Cron job stderr to email AND log file? - unix

I have a cron job:
$SP_s/ >$LP_s/MirrorLogS1.txt
Where SP_s is the path to the script and LP_s is the path for the log file. This sends stdout to the log file and stderr to my email.
How do I?:
1) send both stdout AND stderr to the logfile,
2) AND send stderr to email
or to put it another way: stderr to both the logfile and the email, and stdout only to the logfile.
None of the answers I've gotten so far either follow the criteria I set out or seem suited to a CRON job.
I saw this, which is intended to "send the STDOUT and STDERR from a command to one file, and then just STDERR to another file" (posted by zazzybob on, which seems close to what I want to do and I was wondering if it would inspire someone more clever than I:
(( my_command 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 ) | tee error_only.log ) > all.log 2>&1
I want cron to send STDERR to email rather than 'another file'.

Not sure why nobody mentioned this.
With CRON if you specify MAILTO= in the users crontab,
STDOUT is already sent via mail.
[temp]$ sudo crontab -u user1 -l
# transfer order shipping file every 3 minutes past the quarter hour
3,19,33,48 * * * * /home/user1/.bin/

Since I was just looking at the info page for tee (trying to figure out how to do the same thing), I can answer the last bit of this for you.
This is most of the way there:
(( my_command 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 ) | tee error_only.log ) > all.log 2>&1
but replace "error_only.log" with ">(email_command)"
(( my_command 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 ) | tee >(/bin/mail -s "SUBJECT" "EMAIL") ) > all.log 2>&1
Note: according to tee's docs this will work in bash, but not in /bin/sh. If you're putting this in a cron script (like in /etc/cron.daily/) then you can just but #!/bin/bash at the top. However if you're putting it as a one-liner in a crontab then you may need to wrap it in bash -c ""

If you can do with having stdout/err in separate files, this should do:
($SP_s/ 2>&1 >$LP_s/MirrorLogS1.txt.stdout) | tee $LP_s/MirrorLogS1.txt.stderr

Unless I'm missing something:
command 2>&1 >> file.log | tee -a file.log
2>&1 redirects stderr to stdout
>> redirects regular command stdout to logfile
| tee duplicates stderr (from 2>&1) to logfile and passes it through to stdout be mailed by cron to MAILTO
I tested it with
(echo Hello & echo 1>&2 World) 2>&1 >> x | tee -a x
Which indeed shows World in the console and both texts within x
The ugly thing is the duplicate file name. And the different buffering from stdout/stderr might make text in file.log a bit messy I guess.

A bit tricky if you want stdout and stderr combined in one file, with stderr yet tee'd into its own stream.
This ought to do it (error-checking, clean-up and generalized robustness omitted):
#! /bin/sh
mkfifo $FIFO 2>/dev/null || :
tee < $FIFO -a $LOGFILE >&2 &
stderr is sent to a named pipe, picked up by tee(1) where it is appended to the logfile (wherein is also appended your command's stdout) and tee'd back to regular stderr.

