Flex Framework that Uses Signals and Slots - apache-flex

Is there a framework for Flex that uses the Qt Signal and Slots paradigm?
I'm getting tired of these event-mapped frameworks.

Robert Penner wrote an AS3 Signals library, to replace flash events.
(it's pretty awesome)

Have you tried PureMVC?


Implement with QML or C++?

I've just started learning Qt recently, finding QML quite interesting for implementing UI component. Before the project really kick off, I've got some questions:
For a fresh start project, should I just use QML? Does QML be designed for replacing QWidget?)
If I go with QML, is there anything else must be implemented with C++? Or better implemented with C++ for better performance? (I know some customized UI components can be integrated through plugin) What's the relationship between QML and C++ widget?
As for performance or rendering issue, does QML better than native C++ widget?
When you start a question with 'Should I use', it is quite a good hint that SO might not be the right place to ask it. Even more when there are only answers, which start with 'It depends on...'.
QML is not designed to replace QWidget. It is a different technique. Which one to use, depends on your requirements.
Whether or not you must implement additional stuff in C++ depends on your project. Some things are easier in C++, others in QML. And some stuff is not possible in QML at all.
There is no relationship between QML and C++ widgets.
And the performance of QML is in most cases more than sufficient. In almost every case QML is used to create user interfaces. I doubt that there are many cases where clicking a button or opening a dropbox folder is performance critical.
I had a chance to put this question to a few Qt experts at the World Summit today and the general take was that because QML component rendering can be done through hardware acceleration that it is preferred for apps requiring high performance graphics, eg automotive dashboards. OTOH widgets seem to be used for desktop applications. Another consideration is that while widgets can be styled using Qss (Qt's version of Css), QML components cannot.
In QML based applications computationally intensive functions are generally written in C++.
Eric G

PySide and Qt Property Framework

Is it possible to use the Qt Property Framework with PySide? If not, do you have hints on how to achieve similar behaviour using Qt MVC Framework?
Even if this qestion is a bit old...
Yes, you can use it quite well. Have a look here as example. AFAIK there are efforts to use Python #properties as Qt properties as well.

How cairngorm framework works internally

I had gone through many documents, no where mentioned how cairngorm framework works internally, means, how cairngorm Event, frontController, BusinessDelegate,ServiceLocator,Commands works and why we are extending or implementing cairngorm class like ICommand, IResponder and cairngormEvent.
For the love of GOD, don't use Cairngorm (2) as a framework. Use either RobotLegs or Parsley. Both of which has awesome documentation and a very active community.

Lightweight method for integrating flash functionality in the background

I'm looking to be able to run some actionscript 3 in the background to handle some audio and build a javascript front-end. I heard that you can simply compile actionscript 3 and run it using the flex framework, but I'm new to all of this and am not really sure the difference between flex and actionscript. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Matt Mueller
Flex is a framework for developing data-driven flash SWFs. It lets you create gui using the markup language mxml (similar to html, but with a strict syntax) and has a lot of inbuilt UI components like Button, Panel, ComboBox, Datagrid etc.
The flex compiler, mxmlc.exe, can compile both flex projects and normal actionscript projects (that doesn't use any flex components).
If you are looking for just the audio functionalities of Flash, you need not use Flex, pure AS3 would suffice. Download the Flex SDK and compile the ClassName.as file using the mxmlc.exe
Yes, you can achieve this using actionscript. And Flex is a framework for developing flash applications which requires coding in Actionscript. Flex api is extension to actionscript's tandard API with lots of built-in functionalities like drawing charts, handling videos etc. If you are just looking for handling some audio in the background then you can just use actionscript with Flash IDE. But you are looking to build a full fledged GUI with lots of functionality then yes, you should have a look at Flex as it provides lots of built-in libraries.

Extending Sprite Using Flex?

I have done all of my Flash applications up until now with the Flash IDE (although I rarely use the timelines, since I prefer to do everything in code) or in FlexBuilder as Flex applications. Are apps that just extend Sprite (used in the FlexBuilder IDE, for instance) a viable way of doing an application, or are they just for HelloWorlds? Under what conditions would you not bother to use the Flash IDE? Can MXML files be used with apps that just extend Sprite?
Note: I'm not asking when to use Flex vs. Flash. I am also not asking whether the Flash IDE or the FlexBuilder IDE is better for editing ActionScript files.
Edit: What I mean by "can MXML files be used with apps that just extend Sprite?" I am referring to whether you can use MXML markup in an Actionscript 3.0 file in Flexbuilder 3. I'm pretty sure you cannot do this.
Are apps that just extend Sprite (used in the FlexBuilder IDE, for instance) a viable way of doing an application, or are they just for HelloWorlds?
In Flex you have the option of extending the Sprite class or implementing the IUIComponent class. There are differences though.
Under what conditions would you not bother to use the Flash IDE?
Do you need dataservices? In that case, I am not too sure how easy it is to work with the Flash IDE.
Can MXML files be used with apps that just extend Sprite?
Not too sure what you mean by apps. However, AS3 components work just fine with MXML. Sprites will have to be wrapped up in some sort of a IUIComponent if you are using it with MXML. MXML is syntactic sugar. It is compiled into AS3 and as such may not be as efficient if you were to code them up.
This blogpost may be of interest to you.
I think the simple answer is "YES". I have built multiple sites and apps in pure AS3 that "just extend Sprite" in FlexBuilder.
I like to code, so I don't use the flash IDE for anything. That said, I see how much faster my Flash buddies can build some things, so I suggest building small, individual effects in Flash and then importing the .swc file into FlexBuilder.
