ASP.NET AJAX Library -

Coolite facilitates DialogBox, Window, form, etc. (i.e. most of the controls similar to Desktop GUIs). Is there any other library like 'Coolite Toolkit' for ASP.NET ?

Free or fee? Telerik and Infragistics both have extensive control libraries for ASP.NET that include both server-side and client-side components. Most, if not all, of these controls would work with ASP.NET AJAX. Microsoft hosts a community control gallery with many more on their ASP.NET site.

Free use;
there is BackBase Ajax Framework built in Java but can be used through script blocks.
and theres WEB UI of ComponentArt,looks nice :) at componentartdotcom


Is it possible to create a website and avoid the built-in ASP.NET controls with ASP.NET Webforms but still get the same functionality?

Is it possible to create a website and avoid the built-in ASP.NET controls with ASP.NET Webforms but still get the same functionality?
As stated on various websites, using built-in ASP.NET controls vs HTML controls does represent both an advantage but also a disadvantage, so I'm curious to find out if it's possible to avoid the built-in ASP.NET controls but still get the same functionality as the controls would offer?
I know about MVC and I do not plan to use it, since I'm running ASP.NET through MONO.
Take a look at ASP.NET/MVC - it doesn't use any of the webforms controls.
Update, seeing as MVC is not an option:
Of course, you could just write your own controls from scratch or some third party controls.
I don't see any benefit in that. If you are going to use webforms, use the built in controls when appropriate.
You can use just plain old html control in ASP.NET web forms. You have to add the runat="server" to the html control and you can use it on the server side. You could build a whole site that way. Although technically that's the literal control. I supposed you could write the whole page using inline code and plain old html . I'm Not sure what mono supports.

ASP.NET AJAX - AJAX Control Toolkit - jQuery - Oh My?

Take a trip with me back in time about three years ago. I remember building web controls that were dynamically inserted into the HTML of a page via AJAX and then rendered in place. We used the Prototype JavaScript library and the XMLHTTP Request object. Microsoft ATLAS has just been released.
After about three years of non web development work in Java, Compact Framework, some iOS etc ... and I find myself in a whole new world. Microsoft AJAX, the AJAX Control Toolkit, and jQuery. I find myself with a new project that has utilized some aspects of ASP.NET AJAX but mostly just the update panel and some client-side UI updates that jQuery now seems to make trivial.
So here is the question .. Is there still value in studying and becoming familiar with ASP.NET AJAX? Is it still used going forward? What about the AJAX Control Toolkit? Has this been abandoned my Microsoft in favor of a jQuery based infrastructure? Is jQuery coupled with JSON and web services the way to retrieve data?
It's still used in the WebForms world, however Microsoft has abandoned it in the MVC framework. So unless you're a diehard WebForms guy it doesn't make much sense. Especially considering you can use jQuery in WebForms projects as well.
This article gives a pretty good summary of the jQuery/Microsoft AJAX situation. Basically, jQuery is the way forward!
I think, from a career perspective, you'd be better off becoming familiar with jQuery (or a similar client-side JavaScript framework) and having that code interact with web services, WCF services (preferred, IMHO) or, if you're using ASP.NET MVC, JsonResults.
If you go to the Microsoft AJAX site (, they really don't mention their AJAX framework anymore, and the AJAX Control Toolkit is really there for people who don't want to work with JavaScript.
I started off, like you, using the AJAX Framework and the AJAX Control Toolkit and have made the transition to jQuery, JSON and other, more streamlined, ways of creating web applications. I'd recommend you'd follow the jQuery/JSON/services path instead of Microsoft AJAX.
Just my 2 cents.