My experience (ubuntu) is that 'crontab' only emails 'stderr' (I have the output directed to a log file which is then archived). That is useful, but I wanted a confirmation that the script ran (even when no errors to 'stderr'), and some details about how long it took, which I find is a good way to spot potential trouble.
I found the way I could most easily wrap my head around this problem was to write the script with some duplicate 'echo's in it. The extensive regular 'echo's end up in the log file. For the important non-error bits I want in my crontab 'MAILTO' email, I used an 'echo' that is directed to stderr with '1>&2'.
Thus this:
Frmt_s="+>>%y%m%d %H%M%S($HOSTNAME): " # =Format of timestamp: "<YYMMDD HHMMSS>(<machine name>): "
echo `date "$Frmt_s"`"'$0' started." # '$0' is path & filename
echo `date "$Frmt_s"`"'$0' started." 1>&2 # message to stderr
echo ""
echo "================================================"
echo "================================================" 1>&2 # message to stderr
TotalMins_i=$(( TotalSecs_i / 60 )) # calculate elapsed mins
RemainderSecs_i=$(( TotalSecs_i-(TotalMins_i*60) ))
Title_s="TOTAL run time"
Summary_s=$Summary_s$'\n'$(printf "%-20s%3s:%02d" "$Title_s" $TotalMins_i $RemainderSecs_i)
echo "$Summary_s"
echo "$Summary_s" 1>&2 # message to stderr
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" 1>&2 # message to stderr
echo ""
echo `date "$Frmt_s"`"TotalSecs_i: $TotalSecs_i"
echo `date "$Frmt_s"`"'$0' concluded." # '$0' is path & filename
echo `date "$Frmt_s"`"'$0' concluded." 1>&2 # message to stderr
Sends me an email containing this (when there are no errors, the lines beginning 'ssh:' and 'rsync:' do not appear):
170408 030001(sb03): '/mnt/data1/LoSR/' started.
ssh: connect to host port 0000: Connection timed out
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]
rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(226) [Receiver=3.1.0]
ssh: connect to host port 0000: Connection timed out
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]
rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(226) [Receiver=3.1.0]
S6 SUMMARY (mins:secs):
'Templates' 2:07
'Clients' 2:08
'Backups' 0:10
'Homes' 0:02
'NetAppsS6' 10:19
'TemplatesNew' 0:01
'S6Www' 0:02
'Aabak' 4:44
'Aaldf' 0:01
'ateam.ldf' 0:01
'Aa50Ini' 0:02
'Aadmin50Ini' 0:01
'GenerateTemplates' 0:01
'BackupScripts' 0:01
TOTAL run time 19:40
170408 031941(sb03): '/mnt/data1/LoSR/' concluded.
This doesn't satisfy my initial desire to "send both stdout AND stderr to the logfile" (stderr, and only the 'echo'ed lines with '1>&2' go to the email; stdout goes to the log), but I find this is better than my initially imagined solution, as the email finds me and I don't have to go looking for problems in the log file.

I think the solution would be:
$SP_s/ 2>&1 >> $LP_s/MirrorLogS1.txt | tee -a $LP_s/MirrorLogS1.txt
This will:
append standard output to $LP_s/MirrorLogS1.txt
append standard error to $LP_s/MirrorLogS1.txt
print standard error, so that cron will send a mail in case of error

I assume you are using bash, you redirect stdout and stderr like so
to send a mail containing the stderr in the body something like this
I'm not sure if you can do the above in only one passage as this
/bin/mail -s "SUBJECT" "EMAIL_ADDRESS" <2

You could try writing another cronjob to read the log file and "display" the log (really just let cron email it to you)


