Wordpress images as subposts - wordpress

Is it possible to have images in a certain post to be showed as subposts? What I mean is a structure like this:
post - http://www.blog.com/some-post
I want all images in that post(10) to be shown like this when clicked
is this possible?

There are two Ways:
You can Create a page with Name: "some-post" and subpages for Images: "image-1", "image-2" and so on, and link them to your images.
Better and easier way, read this: http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Image_and_File_Attachments#Permalinks
Here the Example of the easier way:
If you Upload an image image3.png and insert it in your Post sample-post, than you can see the image under http://domain.tld/link-to-your-sample-post/image3 just without the ending .png or .jpg or .gif or anything else, this is the easiest way..


How do I extract a .jpg or .png from a website using a zoom window

I'm trying to download an image from this website:
from their digitization of the Book of Kells. They obviously want to share the images with the world. My problem is that when I right-click to save image, all I get is a portion of the image about 750 by 950 pixels. If I wanted to, I could screen shot it, segment by segment and then assemble it all in MSPaint, but that is tedious and I might not get the re-allignments right. So, my question is, "How do I get a nice, complete .png image from that website, even though they are using a zoom window?"
Any help would be very appreciated.
The most detailed images have the URL like this:
which goes up to 9_12.
The MS58_001r is MS58_00 followed by the page's "name" which you can extract using:
$(".toc_page_number").each(function (index, element) {
console.log(element.textContent.split(" ")[1]);
You can easily create a script in python which generates all the links and downloads them, and using PIL you can stitch them together.

How to replace all attachment links in post with media file link

I've been breaking my head over this for a few days but I yet have to find a proper solution. I'm working on a Wordpress site, where all images inside posts are linking to the corresponding attachment pages. I want to use a lightbox but obviously this would require changing all the links back to the media files directly (e.g. xyz.jpg).
The site has a significant number of posts and images so it would be impossible to do this manually.
Does anyone know of a plugin or other solution that would simply replace - in bulk - all of the image links to link to the media file, instead of the attachment page?
Here is one answer that, although jQuery-based, did the trick, and is much quicker than and safer than a PHP-script to go through the whole DB. The drawback is that it will link to the resized image url instead of the full image url. There's probably a way to catch that with jQuery as well, but this was enough for my needs.
$("article.my-post-class a img").each( function(){
var src = $(this).attr("src");
$(this).parent("a").attr("href", src);

Magento catalog image change on hover

On the catalog/category page I would like images change when hover. Like clubmonaco.com I know how to do it on html/css but no idea on magento. Any help?
You could modify files in this directory:
for example (list/ and list.phtml)
or your template for example:
app/design/frontend/default/yourtemplate/template/directory with product files
CSS files you can find in:
You should also think, where the second image is stored. You can use "CSS-Sprites" for this case - a single image file, that contains both photos. The disadvantage is, that you have to customize every page, where magento shows product images.
Alternatively you have to define exact orders. First image is the front view, second image is always the back view.
The programming part is not really difficult. Look at
for the Catalog view. Path can vary, if you have a custom template. In the Magento backend there is a feature to show up the real path (system->configuration->development tools).
You can write your Javascript directly into the list.phtml. Magento also writes JS-code directly in the .phtml files. Of course it's not very pretty, but Magento is so complex; if other people work with the shop system, it will be easier to find.
Keep in mind, that the list.phtml contains two layouts: Grid and List View. Just if you do a change and wonder, why you can't see a change in the frontend ;-)

convert a jpeg into url for css

I am new to web design and I think I need to convert a jpeg into a url. I have an image saved locally on my computer. An example website that I am using as a reference has a one page for their html/source code and a different page for their css. All of the images are listed under the css page, however, they are typed in as a url. For example url(..green sea.jpeg) When I try to replace their css code with my image, it can't be found. I know I'm new, so I figure I must be making a simple simple mistake, but everytime I try and look it up online, I find directions on how to convert a jpeg into a url and it looks like you need another kind of software to do this, but I'm not exactly sure. Any help/direction would be very much appreciated!
When you replace your image name for the one you see in the CSS:
url(..green sea.jpeg)
...make sure that the image you are wanting to use is in the same location (folder / place) as the green sea image.
So if I want to replace it:
I would make sure it was in the same place as the image I'm replacing it with.
ALSO, I just noticed that your path is wrong. You have ".." when it should probably be "../".
So try this:
url(../green sea.jpeg)
The url you need for your code is just wherever you have posted the image on your server in relationship to the css file. For example, if your directory is structured like this:
Then your url would be (../images/green-sea.jpg)

How to return the generated image by phpThumb and not the original one with code appended?

I'm generating images through phpThumb on my Wordpress based website using Magic Fields 2 but I'm having problems posting those images to We Heart It and other websites since they don't recognize it as an image due to all the code appended.
Therefore I was wondering if there's a way to make phpThumb return the actual generated image thumbnail link instead of the original link with all the code appended like:
Is there any way to achieve this?
http://ailoo.net/2008/07/wordpress-plugin-autothumb-phpthumb/ <-- I'm using this plugin for the same! :)
