How to loggedin in LinkedIn automatically from Application? -

I have created a username and password to enter and search people in linkedin. Now, I am devloping a web application using I need to open a popup page which is displaying the searched results in linked in as logged in.
When the popup page is displaying, I need to logged in automatically using the username and password.
So, here is my question,
How to logged in automatically when the button clicked in application using linked in username and password?.

The problem is twofold:
deciding which credentials to use
actually logging in
Logging in is fairly straightforward: post to LinkedIn's login URL in the manner that LinkedIn expects. Unfortunately, LinkedIn still does not have a public API, so this is going to require hackery. Go to a LinkedIn web page that allows login and analyze the page source. There will be a field names for username and password in the login form, and the login form will post to a specific URL. Duplicate the username and password with a web request to the URL of the form. You will receive a cookie as part of the response. Make sure you include that cookie in future requests to LinkedIn and you are then "logged in" for every request.
Of far more importance than the actual logging in, which is a simple programming challenge, is deciding which credentials to use. I'm guessing that you're building an application for others to use, rather than yourself. If so, you'll need to ask them to give you their LinkedIn credentials. Beware: this is something that most people simply will not do. It's a trust issue; if they give you their credentials, you now have access to their profile and can do nefarious things with it. You'll need a good disclaimer explaining how you would never do that, ever, and you'll need the people who read it to believe you. Not as easy as it sounds.
If, however, this is just for you, you're on easy street. Just use your own credentials.


Google Calendar API . Can I write to a users calendar when the user isn't logged in?

This may seem like a totally idiotic question but I am looking at writing a web app/service that will utilize google's calendar API's and I needed to see if I have the ability to write to a users calendar when the user isn't logged into there google account. I couldn't find any clear documentation that illustrated whether or not I could do this or not. I pictured the authorization process something the user agrees to when they sign up for my site and then my app can go add things to there google calendar. Does anyone know if this is possible? If so, can someone hook me up with a link that illustrates how that works?
Thanks in advance
You're thinking about "logged in" wrong.
Because web connections don't persist between requests, any web-site or web-service is checking headers such as the Authorization header and/or Cookie header (depending on what authorisation method is used), with each and every request and matching the request to a user.
Hence logging in* means that the web client (browser or whatever) is set to use the details that relate to a particular user in making the request.
When you use the API, the authorisation information you send, is performing the same job. As such, when the user is using your API they are logged in through your API, whether they're logged in through a web page or other application or not.
My web browser is currently logged into google to an account I use for work stuff.
My mail client is logged into google calendar to an account I use for private stuff.
When I look at google calendar, I see that I don't have any calendars (I don't use it on my work account).
When I look at Thunderbird, I see my calendars.
If I peek at the traffic being sent by the browser and mail client, on both I see headers like:
Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=...stuff I'm not going to share or it would help you impersonate me
So, I'm "logged in" on Thunderbird because the code using the API logs me in itself.
Indeed, the same application can access multiple accounts and be "logged in" to all of them, as long as it has the authentication details to do so.
*Strictly, some would argue that "logged in" isn't the correct term at all, and refers to different sorts of access mechanism where there is state on the connection. Whatever about that opinion, we use the metaphor of being or not being logged in, because users understand it.
The answer to your question is yes. Use OAuth 2 and the Authorization Code flow (web server flow), with offline enabled. Store the refresh tokens (which last indefinitely until the user has revoked), and you'll be able to upload events to Google Calendar even when the user isn't currently logged in.
More info:
Credits to Ryan Boyd for this note.

What type of facebook auth/token do I need for this?

