ASP .NET Development Server not serving everything all the time -

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 on a Windows XP SP3 machine and recently have come accross a some what strange issue.
I have a C# and ASP.NET project that runs fine when on the team test server and using IIS locally on my own machine. However, running it using the in-built Visual Studio ASP.NET Development server it doesn't seem to serve all the images/scripts/css files all of the time. When I load a page one time images A, B and C will be missing and I may get a system (sub-package) error however loading it again all those images will be there and the sub-package will work but a CSS, a script or any other image file may be missing.
The Windows event application log seems to show occasionally the missing files will be logged but this isn't consistent either.

It happens to me all the time; I think the reason is that the ASP.NET Develoment server is not a very good HTTP server, and when receiveing too many requests, it drops some ones.
Since it is also very very slow, I configured vs2008 (you can do that with vs2005, of course) to use ASP.NET for debugging; it works far better that way.
To do that:
Project -> properties -> Web (last tab) -> Server. There are three alternatives: Use Visual Studio Development Server; Use local Web IIS; Use custom Web server. Choose the second. (not sure about the exact english names: I have the Italian version of VS).

Check the page in Firefox/Firebug or with IE8 and see if the paths to the files/scripts/images is correct or not. A common problem when switching between the local dev webserver and IIS hosted pages is that the paths may not resolve the same. You can fix this sometimes by using the "~" character before a path in the asp code.


Local Host redirected you too many times Issue with IIS

I am working on bringing a working web application onto a new computer running Visual Studio 2022 version 17.4.2 and .NET Framework 4.7.2. When running on local IIS (version 10.0) host there is a "local host redirected you too many times" issue. It suggests clearing cookies which has been done with no effect.
The same code works on other machines with no issues. Is there anything in IIS set up/configuration or that may be missing from Visual Studio or other installations? Thanks in advance.
So far we have tried debugging the code and including breakpoints for where the issue may be occurring, ensuring that the installations of windows feature and IIS management is the same as another where the program is working. Also created a .txt file that can be reached on local host and is in same location as the rest of the project.
Here are a few things you can try:
Try on another machine.
Try to remove as much rules as possible from web.config and keys and so on. Or if it's a single page you're having the error with try to remove as much code from it especially if there are redirect codes. And add breakpoints and debug.
Check the LOCAL application pool version if it's set same as the online .net framework version.

How does the view in browser option work in Visual Studio without IIS?

It seems like the View in Browser option doesn't really require IIS and it seems to process ASP pages fine. So how does it really work without a web server?
They used to have a developer web server (Cassini) which is dead long time back so is there some kind of built in capability in visual studio? Who processes the requests by asp pages if it doesn't require IIS?
I already have IIS installed so I am not sure if is servicing the pages but seems like it will work without IIS because I don't configure anything in IIS and new ASP.NET projects work out of the box as well View in Browser option for an asp page option which just directly executes that page.
Actually this is what occurs:
Your web web.config is copied.
Then VS spools up a WHOLE running copy of IIS (it is the express version - but it is the same for the most part as the full edition of II).
Once VS spools up and starts and configures that running copy of IIS?
Then your web page and web application can run. If you look at your system try, you see this:
So in above that 2nd from the left in the tray shows that blue thing icon. I have right clicked on it to show the options you see.
So now you have a running copy of IIS on your computer. So you ARE running a full web server here. (well, ok IIS express - but the base parts and what that means is much the same as the full edition).
Around about VS version 2010, they USED to have a smaller built in web server as part of VS. The problem of course was for Microsoft to maintain 100% compatibility was VERY hard. So while for a considerable time frame and history of VS? Yes, they had a built in web server as part of VS. But they dropped it a number of versions ago in VS, and as noted now use IIS express.
So Now? Well, when you install VS, they also install a working copy of IIS. (the express version). The express version is quite much the same as the full pop edition of IIS. What is removed is "most" if not "all" of the IIS management screens and setup. (and sometimes I wish they would just install that part too!).
Your experience thus that a copy of IIS is launched. Once launched IIS does keep running during your development process (depends on your VS config and setup). But, if you go file->close solution, then you find that IIS express then also shuts down.
So, to view that web page? Yes, VS does config, and then does spool up and start internet services and that web server. So this running of IIS on your computer is what allows those web pages to work and run correctly. As noted, while this is a copy of IIS, it is for the most part the same as the full edition - just with most of the management tools removed. As noted, you SHOULD see that new icon appear in the system tray.
And as noted, I believe around VS 2010, they made that switch from the VS built in IIS to that of now using IIS express edition. As noted, this change was made to ensure a greater probability that when coding and debugging your web site in VS, that the end result will be much the same when running a full edition.
I do find that over time, the production (web hosted site) does get so many config and tweaks and changes, that I now can't include my web.config file in the publish (can't risk overwriting the server production web.config). So, over time, we added things like https security certificates and installed them, and set them up for the production web site. I don't have those same security certificates setup on my local machine. And of course there are some virtual folders and few more things that exist on the production web site as opposed to the dev copy I use. So, it somewhat my fault to let the production web.config over time to become "different" then what I run local when coding and debugging the web site. So now, when I publish - I remove the web.config file before I actually copy the new updated web application to the final production server (which of course is running the full edition of IIS).
But to make a long story short?
Yes, a whole copy of IIS web server is configured for you, and that whole copy of IIS is spooled up, launched, and once that occurs, then your web page option "view in browser" can run. But make no mistake here - IIS services is setup, is started, and is running for that web page preview to occur.

