Deploying mvc project to iis 6.0 -

I am trying to deploy my mvc project on windows server 2003 IIS6.
I have enabled the wildcard mapping
.net framework 3.5 sp1 and mvc 1.0 is installed on the machine
I am still getting 404 when I try to access the site
What other steps should I debug to solve this problem?
Ps: Other non-mvc .net project is running fine on the machine

my problem was not referencing the 64bit version of aspnet_isapi.dll - i am running on win2003 64bit


Asp.Net Version error after deploying to IIS 7

I have developed my Application in 4.0 and I want to run it on localhost.
So I deployed my project in IIS but after deploying when I went to change Application pool from 2.0 to 4.0 I didn't find version 4.0 in application pool.
So I went to following path to check that 4.0 version available or not.
But I didn't find version 4.0, Only version 2.0 Available.
I have done following things to run my application on localhost
Installed Windows 7
Installed IIS (with full features)
Deployed successfully my project to IIS
What I am missing here ?
Please help guys....
I would suggest starting at installing .NET 4.0.
Let us know if that helps.

Secure way for registering .NET 4.5 on IIS 7.5 on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 machine with IIS 7.5. In IIS there is an running mvc 3 app targeting .NET 4.0 framework. I need to publish an mvc 5 EF 6 targeting .NET 4.5 framework.
I've already installed .NET 4.5. Now I have to register .NET 4.5 in IIS, my question is: Does aspnet_regiis command crash running apps on IIS? Is it required to restart the server or the site?
If you have firstly installed .NET 4.0, and registered it on IIS 7.5. Then I don't think you need to run aspnet_regiis.exe after installing .NET 4.5.

Can I run an ASP.NET 3.5 application on a server with ASP.NET 4.0 installed without any problems?

Can I run an ASP.NET 3.5 application on a server with ASP.NET 4.0 installed without any problems? I am hosting a large number of website on a Godaddy server with ASP.Net 2.0/3.0/3.5 installed. However, my newest application needs 4.0 to run. If I upgrade the server to 4.0, will all my other sites break?
Your 4.0 application needs it's own 4.0 application pool. No, your other sites won't break. You aren't really "upgrading" the server, you are just installing the 4.0 framework.

Deploying .NET 4.5 web app with Web Deploy

I have a working ASP.NET MVC 3 application. The project is built with VS 2010 and targets .NET 4.0. Now I re-targeted it to .NET 4.5 and successfully recompiled. Trying to deploy it to our test server (Windows 2008 R2 SP1) now fails:
More Information: The application pool that you are trying to use
has the 'managedRuntimeVersion' property set to 'v4.0'.
This application requires 'v4.5'. Learn more at:
The server has .NET 4.5 installed but there is no app pool 4.5 (because it's inplace upgrade and as I understand 4.0 pool should be fine). The client machine has VS 2012 and so Web Deploy 3 (was Web Deploy 2 previously). I also installed Web Deploy 3 to the server.
Tried to re-register ASP.NET with aspnet_regiis - no luck.
Why do I get the error and how can I fix it? This is so frustrating...
Found similar question about RC but it does not help
Looks like this is a bug Microsoft hasn't fixed since CTP. IgnoreDeployManagedRuntimeVersion property did the trick. What a shame!
You can try adding this property to the project:
Windows Server 2012 includes .NET 4.5 by default and (when Web server role added) IIS has the following app pools: DefaultAppPool, .NET v4.5, .NET v4.5 Classic that use .NET Framework 4.0 (because 4.5 is inplace upgrade of 4.0). However, if we install .NET 4.5 redistributable on Windows Server 2008 that has .NET 4.0 installed the pools are not renamed: ASP.NET v4.0, ASP.NET v4.0 Classic. And this is the key why Web Deploy fails.
#kzu: not trying, this will work.
Had the same problem when installing Orchard CMS. Keep targeting v2.0.
But find the simple solution: in IIS, on the Application Pools (the list with all application pools), you can find the 2nd setting top right list: "Set Application Pool Defaults.." change there the default from 2.0 to 4.0 et, voila.
Register ASP.NET for IIS
a. Run CMD as Admin
b. CD to \windows\\framework\v4.x
c. Aspnet regiis -i

My application needs the "IIS Metabase and IIS 6 Configuration Compatibility" - how to get rid of it?

Some while ago I've upgraded an 1.1 application (which ran on IIS 5 and 6) to .net 3.5 and later to .net 4.0 (and IIS 7.5)
Still, when I want to open it in VS, I need to install the "IIS Metabase and IIS 6 Configuration Compatibility". It works after I install it, but..
How to get rid of this requirement?
When debugging ASP.NET projects using Windows 7's IIS7.5 web server, Visual Studio 2010 RTM requires the IIS6 Metabase and IIS6 Configuration Compatibility components.
However Visual Studio 2010 SP1 fixes this dependency and VS2010 now works natively with IIS7.5 without any need to use the IIS6 bits.
I also proved this by knocking out a test project in Visual Studio 2003 and then copying to two different IIS7.5 machines configured as:
PC1: VS2010 RTM, no IIS6 Compatibility
PC2: VS2010 SP1, no IIS6 Compatibility
Here's a long-winded explanation (in case you need it) but the short answer (which also appears there) is to run
aspnet_regiis -ga <WindowsUserAccount>
I believe that this only happens when you upgrade a machine or you are not an administrator of the machine when you install .Net/Visual Studio. I recently had to do this on a brand new laptop with Visual Studio 2010 installed by others before I had admin rights. So, the way to get rid of this requirement from your end is to do the install as an admin.
