Flex3 Linechart points are too close to the edge - apache-flex

I have a Flex3 LineChart component using an CircleItemRenderer and the datapoints are being cut off because they are too close to the edge. Here's what it looks like:
As you can see, the circles on the left and right sides are being cut off.
How can I make the LineSeries area, plus the horizontal labels, narrower so it fits in the chart area?

I had the same issue and was able to resolve it by setting the clipContent attribute in the chart tag to false. I found this solution on Amy's Flex Diary.

You might want to set the maximum and minimum values in your LinearAxis in the horizontalAxis object. Check the API for more information: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/langref/mx/charts/LinearAxis.html
The Line Chart determines automatically these values to fill all the elements in the screen. You might want to change these values so the graph has some space at the sides.

You can set the padding property on the horizontalAxis and verticalAxis child objects as well...

Adjust the mask on the chart component.

I got this to work by changing the type from LineChart to ColumnChart. I still had all of the same axis definitions including Line Series. The results are the same Line graph, but more centered on the graph instead of touching the edges. None of the other padding or gutters were what I was looking for.

I got d solution.
create creationComplete event in LineChart
edit horizontalAxis's padding you want
e.target.horizontalAxis.padding = 0.2;


How to make this type of shape in react

I want to create this shape in react. I am able to code some of the parts but the border is creating issues.
Image Link here
What I am able to produce
Yo can use z-index property to achieve it.Set the z-index of vertical line to higher number than horizontal line and make sure both overlap each other at there intersection point.

Using data line widths in bokeh

Is there a way to provide line width in bokeh in data space, or alternatively can the line width be fixed in a way that zooming does not alter it?
I am trying to draw lines right next to one another without clashes or gaps between them.
Currently, I am using a mapping from line width to coordinate width and change the line widths and line coords in sync to achieve this, but as soon as I zoom the line width is adapted.
Is there a way to provide line width in bokeh in data space
No, but feature requests are welcome!
can the line width be fixed in a way that zooming does not alter it?
Line width is set in screen units - zooming does not alter it by default.
It seems like the problem is that you change your line width in response to the range changes, and zooming does change ranges.

Drawing on Flex Chart

I've created a line chart in flex and it works like expected. Now, I would like to add shading to the background for specific information. For example, this chart - http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/graph/?id=TOTALSL,TOTALNS, - shows a shaded background for recessions. How would I mimic this shading in a Flex linechart?
You could draw it in the background of the chart using the drawing api.
I dont know of any code examples on the web, I've only done it in production code (aka I cant share it, sorry :( )
you will want to create a container and put it into the charts
You should pass into this container the min and max for the x-axis probably as separate properties and a dataprovider that describes when to show a highlighted section. You might have to compute the min and max based on the dataprovider you pass into the chart.
If you just want to show the highlighted area you will just use the drawing api and compute where to put on the x-axis based on your min, max, width of container, and data point (start and end values) from your dataprovider. It will look something like this in your updateDisplayList:
// code is not tested but a good start
var shadeStartX:Number = (max-min)/startPoint;
var shadeEndX:Number = (max-min)/endPoint;
var shadeWidth:Number = shadeEndX - shadeStartX;
this.graphics.drawRect(shadeStartX, 0, shadeWidth, unscaledHeight);
but if you want to have things like hover states and all that goodness I would suggest creating a display object that you pass the width in and adding that to the container at the computed x-axis to set it at.
Hi I feel that drawing something yourself is not the right way to go.
You should ideally use a PlotSeries inside the LineChart, and create a custom item renderer for each element in the series.
PlotSeries allows you to give your own custom image/object to draw at a specific date/point in the chart.
All the examples show the plotSeries with smaller objects but you can create an object which covers the chart vertically and has a constant width.

Flex mx:axisrenderer How do I prevent the labels from being scaled

I have a line chart that sometimes contains a number of data points. I have solved how to prevent the horizontal axis from displaying too many labels using custom label functions and data functions. My problem is forcing the AxisRenderer not to scale down my labels.
I'm using the labelRotation property so the canDropLabels and canStagger properties are not an option.
Thanks in advance for any replies.
Try use gutter, gutter set are for the axis labels (if you want u can try to read the code of the AxisRenderer, and see how it use the gutter and other parameters to scale if need the text.
You can set the gutter by style like this (this work for me):
LineChart {
I believe this can be done by editing the labelRenderer property. Take a look at the second example on this page (Formatting charts), they define a custom component to use as the label. You can do something like that to maintain whatever look you want.
I ran into the same issue. In my case (for the data that I'm plotting), simply setting canDropLabels to true (either in ActionScript or MXML as below) resulted in widening the margins allocated (I'm guessing) to the label text in the chart such that I never saw the text render smaller than set by fontSize below. Try it, it may be all you need.
<mx:AxisRenderer id="hAxisRenderer" placement="bottom"
tickPlacement="inside" tickLength="8"
canStagger="false" canDropLabels="false" fontSize="12">
For reference: http://blog.flexexamples.com/2007/10/16/dropping-labels-in-a-flex-chart/

Flex - Placement of Legend for a chart

I would like to be able to specify the placement of a legend for a linechart. Currently, it continues to appear to the right of the chart. I have tried playing with the width/height of the chart to no avail... Putting the legend before the linechart in the mxml causes it to appear to the left. I can't seem to get it appear at the bottom though. I can't seem to find any good examples for this. They don't seem to specify anything but the legend usually shows up below the chart, I can't seem to do it. Optionally, it would be okay to somehow minimize the legend..
what container are your line chart and legend in? its sounds like you are using either an HBox or an application with the layout="horizontal". To move the legend below use either a VBox or application layout of vertical. Or you can use a canvas and use constraints (left, right, top, bottom) or x and y coordinates
