Create css files compatible with multiple browsers automatically - css

Is there any solution that allows you to design a webpage (with, say, a wysiwyg editor) and then automatically compile the design as one or several css file(s) compatible across multiple browsers?

Typically, using a WYSIWYG editor will generate superfluous entries to your HTML mark-up and create inefficient stylesheets that don't make use of CSS shorthand.
The best way to create stylesheets that are compatible across multiple browers sadly just comes with experience. By knowing the quirks of IE6 and IE7 you automatically cater for them as you create the stylesheet.
A good reset stylesheet will help to erradicate any default differences between browsers, such as line height, body padding, etc.
The exact solution you're after doesn't exist (yet).

I really don't think so. There are some CSS frameworks trying to deal with this issue, the more popular one I know is called YAML. Some JavaScript libraries are dealing with cross browser CSS issues, too (don't know a particular example at the moment though).

You may want to use PHP to write the content of a .CSS file.


Is it a good technique to load different CSS for different browsers?

I have designed many web-templates. But (except my first one) I've never used browser detection scripts to load corresponding CSS.
I am not sure whether it is a good technique, or just an alternative way (to struggle with a single CSS to satisfy all the browsers)?
It depends on how complex your layout is.
On the whole, there are a set of "problem features" with some browsers, such as the browser not following the border-box model and assigning margin, border and padding values incorrectly.
Many designs aren't affected by the problems and look very similar in all browsers, but if you have a part of your design that has a touch point on one of the issues, it is probably better to extract the "fixes" into a separate stylesheet, rather than pollute your standard CSS with hacks.
You should find that you have
1 Stylesheet for "standards compliant browsers"
1 Stylesheet to cater for any issues with the others
If you have more than this, you're creating trouble for yourself and are juat adding to the number of http requests for the page.
Most commonly people use conditional comments in Internet Explorer to load a separate stylesheet for just IE, and a default one for all the others.
More info on MSDN
The best option is to use a css which is compatible for each (major) browser.
So the question is; do you really need browser-specific-css?
If you really need it; you can use:
<!--[if IE 7]> <link rel="stylesheet" ....> <![endif]-->
From my experience I would always try to avoid to really fall into the specific-browser-CSS-trap. Try using CSS-reset-methods and from a fresh start build for a defined set of current browsers. I would rather try to make little changes to the designed layout to get it working as so much time can be saved by that (if it's possible in the project or the designer is cooperative).
Another aspect where it would make sense is an approach like the one Andy Clarke talks about in his nice book (Website Use latest tags and all options that make your code and CSS simpler, shorter, more semantic - even if it results in explicitely different look and feels for, e.g. Firefox and IE.

CSS Reduction Tool

I was wondering whether anyone knows of any tools available that perform the task of analyzing one or more CSS files, determining the similarity between the various rules within the files and presenting the user with options for the merging and reduction of rulesets.
I ask this because a project I am working on has reached the point where it has so much CSS that Internet Explorer (Still the bottom line I'm afraid) chokes on the CSS after page load, causing a 3-5 second lock-up in interactivity until the choke is processed.
In case you're wondering: Yes, I am sure it is the CSS causing this issue.
try any of these links, I much prefer css tidy and have used it successfully in the past.
css optimiser
css tidy
There's the YUI CSS Compressor - you could give that a go, but I think it's more for file-size than actually combining rules.
I know this isn't exactly what you're asking for and it goes the opposite and makes your css files larger, but you might get some ideas to manually optimize your CSS organized by this
Again, not tools, but interesting reading:
Not quite what you're after, but very useful for trimming down bloated CSS:
Firefox plugin to tell you which CSS declarations are unused.
Firefox Web Developer Toolbar: CSS > View style information > click on a page element - This'll show you all CSS that applies to an element, and the CSS file/s it's in.

Daunting task of refactoring 5000 line CSS. Any tips?

