an exception will be thrown. So we have to
convert the formatted string back to it's decimal? - representation. Therefore an own ModelBinder-Implementation is necessary, which
converts currency decimal values back to default decimal values ("42,13 €" => "42.13").
Here is an implementation of such a model binder:
public class DecimalModelBinder : IModelBinder
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
object o = null;
decimal value;
var valueResult = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(bindingContext.ModelName);
var modelState = new ModelState { Value = valueResult };
try {
if(bindingContext.ModelMetadata.DataTypeName == DataType.Currency.ToString()) {
if(decimal.TryParse(valueResult.AttemptedValue, NumberStyles.Currency, null, out value)) {
o = value;
} else {
o = Convert.ToDecimal(valueResult.AttemptedValue, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
} catch(FormatException e) {
bindingContext.ModelState.Add(bindingContext.ModelName, modelState);
return o;
The binder has to be registered in the global.asax file of your application:
protected void Application_Start()
ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(decimal), new DecimalModelBinder());
ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(decimal?), new DecimalModelBinder());
Maybe the solution will help someone.
Create a partial view called Contact.cshtml with your custom markup in Views/Shared/EditorTemplates. This will override the default editor.
As noted by #smartcavemen, see Brad Wilson's blog for an introduction to templates.

Control isn't getting the Selected value from DropDownListFor

I got the following Model:
public class ViewBloqueioNotaFiscal
public ViewComboStatus ComboStatus = new ViewComboStatus();
public class ViewComboStatus
public int? IdStatusSelecionado { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> ComboStatus { get; set; }
The following controller method:
public ViewBloqueioNotaFiscal.ViewComboStatus geraComboStatus(int? statusSelecionado)
ViewBloqueioNotaFiscal.ViewComboStatus combo = new ViewBloqueioNotaFiscal.ViewComboStatus
IdStatusSelecionado = statusSelecionado,
ComboStatus = new[]{
new SelectListItem { Value = 1, Text = "Op1"},
new SelectListItem { Value = 2, Text = "Op2"}
return combo;
And my aspx is like:
<%: Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.ComboStatus.IdStatusSelecionado, Model.ComboStatus.ComboStatus) %>
Its getting perfectly displayed for selection but when I submit my form, my post method from controller gets the model perfectly with the values except for this combo that Im recieving null value into the model. As its the first one that I try, I think that something is wrong.
Could you guys check that for me? If you have any better solution for this I d like to know too.
thanks for the help !
You are not binding to the correct property of your view model. You are binding to some complex object (ComboStatus) which doesn't make sense.
You should bind the drop down list to the IdStatusSelecionado property:
<%: Html.DropDownListFor(
x => x.ComboStatus.IdStatusSelecionado,
) %>
A strongly typed DropDownListFor helper requires at least 2 things on your view model:
A scalar property (int, decimal, string, ...) which will be used to bind to
A collection of value/text pairs.
If the collection of value/text pairs contains an item whose value is equal to the scalar property you used as first argument, this item will be preselected. For example if you wanted to preselect the second item in your example you would set IdStatusSelecionado=2 on your view model.
Side note: Model.ComboStatus.ComboStatus looks terrible. Please rename.

How To Use ObjectDataSource With Complex Objects and FormView Control

I have a complex object. For example a SCHOOL object that contains a collection of PERSON object. How can I use the ObjectDataSource control with a FormView and flatten the complex object? An example display would be to display the school name and comma separate the students on the page. Is this possible?
public string Id
get { return m_id; }
set { m_id = value; }
public string SchoolName
get { return m_schoolName; }
set { m_schoolName = value; }
public List(Person> Students
get { return m_students; }
set { m_cast = students; }
Found the solution here:
Displaying an IGrouping<> with nested ListViews.
I nested a DataList control inside my FormView control to get it working.

Dynamic change of an editor type for ASPxGridView

I have an ASPxGridView from DevExpress fed with data from ObjectDataSource. My data row objects expose properties such ParameterName, ParameterType and ParameterValue.
//Properties, constructor and private fields code omitted for clarity
public class InputParameterDescription
public string ParameterName;
public Type ParameterType;
public int ParameterPrecision;
public string ParameterDescription;
ParameterValue is always an object of type indicated by ParameterType property. In fact, I use few types – Int32, Double, String or Boolean. When I display values in a grid and user clicks “Edit” a ParameterValue is always edited with TextBox. Is it possible to change editor for this column according to ParameterType? I want my users to use SpinEdit for integers, checkbox for Boolean, etc.
In fact, this is the way people have been working with DevExpress Delphi grids - TdxGrid and TcxGrid (OnGetProperties event). I have asked this question in DevExpress forum, but haven’t got any answer :(
You could create a template on that column that would do the switch for you. Something like:
public class SwitchTemplate : ITemplate
public void Instantiate(Control container)
GridViewDataItemTemplateContainer cnt = (GridViewDataItemTemplateContainer) container;
switch( GetStringParameterTypeFromDataItem(cnt.DataItem) )
case "Int32":
container.Controls.Add( new ASPxSpinEdit() { ... } );
case "DateTime":
container.Controls.Add( new ASPxDateEdit() { ... } );
case "String":
container.Controls.Add( new ASPxTextBox() { ... } );
Then you just need to specify this template as the EditItemTemplate of the column:
myGrid.Columns["MyColumnName"].EditItemTemplate = new SwitchTemplate()
