SQL Database File Error -

We're getting the following error when trying to establish a connection to a database file in the project:
Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed.
Any ideas on how we can fix it?
Thanks in advance! has one possible fix. also has further discussion on the topic.
Hope that helps.
One more idea. I think I've encountered something like this when using Visual studio to create and access my database. You can detach your database file from visual studio and then directly attach it to your SQL server. I can't remember if the problem manifested in the same way or not but this should get you around the user instance issue. If this doesn't apply let me know and I'll see if i can come up with anything else.

If you are using IIS as the server,then this occurs because the server takes default database.
In IIS server,create your own application pool and run your app on that instead of using the default pool.
Check the permissions.Give full access control rights.
go to SQL server configuration>properties. Select local system in the built-in app.. And your new pool should also have local system selected.
This fixed the problem for me. Hope it works for someone here.
PS: If you are trying to making connectivity in Visual studio for android application,then close the visual studio before running it on android as the process wont complete if visual studio is open and will result into error.

SQL Express file attach starts a new 'user instance' SQL Server. This involves a new master/model/msdb/tempdb set of files that are created in the user settings data folder. also the startup of the new 'user instance' can take up to several minutes on extreme cases.
This MSDN article on SQL Server 2005 Express Edition User Instances cover in detail the process and luckly it has some Common Issues and fixes. The most common failure is due to access rights over the user settings copied files. You will usualy get details about the failure in your NT event log (ie. why did the child instance not start).

We got over this by copying the database from my machine to my team-mate's.


MYOB ODBC ASP.NET application issues during insert command from IIS 10.0

I am trying to develop a ASP.NET Web API for MYOB that runs within IIS. That will allow me to insert/update/select different pieces of information from a MYOB company file.
At the moment within development everything works perfectly from within VS 2015 using IIS Express. I can successfully execute a insert command on the MYOB ODBC connection in multi-user access mode while the company file is opened by atleast two other users.
However when run from within IIS no errors are displayed. However the ODBC driver returns successfully on the insert query despite no insert being completed and no records of errors in any log files.
Finally, i have given the application pool connected to the IIS Application/Website the identity of the system administrator account. So i am assuming this is not the issue.
Could someone please help me on this! Have I maybe setup the permissions and security protocols in IIS incorrectly? As this application works fine within IIS Express but not in IIS?
Thanks in advance for any help!
You eventually couldn't see an error because you are using Web API. You are just a client. But maybe the API has an error that you've couldn't be seen. is your API has a LOGS? or it has a return value when it might encountered an error?
Try to Double Check it.
I agreed there's a big difference between iis express and IIS itself(Not in VS, means other machine or in server)
Check it too.
1.) framework you are working mostly.
2.) make sure that your Web API is running.
3.) IIS set up.

How to effectively set up MySQL Users and Roles in the production server WITHOUT Visual Studio?

So far I have been using the WebSite Administration Tool built in Visual Studio 2010 to manage Users and Roles along with MySQL Membership and Roles Provider.
Now, I have deployed the application to the production server and I am getting the following error:
Even if I tried to copy one of the roles and one of the users from my local DB to the one used by the production server, it didn't quite work and I keep getting the same error. At least, I'm sure that's the cause of the error because I did a remote debugging which led me to find it.
At this point I am very confused on how to get it working properly. So, any help or guidance would be really appreciated.
EDIT: At this point the User has been already authenticated in the login page using the connectionString to the production DB server. For that reason, I have dismissed any kind of problems related to the connectionString. I get this error while loading the masterPage where the role is needed in order to choose which menu to display.
The exception message says it all: It cannot connect to the database. Verify that your production DB server is running, that the connection string is correct and that you have network connectivity (including name resolution) from the web server to the DB server.
The solution for this problem was to create the mysql_aspnet_membership provider by granting full access through the machine.config and autogenerating the schema, instead of manually creating the membership tables in the database, which I though there could have been a valid way to create the db.
Afterwards, this didn't break anymore.

Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed

I've attempted to add a "service based data base" (.mdf) to a project in an asp .net application. From there I've proceeded attempted to create an entity framework model file (.edmx).
When doing so I get the error:
An error occurred while connecting to the database. The database might be unavailable. An exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred. The error message is: 'Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be closed.'.
I've got SQL Server 2008 R2 Express edition installed on my machine.
Any ideas would be most appreciated.
I have got the same error, it's fixed after the following change.
Deleting the folder C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server Data worked for me in Windows 7. Have to restart VS after deleting the folder.
See this answer, which might work for you.
Based on your connection string, you might need to add "User Instance" attribute to it.
I had this exact same problem with a C# Console App that was utilizing an .mdf file.
The issue disappeared once I granted NETWORK SERVICE full access to my root-level Visual Studio project directory (and sub directories).
Solution Details: Problems with SQL Server Express user instancing and Web Application Projects
I was facing same issue in VS 2019. if anyone still facing same issue then please make sure you have/do following things:
1. you should have Sql server Express installed on your m/c
2. should have SSDT installed in VS (in VS 2019- name sure to check this component while installing) for previous version; i guess you have to add this externally
3. add 'User Instance = True' to your connection string
and one more thing and I think its optional - open VS and SQL in administrative mode
If you build your own custom membership solution, do not forget to add this line to your Web.config's AppSettings section:
<add key="enableSimpleMembership" value="false" />
otherwise you'll get the same error message
I have same issue, but it only happens when I reboot the PC and run the application from a fresh start. If I then attempt to re-start the application (wo rebooting), it does connect and I have full access to the database. I tried to change the connection string with a long timeout (600, 6000, 60000), but that made no difference. Here is the connection string:
" - publishing a web site is causing an access denied error

I am working in visual studio 2008 sp1 and trying to publish a web site to a local directory. I keep getting the following error :
Error 3 Access to the path 'C:\Users\name\Documents\Sandbox\BTNET\App_Data\BTNET.mdf' is denied.
My question is how do I determine what user account Visual Studio is running as? I have tried to give everyone, guests, and IUSR_ full control and I am still getting this error. It’s painful..
You must "run as Administrator" VS2008 and publish site
Bring up task manager (ctrl+alt+delete) and look for devenv.exe.You should see the user in the User Name column.
AFAIK (As Far As I Know), it's ASPNET account
Since you're having problems accessing the DB file, make sure all the connection to that database are closed. That file might be in use, which in turn will cause the error.
It sounds like either an application is open and using the file(i.e. Visual Studio, modifying the schema or data or an instance of Access) or the user publishing the files does not have access to the delete files.
The first scenario is more common.

Problem connecting to Oracle database via ASP.NET page under IIS

I'm having a problem getting a simple ASP.NET webpage to display. The page contains a GridView with a SqlDataSource connected to an Oracle database.
When I run the page in the VS debugger (cassini webserver) everything works fine, but when I publish the application to my local IIS server (same machine), I get the following error:
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
If it was a different machine I could understand that it might be a tnsnames.ora or other problem that I could investigate via tnsping. I have also set the security on the folder containing the Oracle drivers to "Everybody", and set the webapp to run under a "Priviliged" AppPool (Identity as Administrator), but with no success.
Anyone else got any ideas??
this guide is a bible for this kinds of problems :)
Actually i have printed one copy of this guide and distribute it to every consultant involved with IIS ASP.NET to ORACLE connectivity issues. The checklist will probably get your problem solved, unless you have a problem within your code which you don't seem to have based on your scenario.
I think you more than 1 Oracle client. You need to search ALL your tnsnames.ora files with the windows explorer and compare and synchronize ALL those files.
maybe you need to specify the IP
