ASP.NET Without Project File -

I've got a ASP.NET project without the .proj file. How do I recreate the project file, so I can work on it on my machine?
Is this possbile?

Are you sure it's not a Web Site Project, as opposed to a Web Application Project? Web Site projects do not have project files - you open a folder rather than a project file. See here for the differences between the two.
To check, each page of a Web Application project will have a .aspx, a .aspx.cs and a .aspx.designer.cs, whereas the Web Site project pages don't have the designer files.

You can create a new project and then you can use the "Add Existing Item" and add each of your files (you can select multiple files).
Or your can drag and drop the files into the "Solution Explorer"

First of all, you need to run VS2005 SP1 or later. In VS2005, they removed the project file. They reintroduced it again in SP1.
If you don't have a project file, your project is called a "Web Site". If you have a project file, it's a "Web Application". One difference between the two is also that in a web application, you compile all code-behind files to a single .dll. In a web site, each code behind file goes in its own dll (or are compiled dynamically at runtime)
I believe that if you right click the project in solution explorer, there is a "Convert To Web Application" menu item.
Note, you must rename the App_Code folder to something else, otherwise it will be compiled both at compile time, and at runtime.
Personally I much prefer web applications to web sites


Remove .cs file in published webforms project

In the old project, there is a published .cs file in one of the folders. When I update the site, I update the .dll files, but this file is never updated. When I delete this .cs, the site does not work. How do I delete this file?
Are you using a web site applcation to publish, or are you using a web site?
As a general rule, if you using web site applcation, then the source code files are NOT required to be up-loaded.
However, you left out one big detail. Where is that cs file? While a web site will attempt and does pre-compile all code, ONE BIG exception to this rule exists.
That is the folder app_code. That folder is in fact compiled by IIS, and as a result, if that file is in that folder, it will have to be included in your publish.
In fact, when I started using the newer Roslyn compiler (I liked it VERY much for allowing me to have longer free text such as SQL in the code as strings).
However, IIS did not and does not have Roslyn compile by default. And my code was breaking.
So, as a result, I simple create my own folder called MyCode. And you could do the same. Note that each code module ( or static class for your general shared code routines do have to be marked manually as to compile.
eg this:
So, if your .cs file is in app_code, then you can move it out, drop it into a folder you create, and set the file build action to compile, and of course do not copy.
However, and this is a HUGE big "if". If your deployment model is web site as opposed to web site applcation, then this will not work, since IIS is doing your compile after deployment, as opposed to pre-compiling the code BEFORE deployment.
So, you are in luck if your .cs file is (or was) in app_code, since then as noted, you can move that out of app_code, and in properties set the file to be compiled, but not deployed. This as noted will only work if you deploying as a web site applcation as opposed to a web site.

Web Application won't publish without .cs files

I have an web application project that I am publishing via Build > Publish within visual studio 2013. I am publishing to the file system, using the precompile option selected. My project has "Only files needed to run this application" selected in the Package/Publish Web settings screen. However, regardless of what I do, the .cs files (code-behind) and designer.cs files get copied to the output folder during publishing.
This project was created by using the File > New Project > ASP.NET Web Application functionality in visual studio. Then files from a website project were added to the application, and the "convert to web application" command was run on it from the build menu. The conversion to a web app seems to have worked fine, but I am unable to publish without the .cs files being included.
What else needs to be done in order to get a web application to publish without the code-behind files included? Any ideas on what I can look into?
Could there be a setting at the solution level that is causing this? The new web application was added to a pre-existing solution with about a dozen other projects.
Another thing to note is that when I create a new web app with visual studio in a new project, and publish w/ the same settings, it does NOT include the .cs files.
I've also tried deleting and then creating a new publish profile.
I just fixed this by deleting my old publish profile and creating a new one.
The new one appeared to have all the same settings as the old one but when I published it didn't copy the .cs files.
Edit: This answer is a lie. There was a difference between the two profiles. The new profile was in Release configuration.
Edit 2: There's a setting in the project settings which determines what gets published. Select "only files needed to run this application" from the following page.
Turns out that I added this line to my csproj file earlier when I was trying to get my project to build on our build server. Removing it fixed the problem:
<Target Name="GatherAllFilesToPublish"></Target> single file publish

