How to determine where a user came from to my site? - http

I remember having seen somwhere that it is possible to tell where a user came from to a website. More specifically, I want to determine the (Google etc.) search that led to my site. How can I do that?
As far as I know the HTTP protocol, nothing like this is sent to the server in a GET request, so I also wonder how it is done technically.

"Referer" field in the HTTP header

You need to check the Referer header. [sic]
When a user clicks a link in a webpage, the browser sets the referer header of the request for the link's target to the page that contained the link.
If a user came to your site from a Google search, this header will be a url in
However, for privacy reasons, some browsers do not send this header.
Referer was misspelled in the original HTTP implementation, and the mispelling stuck. (It should be spelled Referrer)

What you're looking for is the Referrer. Look up platform specific info to find out how to use it.

sign up for google analytics for free to get those statistics and a whole lot more. Seeing where someone came from is done by checking the http referer header.

The client may set the Referer field as part of the HTTP header to indicate the referring page. However, as with everything else that the client controls this cannot be viewed as anything but an indication. It is not always set and the client may fake the data, so keep that in mind when using client data.

The Referer HTTP Header contains the URL of the site containing the link clicked on. But it is sent by browsers only and in can be suppressed by security settings!


Is there another way to set cookies than through HTTP headers?

I'm writing some http client code to interact with a website, and I need to set some cookies. Simply visiting the website sets 4 cookies (as seen in Chrome Settings).
However, when I look at the HTTP response headers for when those cookies were set (using Live HTTP Headers extension), there is no Set-Cookie header anywhere. How were those cookies set? Is there another way than through Set-Cookie?
Edit: Some of the cookies are HttpOnly.
If you load a site in your browser, it might also load other assets that can also set cookies (given that they are on the same domain).
But there is a second way to set cookies: with Javascript via document.cookies.
As far as I know, if your javascript or python code sets a cookie for that domain, then the response will include the SET-COOKIE field. You can view that from at least the inspect console.
So I see that you're using HTTP live extension, but it doesn't look like it shows that field in the response.
I tried looking for other extensions that could show it, but I wasn't able to find one as far as I know. I suppose we both can always fall back to the chrome inspect console. If you go to the network tab, you should actually see the req-resp.

How to exploit HTTP header XSS vulnerability?

Let's say that a page is just printing the value of the HTTP 'referer' header with no escaping. So the page is vulnerable to an XSS attack, i.e. an attacker can craft a GET request with a referer header containing something like <script>alert('xss');</script>.
But how can you actually use this to attack a target? How can the attacker make the target issue that specific request with that specific header?
This sounds like a standard reflected XSS attack.
In reflected XSS attacks, the attacker needs the victim to visit some site which in some way is under the attacker's control. Even if this is just a forum where an attacker can post a link in the hope somebody will follow it.
In the case of a reflected XSS attack with the referer header, then the attacker could redirect the user from the forum to a page on the attacker's domain.
This page in turn redirects to the following target page in a way that preserves referer.
Because it is showing the referer header on this page without the proper escaping,<script>alert(123)> gets output within the HTML source, executing the alert. Note this works in Internet Explorer only.
Other browsers will automatically encode the URL rendering
instead which is safe.
I can think of a few different attacks, maybe there are more which then others will hopefully add. :)
If your XSS is just some header value reflected in the response unencoded, I would say that's less of a risk compared to stored. There may be factors to consider though. For example if it's a header that the browser adds and can be set in the browser (like the user agent), an attacker may get access to a client computer, change the user agent, and then let a normal user use the website, now with the attacker's javascript injected. Another example that comes to mind is a website may display the url that redirected you there (referer) - in this case the attacker only has to link to the vulnerable application from his carefully crafted url. These are kind of edge cases though.
If it's stored, that's more straightforward. Consider an application that logs user access with all request headers, and let's suppose there is an internal application for admins that they use to inspect logs. If this log viewer application is web based and vulnerable, any javascript from any request header could be run in the admin context. Obviously this is just one example, it doesn't need to be blind of course.
Cache poisoning may also help with exploiting a header XSS.
Another thing I can think of is browser plugins. Flash is less prevalent now (thankfully), but with different versions of Flash you could set different request headers on your requests. What exactly you can and cannot set is a mess and very confusing across Flash plugin versions.
So there are several attacks, and it is necessary to treat all headers as user input and encode them accordingly.
Exploitation of xss at referrer header is almost like a traditional reflected xss, Just an additional point to make is "Attacker's website redirects to victim website and hence referrer header with required javascript will be appended to the victim website request".
Here One essential point that needs to be discussed is Why only with IE one can exploit this vulnerability why not with other browsers?
Traditional answer for this question is 'Chrome and firefox automatically encodes URL parameters and hence XSS is not possible..' But interesting thing here is when we have n number of bypasses for traditional xss bypasses. why can't we have bypasses for this scenario.
Yes.. We can bypass with following payload which is same way to bypass HTML validation in traditional payload. .
Here the response could be something like this:
The link on the
page seems to be wrong or outdated.
Response End
If victim clicks on referring page, alert will be generated..
Bottomline: Not just only IE, XSS can be possible even in Mozilla and Firefox when referrer is being used as part of href tag..