Silverlight in ASP.NET

How do I use Silverlight from ASP.NET?
How do I add some Silverlight content to an already created ASP.NET website?
Add a new Silverlight application to your existing solution. Here's an MSDN article which shows how to integrate it with your existing website, so building the Silverlight application will deploy the Silverlight control to your ASP.NET website's Client_Bin folder.
To add a Silverlight control to a webpage in your site, you can reference the Silverlight test page that's automatically created for you, or you can use the ASP:Silverlight control, which will take care of loading the Silverlight object.
You only need to copy the XAP file to your site and reference it.
When you create a blank SL project you get the boiler plate code for the ASp .net site for free.
Having an ASP .net 3.5 SP1 enabled site, you can asp:Silverlight control:
Going without any ASP .net sugar control (you can use it on ie an php page), you can use an Object intance inside a div:
Soirry tried to paste code samples but didn't work well :-(.
Microsoft does not recommend using the ASP:Silverlight control as of Silverlight 3.
There's a great article at MSDN about how to include Silverlight using the <object> tag, or using the silverlight.js library: Integrating Silverlight with a Web Page. This helped clear up a lot of confusion for me.
This makes it much easier to provide a more customized experience that fits in better with the rest of your application.
(There's also a decent article explaining how to interact with the Silverlight control once it's embedded in your page: HTML Bridge: Interaction Between HTML and Managed Code)

ASP.NET MVC ready for business applications (integrating 3rd party controls/components)?

My company has developed (and still continues to develope) a large ASP.NET business application. Our platform is ASP.NET 2.0 using some ASP.NET Ajax. We're extensively using third-party components, like webgrids, comboboxes, treeviews, calendar and scheduling controls etc.
Now, I don't know a lot of ASP.NET MVC and I'd like to know if there is a way to use these third-party-controls in the ASP.NET MVC model. Or do vendors have to rewrite their products in order to make them suitable for ASP.NET MVC?
If they use the ASP.NET Control Model (That will be about 99,9% of controls written by ASP.NET Control vendors), they have to rewrite their controls. How much work there is in that, is very different depending of there arhitecture of their controls - the more ajax they already use, the more posible it is that they easily can change it to MVC.
ASP.NET AJAX Control toolkit for exsample can work with MVC. You can see how to do this in a video on WWW.ASP.NET:
Much of the controls will need rewriting, as most of them need the postback model in class ic webforms. And there is no postback in mvc.
so: postback required for the component? -> won't work in mvc
For the record. I received the Telerik email newsletter with some interesting news:
"One of our most exciting product novelties is that RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX are able to work in the new Microsoft ASP.NET MVC framework." [...]
Link: Telerik RadControls in Microsoft ASP.NET MVC
The ISV market definitely has smoe catching up to do with MVC, but that makes sense - it isn't RTM yet (although the last preview at least had an explicit "go live" licence). Regular Webforms controls will pretty-much need re-writing.
I don't imagine it will take long for the major players to catch up, but if you are using something from a smaller company it could be hard getting it to prioritise MVC. One (really hacky) option might be using an IFRAME or AJAX to treat a portion of the page as a separate aspx page... really, really nasty.
You gotta question how interested the 3rd party market is in creating mvc controls when it has such a low market share. They seem to want to just focus on webforms and silverlight/wpf controls.
I am reviewing syncfusion tools for mvc (just downloaded it). It's worth a look-see. Seems to be actually designed to work for MVC.

How would you go about using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit in a project that doesn't use ASP.NET on the back end

Your backend could be PHP or Python but you want to use the controls from the ASP.NET toolkit is there a successful way to do this?
I don't think that it is possible.
The ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit is based on ASP.NET technique (what a surprise) and needs ASP.NET.
It contains server-side controls, which are translated to HTML and Javascript by the ASP.NET engine. It is not working without the engine.
However you can check the code itself to see how it is working, what it generates on the browser side and get ideas and Javascript codes to build into your application or framework.
Edit: I've just found an interesting project, which is in alpha stage, check this out.
Why do you want to use the ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit with PHP / Python?
Have you considered other non ASP.NET specific AJAX libraries like jQuery, Dojo, MooTools, YUI?
ASP.NET AJAX and the ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit is ASP.NET centric, you'll gain more flexibility using other AJAX libraries with PHP / Python.
are you talking about the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit?
Have a look at this blogpost on Stephen Walther's blog:
ASP.NET MVC Tip #36 – Create a Popup Calendar Helper
In this post he shows how to use the 'script only' version of the AJAX Control Toolkit. This version of the AJAX Control Toolkit does not contain server-side controls or control extenders. It contains only the client-side files – JavaScript, CSS, images – required to use the client-side AJAX behaviors.
Stephen Walther is a Senior Program Manager at Microsoft who is responsible for ASP.NET MVC content and community (his job title is ASP.NET MVC Ninja).
I have found that much of the functionality in AJAX Control Toolkit can be accomplished via the javascript frameworks such as jQuery.
