How to implement macros in Flex/FlashDevelop/AS3 - apache-flex

I am new to using the Flex Compiler with FD, although certainly not new to flash/as3 and FD. Currently, i have been compiling my applications with FD/CS3 and want to make the switch to the flex compiler. One of the main things i want to experiment with the flex compiler is using Macros in AS3. For instance, say i have some extremely expensive operation that i wish to carry out:
private function Main():void
but i want to avoid the cost of a function lookup. So instead of using a function lookup I do something like
private function Main():void
<macro expandExtremelyExpensiveOperationHere(params)/>
obviously the syntax doesn't have to look exactly like that, but the macro gets expanded before compilation thus avoiding function lookup. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

use misch's preprocessor ... it supports macros as well ...


How to create bindings qml to d?

I want to use qml with d language. But there is not bindings to d, and I want to create it. But I don't know how to begin. Tell me, please, how to begin to create bindings.
Since nobody answered:
From what I understand QML is the modelling language of Qt and I guess it depends heavily on Qt. I assume here it depends on Qt, at least to some extend.
First of all there was already an attempt to bind Qt to D:, but from what I've heared this project is kinda dead and not developed anylonger (last commit 2 years ago). You could use it as base for your work or as a reference on how you could bind QML and Qt.
1. Option, a C/C++ Glue-Layer
A C-Glue Layer means, you write your code basically twice. You write a complete C++ to C wrapper in C++ (the language which can directly interface with Qt and Qml). That means you wrap every method of a class inside a C function which takes a Pointer (to a struct representing this C++ Qt class). This could look like this (note this is an abstraction of GtkWebkit, which is written in C, but the snippet demonstrates how to do it quite well):
// somewhere in a header
typedef struct SurfiClient {
GtkWidget *window; // Offscreen window
// ....
typedef GdkPixbuf Pixbuf;
extern "C" {
Pixbuf* surfi_client_get_pixbuf(SurfiClient* client)
// in C++ this would gtk_offscreen_window_get_pixbuf would be a method of client->window
return gtk_offscreen_window_get_pixbuf(GTK_OFFSCREEN_WINDOW(client->window));
// here go the rest of these functions, probably thousands
You have to basically do this for everything you want to interface later on from the D side. Even worse you have to also do it for namespaces and free functions which are not marked extern "C", this could look like this (libsquish):
typedef unsigned char u8;
extern "C" {
void CompressMasked(u8 const* rgba, int mask, void* block, int flags) {
squish::CompressMasked(rgba, mask, block, flags);
As you can see by now, this is quite tedious...
Let's assume you have finished making the C/C++ Glue-Layer, now you have to create code in D which can interface it.
To stay with the gtk example:
extern(C) {
// Using an opaque struct is one option
struct SurfiClient;
// the other is to wrap the struct correctly
struct SurfiClient {
GtkWidget *window;
// The Pixbuf was only a typedef to GdkPixbuf which is already an opaque data structure, easy
struct Pixbuf;
Pixbuf* surfi_client_get_pixbuf(SurfiClient* client);
You see in this example a problem, if you want to wrap the SurfiClient struct correctly, you also have to wrap GtkWidget or do it incorrectly and use void* instead of GtkWidget*, which is no real soloution to the problem. You will most likely also run into this problem, you Glue-Layer struct has members which you don't have abstractions for, I would go here with the opaque struct and provide functions for the members which are really needed for the user.
I am not going more into detail on how to interface with C, there are already a few guides: (Not a guide but a collection of C bindings, could be used as reference)
The last step in the process of makind Qt, Qml bindings would be to rebuild the OOP-Api in D based on your newly made C-Bindings.
2. Option, SWIG/Binding generator
I am not an expert with SWIG, that's the reason why I am only covering it in a few sentences.
What you can use SWIG for is generate the whole C/C++-Glue Layer thingy for you. If you're lucky, your SWIG-File only consists of a few includes to Qt and SWIG will do all the work for you. If not, you have to define rules for Classes and Functions on your own, which can be tedious (but also easier and faster than doing 1. Option). So SWIG is definitly worth a try!
As a side-note: If you have a template/macro/ heavy/Header only C++ Library like glm SWIG can be tricky or in case of glm no option.
There are alternative Binding-Generators, e.g. the PySide Project started with Boost.Python then switched to Shiboken. I don't know how easily you can generate bindings with Shiboken for anything else than CPython, maybe hacking into Shiboken or even Boost.Python could work? Also worth a read:
QtD used QtJambi so this might be a good start.
3. Option, the D way
D has the great idea of having extern(C++), which allows in theory making C++/D bindings without such a Glue-Layer:
Nice idea, but unfortunatly too limited. E.g. there is no support for namespaces yet (there is an open issue on bugzilla, I can't find right now). In my opinion extern(C++) is too limited for Qt.
Manu Evans mentioned in his first talk at the D conference how to bind to C++ from D sucessfully with using Ds metaprogramming capabilities.
In a nutshell
A C/C++ Glue-Layer gives you the most flexibility, it will work, but is no simple and especially a long task (I would do this for rather small projects).
SWIG/Binding generators, the way I would go for Qt, once correctly setup they do all the work for you (in the best case).
extern(C++), nice idea, too limited for most serious C++ projects.
I hope this gives you a short overview of what you can do and the amount of work it requires.
they are already an article on this purpose how to interface C code to D?
Usually is not hard. Take function declaration and put it into an extern(C) block
And usually these module are written into a c package. Example:
`-- appName
|-- c
| `-- dInterface.d
`-- dwrapper.d
The module appName.c.dInterface will define C function with an extern(C) block
While the module appName.dwrapper will provide a way that fit more with dlang.

