Is it possible to manipulate an web application cache from outside the web? -

I have a situation very similar to the one in this question:
Selective Cache clearing across load balanced servers (ASP.Net)
The difference is that due to our hosting configuration, I am unable to address individual servers by IP address. Assuming I cannot access specific servers via web requests, is it possible to access the HttpContext of a web application running on the same machine? I'm thinking I could accomplish this with a windows service that I could address by machine name, or alternately a console application, I just don't know if I can gain access to the web application cache either way.

You can expose content of the WebCache of an app through some Remoting/WCF code built into the web app. I hope you can use localhost to access it from an app on the same box.


Deployment of web application delegating to the fixed openam sso url

Given I have following problem:
I have the web application which delegates sso login to openam
I deploy web application, database, openam using docker-compose as docker containers
When I want to deploy it, I need to specify SSO login url as deployment property in a format:
Please note port number is external to the docker network containers live in
It has to be that way because browser redirects to the openam URL I described above
This implies I need to know IP address and port beforehand, which makes the deployment process cumbersome. Especially when the number of environments I want to deploy to grows. Instead of having one deployment properties file, I have one for each environment.
I was told, reverse proxy could solve the problem where I can store a record, e.g. openam.sso.url and then web application can somehow be registered with reverse proxy
Is there a solution to the problem above?

Host Web Application in IIS ONLY for users logged into the hosting machine

We have developed a web application to display sensitive information over our company's intranet. We had initially planned to implement sufficient security to allow remote access via the intranet to the application through a browser. But, due to an unforeseen requirements from our security team, we have decided not to allow remote access. We would still like a small number of users to be able to access the application, so here's the question. How can you host a web application in IIS visible only to users logged into the hosting machine? (The machine is both the host of the web app, and the only machine where the web app would be visible.)
I'm relatively new to IIS, so please speak as plainly as possible.
It seems like their must exist some setting in IIS to limit incoming and outgoing requests to the current machine.
It's possible to block all IP addresses with the following:
Which can be found in IIS 7 at this location:

IP permission problem in Web Service Publish

I have a weird case here at work.
The customer(telecommunication firm) has a server which we publish web service codes which we designed for them. We use that server and web service to get data from the customers own web service and give out for client(telephone) to use it.
The customer does not allow us to code on the remote server, so we have to work on local computer.
The customer has 2 IPs for its own web services. One of them can be reached only from the remote server, this is an internal IP. Second IP is public which I can reach from my local computer. They address the same methods. For security reasons, they divided IPs.
Everything is fine while developing on local. But when I need to publish web service to the server, I need to change web service URLs to remote servers internal IP. But the local Visual Studio web reference doesn't change web service URLs because it can't reach to service as it is only permitted to reach from the server. So I cannot get a build and publish my code.
Somehow I need to change my visual studio reference URLs to internal IP(so far nobody can reach from local), in order
Hope I am clear.
It can be changed from the web.config of your local project.

windows service cannot access a webservice

We have two servers, both are containing a local application connecting to local web service, applications and services are identical on both servers.
One of the servers work just fine,
The other one is just dead, I have impression the the security configuration are different on those servers.
What prevents an application X from connecting a web-service, given that another application y on the same server can connect to it. and X is a windows service.
What I should check, what is chances?
Check if there is any firewall that might need to some ports opened up.
Could there be any kind of AntiVirus or similar set up on one of the servers?
Basic troubleshooting of loosely-coupled applications means independent testing/verification of those services.
Can you access the web service locally through a different application, i.e. a web browser? If you can't reach the service through the browser, then the server configurations (at some level) are not identical.
Only after you're certain the service is reachable should you look into issues with the windows service.

Internal ASP.NET Web Application deployment to IIS

I have an ASP.NET 2.0 application that I am deploying to an IIS 6.0 web server. My ASP.NET application is being deployed as a virtual directory. Currently, this ASP.NET application is publicly visible on the internet. However, I need the ASP.NET application to run only inside of my corporate firewall.
How do I configure my application so that individuals outside of my company canNOT access/use the web application?
Thank you,
I would do one of the following:
if your app is standalone
1: create separate site for your application with DNS host name that is internal
if not
2: apply security to your virtual directory (windows auth can be seamless)
I suggest,
Use the corporate firewall to block all external requests to this IIS server. Consult your IT guys, as that's quite easy for them to do that for you.
Or use IP policy in IIS Manager to allow internal IP range but block all others. This is simply a workaround, which has worse performance than 1.
Probably a question best suited for ServerFault but you will need to have an IP address that is only internally viewable from the corporate firewall. You probably have an IT department so ask them for a internal only IP address and then assign the IP address they give you in IIS.