FreePBX/Asterisk Recorded Calls not moving to correct location

FreePBX: 10.13.66-12/ISO install
Asterisk: 13.12.2
asterisk-addons: Latest
Users reported not being able to see/download on demand recordings from the UCP. The calls are however being recorded, /var/spool/asterisk/monitor is full of files, files that should have been moved to the appropriate date directories.
e.g. 2016/12/15.
I have setup a Post Call Recording Script that is set in FreePBX, this also doesn't run. It is simply to see if it ever gets called, appends to a file.
-rw-rw-r-- 1 asterisk asterisk 120364 Dec 15 17:20 1481858418.2722.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 asterisk asterisk 147884 Dec 16 10:02 1481918523.4964.wav
The top file permissions were changed after running fwconsole chown. This leads me to think that asterisk doesn't have the correct permissions.
This is the breakdown of the debug log for MixMonitor
[2016-12-15 17:03:14] VERBOSE[20476] app_mixmonitor.c: Begin MixMonitor Recording SIP/200-00000125
[2016-12-15 17:03:24] VERBOSE[20476] app_mixmonitor.c: MixMonitor close filestream (mixed)`
[2016-12-15 17:03:24] VERBOSE[20476] app_mixmonitor.c: End MixMonitor Recording SIP/200-00000125
[2016-12-15 17:03:24] VERBOSE[20476] app_mixmonitor.c: Copying recordings for Mixmonitor SIP/200-00000125 to voicemail recipients
[2016-12-15 17:03:24] WARNING[20476] format_wav.c: Unable to set write file size
I have tried changing permissions, re-installing the asterisk-addons, and many other things. Any ideas out there?
Answering my own question.
This is an issue with digium phones and freepbx. Digium uses their own technique to record and save calls.
There is a solution to have the calls show up in the CDR and User Portal, but involves changes to the system. Use at you own risk.
Create an executable script belonging to the asterisk user, I keep mine in the asterisk user home directory.
#this script is run from an incrontab
if [ -d "$MONITOR$1" ]; then
if [ ! -f "$MONITOR$1" ]; then
echo "$(date): Failed to move a recording. \"$MONITOR$1\" does not exist." >> /var/log/asterisk/moved_recording_log
if [ $(sed -e "s/^.wav//I" <<< "${filename##*.}") != "wav" ]; then
user=$(awk -F"=>" '/username=>/ {print $2}' ${CONF})
password=$(awk -F"=>" '/password=>/ {print $2}' ${CONF})
db=$( mysql asteriskcdrdb -u $user -p$password -se "SELECT cnum, calldate as date FROM cdr WHERE uniqueid = \"$uid\";" 2>/dev/null )
ext=$(echo $db | awk '{print $1}')
read -r -a dbd <<< "$db"
IFS="-" read -r -a dbdate <<< "${dbd[1]}"
if [ -z "${dbdate[0]}" ] || [ -z "${dbdate[1]}" ] || [ -z "${dbdate[2]}" ]; then
mkdir -p $dir
db=$(mysql asteriskcdrdb -u $user -p$password -se "UPDATE cdr SET recordingfile=\"$name\" WHERE uniqueid = \"$uid\";")
mv $MONITOR$filename $dir$name
The next step is what watches the recordings directory for any files that have been written.
As the asterisk user edit incrontab
incrontab -e
add the following with the location and name of the above script
/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/ IN_CLOSE_WRITE /bin/bash /home/asterisk/ $#
This is based on a pretty generic FreePBX setup. There may be a nicer way to do this, but this has been working for me.
Correct solution - write file in place where it should be, i.e it to 2016/12/15
It is impossible guess what you dooing wrong(no scripts provided, config etc), but i can suggest you have selinux or permission issue.

Editing a file in-place with SED seems to prevent any further append operations by processes that are already running

I have a log file that is written to by a server. I wrote a bash script to send me an email if there is an error in the server. I would now like to remove the lines containing the errors so I don't keep getting emails. I accomplish this by doing the following:
sed -i "/WARNING/d" logs/console.log
After running sed however, no more changes are written to the log. I'm guessing this is because running sed closes any open file descriptors or something. However, when I edit the file and manually remove the warning lines with vi I don't have this problem.
I have also tried redirecting the server output myself with both '>' and '>>' operators and after editing the file with sed the same thing happens (i.e. they are no longer updated).
When sed rewrites the log file the server process probably gets an IO error and doesn't try to reopen the log file. I don't know if this approach can work out. sed definitely doesn't have flags to tweak the way it rewrites files with the -i flag, and I don't know if the server can be tweaked to be more resilient when appending to the log.
So your best option might be a different approach: save the timestamp of the last error look for errors after that timestamp. Something like this:
while :; do
if test "$ts"; then
if sed -e "1,/$ts/d" $file | grep -q WARNING; then
sed -e "1,/$ts/d" $file | sendmail ...
ts=$(tail -n 1 $file | cut -f1 -d' ')
if grep -q WARNING $file; then
sendmail ... < $file
ts=$(tail -n 1 $file | cut -f1 -d' ')
sleep 15
This script is just to give you an idea, it can be improved.

logging unix "cp" (copy) command response

I am coping some file,So, the result can be either way.
>cp -R bin/*.ksh ../backup/
>cp bin/ ../backup/bin/
When I execute above commands, its getting copied. No response from the system, if it copied successful. If not, prints the error or response in terminal itself cp: No such file or directory.
Now, I want to log the error message, or if it successful I want to log my custom message to a file. How can I do?
Any help indeed.
try writing this in a shell script:
#these three lines are to check if script is already running.
#got this from some site don't remember :(
ME=`basename "$0"`;
exec 8>$LCK;
if flock -n -x 8; then
# 2>&1 will redirect any error or other output to $LOGFILE
cp -R bin/*.ksh ../backup/ >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
# $? is shell variable that contains outcome of last ran command
# cp will return 0 if there was no error
if [$? -eq 0]; then
echo 'copied succesfully' >> $LOGFILE