I want to build a custom control to put on a webpage that will allow people to see a piece of information from my facebook account that requires auth. For the sake of simplicity let's just say I'd like it to display the last thing that I liked. I don't want the visitor to my site to have to be logged into facebook (nor would they have to be my friend on fb). I want my site to somehow store a token that I have authorized and then it will use this token for the access. I know this can be done initially, but I'm confused what happens when the token expires. Or for that matter if I log out from facebook. Is there some type of token or secret or something that I can request that can be auto-renewed again and again by my website independent of any login state that I have as an fb user? Does this require me creating an fb app and associating the token to it?
I don't have any code at this point, I'm looking for a higher level of guidance on the protocol that should be used here, from there I can hopefully figure out the code from existing samples, docs, etc. This is my first code interaction with facebook so don't assume that I know very much at this point :-)
EDIT: I've been reading everything I can about this topic and I can't seem to find a solution. In the past there was an RSS feed but that appears to be gone now. Then there was also the offline_access permission which is no longer available. This seems like such a simple task but I'm just not able to connect the dots. I have been able to get the initial user token with perms for reading "likes", that's easy. Now I can store that in my website's db and use it to make requests for that data anytime someone loads my page. But eventually the token will expire and I'm not seeing any automatic way to renew it that wouldn't potentially involve user "Larry", who happens to be browsing my website, being asked to supply MY facebook credentials. Basically it seems as though I could never log out from facebook or I'd be risking a broken feed on my website. Is the fb auth model just not set up to allow for thist? To summarize again - a user Bob wants to give his permission to to always be able to display Bob's most recent like regardless of whether Bob is logged in to fb or not. He would only want to have this stop working if he revoked authorization to the WhatDoesBobLike app which runs on Possible?
You would need an extended access token. It will only last up to 60 days and from then you would need to re-extend.
If it were a page you could extend the user access token then grab the page access token which would never expire.

Facebook login with ASP.NET

I am implementing Facebook login on my website. I am creating an user as well with the Facebook users details. This way I can control login in people to my site using .NET membership regardless of whether they are a Facebook user or not.
The problem I am facing now is security. When a user logs in with Facebook I am calling a webservice with their facebook details, if the user exists on the system (by their facebook userid) then I log them in. However as it stands anyone could call the webservice with someone elses facebook id and it would log them in (if that user existed on the system). Is there something that I can use to link the facebook user with my user that is only accessible to that user, such as an access token. It also needs to be something which does not change? Does facebook send back such a thing in the response object?
Any help or suggestions are much appreciated.
Yes, we can get that profile data from Facebook. Using that requestAccessToken Url you can get that access token.
requestAccessTokenurl="{0} redirect_uri={1};client_secret={2};code={3}"
Also we can get the Profile Data using this access token
please see this link-
you can download the source code also :)
We have implemented for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google using this framework. It is very straight forward. I can help you how to do this.

ASP.NET MVC Registration With Captcha

I would like to allow my users to register from homepage by entering name, surname, email and password information. After submitting the form, I want to redirect my users to a security check page for a capthca validation. User will be saved to the database after this captcha validation. The scenario is similar to Facebook's homepage registration feature.
My problem is, after collecting name, surname, email and password information how can I send them to the captcha validation page in a secure manner (not sending them with querystring, because password will be plain there). TempData and Session usage will not be followed in this project.
Thank you!
First of all, you can use Recaptcha for .NET ( to use a robust and secure captcha solution for your MVC .NET project.
When you submit the form, create a cookie and encrypt its values with the user's session ID as its key and have its expiration time to be something like 5 minutes. Read the cookie from the captcha page. I am assuming that you don't want to store the values on the server and query string is obviously not feasible.
I would recommend using MVCRecaptcha ( Please note - specifically MVCRecaptcha and not some of the other closely related implementations.
Download the package from Nuget, however, make SURE that you don't download the other Recaptcha packages that are available - you should specifically download MVC recaptcha.
Then follow the rest of the instructions on the MVC recaptcha codeplex site to get up and running.

ASP.NET, OpenID and registration confusion

I have managed to get all the authentication parts working, however i am confused about setting up registration.
By registration i mean that if the OpenID is not attached to an existing account, then a new account must be created.
Should i simply have it return to a registration page (with from fields for registration) and redirect to a different page if the user is registered?
Is there a way to set up a clean and simple registration flow without signing the user in first (formsauthentication.redirectfromloginpage) then checking if they are new on every page?
Sorry if this is worded badly, like most other things i ask it is difficult to explain!
Ideally, no registration is required at all beyond simply an OpenID. Does your site require to know more than a user identifier to provide any functionality at all?
If your site can offer any services to users (even just informational) without asking for more than their identifier, which OpenID supplies, then don't have a registration page at all. This is by far the best for the users and will lower the barrier of entry to new users to your site. Then, when the user accesses a page that offers something that requires the user to give up more information about themselves, stick them with a registration page at that time.
If you must stick up a registration page for all new users, I suggest you do a check every time someone logs in with their OpenID. If you recognize the OpenID Claimed Identifier upon successful login, you just let them through... otherwise you create a database entry for them and redirect them to the registration form.
You can optimize the experience by using OpenID extensions such as Simple Registration or Attribute Exchange so that the user might get a pre-filled out registration form courtesy of the OpenID Provider, further streamlining the registration process.