I've just been assigned the task to refactor a huge 5000 line CSS file... but here's the worst part - I also need to make it IE6 compatible. Any CSS gurus have suggestions of tools, or possibly tips (common pitfalls) for use in my monolithic expedition? Cheers.
checkout sass... it includes the ability to convert css to sass.
A sass file is a yaml file that can be parsed down into a css file. It allows you to use variables and alternate organization...
sass example:
!main_color = #00ff00
:color = !main_color
:background-color = !main_color
:color #000000
css output:
#main {
color: #00ff00; }
#main p {
background-color: #00ff00;
color: #000000; }
Some tips:
Use version control so you can roll back when needed.
Come up with a checklist of visual tests to run through after each change, in each browser. A spreadsheet of URL links and things to look for, building on them as you run across problems (think "unit tests" but not automated).
Use a CSS-specific beautifier first to get everything into the format you prefer for braces, etc.
Consider using something like SASS to "compile" your CSS as you go along.
Comment the heck out of things, especially where you're doing IE6-specific stuff.
Future-proof yourself by building a separate file with IE6-specific directives as you go along, or at least use Microsoft's way of filtering them out for other browsers.
Use the W3C Validation often.
Mechanically, I would attack it like this:
<link type="text/css" href="newhotness.css" />
<link type="text/css" href="newhotness-ie6.css" />
<link type="text/css" href="oldandbusted.css" />
Move code from the third (old) file into the other two, cleaning up as you go. That way you can validate your code without worrying about tons of errors in the old stuff, and you can track your progress, Ctrl-Tab between them more easily than between locations in a single file, etc.
(If you can't control the markup to add your CSS files, use an #import at the top of the old file.)
Start from scratch!
Assuming you can check all the major pages manually, I would be VERY tempted to wipe the entire file and start from scratch. Spot-checking for IE6 inconsistencies, you'll be doing nearly the same amount of work anyway, but it will be much, much more painful if you're modifying old, browser-specific CSS.
That 5000 lines may well be expressable in 2000 lines of modern, well-designed CSS. I think most experienced CSS developers would find it less work to write 2k lines of new CSS than modify 5k lines of horrible CSS.
which is based on this:
Not necessarily CSS, but here's worflow tip: use GIT.
start off by importing the files in git;
commit for every minor step, and record what you did;
whenever you find that you broke something, you can identify the exact same step broke using git bisect ( a good description );
For extra kicks, here's a talk about code coverage for CSS to help you quickly weed out unused rules.
As Triptych said, I would start from scratch. Also, consider the following:
use a CSS reset file to smooth out cross-browser inconsistencies:
get it working perfectly in Firefox, then tweak for other browsers as needed
study the underlying HTML. How is it organized? Is it laid out with tables? all DIVs? Semantic tagging?
is the CSS used for layout or simply styling (fonts, colors, etc.)?
Once you get a feel for that, study the content. Categorize the layout and elements as much as possible, so that you identify all the common elements and can maximize the efficiency of your CSS
remember the C in CSS, Make the most commonly used font the body font, so that other elements will inherit it by default.
use relative units (ems) for font size, to allow proper scaling of text
try not to use ANY inline styles
make use of Firebug - it will let you inspect an element and see exactly what CSS is in effect and where the rules came from
don't be afraid to re-use portions of the old CSS, especially for things like dropdown menus, which can need very specific incantations to work properly
have fun! starting from scratch lets you implement best practices and learn a ton along the way. When you are done you are probably going to look back on this as a good experience.
there is a presentation here that should get you in the right headspace for tackling this task: CSS Systems
I would be tempted into creating a test suite first: automating page visits (perhaps with Selenium?), taking screenshots, then using something like ImageMagick to compare those with reference images.
Also, I second all the suggestions to use source control. If you later discover that your refactorings broke something that wasn't checked by the test suite, you can add a new test and then bisect your history to find the change that broke it. Git is good for that.
Get a code editor with good syntax highlighting. Also, goodluck I dont envy you.
My initial thought was does some like NCover exist for CSS, as it would be handy to see if all of the CSS is referenced. A quick Google on CSS code coverage found a few things- you might want to look yourself though:
Install sass, run css2sass on your 5000 lines of css, proceed. After you are done with your sass file refactoring, run sass2css to regenerate the css file. Best of luck!
I'd suggest Stylizer - it is a CSS editor with an embedded live preview browser. It makes life much easier when editing CSS files and can tell you which rules affect which element on the page and more.
All of you guys saying he should start from scratch are wrong. You shouldn't. Try to identify the different parts the site uses. Put them on a sheet of paper. Find the parts that match together. Build a structure. Find parts of the application that are the same but are still styled with different rules.
Take that one part and name it. Then match all app parts that use that "pattern" with the correct HTML/CSS.
Repeat until you're done. Break up the large task in small chunks.
Identify whether the original CSS writer used standard methods like using a CSS reset. If he didn't, and everything is defined by #id without reusable classes, well, then maybe the guys saying you should start from scratch are in fact right. But my point here is that you can't just recommend that without assessing the situation.
Using the Dust-Me Selectors Firefox Plugin can be handy. It's a bit like a code coverage tool for CSS.
Tool suggestion: ReSharper by JetBrains. It will autocomplete CSS and rename selectors site wide from the CSS file editing window.