Increase the performace of the code by reducing the number of ssh

This function take hugh amount of time to calculate the status of a process, beacuse every time it has to ssh into the machine and find the status of a process.
I only have four machines and around 50+ process to monitor and the details are mentioned into configDaemonDetails.txt
How to reduce the time with doing ssh once into a machine and finding all its process informations as defined in the txt file. ?
CheckProcessStatus ()
echo " ***** Checking Process Status ***** "
echo "========================================================="
cat configDaemonDetails.txt | grep -v "^#" | while read MachineDetail Daemon ProcessName
Status=`ssh -f -T ${MachineDetail} ps -ef | egrep -v "grep|less|vi|more" | grep "$ProcessName"`
RunTime=`echo "$Status" | sed -e 1'p' -e '1,$d' | awk '{print $5" "$6}'`
if [ -z "$Status" ]
echo "The Process is DOWN $Daemon | $ProcessName "
echo "The Process $Daemon | $ProcessName is up since $RunTime"
echo "-----------------------------------------------------"
Thanks :)
Can't you just fetch the entire ps -ef output at once, and then parse it appropriately? I suspect that is what you are asking, and maybe all you want is an example of how to do that? If that is the case, say so and I'll flesh out an example.
SSH is a bit over kill for getting status of a process, I'd suggest using SNMP instead.
e.g, you can get a process list like this:
snmpwalk -v2c -cPASSWORD HOST
Take a look at this Nagios plugin that does process checks, and look in the code for the actual SNMP OIDs.

