How to implement HTTP Tunneling - apache-flex

I've written a Flash (Flex) client connecting to a back-end server to exchange data.
I've also written my server from scratch, and it serves two purposes:
(1) Web (HTTP) Server- By default listens on port 80
(2) Socket/Application- Server - By default listens on port 443
Just FYI, both servers run in the same process space, for convenience reasons. They are not expected to handle massive loads, so I'm fine with that.
As soon as the Flash client is served to the browser from the HTTP socket, the client attempts to open an XMLSocket to the Socket/Application server.
I now want to implement HTTP tunneling, so that my client can connect to the Application server even if the user is behind a firewall. I do not want any external servers involved (proxies etc.) - simply use the servers I already have.
My questions:
(1) Is it better to use port 443 for that? (does it better fool firewalls?)
(2) As far as I can see, what I am required to do, is just ensure that my actual application data is simply encapsulated in an HTTP structure (preceded by a dummy HTTP header), both from the client and server sides. Is that so or am I missing anything here?
(3) Do I need to keep hiding/encapsulating my data every message I send through the socket, or can I just encapsulate the first message when opening the connection?
Thanks in advance guys!

Don't reinvent the wheel - use remoting via AMF protocol. AMF an HTTP-based binary format that performs serialization between ActionScript (MXML) and server side languages. Technically, this is HTTP tunneling.
Adobe offers BlazeDS (open source) and LCDS (commercial) implementations of AMF for AS/Java, but there are third-party implementations of AMF for AS/PHP, AS/Python, AS/Ruby, AS/.Net.
BTW, AMF is an open source format.


Where is http protocol implementation in Linux

I try understand how http work's and can't understand on which level http protocol implemented, it's OS level, or it's depend from where I need use it protocol? For example if I want use it on C I must implement it on C language as library and only then use it?
Http runs on top of tcp - and tcp is implemented in the network stack of your OS.
Http protocol is used between a client and a server. What a client sends is what a server receives, and vice-versa. Http was designed for the server to simply sit and wait for requests (possibly including data), and then respond (possibly including data).
All web servers implement the server side of http. In terms of applications (let's use the term "application" to mean "client", although some might say the server is an application), the client side of http protocol will, I suppose, most commonly be implemented in an application like a browser, but also command-line applications like curl and wget implement an http client. For languages such as Python there is a http server implementation in the standard library, or there are libraries such as requests which handle the client side of http so the python author just worries about the higher-level problem of which http requests to make.
So the answer is, http is not implemented in the OS, it is implemented in applications - some client-side, some server-side.
For your C application you will either have to implement http yourself (doesn't sound like fun to me but would be a good way of understanding http implementation, I suppose) or (much less stress and much more likely to have predictable correctish behaviour) use a library if you can find one.

Websockets situation - on port 80 or 443, websocket message doesn't go through

i'm having a problem with my app, on a certain situation.
We have a java server with jetty webserver embedded, and an air app on the client side.
It is working properly but on a single situation of a certain customer.
They have a private network that is not administrated by them (and has little chances of being changed as request). So, the only port they allow are 80 and 443.
The communications between the server and the client are through websockets and http.
The "online" check is made through http and, then, we use websockets to notify the client in order to start communication between them.
The thing is, in this situation, the "online" state works properly and any communication send by the client (forced), as it goes through http, gets to the server but, when the server communicates with the client, using websockets, it doesn't work.
We are using wireshark to check the communications: On a working setup, when the client app starts, a websocket is shown on wireshark, on the server side (registering the client on the server). And, after that, websockets that are only used from server to the client, don't show also.
What can be the problem? The port 80? (the same happens with 443 on that network).
Can it be a proxy/firewall that are blocking ws:// messages?
I've read somewhere that wss:// (encripted websockets) would work?
Thanks for your help.
Edit, so, I tried with https and wss communication and the same thing happens.. no websocket is set between the client and server (registering the client on the server).
This situation is happening for http on the customer network. On my test network, it works on http/ws but not with https/wss..
There are many firewalls and gateways out "in the wild" that do not understand the whole WebSocket HTTP/1.1 GET -> UPGRADE -> WebSocket mechanism.
There are several broken firewall implementations will attempt to interpret the WebSocket framing as improper content for HTTP/1.1 (which is a bad reading of the HTTP/1.1 spec) and start to muck with it.
The types of firewalls that inspect/filter/analyze the request/response contents are the ones that seem most susceptible.
I would check that the hardware (or software) that they are using to firewall their network is both compliant and upgraded to support WebSocket RFC-6455.