How far should you break up stylesheets?

I'm building a new site for my company, and I'm at the stage where I've created the html mockup of the first page. I'm going to use this as a basis for the rest of the site. I'm thinking of organising my stylesheet better now I've got the design looking consistent cross-browser, but I'm wondering how far to go when I'm breaking it up.
One idea is to have the following:
but where do I draw the line? theoretically I could go on and break them down into classes, ids etc, but I think thats going overboard.
Does this seem a reasonable method?
Coincidentally, A List Apart had an article covering this today. They recommend separating out into a few main categories, including some you listed (type, layout, color), but going further to include various tricks to keep older browsers happy.
On the other hand, keeping everything in one css file keeps the requests between browser & server down. A compromise might be to keep things separate for development, and merging for production (as a part of your build process, naturally :p).
I don't tend to split typography into a seperate stylesheet, although it seems like a good idea. I'd keep colours with typography though. My typical way is to have the following structure:
Global style used throughout the site
Aims to be extendable, for example so that it can be reskinned (but using the exisiting layout) for a microsite.
Implements/imports reset.css
Implements any page-specific changes.
See base.css point 2
There's nothing wrong with breaking up style sheets. In fact, I find it very useful to organize css rules into different files based on their type, or what parts of the site they are applied to. If you lump rules into one large file, it can quickly become a mess and become very difficult to manage.
I would recommend coming up with your own scheme for separating your rules into files, and stick with it for all your projects.
I would break layout down into 2+ more parts, Base layout, IE Hacks, Menus (one for each menu area. This could be something like a top menu and a side menu)
If the site where to change color depending on the area I'd add one for each color area as well.
You also could use Yaml or similar as a base framework for your layout.
I'd keep the different stylesheets seperate while designing only merging them into 2-4 depending on the site shortly before uploading/releasing. always keeping the Hacks apart.
Separate them based on what you estimate your needs are going to be later on. If you think the typography, layout, or colours (globally) are going to change, then it's probably wise to at least delineate styles in that way so it's easier to replace one stylesheet with another later on.
But if you go too far in this you'll end up with duplicate rules everywhere (eg. #content having a font-family rule in typography.css, a color rule in colors.css, etc). That's not a logical way to split things up unless you anticipate the key changes to be taking place there.
If, on the other hand, like most sites the graphic design is going to remain fairly static but the architecture is going to have some changes made (eg a new content type) then you want to be grouping your styles based on the context of the site. For instance, article.css, search.css, etc.
Essentially, try to look ahead at what changes are going to be needed later on and then try to anticipate those changes in your css file setup.
The major problem IMO, is the duplicate property definition issue. This makes style-sheets unmanageable. To bypass this issue the divide and conquer approach is used. If we can ensure manageable style sheets with non-conflicting rules, then merging sheets or modularising them would be easy.
During reviews all I do is check for rule conflicts, classitis and divitis. Using Firebug/CSSTidy combination, the problem areas are highlighted. Thinking in these lines, I don't even look into typography and font-separation.
The goal is to have a singel base CSS file and separate browser hacks files. Multiple base CSS files would be needed if an application has different themes.
I put all styles, including IE6-and-7-specific styles, in one sheet. The IE6 and 7 styles are targeted using conditionally-commented divs that only appear if one of those browsers come to the site, e.g.:
