Exceptions from scripting within Biztalk Map - biztalk

I have a biztalk (2006 R2) map which uses an class to provide for some custom logic that we couldn't achieve neatly through the existing functoids.
When an exception is thrown from one of the methods of this class the exception detail is, unfortunately lost (at least as far as I can see), The transform shape simply throws an exception indicating 'Function 'ScriptNS-:DoFoo()' has failed'
I've since come to the conclusion that using the Scripting functoids in a map is a recipe for disaster, but thats another discussion. My question is is there a mechanism to allow the exception detail pass up the parent orchestration?

Try to use the 'System.Diagnostics.Trace' class and output stuff inside the method related to its progress. Start with outputting the input parameters as they might differ from what your method expect.
Simplified example:
System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("HelperClass XX - Method YY - This was passed from the map : " + inputParamOne);
Using a clear naming standard makes it easier to filter inside free tool DebugView, especially when on a machine running more than your stuff. I often leave this tracing in as it often proves invaluable later on. The overhead, if no listener is connected, could normally be ignored.
If you have the map deployed and running on a BizTalk development machine you could debug by performing the following steps:
Put a breakpoint in the method
Select 'Debug - Attach To Process'
Attach to the HostInstance process
(BTSNTSvc.exe if 32-bit) handling
your corresponding port or
orchestration running the map.


Is it possible to trace references between objects in Flash, in the same way as the Flash Builder profiler?

I'm trying to find memory leaks in a fairly large Flex application and I'm tired of using the paltry tools Flash Builder makes available.
Specifically, I want to analyse the relationships of objects in memory, using the same information Flash Builder's tools appear to have access to. I.e. which objects are in memory, and which objects they have references to, and have references to them. Given that information, I want to construct a directed graph whose nodes are live objects and whose edges are references from one object to another. From there I want to search for dominators, which should be a good indication of which objects are leaking.
I believe Eclipse does something similar for Java.
Unfortunately, Flash Builder only allows the export of its captured profiling data in a binary form that's only parsable by Flash Builder. Rather than try to reverse engineer their output I decided to try to capture the data myself, since they make their profiling API available in the flash.sampler.* package.
So far I've managed to collect the objects that are currently live in memory, get their allocation traces, and references to the objects that I can inspect, which is most of what I need. But I can't figure out how the FB profiler traces back-references to the GC root. The only way I can see to do it is to inspect every object in memory, and for each object inspect each of its properties, and so on, until I find a chain to an object classified as "root" level. But since I can only follow references on publicly visible properties, it's entirely possible I'll miss lots of references that prevent garbage collection.
How does the Flash Builder profiler do it?
My suspicion is that it doesn't just use the sampler.* API to capture information, but supplements that with queries performed through a debugger connection, which is probably out of scope for my work. But in the absence of any way to verify that, I'm hoping it's possible using only the sampler API.
Actually in IMHO if Flash (Flex) Builder's memory / performance tooling is paltry then you aren't using it right. The key to understanding the tooling you have available - has been available since the 4.0 SDK and and I've been using it for every project I've been assigned to as the 'runtime-analysis-guy'.
Live View:
We all know about this one, it gives you a "live" view of what's currently available. While the current instance count is useful, what's even more useful is the cumulative. This helps track down the errant methods which create way too many objects.
Loitering Object View:
You probably aren't using this one, but trust me once you do, you won't go back. With this it helps to have clearly defined small screen / application states (eg. 1. A starting point, 2. The ability to create a dialog 3. A closing point which is the same state as 1). In your application, get to the place you want to test. Then click the memory snapshot function - the "colored lines icon." Now in your application, run through steps 2 and 3. Go back to the profiler, and click this again. Here you can now either terminate or pause your application. Select both memory profiles and click the loitering object function - "the green icon." In theory this list will be empty, but it won't. This shows you what objects have been marked for [sweep] but not [reap]'ed.
D-Click any object and this gives you a detail view with a list of every reference that still holds onto this object. I'll give you a hint right now, if you haven't created a deconstruction process in your application (eg IDestroyable interface), stop right now and go back and do this. You must assign null to every object that is not a complex primative. This means every class, every array, vector, eventlistener and so on.
The sampler package is the only thing the tool uses as far as I'm aware - after all the tool doesn't inject any code into your application at the time of invocation. It's a comparison of all objects with the NewObjectSample and the DeletedObjectSample, and looking at the getSavedThis() going back up the prototype chain (this should return an object where you can call the getSavedThis() on it and so on).
Hope this helps.

