resize loaded SWF to fit in canvas - apache-flex

a .fla is 500 x 300. Inside, content moves OUT of the 500 x 300 stage so that it appears like it hides or moves off of the screen.
.fla complied... loaded into Flex via SWFLoader:
<mx:Conainer width="500" height="300">
<mx:SWFLoader width="100%" height="100%" />
Loaded .swf file shows outside of the 500 x 300 Container in Flex.
How can i get it so that only what is INSIDE of the Container is visible?

Ok, i figured it out.
<mx:Canvas id="swfHolder" mask="{maskCanvas}">
<mx:SWFLoader id="swffer" scaleContent="true" />
<mx:Canvas id="maskCanvas" backgroundColor="#000000"/>
The trick is to use the "mask" property. Note the object doing the "masking" must have a backgroundColor property set. I found this article helpful: link text

please use scaleContent="true" in SWFLoader tag.

<mx:Conainer width="500" height="300" clipContent="true">
<mx:SWFLoader width="100%" height="100%" />
Use "clipContent" property
Flex help for Canvas:
clipContent:Boolean [read-write]
Whether to apply a clip mask if the positions and/or sizes of this container's children extend outside the borders of this container. If false, the children of this container remain visible when they are moved or sized outside the borders of this container. If true, the children of this container are clipped.
If clipContent is false, then scrolling is disabled for this container and scrollbars will not appear. If clipContent is true, then scrollbars will usually appear when the container's children extend outside the border of the container. For additional control over the appearance of scrollbars, see horizontalScrollPolicy and verticalScrollPolicy.


Strict container border in Flex

I put some components to Group container, but I can move them outside container border and see them. How I can do the components could not be seen outside?
For example: 100*100 container, put into them simple button and setup (x,y) = (150, 150). So, button in container, but seen outside. I want to border of my container be a real border and hide outside components.
All you have to do, is set the Group's clipAndEnableScrolling property to true (it is false by default).
<s:Group width="100" height="100" clipAndEnableScrolling="true">
<s:Image width="150" height="150"
Here's some more documentation:

actionscript flex, how to send browser width to the swf itself

I'm working with flex, but actionscript ideas are just as good.
The flex <s:Application> tag has height="100%" width="100%" so the swf fits the browser as the browser gets resized.
My problem is that I have a <s:Label> that I need to position based on the real/current size of the browser.
<s:Application height="100%" width="100%">
<s:Label text="hello" x="?" y=">" />
I heard it's possible to use Application.application.width; but I get a compile error, that it doesn't know what that is.
Any ideas how to do this. I'm trying to get the current size of the swf in the browser, as the browser resizes.
As far as I can tell the following should work. Application.application simply is the same as this provided you are in the base application. The binding should allow the size to change after initialization.
<s:Application height="100%" width="100%">
<s:Label text="hello" x="{width}" y="" />
Edit : I just checked and it does work. To put your Label in the middle of the stage you simply have to put it like that
<s:Application height="100%" width="100%">
<s:Label text="hello" x="{width/2}" y="{height/2}" />
you could only know stage size when element is added inside stage, you could try a eventdelegate like this
private function init(evt:Event):void{
Call a javascript function on browser resize. From there get the reference to the swf, and call the AS function to resize the label. Pass the browser width/height.
See example here
UPDATE: Correction: ExternalInterface goes AS to JS.
It's not completely clear what you are trying to do. x and y are positional elements, width and height are size elements. If you are positioning the label you should probably use top, left, right and bottom rather than x and y if you want it to size as the parent control sizes.
If you want the label centered you can use horizontalCenter and verticalCenter.
If you put it inside a layout control like a panel or a canvas you can just set its left and right to 0 and have the parent canvas size.
If your label is always in a different place depending on the size, you can override updateDisplayList to set the position. That holds whether you put it inside a layout control or not.

Trouble with Flex scrolling

I have the following code in my flex project.
<mx:Canvas id="scroller" styleName="myCanvas" width="635" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" y="60" height="370" >
<mx:Canvas id="thumbContent" width="635" verticalScrollPolicy="off"
horizontalScrollPolicy="off" y="0" backgroundColor="#00ff00"
backgroundAlpha="0" height="370"/>
I want to dynamically add different items to thumbContent canvas and use scroller canvas to scroll. I see than the height of thumbContent bigger than 7977 it truncate from scrolling.
So - I see the scroller canvas with empty space on top. Then I scroll to bottom - I see the content of thumbContent and at bottom scrolling I see empty space too.
It looks like thumbContent is under hidden mask, is this correct?
Looks like you want thumbContent to expand dynamically as you add content. In this case, you need to remove the height attribute from thumbContent, otherwise it will want to cram more content into it than it can hold, especially if the H and V scroll bars are off.
Keep the height attribute for scroller, though, because that's what you want to use to scroll (fixed dimensions).
Also, use percentages in your application. make thumbContent width="100%" if you want it to fill up the entire width of scroller.

Flex canvas scrolling problem

I have a canvas in my Flex project. It has one child element.
I made the element's y property to 500 and a scrrollbar appeared on the canvas.
I dragged the scrollbar to bottom to see my element.
I moveed element to y = 200
After that the scrollbar is still on the same place. How can I update the scrollbar and move it to the top?
Please, provide the code you're trying to use.
The following code behaves correctly (scrollbar disappears after clicking the label):
<mx:Canvas height="300" width="300">
<mx:Label id="tl" text="Moved label" y="500" click="tl.y=200;" />

How do I visually "break out" of a Container in Flex?

Here's my problem - I have some code like this:
<mx:Canvas width="300" height="300">
<mx:Button x="800" />
So the problem is that the Button inside the canvas has an x property way in excess of the Canvas's width - since it's a child of the Canvas, the Canvas masks it and creates some scrollbars for me to scroll over to the button.
What I'd like is to display the button - 800 pixels to the left of the Canvas without the scrollbars while still leaving the button as a child of the Canvas. How do I do that?
I figured it out - apparently the Container has a property called clipContent - here's the description from Adobe:
Whether to apply a clip mask if the positions and/or sizes of this container's children extend outside the borders of this container. If false, the children of this container remain visible when they are moved or sized outside the borders of this container. If true, the children of this container are clipped.
If clipContent is false, then scrolling is disabled for this container and scrollbars will not appear. If clipContent is true, then scrollbars will usually appear when the container's children extend outside the border of the container. For additional control over the appearance of scrollbars, see horizontalScrollPolicy and verticalScrollPolicy.
The default value is true.
So basically - to show the button outside of the bounds of the container I need to do the following:
<mx:Canvas width="300" height="300" clipContent="false" >
<mx:Button x="800" />
That was easier than I thought it was going to be. :)
Here's the official doc...
You should be able to use the includeInLayout property also, which would allow you to apply it to each child component independently.