<!--[if IE 7]><div class="IE IE7"><![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 6]><div class="IE IE6"><![endif]-->
... rest of markup ...
<!--[if IE]></div><![endif]-->
Not sure what people think of this approach, but the extra markup is negligible, and being able to include IE6/7 styles next to main styles without the use of hacks... just prepending the selector with ".IE" or ".IE6" etc, is a big convenience.
As for multiple stylesheets... save your HTTP requests. Use image sprites, one stylesheet, one "application.js" javascript, etc.
I'd still include separate sheets for the print and handheld styles, but that's about it...
Don't go too much further than that. If you do have to, try and find a way to merge them before production. The biggest issue is that you begin stacking up HTTP requests. It's not so much an issue for the browser but the amount of requests that need to be made for each page. I would say you are at a good point, more than 4 would be going somewhat overboard. Remember you can always use good commenting and formatting to break up large CSS files.
Whenever I'm trying to decide how far to break apart some files (I usually do this with code modules, but I apply the same principals to my css/js) I break it down to the smallest reusable files that make sense together. This isn't the best for the flow of data across the wire, but it makes maintainability of my source a lot easier. Especially if you're going to be having a lot of css floating around.
If you feel comfortable taking your colors.css and using the whole thing in another location without modification then you're probably fine.
Take a look at blueprint-css. Blueprint is a CSS framework which supplies a variety of default styles to you (such as browser reset code).
The style sheets in blueprint-css are organized as follows:
screen.css - default styles for screens
print.css - default styles for printing
ie.css - Internet Explorer specific fixes
application.css - contains the styles you write. Actually you shouldn't modify the previous three style sheets at all, because these are generated by blueprint-css. You can overwrite all blueprint-css styles in your application.css file.
For further details refer to the blueprint-css Git repository.
I break mine up almost exactly the same way:
reset.ccs - The standard reset from MeyerWeb
typography.css - Fonts, sizes, line-heights, etc
layout.css - All positioning, floats, alignments, etc.
colors.css (or more appropriately skin.css) - All colors, background images, etc.
These are then followed with IE-specific files included via conditional comments for the appropriate version.
I haven't had the need to separate them further, though I do organize each file in separate sections (base elements, named elements, classes, etc.)
UPDATE: I have changed my system a bit in the last few projects I have done.
base.css - Contains the CSS from the YUI reset and YUI base CSS files (with attribution)
main.css - Contains #import statements for the following:
typography.css - Fonts, sizes, line-heights, etc
layout.css - All positioning, floats, alignments, etc.
theme.css - All colors, background images, etc.
print.css - Overrides for the other CSS files to make the pages print-friendly.
I also then use conditional comments to add any IE-specific CSS files if needed.
My next step in improving this would be to add a build-process step to combine all of the CSS files into one file to reduce the HTTP requests on the server.
Everybody recommends to break. I'll be the devil's advocate.
How about NOT breaking style sheets. At least for production purposes is better to have a single request instead of many. The browser can process 2 simultaneous HTTP requests. This means that other 2 requests can be made after the first 2 are completed.
Combined files are a way to reduce the number of HTTP requests by combining all scripts into a single script, and similarly combining all CSS into a single stylesheet. Combining files is more challenging when the scripts and stylesheets vary from page to page, but making this part of your release process improves response times.
Yahoo and Google recommend this.
Google is recommending creating 2 files. One for everything necessary at the startup and 1 for everything else.
I think that even designers have to think in optimizing terms, not only hardcore developers.

