What property values does GridView retain across data binding operations ( besides SelectedIndex )? - asp.net

1) Suppose GridView1 is bound to ObjectDataSource and that GridView1.SelectedIndex is set to value 7. If we then rebind GridView1 by calling GridView1.DataBind(), GridView.SelectedIndex will still retain its initial value ( 7 ).
Are there any other properties which GridView remembers across rebinding operations?
2) Suppose GridView1 is bound to ObjectDataSource control. When GridView1’s row gets deleted, we can call GridView1.DataBind() inside GridView1.RowDeleted event handler to retrieve values from data source. If we don’t call Gridview1.DataBind inside that event handler, then DataBind() will automatically be called by Asp.Net and the result will be the same.
So are there any reasons why we should manually call GridView.DataBind( inside RowDeleted event handler ) instead of letting Asp.Net call it automatically?

Your answer lies in Page.DataBind and Control.DataBind methods.
The main difference is that all data sources are bound to their server controls after the Page.DataBind method is called. No data is rendered to the control until you explicitly call either the DataBind method of the Web server control or until you invoke the page-level Page.DataBind method. Typically, Page.DataBind (or DataBind) is called from the Page_Load event.
Particular answer for 1) is there's no such property for GridView,but you can make your own one and add last changed control.(Ideal)
For 2)Your action here coming from a postback,because the default bound source is changed after all you deleted a row inside it,since default source cannot be bound again,you need to call DataBind manually.

I'm going to mention a bit about Hierarchical Data Binding for starters.
In order to bind a datasource to a server-side control (GridView,DetailsView,.. etc) , that control must support a property known as DataSource and a method known as DataBind() , and the datasource that control is bound implement IEnumerable interface.
There is an exception for DataSet and DataTable which can be both bound directly , which results in binding to the default DataView of default table.
To bind a data to a control , you assign the data source to the DataSource property of the control and call its DataBind() method.Source
Since in your case ,databinding situation is different as you mentioned earlier that you bind GridView with ObjectDataSource which executes a query in page load and in every SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE operations,datasource is bound automatically (which means DataBind is also called automatically).
There is another case which you are looking for an answer in the first place is that if datasource is queried and bound in page events (i.e. you query something and get a result with DataTable and bind it into GridView --> this source is not in the page not a objectdatasource or something else stands on page as static source).Since this query is coming from an event,when you enable pageIndex you must query it again that leads to you must also bind it with DataBind.
DataTable sourceTable = GetDataFromServer();
gridView.DataSource = sourceTable;
I hope that you can understand this time.


ASP.Net Get Values ArgumentOutOfRangeException Thrown

I'm trying to loop through a gridview and save all the items in it at once. However I have a problem getting the values from the dropdownlist and textbox. I get this error each time:
ArgumentOutOfRangeException was caught. Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Here's the code I'm using:
foreach (GridViewRow gvr in gvInvalidOrgs.Rows)
org_code = Convert.ToInt32(gvr.Cells[0].Text);
division = ((DropDownList)gvr.Cells[1].Controls[0]).SelectedValue;
org_description = (((TextBox)gvr.Cells[2].Controls[0]).Text);
Both the textbox and the dropdownlists are dynamically created on rowbound if that matters.
Without knowing precisely which line the exception is thrown on, it's hard to diagnose with equal precision, but what's likely happening is that you're looking for a control in a cell that doesn't have any controls.
How could this come about? Well, since you are creating the controls in RowDataBound, if you don't bind your grid on every postback (and I'm not recommending that you do) your dynamically-added controls won't be recreated on postback. The posted data will include values for those controls, and ViewState will contain data for those controls, but if you don't recreate those controls on every postback, those controls won't exist when you attempt to access their values.
But you don't have to rebind to recreate the controls. As Mr. Schmelter says in his comment, if you move your creation of the controls from the RowDataBound to the RowCreated event handler, they will be created when the grid rows are re-created on postback.

ASP.NET - How to Get Result of a Data Binding in Code Before Binding?

Assuming I have access to the object that would be databound, and the settings for the databinding DataField, FormatString, etc...
How would I programattically get the resulting string value of a databinding without actually databinding to a control?
Context: This is in the overloaded InitializeCell event of a Telerik (Telerik.Web.UI) GridDropDownColumn that I am inheriting. I want to cache the resulting string value, but I need the value before the normal databinding event fires.
Just do a separate database query early in the page life cycle (pre-init) and cache the value manually...

How do I reference the databound control from an ObjectDataSource event?