Checking ftp return codes from Unix script

I am currently creating an overnight job that calls a Unix script which in turn creates and transfers a file using ftp. I would like to check all possible return codes. The man page for ftp doesn't list return codes. Does anyone know where to find a list? Anyone with experience with this? We have other scripts that grep for certain return strings in the log, and they send an email when in error. However, they often miss unanticipated codes.
I am then putting the reason into the log and the email.
The ftp command does not return anything other than zero on most implementations that I've come across.
It's much better to process the three digit codes in the log - and if you're sending a binary file, you can check that bytes sent was correct.
The three digit codes are called 'series codes' and a list can be found here
I wrote a script to transfer only one file at a time and in that script use grep to check for the 226 Transfer complete message. If it finds it, grep returns 0.
ftp -niv < "$2"_ftp.tmp | grep "^226 "
Install the ncftp package. It comes with ncftpget and ncftpput which will each attempt to upload/download a single file, and return with a descriptive error code if there is a problem. See the “Diagnostics” section of the man page.
I think it is easier to run the ftp and check the exit code of ftp if something gone wrong.
I did this like the example below:
# ...
ftp -i -n $HOST 2>&1 1> $FTPLOG << EOF
quote USER $USER
put $FOLDER/$FILE.sql.Z $FILE.sql.Z
# Check the ftp util exit code (0 is ok, every else means an error occurred!)
if test $EXITFTP -ne 0; then echo "$D ERROR FTP" >> $LOG; exit 3; fi
if (grep "^Not connected." $FTPLOG); then echo "$D ERROR FTP CONNECT" >> $LOG; fi
if (grep "No such file" $FTPLOG); then echo "$D ERROR FTP NO SUCH FILE" >> $LOG; fi
if (grep "access denied" $FTPLOG ); then echo "$D ERROR FTP ACCESS DENIED" >> $LOG; fi
if (grep "^Please login" $FTPLOG ); then echo "$D ERROR FTP LOGIN" >> $LOG; fi
Edit: To catch errors I grep the output of the ftp command. But it's truly it's not the best solution.
I don't know how familier you are with a Scriptlanguage like Perl, Python or Ruby. They all have a FTP module which you can be used. This enables you to check for errors after each command. Here is a example in Perl:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Net::FTP;
$ftp = Net::FTP->new("") or die "Cannot connect to $#";
$ftp->login("username", "password") or die "Cannot login ", $ftp->message;
$ftp->cwd("/pub") or die "Cannot change working directory ", $ftp->message;
$ftp->put("") or die "Failed to upload ", $ftp->message;
For this logic to work user need to redirect STDERR as well from ftp command as below
ftp -i -n $HOST >$FTPLOG 2>&1 << EOF
Below command will always assign 0 (success) as because ftp command wont return success or failure. So user should not depend on it
lame answer I know, but how about getting the ftp sources and see for yourself
I like the solution from Anurag, for the bytes transfered problem I have extended the command with grep -v "bytes"
grep "^530" ftp_out2.txt | grep -v "byte"
-instead of 530 you can use all the error codes as Anurag did.
You said you wanted to FTP the file there, but you didn't say whether or not regular BSD FTP client was the only way you wanted to get it there. BSD FTP doesn't give you a return code for error conditions necessitating all that parsing, but there are a whole series of other Unix programs that can be used to transfer files by FTP if you or your administrator will install them. I will give you some examples of ways to transfer a file by FTP while still catching all error conditions with little amounts of code.
FTPUSER is your ftp user login name
FTPPASS is your ftp password
FILE is the local file you want to upload without any path info (eg file1.txt, not /whatever/file1.txt or whatever/file1.txt
FTPHOST is the remote machine you want to FTP to
REMOTEDIR is an ABSOLUTE PATH to the location on the remote machine you want to upload to
Here are the examples:
ftp-upload --host $FTPHOST --user $FTPUSER --password $FTPPASS --as $REMOTEDIR/$FILE $FILE
All of these programs will return a nonzero exit code if anything at all goes wrong, along with text that indicates what failed. You can test for this and then do whatever you want with the output, log it, email it, etc as you wished.
Please note the following however:
"%2f" is used in URLs to indicate that the following path is an absolute path on the remote machine. However, if your FTP server chroots you, you won't be able to bypass this.
for the commands above that use an actual URL (ftp://etc) to the server with the user and password embedded in it, the username and password MUST be URL-encoded if it contains special characters.
In some cases you can be flexible with the remote directory being absolute and local file being just the plain filename once you are familiar with the syntax of each program. You might just have to add a local directory environment variable or just hardcode everything.
IF you really, absolutely MUST use regular FTP client, one way you can test for failure is by, inside your script, including first a command that PUTs the file, followed by another that does a GET of the same file returning it under a different name. After FTP exits, simply test for the existence of the downloaded file in your shell script, or even checksum it against the original to make sure it transferred correctly. Yeah that stinks, but in my opinion it is better to have code that is easy to read than do tons of parsing for every possible error condition. BSD FTP is just not all that great.
Here is what I finally went with. Thanks for all the help. All the answers help lead me in the right direction.
It may be a little overkill, checking both the result and the log, but it should cover all of the bases.
echo "open ftp_ip
lcd /out
cd /in
mput datafile.csv
quit"|ftp -iv > ftpreturn.log
bytesindatafile=`wc -c datafile.csv | cut -d " " -f 1`
bytestransferred=`grep -e '^[0-9]* bytes sent' ftpreturn.log | cut -d " " -f 1`
ftptransfercomplete=`grep -e '226 ' ftpreturn.log | cut -d " " -f 1`
echo "-- FTP result code: $ftpresult" >> ftpreturn.log
echo "-- bytes in datafile: $bytesindatafile bytes" >> ftpreturn.log
echo "-- bytes transferred: $bytestransferred bytes sent" >> ftpreturn.log
if [ "$ftpresult" != "0" ] || [ "$bytestransferred" != "$bytesindatafile" ] || ["$ftptransfercomplete" != "226" ]
echo "-- *abend* FTP Error occurred" >> ftpreturn.log
mailx -s 'FTP error' `cat email.lst` < ftpreturn.log
echo "-- file sent via ftp successfully" >> ftpreturn.log
Why not just store all output from the command to a log file, then check the return code from the command and, if it's not 0, send the log file in the email?