Proxy server basics

I'm learning about network programming. Specifically proxy servers. I've created a very rudimentary proxy server on my mobile phone. However I think there's some proxy server basics that I don't know that will help me create a more robust proxy server.
What I've done so far: server on my mobile device listens for requests from laptop. When server receives a request like the web page contents are fetched and returned to the client on the laptop. The client then opens the page contents in a desktop browser.
I think the sending/receiving of requests can happen on a lower OSI model layer (perhaps transport). How can I create a more robust proxy server? (one that just sends and receives bytes and doesn't care/know about HTTP)
A proxy server runs at the same layer as the protocol being proxied. It seems you are talking about an HTTP proxy. HTTP runs over TCP, and so does an HTTP proxy.
Define 'more robust'. What have you done so far?
An HTTP proxy server is a pretty simple thing, unless it has elaborate logging, caching, etc. The basis of it is (1) something to recognize and action the GET/POST/PUT/CONNECT etc. commands and (2) thereafter just copying bytes in both directions simultaneously.

Can I reuse my existing TCP-Server?

At the moment I have an existing application which basically consists of a desktop GUI and a TCP server. The client connects to the server, and the server notifies the client if something interesting happens.
Now I'm supposed to replace the desktop GUI by a web GUI, and I'm wondering if I have to rewrite the server to send http packets instead of tcp packets or if I can somehow use some sort of proxy to grab the tcp packets and forward them to the web client?
Do I need some sort of comet server?
If you can make your client ask something like "Whats new pal?" to your server from time to time you can start implementing HTTP server emulator over TCP - its fun and easy process. And you could have any web based GUI.
You can just add to your TCP responds Http headers - itll probably do=)
So I mean HTTP is just a TCP with some headers like shown in here.
You should probably install fiddler and monitor some http requests/ responses you normally do on the web and you'll get how to turn your TCP server into http emulator=)
If you want keep sockets based approche use flash (there is some socket api) or silverlight (there is socket API and you can go for NetTcpBinding or Duplexbinding something like that - it would provide you with ability to receive messages from server when server wants you to receive them (server pushes messages))
So probably you should tall us which back end you plan to use so we could recomend to you something more usefull.

split HTTP and TCP-only (non-HTTP) traffic

I have web application that runs on Tomcat (and gets HTTP requests) and some other backend standalone application that gets only TCP. For some reasons, I can use outside only port 8080. So, I need to get all TCP requests (from outside) to port 8080 and forward HTTP ones to web application on Tomcat and all TCP pure requests (that are not HTTP) - to standalone application. Internal forwarding could be done to any port, e.g. 8181 on Tomcat and 8282 on standalone application. Is it possible to setup such configuration? How it could be done?
Thanks in advance.
TCP and HTTP are protocols in different networking stack layer. If you want to use some application to filter HTTP requests, your application should deal with Application-Layer information, not Network-Layer(like TCP/UDP).
I don't see how this can be possible generally. You could look packet-by-packet, but the middle of an http body can be arbitary so you can't just look at the data of each packet
If any particular client will send you either http or general TCP but not both, can you do this by source-IP address? Do you know the addresses of either the servers that will send you http requests or the ones that will send you TCP requests?
If you don't know the source IPs, you could heuristically look at the first packet from some previously unknown IP and see if it looks like http, then tag that address as containing http traffic.
What is the content/format ot the TCP communication? Is there any pattern you can detect in that?
Perhaps you could do something like this using iptables + L7 filter. Of course this will only work if you run Linux on your box. Also I don't know how recently l7 filter project has been updated.
Java servlet technology is not limited to Http. The servlet interface lets you read in the incoming input stream via ServletRequest.getInputStream(). So you can create an implementation of Servlet interface and map it in web.xml and you are all set to receive any TCP traffic.
Once you have the read the input stream to sniff the content you will want to forward HTTP requests to an HttpServlet. To do this you will need to make sure that the input stream you pass on is positioned at the very beginning of the input.
EDIT: On reading your question once again, I noticed that you don't plan to expose the Tomcat directly on external port as I originally thought. If you are willing to make the tomcat listen on the external port, you can try the approach described above
