How to use Twitter as the Login for a Website -

We are developing an 2.0 web application in that user can sign-up or sign-in using twitter account.
when the user click on the twitter button, it should take you to the twitter login page.
after your login is successful twitter should able to forward me back to my page webpage.
Please let me know.

For this you use Twitter's OAuth authentication framework. It's used so that users don't have to directly enter their user + password into your site. (I assume you know how the front-end to that works already.)
You can use this little example to use OAuth from .NET - it is built for ASP.NET. (The demo the guy provides is My Tweeple.)

Twitter actually includes instructions for using OAuth to make a Facebook Connect-style system.

Twitterizer library have sample ASP.NET application that will walk you through the OAuth authorization process and attempt to explain what’s going on and how you can do the same in your application.
This article demonstrates that How to integrate Twitter into web application
using Twitterizer library.You can allow your visitors to post tweets, view their timeline and much more.
Here is an example shows how to implement Twitter OAuth with .NET and attached sample code.


Facebook SDK for .NET - not working

I need a Facebook login button for an ASP.NET 4.5 site (not MVC).
I have followed this tutorial for the Facebook SDK:
But it skips over several points, doesn't provide any downloads and just doesn't work.
How can I do this - ideally using built in methods that require little work to implement - and allow you to retrieve email from Facebook. If that isn't possible a NuGet package (ideally one that is widely used) would be fine.
The Facebook SDK for .NET looks promising but I can't get it working and can't find other examples of its use online.
I need the user to press login, be authenticated, then give me their email (from fb?), enter a password.
I need to know all this and manipulate it all from C# code behind.
If they are already logged into FB - and already signed up for my site - I need them to be auto logged in (I will be using custom authentication on the side).
If you need the Facebook login or singup button then you do not need Facebook .Net SDK. You need to use Facebook Javascript SDK. Then you can use the <fb:login-button> XFBML tag.
If the user is already logged in to Facebook, the plugin can show the user's profile picture, if configured to.
Please refer here:
Eventually I followed this tutorial:
This was excellent and does exactly what I need.

How to allow users to Login to my web application using their google account in ASP.NET

I am developing a website, in that i want to implement this feature so when ever the user login to their google account i want to get their profile and i want to store it in my database.
i here that it could be done by OAuth. Can any one have best example of this situation please post here.
Thanks in advance
Have you looked at the DotNetOpenAuth project? The download includes sample projects for MVC and WebForms.

Authentication with Google or Facebook

I'm using ASP.NET MVC and I want to authenticate users with their Google or Facebook account
Check the Url
The post is in spanish
I believe both of those providers support OpenID. While some people out there bash it, I know other sites that have used it with great success.
I would start by finding a good OpenID provider for .NET and go from there.
I would recommend your first step would be to look into authenticating using OpenID (and integrating with WIF) as both Google and Facebook provide OpenID

FacebookConnect integration with ASP.NET

I'm working on a site with a Facebook Connect integration on blog posts. I want a Facebook .NET SDK that will allow me to:
Authenticate that a user is logged into FB. The actual login will be done via the typical FBML login button and simple JS with the XD Receiver.
Be able to push data from my WebForm to the user's FB profile, such as a status update.
I do not need to:
Create an actual FB application that goes on your profile, like "Cheer for the Red Sox" app or whatever. I do completely understand that I need to create an app using the Developer application but I'm not indenting to create a real full app.
Do any special stuff other than know the user's basics and push data to the profile.
Now are there any good starting points or SDKs I should look at. I've tried Facebook.NET and also peeked into FBConnectAuth. It seems like the former is too much and the latter is too little of what I need. However, that was a quick glance so are there any people with good experiences that did simple things?
Help is much appreciated!
Have you tried this example?
Post status to Facebook profile without Facebook modal window using ASP.NET
If you have any feature requests for FBConnectAuth, please let me know.
For me, Raya's integration of Facebook Connect is the best example out there. The author also has a good blog post where he describes how he integrated it with his existing web application..

How to integrate open ID Login

I want to integrate Open ID, Google and Yahoo login in my site, So please anyone can tell me the process of integration in ASP.NET.
Google and Yahoo support OpenID, so you just need to OpenID enable your website.
This is a great article which tells you step by step of what you need to do. You will still need an OpenID library for .NET in order to do that.
I have actually written a blog post on How to add OpenID authentication to your site using Janrain Engage that might help you along.
It's written with an ASP.NET MVC 3 application in mind, but there's nothing in there you cannot use in an ASP.NET app.