Can i compile without life cycle method in EJB 2.0?

iam begineer in ejb's.I have one doubt in ejb 2.0,In session beans,i will create() with out args in EJBhome.But i didn't define any methods i.e., ejbcreate and ejbremove in the bean.So,Can i compile or run this code without those method in the bean?.
You can compile it but cannot run it. You must have a matching ejbCreate() method in your bean class.
If you are very new to EJB I recommend testing your code with OpenEJB (here's a getting started video). Not because I work on the project (which I do), but because we aggressively check code for mistakes and will print clear errors as to what you might have done wrong.
The output can come in 3 levels of verbosity. On the most verbose level, the output is more email response oriented and error messages include information like "put code like this -code-sample- in your bean." The code samples even try to use your method names and parameter names where possible.
As well it is compiler style. Meaning if you made the same mistake in 10 places, you will see all 10 in the first run and then have the opportunity to fix them all at once. Rather than the traditional style of fix 1 issue, compile, test, get same error elsewhere in code, repeat N times.
And of course you can still deploy into another EJB container. Sounds like you are stuck using a pretty old one if you have to use EJB 2.0.
Here's a list of some of the mistakes that are checked

Which functoid(s) allow use of a DataTable, returned from an external assembly, in a BizTalk map?

I figured I'd be able to use an Index functoid but it doesn't seem to like my first parameter (the scripting functoid that calls the external assembly) - a red X in place of the usual green check mark.
The thing that makes me think it's possible, is that the Index functoid doesn't give me an error at all - it compiles and deploys with no complaints. The problem is that the mapping never takes place, I get a catastrophic failure (IMO) because it doesn't even return an error.
So, any way to use an external assembly that returns a DataTabe/DataRow/DataSet in a BizTalk map?
I know this does not address your question entirely but I always think that any calls to external dependencies should be done before the mapping stage, and the results stored in a message.
The map would have multiple input schemas, one of which could be a DataRow (modelled on the ADO DataRow).
Then when you call the transform you pass all the messages in which are needed to do the transform. This makes it much easier to isolate your genuine mapping failures from other failures.
This might help:
Code Behind BizTalk Functoids
You may be able to get some insight into how the mapper does its thing.

Easy way to implement universal error handling in ASP.Net application

I have an application that is primarily one page with a lot of user controls and custom controls. ASP.Net WebParts are being used. There is almost no code in the web page and its master page: it's all in various components.
The design requirements include an error message display panel. The client would like the app to display any errors occurring in any part of the app on the error message display rather than going to a custom error page. (This was a recent decision: when we started we were thinking custom error page.)
As far as I can tell, WebParts don't provide any default error handling (no capture of errors and displaying of messages) and user controls don't necessarily fire their OnError event when an internal error occurs.
So I'm looking at wrapping absolutely everything in Try ... Catch blocks, at least at the presentation level, and doing the handling. So my question is: is there any easy way to implement a kind of global, or at least class-wide, error handler, that will handle an error in the way I choose, interrupt the routine that was executing, but return (after handling) to the caller of the method that failed?
I'm willing to adapt code to verify that subroutines did what they were supposed to and returned appropriate values (ex: non-null data objects.) What I don't want is for the whole process to be aborted up to the very top, with rendering skipped, or (of course) the famous yellow and white screen.
I guess this is a case for aspect-oriented programming, but I don't think ASP.Net provides anything like that yet. I didn't get the impression that EntLib 5.0 did, either.
I would adore it if it were possible to decorate a method with an attribute that meant "On error call such-and-such a static method of such-and-such a class". But I doubt it is, yet.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Ann L.
For starters, it's bad practice to put Try Catch handlers around every piece of code in your application. There is a slight performance hit every time you set that up, and this could slow things down really fast.
In your Global.asax.cs (or .vb) file, there is a method in there called Application_Error which is the global error handler. This will catch any error you haven't previously caught (or thrown up) within the application.
You could easily put your error handling code here. It could be as simple as dumping the error message to a log for future review, or check for the exception type (SQL vs. File vs. HTTP) and do the error handling task related to the type.
You need to take a look at elmah. If you google 'elmah' it has an error module/handler that does pretty much what you are looking for (although it will take some extra tweaking..)
You might want to consider letting your errors 'bubble up' though.. There are some serious performance issues with writing a bunch of Try..Catch..Finally blocks...

How to catch all Exceptions from a WebService?

I have a Web Reference to a remote Web Service, which is called in several different classes. I'd like to catch all exceptions coming from this Web Service only.
How can I do that (for example extending it's base, auto generated class) without interfering and modifying all upper level code?
You can't, and why do you want to? It's almost always a mistake to "catch all exceptions" or "handle all exceptions". What are you trying to accomplish?
I'd suggest you log it on the server, not the client.
What will you be doing when you hide the exception from the upper layers? Pretending it didn't happen?
It might make sense to wrap the SoapException in one of your own. Maybe. That's only because SoapException is so specific to web services. In this case, yes, you need to wrap every call in a try/catch. The best way to do this would be in a facade class, which could also have the common code for wrapping the SoapException or translating it into one of your own.
Still, unless you're ready to take control of the code generation, you'll wind up doing this by hand.