Take for example a DetailsView control with an ObjectDataSource as its datasource.
Normally in the DetailsView.ItemUpdated event I would grab a reference to the details view by casting the sender:
DetailsView dv = (DetailsView)sender;
In certain situations it becomes necessary to handle the event inside the ObjectDataSource.ItemUpdated event. In this case sender is now of type ObjectDataSource. What I want to be able to do is write clean code that isnt hardcoded like
Label label1 = DetailsView1.FindControl("Label1");
I looked over the documentation and also did some searches but couldnt find how I would write some code like the following:
protected void ObjectDataSource1_Inserted(object sender, ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs e)
ObjectDataSource ods = (ObjectDataSource)sender;
DetailsView dv = (DetailsView)ods.SOMETHING_HERE;
Does anyone know what I should be putting in the SOMETHING_HERE in the snippet above?
That's happen because the "OnInserted" event is suppose to be an event examine the values of a return value or output parameters, or to determine whether an exception was thrown after an Insert operation has completed. The return value, output parameters, and exception handling properties are available from the ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs object that is associated with the event.
What you can do here is just call ObjectDataSource.select() that returns the view in this case but I don't think it's a good choice.
You should review you business logic and try to manage it somewhere it makes more sense
Anyway your code should look like the below:
ObjectDataSource ods = YourDataSource.select();
DetailsView dv = (DetailsView)ods;
Considering the example you provided, I don't think there is anything you can replace for Something_Here. It is the ODS linked to DV and not the other way. Also one DataSource can be linked to several DataBound Controls.
So as far as I know it is simply not possible.

FormView_ItemUpdating in not updating

I am using a FormView to update an existing SQL Server record. The rows from the sqldatasource display fine in the FormView and I can edit them. When I click Update, I get the ItemUpdating event but not the ItemUpdated event and the revisions are not written to the database.
Can anyone help me in this please.
In your ItemUpdating event handler, make sure of the following things:
-If you are not using optimistic concurrency checking, remove any old values the FormView may be placing in the OldValues collection.
-Make sure that all of the parameters required by your stored procedure, query, or data source have values and are named correctly in either the Keys or NewValues collections (and make sure that no duplicates exist).
In some cases (usually when an ObjectDataSource is involved), I've had to override the values set by the FormView control, by doing something like this:
protected void myFormView_ItemUpdating(object sender, FormViewUpdateEventArgs e)
// remove the old values
// set the parameter for the key
e.Keys.Add("#key", valueGoesHere);
// set other parameters
e.NewValues.Add("#param1", aValue);
e.NewValues.Add("#param2", anotherValue);
It's not pretty, but it give you absolute control over what gets passed to the DataSource. Generally you should not have to do this if the controls in your FormView are all bound using Bind() for two-way databinding (instead of Eval), but at the very least you could put a break point in ItemUpdating and open up the e.Keys, e.OldValues, and e.NewValues collections to see if the contents are what you expected.
A next step would be to launch SQL Server Profiler to run a trace and examine the actual query being performed.
If you take out the ItemUpdating event and the ItemUpdated event, does your SQL statement execute without errors?
If so, why don't you post some of the code you are using?
Can we see what the sqldatasource looks like? Did you remember to put all the parameters in the sqldatasource under the insert and update parameters list?
Oh also are you setting the cancel property at all in the itemupdating event?

How do I set up ObjectDataSource select parameters at runtime

I'm trying to add parameters to an objectDataSource at runtime like this:
Parameter objCustomerParameter = new Parameter("CustomerID", DbType.String, customerID);
Parameter objGPDatabaseParameter = new Parameter("Database", DbType.String, gpDatabase);
//set up object data source parameters
objCustomer.SelectParameters["CustomerID"] = objCustomerParameter;
objCustomer.SelectParameters["Database"] = objGPDatabaseParameter;
At what point in the objectDataSource lifecycle should these parameters be added (what event)? Also, some values are coming from a master page property (which loads after the page_load of the page containing the objectDataSource).
Add them to the event for the operation you are trying to use. For example, if these parameters are part of the SELECT command then add them to the Selecting event, if they need to go with the UPDATE command then add them on the Updating event.
The ObjectDataSource raises an event before it performs each operation, that's when you can insert parameters (or validate/alter existing parameters).
Also, don't try and modify the parameters collection of the ODS itself. You want to add your parameters to the ObjectDataSourceSelectingEventArgs that is passed to the event handler.
Something like:
e.InputParameters["CustomerID"] = customerId;
e.InputParameters["database"] = dbName;
Add as early as possible; at the PreInit event. This is part of initialization so should be done there.
See the ASP.NET Page Life Cycle Overview for more information.