Visual Studio 2010 displays IIS 7 page on debug instead of my project

This is my first ASP.NET project so I am a bit of a rookie when it comes to a lot of the configuring of IIS/Visual Studio so bear with me...
I am using Visual Studio 2010 running on Windows Server 2008 SR2. We recently did some updates on the server and now my project no longer loads when I attempt to debug. When I try to debug the default "Welcome" page for IIS 7 loads instead of my project. I am set up to use the development server to debug, not IIS so I don't understand why I get the IIS page. Before the updates the debugger was pulling up my page without any issues.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
It looks like IIS is now bound to the port number that Visual Studio Development Web Server was using previously. You can change the port number in the properties of the web site project.
I have found a solution to my issue. I decided to use IIS instead of the Development Server for debugging. After attempting to debug unsuccessfully yet again, I took a look at the identity that was being used in the application pool and I changed to one with more privileges and that seemed to do the trick. Thanks for the suggestions.
I had the same problem but non-of the earlier answers worked.
I am using Windows 7 enterprise 64-bit, IE11, VS2010, Silverlight 5
I have been developing and maintaining a number of Silverlight projects for the past 5 years, and have always been able to debug them within VS2010 using the ASP.NET Development Server. However, on returning from some well deserved holiday, I found that none of my existing Silverlight projects would run in the debugger. In each case there is a Web project set as the start-up project, and in each case on starting the project within VS2010 (with or without debugging) I got the IIS7 web page instead of my application.
I tried creating a new Silverlight web application, and found that this started normally in the ASP.NET Development Server. I checked my source code and found that no changes had been made in my absence.
After a lot of head scratching, etc., the solution was to clear the IE cache. These are the explicit steps I used:
Close all instances of IE and ASP.NET Development Server.
Open Internet Properties from the Control Panel.
Click "Delete" on the General Tab.
In the Delete Browsing History box check the following options:
a) "Preserve Favourites website data"
b) "Temporary Internet files and website data"
c) "Cookies and website data"
Leave the others unchecked
5) Click "Delete" and wait for the command to complete.
6) Close the Internet Properties box.
7) Rebuild ASP.NET project
8) Start (with or without debugging) in VS2010 - it should now load normally.
Hope this works for you.

404.17 error - requested content appears to be script

I have a similar question to this one;
IIS 7.5
Server 2008
ASP.Net 4.0 web site
The error I get when trying to run the site is this:
HTTP Error 404.17 - Not Found
The requested content appears to be script and will not be served by the static file handler.
Most likely causes:
The request matched a wildcard mime map. The request is mapped to the static file handler. If there were different pre-conditions, the request will map to a different hander.
Now here comes the weird part:
The weird part is that on the develop server -- which is similar in every aspect to the production server -- everything runs smoothly.
Here's a list of things I cannot try, because I don't want to mess with the sever (it hosts many other sites):
Reinstalling .Net
Reinstalling IIS
Reinstalling anything
Running aspnet_regiis
Here's what I did try:
Republishing the site
Restarting the application pool
Changing the application pool to .Net 2.0 and back to .Net 4.0
Switching around between Integrated and Classic pipeline mode
Enabling 32-bit mode
Taking a look at Handler Mappings
Eventually I created a new application pool, and it sort of started working.
Q) "Sort of"?
A) Yes, sort of.
Now the site only works when the (new) app pool is set to .Net 4.0, Integrated,
and the site's Authentication has ASP.NET Impersonation set to Disabled.
Any change to these settings sets the server yelping "404.17" all over again.
Q) What's wrong with that?
A) What's wrong with that is that I NEED ASP.NET Impersonation for the site to function properly.
As always, your guidance is most needed.
HTTP Error 404.17 - Not Found
The requested content appears to be script and will not be served by the static file handler.
Usually this error occurs when you have the right IIS version installed to the respective .net framework. If it was a version (not installed) issue then you would have got a different error message. Anyways, I think by now you have resolved your matter, but I like to share some words with anyone else having this problem. These error messages gave me so much headache all last week and I had tried everything.
Best remedy is always to re install the latest .net in latest visual studio. And the important thing to do is uninstall the existing IIS(express or whichever you have) and re install it first. Then download the latest visual studio. This way visual studio installation can easily access you IIS and add the necessary application pool.
As for the error 404.17, it could simply be because the right application pool has not been assigned for the appropriate dot net version. If the right version is not there re installing visual studio is the only way I know. Also, I think you can try downloading another version of the Visual Studio too. For eg, download the ultimate if you have professional or vice versa. Hope this helps someone with similar problem.
Installing this windows server feature http activation is, what was missing for me.