What's the difference between _isEnabled and isEnabled in Anguilla?

I've been following GUI extensions and notice examples use either _isEnabled or isEnabled, without the underscore. Both seem to work to extend or possibly replace existing functionality.
For example, the PowerTools base class (which doesn't seem to "extend" existing functionality) has:
PowerTools.BaseCommand.prototype.isEnabled = function(selection, pipeline)
var p =;
if (!p.initialized)
if (!this.isToolConfigured())
return false;
if (this.isValidSelection)
return this.isValidSelection(selection, pipeline);
return true;
A tool can use this base class and declare .isValidSelection, for example:
PowerTools.Commands.CountItems.prototype.isValidSelection =
function (selection) { ... }
I see Anguilla uses ._isEnabled for existing functionality (in Chrome's console in numerous places in the code). For example, WhereUsed has:
Tridion.Cme.Commands.WhereUsed.prototype._isAvailable =
function WhereUsed$_isAvailable(selection) ...
Private functions?
I'm familiar with a preceding underscore being a naming convention for private variables. Are the _isEnabled and other functions that start with an underscore "private?" If so, then
How should we extend (add additional functionality to existing code) these functions?
How should we replace (not have existing code run, but have ours run instead as in an "override") these?
I'm assuming the same approach applies to other functions that start with an underscore such as _isAvailable, and _invoke.
The following methods are called for a command:
The base class for all commands - Tridion.Core.Command - has a standard implementation of these methods. For the most part, this default implementation allows for extensions to Commands. They also call the underscore methods (_isAvailable, _isEnabled, and _execute).
I don't know why the CME commands only overwrite the underscore methods. Maybe someone thought it was just easier that way. They should be consider private (or the equivalent of "protected" in C#), so it actually seems like a bad practice to me.
It would be cleaner to implement the proper methods (isAvailable, isEnabled, and invoke) and then call the base implementation using this.callBase. However, you might need to stop the pipeline in this case, or also overwrite the underscore methods, in order to avoid your return value getting overwritten by the default underscore methods. It depends on the command you are implementing or extending.
In short: using the underscore methods is probably bad practice, but the Core implementation does seem to make it harder for you to do it "right". So I'd aim to avoid the underscore methods, but not sweat it if it turns out to be too hard to do so.
P.S. isValidSelection is a PowerTools-only method which separates the common logic that they all need from the logic specific to each command.

How can I tell the Closure Compiler not to rename an inner function using SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS?

How can I tell the Closure Compiler not to rename an inner function? E.g., given this code:
function aMeaninglessName() {
function someMeaningfulName() {
return someMeaningfulName;
...I'm fine with Closure renaming the outer function (I actively want it to, to save space), but I want the function name someMeaningfulName left alone (so that the name shown in call stacks for it is "someMeaningfulName", not "a" or whatever). This despite the fact that the code calling it will be doing so via the reference returned by the factory function, not by the name in the code. E.g., this is purely for debugging support.
Note that I want the function to have that actual name, not be anonymous and assigned to some property using that name, so for instance this is not a duplicate of this other question.
This somewhat obscure use case doesn't seem to be covered by either the externs or exports functionality. (I was kind of hoping there'd be some annotation I could throw at it.) But I'm no Closure Compiler guru, I'm hoping some of you are. Naturally, if there's just no way to do that, that's an acceptable answer.
(The use case is a library that creates functions in response to calls into it. I want to provide a version of the library that's been pre-compressed by Closure with SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS, but if someone is using that copy of the library with their own uncompressed code and single-stepping into the function in a debugger [or other similar operations], I want them to see the meaningful name. I could get around it with eval, or manually edit the compressed result [in fact, the context is sufficiently unique I could throw a sed script at it], but that's awkward and frankly takes us into "not worth bothering" territory, hence looking for a simple, low-maintenance way.)
There is no simple way to do this. You would have to create a custom subclass of the CodingConvention class to indicate that your methods are "local" externs (support for this was added to handle the Prototype library). It is possible that InlineVariables, InlineFunctions, or RemoveUsedVariables will still try to remove the name and would also need to be fixed up.
Another approach is to use the source maps to remap the stack traces to the original source.
read the following section
Two options basically, use object['functionName'] = obj.functionName or the better way
use exportSymbol and exportProperty both on the goog object, here is the docs link for that
-- edit
ah, i see now, my first answer is not so great for you. The compiler has some interesting flags, the one which might interest you is DEBUG, which you can pass variables into the compiler which will allow you to drop some debugging annotations in via logging or just a string which does nothing since you are using simple mode.
so if you are using closure you can debug against a development version which is just a page built with dependiencies resolved. we also the drop the following in our code