Resolve http form post as https form post

Is there a way to force a non-secure form post to be secure? I understand there are ways to automatically resolve an http URL as an https URL but with form posts, is this type of redirection too late? Will the posted data have already gone through the wire as plain text?
Is there a way to force a non-secure form post to be secure?
Technically, no. You can however make the form's action attribute a fully-qualified HTTPS site, regardless if the protocol that rendered it is secured or not.
Will the posted data have already gone through the wire as plain text?
Yes since a redirect happens on the server by issuing a 301/302 status code in the response.
Generally speaking, the page that serves up the form should be https as well. If it is not, then users have no indication before they submit the form that it will be secure (that is, there'll be no 'lock' icon until after they submit). Also, an attacker could hijack the initial page and still collect responses without any warning to the users.
By setting the 'action' to a full-qualified https URL then the data will be encrypted when it goes to the server, but it is still less secure than doing the whole thing in https from the start.
Here are a few things that come to mind:
As has already been noted, you can just set the URL of the form's action to an HTTPS address.
Change the protocol from HTTP to HTTPS before the page is posted. This would seem to be the most ideal. It also gives your visitors greater sense of security by seeing the secured padlock before entering any info (if this even matters). Three ways to do this come to mind:
Change all links to your form page to be in HTTPS.
Detect when the page is browsed non-securely, and redirect (using client-side scripting)
Do the same thing but on the server, by sending a Location header (a.k.a. Response.Redirect).
An example of this in javascript is simple enough:
if ('https:' != window.location.protocol) {
// This assumes your secured domain is the same as the currently-browsed one...
window.location = String(window.location).replace(/^http:\/\//, 'https://');
Good luck!

How to spoof http referer

As of current, are there still any methods to spoof HTTP referer?
The HTTP_REFERER is data passed by the client. Any data passed by the client can be spoofed/forged. This includes HTTP_USER_AGENT.
If you wrote the web browser, you're setting and sending the HTTP Referrer and User-Agent headers on the GET, POST, etc.
You can also use middleware such as a web proxy to alter these. Fiddler lets you control these values.
If you want to redirect a visitor to another website and set their browser's referrer to any value you desire, you'll need to develop a web browser-plugin or some other type of application that runs on their computer. Otherwise, you cannot set the referrer on the visitor's browser. It will show the page from your site that linked to it.
What might be a valid solution in your case would be for you to load the third party page on the visitor's behalf, using whatever referrer is necessary, then display the page to the user from your server.
Yes, the HTTP referer header can be spoofed.
A common way to play with HTTP headers is to use a tool like cURL:
Sending headers using cURL:
How to send a header using a HTTP request through a curl call?
The cURL docs:
Yes of course. Browser can avoid to send it, and it can be also "spoofed". There's an addon for firefox (I haven't tried it myself) and likely you can use also something like privoxy (but it is harder to make it dynamically changing). Using other tools like wget, is as easy as setting the proper option.

HTTP Referrer Gotchas?

I need to ensure that my webpage is always within an iframe owned by a 3rd party. This third party refers to our landing page using src="../index.php".
Now my question is, if I make use of referrer to ensure that the page was requested by either myself or from the third party and if not force a reload of the 3rd party site, are there any big gotchas I should be aware of?
For example, are there certain common browsers that don't follow the referrer rules?
Thank you.
Also, it's REFERER because it somehow got misspelled in the spec. That was my very first REFERER gotcha.
You can't use referrer to "ensure" that the webpage is always being called from somewhere else because of referrer spoofing.
Referrers are not required. If a browser doesn't supply it then you'll get yourself into an endless redirect loop. Referrer is effectively "voluntary" just like cookies, java, and javascript.
Although. You could keep a log of IP & time last redirected. Prune the logs for anything over 5 minutes old and never redirect more than once per 5 minutes. You should catch 99.9% of users out there but avoid an infinite redirect loop for the rest. The log cannot rely on anything in the browser (that's the original problem) so no cookie and no session. A simple 2-column database table should suffice.
The only way you could do this is to directly authorize the request because of referrer manipulation..
You could restrict requests to a set of IP addresses, if you want to be lax, or require that the including client/system has an authentication cookie for requests shown in the iframe.
Good Luck
Even well-known formats may change...
Google apparently has changed its referrer URL. April 14, 2009, An upcoming change to search referrals; Google Analytics unaffected:
Starting this week, you may start seeing a new referring URL format for visitors coming from Google search result pages. Up to now, the usual referrer for clicks on search results for the term "flowers", for example, would be something like this:
Now you will start seeing some referrer strings that look like this:
(See also Google is changing its referrer URLs from /search into /url. Any known issues?)
Be aware that Internet Explorer (all versions) specifically OMITS the HTTP REFERRER whenever a user navigates to a link as a result of JavaScript. (bug report)
function doSomething(url){
//save some data to the session
location.href = url;//IE will NOT pass the HTTP REFERRER on this link