i have publish my website. using publish website in vs 2008.
Now i want to update a single file.
So do i need to recompile the whole web-site and upload it to the server again, or i will just publish this single file and upload it to the server.
if i can compile a single file then how to do it, also how to update it to the server?
Depends on whether your web project is a web application project or web site project. If its a web site, then you can just copy your updated file to the server and ASP.NET will recompile it for you.
If your web project is a web application project, and you made changes to the code behind, you'll need to recompile the project, and redeploy the DLL.
Also, if you're just updating an ASPX page (not the code behind, ASPX.cs), you should be able to deploy it without compiling.
If you frequently update your website, I recommend to Check
Use fixed naming and single page assemblies checkbox.
This will generate seperate DLL for each code behind page,
Although you have to compile full project but you can upload only relevant file.
This is very helpful in case if many people are working in single project, everybody can change in their respective .cs file and publish their .cs file's DLL , this will not affect other people's DLL and thus functionlity will not break, unless DLL's or codebehind clashes with each other.

ASMX Web Service online works when all of the code is in one file without code-behind

I have an ASMX Web Service that has its code entirely in a code-behind file, so that the entire contents of the .asmx file is:
<%# WebService Language="C#" CodeBehind="~/App_Code/AddressValidation.cs" Class="AddressValidation" %>
On my test machine (Windows XP with IIS 5), I set up a virtual directory just for this ASP.NET 2.0 solution and everything works great. All my code is separated nicely and it just works.
However, when we deployed this solution to our Windows Server 2003 development environment, we noticed that the code only compiled when all of the code was dropped directly into the .asmx file, meaning that the solution didn't work with code-behind. We can't figure out why this is happening.
One thing that's different about our setup in our development environment is that instead of creating a separate virual directory just for this solution, we dropped it into an existing directory that runs a classic ASP application. So here we have a folder with an ASP.NET 2.0 application within a directory that contains a classic ASP application. Granted, everything in the ASP.NET 2.0 application works if all of the code is within the .asmx file and not in code-behind, but we'd really like to know why it's not recognizing the code-behind files and compiling it correctly.
As others have mentioned, it's probably a better practice to build the solution as a "Web Application Project." This way your code will be precompiled to run on the server.
The following solution worked for us: In IIS, navigate to the folder in your website that contains your solution. Right click on the folder and choose Properties. In the Directory tab, under Application Settings, click Create to make the folder into an application (I believe this can also be accomplished simply by making the folder a Virtual Directory). Then, make sure your ASP.NET configuration is set to use ASP.NET Version 2.0. The problem we had was that the larger directory was running under ASP.NET 1.0, so we had to go through this step to have this directory use ASP.NET 2.0.
You may have a difference between a Web Site "project" and a Web Application project. In a web site project, all of the files are compiled dynamically. In a web application project, you have to build the code first.
You should be using Web Application Projects for web services. Use File->New Project and choose the appropriate project type. Then build your project and finally use the Publish command to deploy to IIS.
I'm not sure I can explain why its not working however placing Code behind files in the App_Code folder seems like a dodgy thing to do. App_Code files will get compiled into a single assembly. Hence the code in your code behind will end up in this assembly even though its not intended to.
I would first create a AddressValidation.asmx.cs file in the same folder as the .asmx folder and tweak the CodeBehind attribute of the asmx file. Remove the file from the App_Code folder and place its contents in the new .asmx.cs file.
Check this works in the XP environment then move it the destination server.

Filter ASP.NET web application's files when deploying

I want to deploy my web application ( mvc), and I need to remove all the codebehind files from my project.
Any scripts that you guys know of to do this?
I prefer using a script since I can tweak it if need be.
Just select the publish web site option on your project and it should take care of that (if you use vs).
Menu Build/Publish Website
In Visual Sudio, right click your project and select Publish... in the appearing dialog, select "Only files needed, to run this application".
The Publishing wizard will compile all codebehind files to your assembly and remove them for publishing.
I'd recommend using a web deployment project. This will compile your website and copy all of the files needed to for deployment into a new folder (without code-behind files, as they don't need to be deployed). You also get a little more control this way, as you can set up pre-build and post-build events.
For instance, I've set up a post-build event on the web deployment project to execute a batch file which copies some files into the Debug/Release folder and then zips it up, ready for FTP'ing to the production server.
First, codebehind files are not recommended for ASP.NET MVC. Codebehind is the controller for ASP.NET standard files - but in ASP.NET MVC you have far more powerful controllers.
Second, why do you need to remove codebehind files? IIS / MVC / Web.config should be taking care of ensuring that *.cs etc. files do not get served and result in a 404.