What's the CSS Filter alternative for Firefox?

I'm using CSS Filters to modify images on the fly within the browser. These work perfectly in Internet Explorer, but aren't supported in Firefox.
Does anyone know what the CSS Filter equivalent for these is for Firefox? An answer that would work cross browser (Safari, WebKit, Firefox, etc.) would be preferred.
<style type="text/css">
.CSSClassName {filter:Invert;}
.CSSClassName {filter:Xray;}
.CSSClassName {filter:Gray;}
.CSSClassName {filter:FlipV;}
Update: I know Filter is an IE specific feature. Is there any kind of equivalent for any of these that is supported by Firefox?
Please check the Nihilogic Javascript Image Effect Library:
supports IE and Fx pretty well
has a lot of effects
You can find many other effects in the CVI Projects:
they are also JS based
there's a Lab to experiment
Good Luck
Could you give us a concrete example of what exactly you're trying to do? You'd probably get fewer "Your brower sux" responses and more "How about trying this different approach?" ones.
Normally CSS is used to control the look and feel of HTML content, not add effects or edit images in clever ways. What you're trying to do might be possible using javascript, but a behavior-oriented script still probably isn't very well suited for the kind of tweaking you want to do (although something like this is a fun and very inefficient adventure in CSS / JS tomfoolery).
I can't imagine a scenario when you would need the client to perform image tweaking in real-time. You could modify images server-side and simply reference these modified versions with your CSS or possibly Javascript, depending on what you're doing exactly. ImageMagick is a great little command-line tool for all the image effects you would ever need, and is pretty simple to use by itself or within the server-side language of your choice. Or if you're using PHP, I believe PHP's GD library is pretty popular.
There are no equivalents in other browsers. The closest you could get is using a graphics library like Canvas and manipulating the images in it, but you'd have to write the manipulations yourself and they'd require JavaScript.
filter is an IE-only feature -- it is not available in any other browser.
SVG filters applied to HTML content.
Only works in Firefox 3.1 and above, though I think Safari is heading in the same direction.
None that I know of. Filter was an IE only thing and I don't think any other browser has followed with similar functionality.
What is there a specific use case you need?
I'm afraid that you are pretty much out of luck with most of the cross-browser filter-type functionality. CSS alone will not allow you to do most of these things. For example, there is no way to invert an image cross-browser just using CSS. You will have to have two different copies of the image (one inverted) or you could try using Javascript or maybe go about it a completely different way, but there is no simple solution solely in CSS.
There are filters, such as Gaussian Blur et al in SVG, which is supported natively by most browsers except IE.
Pure thought experiment here, you could wrap your images in an SVG object on the fly with javascript and attempt to apply filters to them.
I doubt this would work for background images, though perhaps with alot of clever positioning it could work.
It's unlikely to be a realistic solution. If you don't want to permanently modify your source images, Rudi has the best answer, using server side tools to apply transformations on the fly (or cached for performance) will be the best cross browser solution.
This is a very very old question but css has updated to now support filters. Read more about it at
With a function, use the following:
filter: <filter-function> [<filter-function>]* | none
For a reference to an SVG element, use the following:
filter: url(svg-url#element-id)
Not really, and hopefully there never will be. It's not a web standard CSS feature for the reason that you're using CSS to format the webpage, not the browser itself. The day that other web designers and developers think they should style my browser how they wish and are then do so is the day I stop visiting their pages (and I say this as a front end web guy).
