Logging session duration to a database on asp.net website - asp.net

I need to log sessions to database on my asp.net website: who and when started and finished the session. I've configured odbc logging on my iis server but unfortunately there is no such information being logged (or I can't see it). How can I do it either on asp.net website (but simply because there are hundreds of pages and I can't modify each one) or my iis logging?

I'd use a good logging library (Enterprise Library or Log4Net), and write logging code in the Session_Start and Session_End event handlers in Global.asax.
Be aware, however, that if you are using SqlServerSessionState, the Session_End event doesn't fire.
Edit: Actually, if you need to log the user name, you might find it more appropriate to log the session start from the Application_AuthenticateRequest, where the identity will have been established. This will not strictly be the start of the session, but the fact is that unless you are using integrated Windows security, the user's identity will not be established when the session is created.


Getting the value of all session variables in IIS

I have a web application developed in asp.net
The application has a "logon" portal where I record users logging on. However, I don't really know when they have exited the web application as they could just shut down the browser, rather than using the "logout" option. As IIS keeps track of session variables for a finite period when users logon, I thought a really useful option would be to use my ASP.net application to interrogate IIS for the value of all session variables, thus telling me who is still active via their session variables.
This could be very useful when it comes to dropping in an upgrade to the website and generally looking at the use of the site.
session object. But it only tells me about the current user.

Impersonation using httpmodule, threading issue

We have as SAAS application that runs for multiple customers at the same time. All customers use the same application, and by checking the URL used to access the application, users are redirected to the correct data for the organization.
Underwater, every organization has their own database. To make sure that users don't accidentally end up in the wrong database, we want to impersonate the request being executed to a user that only has access to the correct database. We used to do this and this worked beautifully on IIS in classic mode.
However, in integrated pipeline mode, we run into a threading issue. We use an HTTP module to impersonate the request to the correct user in the "PreRequestHandlerExecute" event. The problem that (apparently) there is no guarantee that this method is executed in the same thread as the handler that actually processes the request. This causes the impersonation to sometimes not work because the thread processing the request is not impersonated.
I've created a test project in GitHub (https://github.com/PaulVrugt/ImpersonationExample/tree/master/ImpersonationTest) demonstrating the issue (apologies for the vb.net, but you'll get the idea). When you run the example connected to an IIS using integrated pipeline mode, you'll see that sometimes the impersonated user is not used, and each time it is not used, the managedthreadid of the thread processing the request is different from the thread used in the httpmodule.
Now that I understand why it "sometimes" doesn't work, I begin to suspect I'm going about this all wrong. Is there a way to achieve what I am trying to do?
We've already tried to impersonate in the prerequesthandler in the global.asax, but that results in the same issue.

ASP.NET LoginStatus control shows "Login" even though logged in

In my ASP.NET project, I am using Forms authentication. My main.master using LoginStatus control and web.config is set up for "Forms" authentication mode.
Before I log in, the control shows the text as "Login." After I log in, the control shows the text as "Logout." This is expected. However, after clicking around on a few links within the site, the control suddenly starts showing "Login" although I am still logged in. The session is still alive as some of the pages I visit dumps some session information.
Would appreciate if something can point me in the right direction. Regards.
If you are trying to redirect after setting a Session variable using
this may be causing the session token to gets lost, try using the overloaded version of Redirect:Response.Redirect("~/YourPage.aspx", false);
Another problem also may be miss configuration of application pool. If the application pool is configured as a web farm or a web garden (by setting the
maximum number of worker processes to more than one) and if you're
not using the session service or SQL sessions, incoming requests will
unpredictably go to one of the worker processes, and if it's not the
one the session was created on, it will get lost.
The solutions to this is either not to use a web garden if you don't need the
performance boost, or use one of the out of process session
For more information you can check the link of the original article below: http://weblogs.asp.net/bleroy/Don_2700_t-redirect-after-setting-a-Session-variable-_2800_or-do-it-right_2900_

Windows Authentication Session State - ASP.Net MVC 3

I have an ASP.NET MVC 3 application that is using windows authentication, configured in IIS 7.5. It prompts the user for their Windows Credentials when they first load the
Now, I want to have the "session" timeout in XX minutes, so that the page
will again prompt them for their credentials if this timeout has elapsed.
I have tried setting the "Session.timeout = XX" in the page_load method of
the page I want to secure.
I notice that the "Session_End" method in Global.Asax does fire, but the
Authentication Ticket appears to "stay valid" even after the Session has
Is there a way to force the page to prompt again for Windows Credentials at
specified timeouts either by changing configurations in Web.Config or thru IIS?
Please let me know.
You don't have control over the allowed session duration when using Windows Authentication, as this is part of the authentication protocol (Kerberos). There are ways and workarounds, but none of them straightforward.
It seems that forcing a client-side document.execCommand("ClearAuthenticationCache"); might come closest to your needs.
As far as I know there is no easy way to achieve this. I've read on people trying to manually control when 401s are sent but from what I remember, I haven't found any reliable solution.

what does 'run the ASP.NET worker process with dbo privileges' mean?

I am having issues implementing SqlSiteMapProvider using the Wicked Code article. I am using VB.NET and SQL Server 2008 - and the OnSiteMapChanged event is not firing (the SqlDepdencyCache just seems to simply be not working at all).
The article states "You also need to run the ASP.NET worker process with dbo privileges for SQL Server 2005 cache dependencies to work automatically.)"
I don't understand what this means. I know what the ASPNET user account is and that it runs aspnet_wp.exe which is basically the ASP.NET run time as I understand it. I know what DBO privs are on SQL. But my SQL and web servers are on different machines, and ASPNET is not a domain account. And it seems crazy to make it one to try to simply get the SqlDepdencyCache to work, and I have trouble believing everyone is doing this?
Anyone have any clue what I'm missing here?
Thanks very much
Your worker process identity needs to be changed to either a domain user OR a user with a matching username/password on both the web and database servers. The SQL Server would also need Windows authentication (or Mixed authentication) enabled.
Under IIS 5 (Windows XP/2000), you need to modify the ASP.NET Process Identity in the machine.config file.
Under IIS 6 / 7 (Windows Vista/7/2003/2008/R2) you should just be able to modify the Application Pool identity. If this doesn't work, enable <identity impersonate="true" /> in your web.config.
SqlDependencyCache uses SqlDependency and SqlDependency deploys at runtime a set of services, queues and stored procedures in your database as part of its infrastructure. You can read this article on more details what really happens The Mysterious Notification.
When you create your site map provider, you provide a connection string. This connection string specifies either a SQL login and password, or it specifies that SSPI (or Trusted, or Integrated) Authentication should be used. When a user and password are provided then this user is used to log in into your application database (the ASP database). When SSPI is used then the conenction is made using the ASP thread identity, which is either the app pool identity or the impersonated user identity. Whichever login ends up being used, this login must have the priviledges necessary to deploy the SqlDependency infrastructure (create a queue, create a service, create a stored procedure). The simplest way is to simply make this login's user in the database member of the db_owner role (which is the correct wording for what the article calls 'dbo priviledges').
So depending on yoru connection string, your app pool identity and your impersonation settings, the database user that corresponds to the login used by the map provider must be added to the db_owner role. I can't tell what you need to do, because it all depends on the variable factors enumerated above.
