How can one use existing tools to facilitate the process of changing data on the server using the DataGrid? - apache-flex

It is very simple to retrieve data from a database and display it inside a DataGrid. However, what are the current practices to push the changes in the DataGrid back to the database? One can achieve this by inserting a lot of meta information, however, it is very tedious and not reusable.

There are libraries for persisting data across tiers, but as you say it isn't a simple task. LiveCycle DS ships with this capability when used in conjunction with Hibernate on the server. GraniteDS and Tide can perform a similar function, but for the most part you are left rolling your own. If you are using one of the many MVC frameworks available (I use PureMVC) it isn't difficult to create this type of functionality. Kind of tedious, but not difficult.

Which server side technology would you be using? You need to use HttpServer, WebService or RemoteObject's in Flex to push data to this server side app and that would then update the database.
Unless of course we're talking about a Flex/AIR Desktop App where connecting to databases directly is possible.

You can use RemoteObject, if you have a Java class on the server side that takes care of database connection and provides method to update database.
Just Create an ArrayCollection object from modified datagrid and pass it while doing a method call.

I think making changes to the database is the easiest part of this whole thing. The hardest part is making the DataGrid know exactly from which database table each cell comes from. If you're the one writing the query, then you can probably return a lot of meta-data, such as the private key and table name for each cell.


Data quering from custom control

Could you tell me if it is a correct way to query data from custom control directly.
For example I'm implementing control that query data via business services from database. This let me avoid code duplication like
ctrl.DataSource = BusinessService.GetRequiedData();
What do you think?
Is it merging of presentation and application layers? Should I avoid to use such data querying?
In my opinion that appears just fine. You're going to have to connect to some other layer, so the question is, do you need to separate your BusinessService layer from your presentation? The only answers I can think of are if you need to add a layer of security, or if you need to abstract out domain types to make your calls platform independent (like if your business layer is tied to Entity Framework or another technology - which it shouldn't be).
I think you are fine.

Helper class for sql server database

When is it appropriate to create a helper class for a sql server database using the framework? Basically I'm trying to create a minature wiki (with multiple pages) and storing all of the data/strings for a specific page into a table on it's own.
Always and Never.
Always, because you want good separation of your data tier from your business logic and presentation tiers (or model and view, or whatever framework you use). Make sure you're thinking of it in these terms, too.
Never, because this is already done for you, on several levels. There are numerous ORMs out there, including Linq-to-sql, NHibernate, Entity Framework, and more. More than that, what is ADO.Net but a set of classes to encapsulate your server?
Well it could be appropriate to return a single instance of a DbConnection object - that way you only specify how to connect to the DB in one spot.
You may find it useful to have a base class for your ADO layer which provides these generic methods to deal with the ADO (part of the .NET framework for connecting to SQL server).
You could have a helper method to populate an object from a DataReader using reflection too.
Also for putting parameters together to send to a SQL command or Stored procedure.
Hope you find this helpful. :)
It's heavily dependant on your project.
For code clarity, and your own sanity, you might find it easier to make a wrapper class for all of your Database manipulation. This way you can have the rest of your code work with native objects, rather than the contents of a DataReader.
Just my advice, but hopefully helpful.

HttpService Vs Remote Objects

I have a flex application and need to show the real time data into the chatrs and datagrids.
Eralier we are used Httpservices to showing the real time data and historical data into charts and datagrids. But now we are going to replace the Httpservices to remote objects.
So which places generally need to change. I have a little bit idea about remote objects.
If you need to display real time data (or "near real time") you should use some kind of pushing mechanism - take a look on BlazeDS and read about polling and streaming.
If you just need to replace your webservices with remote objects you will need to replace the code dealing with the xml response (extracting data etc) with the code dealing with the objects returned by the remote calls. It is not mandatory to use strongly typed objects, but it will help.
If you are going to replace your HTTPService with RemoteObject, some questions you need riposte yourself.
What framework are you going to implement, if any then check their RemoteObject Invoker Tag if any.
Your resultEvent and FaultEvent will vary according to the framework you are going to apply.
If you are going with Flex default RemoteObject
Then you need to replace all your HTTPService with RemoteObject tags.
Your backend code also requires some changes with business logic should get into methods with the result of function or method returning an object.
Finally a suggestion.
Instead of going with Remote Objects, why not go with Webservice. You can re use the components somewhere else too.
Updated links about Cairngorm

Developing a short-term web-based data entry UI

Say you had to quickly build a data-entry UI that works in a web browser, which must interface with a business layer, which must interface with a data layer.
You want to connect only to business objects, not directly to the database.
Most of the views of the UI will be simple CRUD operations, with edit/update happening within a grid.
But some of the screens will be more complex, representing many-to-many relationships.
What's the fastest way to achieve this in ASP.NET?
(Note: speed of development is high priority, code quality and re-usability are low priority.)
Entity Framework + ASP.NET Dynamic Data?
If speed of development is the main priority, then go with what you know.
For example, if you know library then go with that. If you know Entity Framework or LINQ, then go that route.
Without a summary of your skills, it's going to be impossible for anyone to tell you the fastest way to get something up and running.
I've written a lot of little business editors like this for my company in the same manner, get it to work quickly, if it's used or needs to be improved, I deal with that later.
Start up a new project. Add a class library to the solution and reference it from the application.
Asp.Net Application
Use Master Pages and Themes
Use a repeater for the data lists and command buttons for selecting and deleting.
The repeaters work well for inner lists as well, take note of OnItemDataBound and OnItemCommand.
Use Panels to hold the lists and editors, write some logic to control when to view editors and when to view lists.
If the logic is common, then make some base pages that new editors can use and override.
Class Library
Add your business objects
Add a Linq to Sql class and add database objects as necessary.
To make it simple, you could use the some of the time tested controls and objects:
User Interface Layer: GridView for displaying and providing links for editing and deleting data. Clicking on Edit link may open up a new web page that holds FormView for inserting and updating records. Use ObjectDataSource to link methods at the Business Logic Layer to Create/Read/Update/Delete records.
Business Logic Layer: Apart from creating CRUD methods, you might need to use light weight serializable data transfer objects to pass data between different layers and a custom mapper to trnaslate data from and to other layers.
Data Access Layer: Linq to Sql might make the data access and manipulation quick and easy.
It depends on the complexity of the application. I would go with Linq to Sql. But then using Linq to Sql does not necessary provide a good abstraction between the business layer and the data access layer. But I find that using Linq to Sql you can quickly retrieve the data out of the storage and display it on the screen.
Also, if you want fast UI then take a look at dynamic data website. That also uses Linq to Sql or Entity Framework.
One question you must think is that if you need good design or RAD.

Is LINQ to SQL the best way to build a Model or create my own classes

I am develop a medium system in with MS SQL Server Database and I wonder what is the best way to create a model layer with LINQ or create own classes that dealing with database?
The best way is subjective, but I think the easiest is to use LINQ to SQL.
Using the LINQ designer is a great way to build your model in a UI avoiding the need to write any code. You can setup object hierarchy using the inheritance option and also have associated classes which you can access via the datacontext in code. All of the SQL is then handled for you and means you don't have to write anything, simply call SubmitChanges() on the datacontext. All of the generated code can be viewed, but there is a lot to take in.
I would suggest to try writing your own classes manually with the LINQ attributes etc so you get an idea of what it is doing behind the scenes. Then you will realise how the inheritance and association is implemented and actually makes the designer easier to understand too.