How to create helper functions in a flex application

I have a flex application, and I am using a cairngorm structure -
src/com/mysite/editor/model/ contains the following two things (Singleton Enforced Application Globals), (Contains All constants), like the following
public static const SUPPORT_PHONE:String = '800-865-7496';
public static const SUPPORT_EMAIL:String = '';
I was wondering where the best place to put helper methods is. I need these to be methods I can use outside of the singleton enforced class. Would it make sense to put it in Global Constants? The only thing against that, is I always use EditorGlobalConstants the same way:
An example of a 'helper function' is the following:
public var blank(value:String):Boolean {
if( value == '' || value == null ) return true;
return false;
I can store all of this information in EditorGlobalConstants, but I was wondering if maybe would be better, and how I would instantiate/use that solution?
Andrew Thorp
Not familiar with how cairngorm tends to do things, but in AS3 functions don't have to be part of a class.
For instance, you could have a file called with the contents:
package my.package {
public function helperFunction(arg1:Object, arg2:String):void {
// Do stuff
Then just import that method like you would anything else:
import my.package.helperFunction
and you can use it in your code.
Just pick a package that would make sense for the method to live in (probably in the same package that the objects it's meant to help with are defined).
If you're going to use your helper methods not only in your singleton class, it would be better to place them somewhere upper in hierarchy. You can easily find that place by yourself. Let's try:
Break up your application (in imagination/paper/whatever) into a boxes. Each class is a separate box.
Put them into structure. You just need to see, which boxes are placed inside which ones.
Mark the boxes-classes, where are you going to use these methods.
Find the top level, where are you going to use them and place your class there.
Let's see an example .. suppose you have this structure:
| |-BoxAtLevel_2
if I want my helpers used only in BoxAtLevel_2, I'd put them there:
| |-BoxAtLevel_2
| |-Helpers
And so on .. if you have any troubles - put your structure here, and I'll help.
Also, about .. is this an instance-level things or rather class-level ones? That's what going to set the way you'll use them.

How do you like to define your module-wide variables in drupal 6?

I'm in my module file. I want to define some complex variables for use throughout the module. For simple things, I'm doing this:
function mymodule_init() {
define('SOME_CONSTANT', 'foo bar');
But that won't work for more complex structures. Here are some ideas that I've thought of:
function mymodule_init() {
$GLOBALS['mymodule_var'] = array('foo' => 'bar');
function mymodule_init() {
variable_set('mymodule_var', array('foo' => 'bar'));
property of a module class:
class MyModule {
static $var = array('foo' => 'bar');
Variable_set/_get seems like the most "drupal" way, but I'm drawn toward the class setup. Are there any drawbacks to that? Any other approaches out there?
I haven't seen any one storing static values that are array objects.
For simple values the drupal way is to put a define in the begining of a modules .module file. This file is loaded when the module is activated so that is enough. No point in putting it in the hook_init function.
variable_set stores the value in the database so don't run it over and over. Instead you could put it in your hook_install to define them once. variable_set is good to use if the value can be changed in an admin section but it's not the best choice to store a static variable since you will need a query to fetch it.
I think all of those methods would work. I have never used it in this fashion, but I believe the context module ( also has its own API for storing variables in a static cache. You may want to check out the documentation for the module.
It's always a good practice to avoid globals. So that makes your choice a bit easier.
If you err towards a class, you'll be writing code that is not consistent with the D6 standards. There are a lot of modules that do it but I personally like to keep close to the Drupal core so I can understand it better. And code that's written in different styles through the same application can have an adverse effect on productivity and maintenance.
variable_set() and define() are quite different. Use the former when you can expect that information to change (a variable). Use the latter for constants. Your requirements should be clear as which one to use.
Don't worry too much about hitting the database for variable_set/get. If your software is written well, it should not effect performance hardly at all. Performance work arounds like that should only be implemented if your applications has serious performance issues and you've tried everything else.