page is not served because it has been explicitly forbidden - extension .asp may be incorrect

I'm trying to run a test version of a web using the File System (i.e. the "Cassini" web server built-in to Visual Studio 2005) rather than (IIS 5.1 on my Win XP dev PC). This web is a hodge-podge of classic ASP files written years ago and some new development in ASP.NET (VB.NET).
How can I get past this error message as it tries to go to /TestWeb/default.asp? -
Server Error in '/TestWeb' Application.
This type of page is not served.
Description: The type of page you have requested is not served because it has been explicitly forbidden. The extension '.asp' may be incorrect. Please review the URL below and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /TestWeb/default.asp
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3603; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3082
Things I have checked and previously encountered trying to get this mess working:
(has nothing for *.asp nor
HttpForbiddenHandler so nothing to
comment out).
(has nothing for *.asp)
(had a HTTPForbiddenHandler for
*.asp but I commented it out as per other postings advice; seemed to
have no effect for me though).
To get past an earlier error
("Request for the permission of type
failed"), I had to go to
"Administrative Tools > MS .Net
Framework 2.0 Configuration > My
Computer> Runtime Security Policy >
change Local Intranet to Full Trust.
To get past an earlier error ("the
network bios command limit has been
reached") I had to "enable a hot
fix" by adding the following DWORD
value at the following registry key:
and set the value to 1 (per MS KB
Article 911272).
This whole web has been placed on a file server in our LAN and from my desktop VStudio2005 views it via the mapped drive letter (e.g. V:\SVNwork\myFolder\TestWeb)
Visual Studio 2005 models this as a "web site" (not a "web application project").
The remainder of this post describes some background about why I am trying this:
We tend to recreate the web site on our dev PC's which run IIS 5.1 on Win XP. Movement of new stuff into production can be awkward using WinDiff and copying files as needed.
I'm trying to implement source control over this work. I've had a heck of a time trying to configure Visual SourceSafe 2005 and local IIS to work together smoothly (interestingly, I had pretty good luck putting "web application projects" under VSS2005 so I think it's related to the awkwardness of the ASP.NET 2.0 "site" model and VSS).
Anyway, I've moved a development version of this classic ASP and ASP.NET to a common file server in our LAN. Before placing this under Subversion control as a working copy of it's equivalent imported into a repository, I just want to make sure it can work with the Cassini web server. That's where I am stuck. The ultimate goal is have this under SVN and view differences with TortoiseSVN.
Thanks for reading this far...hopefully someone can get me past this error and then I can move forward with the SVN and TortoiseSVN work.
Cassini doesn't, as far as I can tell, support classic ASP. An alternative would be to run a local install of Apache (since you can't/won't use IIS) which will host ASP, but is probably asking for trouble.
See also:
You could also run local IIS, which will, of course, host both ASP.NET and classic ASP. Visual Studio can easily be configured to debug with a local IIS install.
Points for moving to subversion: we use the Microsoft stack (Visual Studio, ASP.NET, SQL Server) with subversion and it works very well.
Subversion comment
GRRR.. bosses are fun. The svn model is known as copy/modify/merge. The repository lives in a central location - probably your file server. Using the svn client - or a Visual Studio plugin like the excellent AnkhSVN - each developer gets a LOCAL working copy,makes their changes and performs a "commit" when they're done working on a file.
SVN takes care of making sure that developers don't overwrite each others changes, provides a facility for merging changes when someone has modified a file between when you got your last copy and when you commit your changes, etc.
The whole point of a working copy is that it isolates developers from each other. The merge/commit step takes care of intergrating everyones changes. Having a central working copy that everyone works from defeats the purpose.
This is a very different approach than that used by Visual SourceSafe, which is basically a file locking mechanism. The fact that SVN is a real client-server application (where VSS is simply a disk-based "database" with no server app to administer it) provides all sorts of capabilities. We check out, modify, commit, then publish from svn to a dev server.
Also, if I remember correctly, Cassini won't server apps from a mapped drive.
